Sunday, 21 December 2014

The Swan-Ship

When we put the Peorth-Rune on its back we get a glyph of the Swan-Ship, and this is the Swan-Ship of At-al-land which sails upon the Waters of Chaos at the end of a world-age, or to start a new Cycle of Ages. 

This is a typical representation of the Swan-Ship or Sun-Ship in which is the Sun-Hero (here a manifestation of the Aryan Thunder-God with red beard and red hair, wielding the Twin-Hammers in his hands). This is from the Mayan Culture and depicts one of the 'White Gods' of the continent of the Americas. 

The legend of Sheaf-Ing seems to be the basis for the legend of Lohengrin who is connected to the Swan-Ship. Lohengrin is the Swan-Knight and the typical Aryan Sun-Hero whose appearance is always from the Sacred Centre. Should his origins be known he can only return to where he came from. The symbolism of Sheaf-Ing is that of a boat with a Sun-Disc on the mast, which is the same symbolism as the Swan-Ship. This is associated with the coming of agriculture (Sheaf of Corn) and the Fire from the Gods (lighted taper), as well as hunting (weapons). We can assume that this takes us back to the end of the fabled Golden Age, after which it was necessary to grow food, hunt and gain warmth through fire.

In some Bronze Age rock-carvings there appears this Swan-Ship with either a Sun-Wheel or Sun-Disc inside the boat; the swan's necks are clear on the carvings. The Swan is a solar-symbol and its neck is shaped like an 'S' - this is the White Sun. The swan, of course, is symbolic of both air, water, and the earth beneath the water, partaking of three elements. It is also associated with Cygus the Swan, and thus of the Long Man of Wilmington which is shaped like this constellation. 

Cygnus is the Northern Cross, but is shaped like the Ear-Rune/Cweorth-Rune rather than the cross we usually think of. This constellation is a marker for the Galactic Centre, being at the 'womb' of the Milky Way Galaxy. This is the 'dark rift' which marks the joining of the three arms of the Milky Way - Wan-Wil-Weoh. 

The wings of the swan can probably be found on the Saxon Irminsul, since the earliest of these shows a similarity to swan's wings. This is appropriate since the swan is symbolic of the Highest Initiation. This may be due to its association with Thule and Hyperborea, since the swans pulled the Sun-Chariot of Apollo (Pol). Swans are also associated with the Walkyries and the Well of Wyrd. 

The Peorth-Rune symbolism is that of the 'birth-channel' which is the Beorc-Rune opened out, and thus the Swan-Ship is symbolic of resurrection and of rebirth. In the famous story of Noah's Ark we find the 'seeds of life' held within the 'Ark - all this, of course, is symbolic since it has the same meaning as that of the Swan-Ship which holds the 'seeds' of new life and rebirth through the period of chaos and destruction between world-ages. 

At the end of the Lord of the Rings film both Frodo and Gandalf depart Middle-Earth in a Swan-Ship that takes them to the Land of the Elves. Tolkien thus understood that the Swan-Ship was highly symbolic, and that the meaning was that it was the means to journey between the worlds. It does not symbolise a journey across the waters in a physical sense, so much as a journey between the worlds of being. 

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

The Three Cauldrons - Part One

The urge to do this post followed doing the one on the Four Hallows and came after reading a small article by Stephen McNallen of the Asatru Free Assembly, which itself came about when an Asatru in Vinland mentioned that Mr McNallen had done a work on the Three Cauldrons taken from his research and the Cauldron of Poesy. This was likened to the three 'vessels' in Norse Myth - Odroerir, Son & Bodn. (I have covered this in a non-published work called Ar-Kan Rune-Lag parts of which have been on the Saxon Heathen website under the Fire-Serpent for a couple of years now) What I would like to do here is to put this stuff together.

Firstly we need to look at the Cauldron of Poesy which is a poem by Amergin which seems to have originated in the Great North - Thule-Hyperborea. This would have spread southwards and eastwards since we find these Three Cauldrons in Chinese Lore. 

