Thursday, 11 September 2014

The White Dragon

I am going to answer a comment made about our use of the White Dragon on a YouTube video called The Awakening of the White Dragon'. The comment states that this should not be a 'dragon' but a 'wyvern'. No doubt this springs from the rendering of a two-legged 'wind-sock' version on the Bayeux Tapestry. This 'wind-sock' version seems to have originated with the Scythians who used just this pattern for their war-banners, and being Sacae-Sani this is feasible.
Geoffrey of Monmouth mentions the White Dragon as representing the Saxons, and the Welsh Mabinogian mentions the Golden Winged Coiled Serpent of Germany. Both of these are interesting and both have a ring of truth about them, for the latter - a 'winged coiled serpent' is the true and original version of the 'dragon', whose name itself derives from the roots -
dra - 'to twist', 'to coil', 'to turn'
kan - 'serpent'
We have two distinct Saxon-German symbols here, the White Dragon on a red background, and the Golden Dragon on a blue background, the latter being a very early Aryan Symbol (Gold on Blue). We adopted the White Dragon on a red background since it stands in opposition to the Red Dragon of Juda-Rome, and fits into the ancient archetypal myth of the conflict of the Island Dragons for the supremacy of the Islands of the Mighty. I see it as extremely important that we follow this archetypal pattern in order to fulfil the Woden Destiny that drives us onwards and upwards in our struggle against the Forces of Darkness and Matter.
In a past article that I wrote, some years ago now, I mentioned the idea of the wyvern (two-legged 'dragon') and how it is quite possible that the name stems from wif-earn, i.e. that it is a corruption of wif-earn, which means 'Eagle-Woman'. This would link this symbol to the Norns, for the Eagle-Woman can be found on the arms of the town of Nurnberg (Berg of the Norns) in Germany. According to Guido von List this is the White Lady who often appears as a 'ghost' in ancient castles etc. and is the Arkona. (It is strange to relate that such a figure was seen to leave Germany after World War II, as if the Soul of the German Race had departed with its defeat.) So the 'wyvern' would have been an eagle rather than a dragon, if this idea is correct.
Again, whether we use a two-legged 'wyvern' or a four-legged 'dragon' is not really that relevant, for both symbols are important to our cause. But the true and original 'dragon' is the Winged Coiled Serpent which as the name suggests, does not need 'legs' at all - it is the Serpent (earthly and material) that is transmuted into the Winged Serpent (heavenly and immortal). Indeed, here the 'wyvern' as an Eagle is most certainly an alternative symbol since the shamanic symbols of the Serpent (Base of Tree) and Eagle (Top of Tree) have been used in Norse Mythology and elsewhere, and are linked to the awakening of the Kundalini-Force or the Fire-Serpent.
There are three distinct symbols that represent the higher Spiritual realms -
1. The Winged, Coiled Serpent (Dragon).
2. The Eagle.
3. The Swan.
All of these are in some ways interchangeable and they have been used to represent the same higher spiritual realms and powers. The bird on the front of the Sutton Hoo Mask could be any one of these (or all of them) and which one really does not matter a lot, since they mean the same in this type of symbolism.
We could see a formula arising here, taking the Serpent as an earthly, chthonic symbol, symbolic of the S-elf (self) which is the 'lower' part of our being (the letter 'S' is indeed symbolic of the Serpent which not only makes this sound, but also glides along the ground in this pattern). Using the arising of the Fire-Serpent (Kundalini) through certain spiritual practices, the S-elf is transformed (as the symbol of dragon-eagle-swan) into the Elf ('Shining One' or 'Immortal') as the Serpent grows wings and reaches for the 'heavens' (i.e. the higher spiritual realms). This is what is usually termed the 'Higher Self' but which the term 'Elf' would fit perfectly since this refers to a higher spiritual being.
If anything fits perfectly into this symbolism it is the Dragon since this should be a Winged, Coiled Serpent and which grows these wings out of the basic Serpent form, thus being transmuted from a material earthly form into a higher spiritual form - taking on an Immortal Body. The use of the White Dragon by Woden's Folk is simply to fit this role, the role that has been assigned to the English Folk, that of effecting an 'awakening', in this case the 'awakening' of the Fire-Serpent. To understand this an understanding of the esoteric meaning of the dragon is needed. This has nothing whatever to do with 'historical fact' (whatever that is) but with the careful use of symbolism in a Cosmic Struggle that is being fought on all levels. An archetypal myth is being played out here on Earth! That is the conflict of the White Dragon and Red Dragon.