1. The Cauldron of Incubation which is found at the Hara-Centre two fingers below the navel. This cauldron is upright and gives wisdom, youth and virility. In Chinese Lore this is the Lower Tan Dien. It is called The Golden Stove and is where the Essence & Spirit is stored, an energy-store of regeneration and sexual energy, the Centre of Chi (Vril-Wod), and the Centre of Balance & Gravity (used in the Martial Arts). It is the focal point for the transmutation of Jing (Essence), Chi (Vital Energy or Vril refined by heating in the cauldron) and then Shen (Spirit). This is the Bodn-Centre ('vessel', 'vat') of the Norse Lore. (Tamas)

2. The Cauldron of Motion which is the Heart-Centre or the Solar-Plexus Centre (Sun-Centre). This is for gaining knowledge, and is the 'tide-water point of knowledge' (note what I say in the runic section and meditate on this carefully), the mastery of words and language, music, law and duty, poetic ecstasy, and is the Well of Measuring (Skapker Heidrunar), giving power and strength. This is turned sideways and can be made to turn upright through the right spiritual training and life-training. This is the vessel Son ('blood') of Norse Lore. Rajas.

3. The Cauldron of Wisdom (Cauldron of Inspiration - Stephen McNallen) which is at the Third-Eye centre and is that of Divine Joy and Human Joy (poetry and sexual intimacy). This stores Shen (Spirit) and is where Chi (Vital Energy) is refined into Shin. It is the centre where communication with the gods take place, and where the union of Shakti (Freya) and Shiva (Woden) takes place, producing the Golden Nectar - Amrita, Ambrosia, Hidden Man-na. This centre was known as the Crystal Palace by the Chinese.

Interestingly, the Chinese Lore may have originated in Aryan India, since some accounts of this tradition trace it back to Bodhi-Dharma who is the Blue-Eyed Barbarian Monk from India, a descendant of Gaut-hama Buddha known as Sakya-Muni. It is thus Aryan Lore passed through the Sakya Tribe who are the Sak-Wong or Sai-Wong of China, whose legend says they came from India. These were the Sakae, Saka and the Sacae-Sani (Sacsons) who were a Scythian Folk. What goes round comes back!

It is also interesting to note that the Chinese also refer to the union of the male-female, through the mastery of these three centres as producing the Diamond-Body which is the Sahu of Egyptian Lore and is the Absolute I of Miguel Serrano and this occurs in the Crystal Palace (not the football team!). 

We could equate these three 'cauldrons' with the Three Wells - 

1. Well of Wyrd (Ur-da) - the Third Eye. ASGARD.

2. Well of Mimir - The Solar Plexus/Heart Centre. MIDGARD

3. The Well of Hvergelmir - The Hara-Centre. ('Seething Cauldron' or 'Roaring Kettle'). HEL - NIFLHEL - NIFLHEIM.

This is just a piece of contemplation really and I have not done any meditative work on this, but it would be worth doing. This also fits with the Three Castes (I think Stephen McNallen touches on this) -

Kon - Priest-King - Third Eye Centre.

Earl - Warrior-AEthlingas - Solar-Plexus/Heart Centre.

Karl - Landsman-Craftsman-Virility-Fertility - Hara-Centre.

I have called it the 'Hara-Centre' because this is a Japanese Martial Arts term for the Dan Tien of the Chinese, but it is also an Aryan Indian title for Rudra-Shiva, whilst the title 'Hari' is used of Vishnu. The term is also used of Woden as Har which is usually translated as 'hoary' but which seems to stem from a root meaning 'One-Eyed'. It is also the same as the term Arya which has many offshoots. 

Using the Chinese version of this the Crystal Palace (Third Eye) is where Shen (Spirit) is refined into Wu Wei (Emptiness) and this gives a clue to the purpose of using this spiritual discipline. The vital energy (Kundalini) is aroused at the base centre (Hara in this method), moves upwards righting the Solar Plexus Cauldron and moving on to the Third Eye Cauldron which is righted, thus conjoining the Male-Female (HE-SHE or Woden-Freya) and then refined into 'Emptiness' (The Void - Ginnungagap - The Black Sun - The Black Hole). This is the abyss (Ginnungagap = 'Gaping Chasm' or 'Abyss'), which has to be crossed, making the leap to the Ubermensch (Friedrich Nietzsche). Going beyond the fusion of opposites, above the abyss, to the Ultimate I thus creating the Diamond-Body. This is the Son of Man - The Awakened Man. (Ing = Son of Man represented by the Ing-Rune or 'Diamond'). 

Stephen McNallen has a rune associated with each centre, and here I am going to contrast his with those we have used on the YouTube videos on this subject, which (if I am right in saying) are also ones used in his work (sorry if I am mistaken). 

Hara-Centre - Berkana-Rune which is growth and concealment. Frey and Freya/Walburg  (*) and the 'Instinctive Centre' of Gurdjieff. This is Black and is Bodn.

Heart-Centre - Sowilo-Rune, associated with Blood (red) and with passion (love-anger), the warrior. Red and Son (Blood). Sowilo is the Sun (Solar Plexus) and the Soul (Sowilo).

Third Eye Centre - Odal-Rune/Edel-Rune - this is perfection and nobility and the 'Awakened Man' (Mannaz). White and Odroerir.

Miguel Serrano equates the Third Eye Centre with Adel-Edel-Odal and with the Vril-Force, which some way is a magical force which allows one to communicate with the Gods. 

(*) Walburg is a Germanic Goddess associated with the Walburgen which are the Spiral Mounds such as the one in Lewes (East Sussex); the prefix -wal or -wael means 'to wind', 'to turn', 'to twist', i.e. 'spiral. This is also associated with 'breath' (respire etc.), and 'spirit'.

The runes that I have equated with these are as follows -

Hara-Centre - UR - this is the place of Origins and Destiny, and the cauldron is here a normal U-shape. Stephen McNallen uses the original Irish translation as 'Cauldron of Incubation' but I am going to translate this into a Germanic-rooted form as Cauldron of Brooding. This is a valid translation but it adds something to it, since the term 'brooding' means the same, and could be rooted in the idea of heat used to 'hatch'. The use of heat fits with this as a Cauldron of Fire. Veorsson noted that the terms Ur-ine and Ur-ethra are associated with this area of the body. 

Solar-Plexus Centre - LAGU - this is the centre of 'motion' and thus the Lagu-Rune is the movement of water, but also the Fire-in-Water which is the Vril-Energy moving upwards through this centre. (Remember the 'tide-water point' in the Cauldron of Poesy). It is also the Skapker Heidrunar - Horn of Plenty. The Lagu-Rune is the rune of water  & the wave - movement or motion, whereas the Laukaz-Rune is the 'leek' symbolic of the warrior, since the leek was given to the warrior at birth into the caste. 

Third-Eye Centre - ANSUS/AS - this is the centre which is Asgard and of the Asen-Gods, and is the Eye of Woden. It is associated with Woden as the Master of Wod the Divine Madness, Ecstatic-Trance, or Raging-Fury, the Wod-Roarer (Odroerir). 

This formula is the ALU-ULA which is a Saxon Formula found on many objects, including burial urns - which suggest that this may have been used as a means to retain the Blood Memory through such a spiritual exercise on the point of death (see the Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean which tells of such an exercise, though in vague terms). 

The colours Black-White-Red are of Eternal Germania and also the colours of the Norns or Wyrd Sisters, and they are also the colours of the Arts Regia (Alchemy) - Nigra (Black), Albedo (White) and Rubido (Red) which are in a different sequence than Black-Red-White, for the Rubido is said to be the last phase and transformation into the Diamond-Body. These colours were also connected to Atlantis, and to somewhere else that I can't quite recall.

Because I have used different runes for each cauldron does not mean that I am correct in this, which is experimental at this stage. Stephen McNallen's positioning of the runes seems logical to me -

Berkana - This is the 'Birch-Rune' and the birch-tree is a 'Tree of Regeneration' since it is the first to appear when a woodland is fired or cut back. It is thus the 'Tree of Resurrection' under which grows the Sacred Mushroom (Amanita Muscaria) which bears the colours of 'Santa Claus' or 'Father Kristmas'. It is certainly the Sign of Gestation since it is the goddess pregnant with life. When opened up it is the Peorth-Rune which is the Rune of Birth and Rebirth. 

Sowilo - This is the 'soul' area ('Heart & Soul') and the Solar-Centre (Solar Plexus) and the mention of the 'heart' symbol is interesting since it is a Berkana-Rune over a Trikona (Inverted Triangle) both symbols of which are related to the first cauldron. (The rune and triangle are rounded-off to make the heart symbol - the female buttocks and genital area; it is also possible that the rounded off 'triangle' represents the sacrum which is shaped much like the Ace of Spades.)

Odal/Othila - This represents the Third Eye and is the Rune of Woden and Rune of the Racial Homeland - Thule. It represents the return to the origins through the use of the Widdershins Swastika, moving backwards against the Flow of Time. It is the Rune of the Noble Man (Ad-el) and the Rune of the Noble Woman (Ad-ela). 

This is the Formula 88 which we have adopted and which (I think) originated in Germany, passed on to me through a Rune-Magician of great skills (though unfortunately he is not well-known). But if we look at the formula this too fits with the Three Cauldrons (in a rather subtle way) -

1. At the base we have the Seed-Rune (Germanic Ing) which in the original formula relates to Ing-Land. Within it is the Spiritual-Seed 88 (Twin Wyn-Runes), which are 'brooding' within the Seed-Pod (Egg). This is the Rune of Gestation waiting for the cauldron to 'fire-up' to 'hatch' the Seed-Pod.

2. In the centre we have the Ur-Glyphic Irminsul which is the 'generator' and which is here the Creative-Power that brings the Seed-Rune into manifestation. It is through this Energy-Centre of Ir that the Seed-Rune will be 'born' or more correctly 'resurrected'. 

3. At the top we have the Manifested 88 (reflection of the Spirit 88) inside the Peorth-Rune (Weorth-Rune) which is the rune turned on its back as the Swan-Ship (Wafeln) that here rides upon the Waters of Chaos at the end of the World-Age, bringing the World-Haeland (Wid-Ar the Avenger). This, in terms of what I have already said about the Third Eye Centre, represents the manifestation of the Awakened Man (Mann-Rune = Twin x Wyn-Runes 'nose-to-nose'  = 88). (*) 

(*) I have used here an 'algebraic formula' which may not easily be understood - it means simply that the Mann/Mannaz Rune is made up of two Wyn-Runes (8th rune) placed tip to tip. 

This threefold division is also found in the idea of Three Fires of Agni-Inga (reflection of each as Hamasson has pointed out) -

Hara-Centre - Physical Fire or Friction-Fire (Nyd-Fire).   -   Nyd-Rune.

Solar-Plexus/Heart-Centre - Solar Fire.    -    Sig-Rune.

Third Eye - Spiritual Fire (Electric-Fire).    -    Kan-Rune.

A 'cauldron' is a vessel heated by Fire which is rather nearer to the point than a 'horn' as in some of the symbolism, though the 'horn' is a container. The Golden Nectar is the Amrita/Ambrosia/Man-na and is the Mead of Inspiration - Odroerir. In the Norse Myth this is made up of Kvasir's Blood and it is interesting to note that in certain Slavic Tongues the word kvasir means 'spittle'. This is formed in the mouth, and when the moving of the Vital-Force is done correctly this is transmuted into the Golden Nectar, which should then be visualised as moving throughout the whole body. 

Since the Spinal Column is what we now call Mount Me-Ru which we have linked to the 33 Saxon Runes, then we have the symbolism of the Diamond-Mountain (Me-Ru we see as capped with a Crystal-Diamond - 'Crystal Palace') through which the Serpent rises and transmutes into the Eagle. In the symbolism of Yggdrasil we have the Serpent at the base, Eagle at the top, and Hawk between the eyes at the Third Eye ('Hawk-Eye'). The Third-Eye is linked to the Pineal Gland (Pine Cone). 

The Hara-Centre can be associated with the Graal since it is a cauldron which is represented by a V-shape or Inverted Triangle (Trokona) which is the Brisingamen Necklace representing the Female-Fire around the genital area and the sacrum. This is the 'Cave of the Mother' or Graal Vessel into which the Spear is pushed. This mystery was that of Parsifal plunging the Spear into the Graal (Wagner's Parsifal), which Aleister Crowley claimed was a ritual designed by the OTO. 

The Third-Eye Centre can be associated with the Gral which is the male equivalent to the Graal  and is the Emerald Stone which fell from the Crown of Lucifer (The Evening Star - not the 'devil' figure that is pushed by the Xtians). The Evening Star is, of course, Venus, and above this planet is the Corona (Crown), and this actually hints at a planet falling down from the Corona. This may be linked to the Gar-Rune, since the root gar- / car- / cer can mean 'stone'. This is also the male part of the Gral-Graal formula where the Spear is plunged into the Graal. 

Miguel Serrano uses the male (Gral) and female (Graal) symbolism which seems to work well, hence my use of it to continue that theme. We can add to this the Spinal Column which links the upper and lower centres, with the Solar Plexus roughly at the centre-point between these. This would be the Fire-Centre or Solar-Fire Centre, and viewing this as a pyramid-structure (Mount Me-Ru) this is the Fire in the Middle (Pyra = Fire & Mid = Middle). The upper centre is thus equated with the 'King's Chamber' where the process of the immortalising of the Pharaoh or King took place, where the Sahu or Diamond-Body was created. This would just as well be true for the Externsteine which also has a similar 'coffin' which would have served the same purpose in a ritual of resurrection. 

On the subject of the Three Cauldrons and the Fire-Serpent, as well as the Sutton-Hoo Mask secrets and the Myth of Knit Mountain see the 'Fire-Serpent' page on the Saxon Heathen website ( Also look at the videos on YouTube under 'English Resistance' some of which cover this topic.

The Four Hallows - Gral Runes.

The Legend of the Four Hallows comes through Ireland and the Tuatha de Danaan, so it is here that we must start to look for clues as to what these sacred objects are. We need to understand that these are Spiritual Sacred Objects and even though physical examples may arise through history the underlying essence is one of spirit. I do not think that the importance of these objects has as yet been appreciated - they may well be Magical Power-Weapons useful to us in the struggle against the Dark Forces that seek to destroy our Folk.

We will now look at the Tuatha de Danaan who have a very mysterious and interesting legend in regard to their invasion of Ireland. They are said to have originated in an Island of the North called Lochlann which some hold to be Norway, but which, like the English Island of the North - Scandi - was probably the original Thule-Hyperborea. Here we must be careful not to mix up the Hyperborea (The Northern Centre) with the later At-al-land (Atlantis, the later North-Western Centre). And even then we should understand that the First Hyperborea (I shall call this Ur-Hyperborea) was the one that the Gods lived on, followed by the Second Hyperborea which was where a race of God-Men lived as Herodotus tells us -

'...a glacial island located in the Great North, where lived transparent men'.  (My underlining).

We can see from this that these God-Men were 'transparent' and would probably have had a kind of blue-hue since they would be the true Blue-Bloods, a name given to royalty and to kingship, even though this is a degenerate form of the original Hyperboreans - Sons of Boreas (Sons of Bor).

The later At-al-land was the massive north-western continent of which these islands were once part, prior to its sinking over a long period of time, and its final death through a massive tsunami. The Sacred Stone held by Woden's Folk was thrown up from the centre of the Earth in the latter part of this catastrophe some 7,000 years ago (or thereabouts, we can never be sure, though this dating was given to me by an Odinist Wizard in Scotland which for me makes it have some truth). The last catastrophe broke apart the Scottish Highlands, splitting it along the Moray Firth (where the Stone was found); it is noteworthy that Loch Ness is also along this know fault-line, and Aleister Crowley established his base at Boleskine, before finishing his life at Hastings. The Sacred Stone was found at a place named the Fairy Glen, a place where I actually witnessed the manifestation of one of the Shining Ones - one of the Elvin-Race.

To get back to the Tuatha de Danaan. Their original legend tells that they came in flying ships through a mist of fog, but could not land because the Fomorians had set up a great energy-field that they could not penetrate. They circled Ireland 9 times (Sacred Number 9) before finding a break in the energy-field  and settled down on the Iron Mountain (Sliabh an Iarainn) in Co. Leitrim. They fought the Fir Blogs and then the Fomorians and defeated the Fomorian warrior - Balor. The appearance of one of the chiefs of the Formorians was said to be tall, blond and blue-eyed, which suggests that both sides were of the Aryan Race or Nordic Race. That they came in 'flying ships' suggests something like the vimanas of Aryan Indian Lore, but this was later changed to ships of the sea, obviously flying-ships could not be understood as being possible in such ancient times.

The four cities whence the Tuatha de Danaan came from were - Failias/Falias, Gorias, Findias, and Murias, the roots of which are Fal, Gor, Find, & Mur. From these cities the Four Hallows were brought -

Morias - The Cauldron of Renewal was brought by Manannan who gave his name to the Isle of Man, and who is probably Manu, Mannaz, Mannus etc. In a dream of 1997, whilst the Hale-Bopp Comet was in the north skies, highlighted by Berkana, I was told that the comet had been 'sent by Morgana' who, of course, is Morgan le Fey (Morgan the Fate) and who was originally the Morrigan of Irish Lore. We would call her Urdr or Wyrd. In the same dream 'Capricorn - the Horn of Plenty - was mentioned. This, of course, is the Skapker Heidrunar which is the 'Horn of Plenty' and is the Measuring-Vessel of Heidrun the Goat (Capricorn) which feeds the Einheriar each day. These comments will be relevant to the next of the Four Hallows. This is the Cauldron of Dagda whose son was Aengus. (*)

Falias - The Stone of Destiny was brought by the Morrigan (see above) who is a battle-maiden (Walcyrge) who we know as Wyrd. This is the stone on which the rightful kings were crowned, and is (like our Holy Stone of Ing) the Stone of Origin.

Gorias - The Spear of Victory was brought by Lugh ('Light') and this is the Spear of Woden and the Spear of Destiny as we shall see as this post develops. This spear is the Gift of Ing, and we find that Ingwe-Ingus does figure in Irish Myth through a figure with a very similar myth to Ingui-Frey - Aengus or Oengus.

Findias - Ogma carried the Sword of Light, and Ogma gives his name to the Ogham Signs, and he was probably Og, Ygg etc. (These all develop from a primal Hyperborean Race as I said, and the Germanic-Celtic divide is merely a way to 'divide and conquer').

(*) The Germanic-Celtic divide, as I have just mentioned, is totally false, and the ruling elite of these islands (as all European Nations) was through the Arya. We have seen how the Saxon Nation honoured Irmin - High God of the Arya - and the name 'Erin' seems to stem from his name, or the equivalent Eremon. The idea that the Irish are all 'Celtic' is very misleading since Niall's Saga is Icelandic and features the High KIngs of Ireland. Certain Irish leaders also went to Iceland when it was first set up by the Vikings, and we know Dublin was founded by Vikings, and indeed (if my source was correct) had remains of a previous Saxon settlement.

The Tuatha de Danaan were the Tribe of Danu which is a goddess that some associate with Anu and which is a name that is, significantly, not restricted to Ireland since there is  a cave in the Dane Hills in Leicester named Black Annis' Bower, named after a goddess called Anu, and the name 'Dane' suggests that this is Danu. The de Danaan were eventually defeated by the later invaders called the Milesians, and they were said to have gone 'underground'. This legend is important since it refers to their moving into another dimension, into Asgard-Agharti in the Inner Earth, also linked to Shambhalla. They were thereafter said to be the 'People of the Mounds' - the Siddhe - and some mounds in Ireland, particularly Newgrange, were said to be gateways to the Inner Earth. (**)

We have seen in a previous post and in articles in the magazines that the last four runes in the English Rune-Row fit nicely with the Four Hallows - the Graal Runes as we have called them. The English Rune-Row and Frisian Rune-Row (which are really the same) are the only ones to have the 33-runes and also the Graal-Runes, so these have an importance to us and the English Destiny. Whereas the Irish were lucky to have their mythology come down to them in great part the English Mythology was almost totally destroyed - we wonder why? However the Hyperborean secrets were hidden within the rune-row and we can rediscover them for ourselves - they are also hidden in the Blood Memory. We shall now look at these Graal-Runes -

Cweorth - The Sword : I first suggested that this could be related to the 'sword' and this seems to be confirmed by a comment made on a past post, where it was suggested that this may be a misspelling (***) of Sweorth which means 'sword'. I am going to go along with this because -

1. It makes sense and does fit with the other three objects.

2. I have always been slightly puzzled as to the rune-name Peorth which has to link with Cweorth through the sound. There is no 'p' in the Germanic Tongues, so this is rather out of place, so the Latin 'p' must have replaced something else. The Peorth-Rune is often associated with Wyrd, so it makes sense to see the original as being Weorth; since Wyrd is also associated with 'worth' (weorth) this makes good sense. There is another rune-name for this one and it is Tris, which is Sirt (Surt) spelled backwards.

This is therefore the Sword of Tiw, the Sword of Cheru, the Sword of Herman, the Sword of AEtla and then the Sword of Hengest, as well as being the Sword of Irmin who is the High God of the Arya-Saxons. The Cweorth-Rune is also the Fire-Twirl and thus this represents the Flaming-Sword wielded by the Kalki Avatar (HelgiH), which follows the name Battle-Flame which was the Sword of Hengest. This is the Sword of Victory or Sigisbrand which was passed from Hengest to Cerdic in the War on the Jotun in these islands (note the suffix 'brand' which suggests 'flaming'. This sword is the Sword of Wayland which was forged by Wayland the Smith, and thus Albion - Seventh Sword of Wayland.

This is also the Sword of Need (Nothung) of Wagner's Ring Cycle which is pulled from the Branstock Oak Tree by Sigmund the Wolsunga, placed there by Woden. Only the Rightful King and World Saviour can release the Sword from the Tree, which parallels King Ar-Thur pulling the Sword from the Stone. 

(***) It may be that this was a deliberate ploy to hide these mysteries from the profane, since we are aware of the deliberate destruction of the English Mythology.

Calc - The Horn/Cup/Cauldron : This is the vessel known as the Graal which is the Skapker Heidrunar - 'Measuring Vessel of Heidrun the Goat'. It is the Horn of Plenty and is associated with Capricorn (Heidrun), and it sustains the Einheriar, or should we say, the contents sustain the Einheriar. There is a Welsh legend of a 'Chest of Gwyddno Gahanhir' which means a 'measure', so we have a link to the Skapker Heidrunar, and also to a 'chest' found in Njal's Saga  - the Chest of Hildigunnr. This chest contains the Scarlet Robe of Hoskuld Hvitnesgodi and the blood from the five wounds he sustained when he was slain by five killers. 

This has parallels with the idea of the 'Turin Shroud' and the blood-image on it, contained in a 'chest'; sometimes such mysteries are carefully hidden in constructed stories that hide the true meaning from the profane. It should also be noted that the 'five wounds' and the 'blood' hint at the Holy Graal. 

The 'vessel' seems to be an allegory for the Womb of the Mother and it is linked to the Yule and the darkest night of the year. It is the Womb of Regeneration and New Life which starts off a new era. This is the time ruled by Capricorn-Sagittarius in the Wolf-Moon. This is the Cave of the Mother where the 'Son of Fire' is born.

Agni-Inga (The Sacred Fire) is the son-incarnate of the Sun-God, conceived and born by the 'virgin' Frigga-Freya (Venus), and had the carpenter Tuisto (Swastika) as his earthly father. In the Cave of the 'One of Two-Sticks' who has the name 'The Mother', lives the goddess Freya, the embodiment of Creative Powers, who gives birth to the Son under the sway of Woden (The Spirit), the breeze of the Wind, without which the Holy Fire cannot be lit. The first spark that comes from the Cave of the Sacrum of Frigga-Freya by turning the Fire-Twirl Pramantha represents the birth of Agni-Inga, and this spark is called 'The Divine Child'. This is the Mystery of Ingwe, also known as Krist-os.                                                                                (Adapted from a Hindu Text).

Stan - The Stone : The Stan-Rune has been associated with the White Horse Stone which by the locals is called the Inga-Stone. In a past article on the White Horse Stone I mentioned a link to the White Stone of Ing and I feel that the Stan-Rune also represents the White Stone of Ing. Notice the carvings on the Stone have a similarity to the shape of the Stan-Rune.

The Stan-Rune is a very complex symbolism and it has an alternative which has the XX - Ing Rune by extending the v-shaped top and bottom. This would actually give us the title Stone of Ing. The rune is also twin Peorth-Runes joined together, and thus links to Wyrd ('Stone of Destiny') and also to the idea of a Cauldron since the Peorth-Rune when placed upon its back is a Cauldron as well as the Swan-Ship of Thule/Scandi (Sceaf is the 'Swan-Knight'). We thus have the Calc-Stan link here that adds weight to the other link of Calc (Chalk-White) and Stan (Stone). 

The Stan-Rune thus represents the Stone of Origin & Destiny in our case that of the White Stone of Ing which was probably brought here in a 'ship' and placed in the area of Steyning (Stone-Ing) in the South Saxon Mark. Like the 'Stone of Destiny' this would 'cry out' when touched by the Rightful King. On it are the runes Gyfu-Ken-Ing and this represents the Gift of Ing - Fire; but since the alternative Ing-Rune is an 'inverted Y' shape this could also be the Y-Chromosome, especially since the Ing-Rune is the DNA Spiral. The Y-shape is also the Ur-Glyphic Irminsul. (This Ur-Y formula is also found in the Yr-Rune when the ur-glyphic form is used; it is the Y-Chromosome inside the Ur-Rune or Primal Mountain of the North. This also represents the Three Royal Houses of the Angles which have been recorded in the Three Crowns of Anglia legend.) 

**** The idea of a cauldron can be found in the Cauldron of Poesy which is a poem from Ireland said to have been put together by Amergin for Eber (King of the Milesians) and Donn /Duinn (God of the Dead - DNN also being the Root of oDiNN). The poem is about three cauldrons that fit with the Taoist Cauldrons and also the Cauldrons Odroerir-Bodn-Son of Norse Lore. These are the Hara-Heart (Solar Plexus)-Third Eye centres that we have worked on in other areas. (This is not a subject we shall deal with here since I have another post to do on this subject; it is important so that we can work on this in parallel to the Power-Weapons mentioned in this post.)

What is important about these 'Cauldrons' is that their use is to induce the Gift of Poetry in the Initiate, and this is the realm of Woden and the Mead of Inspiration. This is the Hidden Man-na associated with the White Stone of Ing and we should note that Mani is the Moon-God and look closely at the tale of Jack and Jill (Hyuki & Bil) related to the 'bucket of water' that is 'spilled'. It is said that the Root of Poetry is to be found -

' the Northern Islands of the world (where the Tuatha de Danaan) studied the Occult Lore, Sorcery and the Druidic Arts, Witchcraft and Magical Skills, until they surpassed their sages of the Heathen Arts...'

The root of poetry is said to be adtuithi/aduidi which implies 'from the North' coming from atuaid; We should also note the similarity between the words ad-tuithi and tuatha which would hint at the Danaan from the North. The 'Northern Islands' are Thule-Hyperborea or Scandi which is where the origins of the Germanic Folk lay - in the far distant past. These were the Ur-Druids - the true Hyperborean Druids - whose legends abound in these islands. There could have been a distortion of this priesthood at a later time, though this is a different subject we shall deal with. 

Gar - The Spear : This is the Spear of Woden, Spear of Destiny, Spear of Parsifal - G-Ung-nr which is the Gift of Ing. This is also the Tribal Spear of the Merovingian Kings (Wolsungas) who were the Sigambrian Franks (Sigi - Sire of the Wolsungas). It is the Spear that pierced the side of Woden and Krist-os. It is the Spear that is plunged into the Grail, as shown in Parsifal by Richard Wagner (the scene, it was claimed by Aleister Crowley, was first introduced by the Ordo Templi Orientis in Germany for Wagner's opera Parsifal). 

The Spear of Lugh ('Light') came from GORias, and here we have the GAR-Rune representing this Mystery. It is also noteworthy that the Sword of Nuada comes from FINdias whilst the Sword of AEtla is passed to Hengest by FINN

The Gar-Rune is an Ing-Rune and Gyfu-Rune ('Gift of Ing') which is thus related to the White Stone of Ing. So we have the Calc-Stan-Gar runes all related in subtle ways. The Sword of Tiw is also related in that the parallel to the Sword in the Tree is the Sword in the Stone - the Root *gar/car/cor/cer is found in some old Celtic words meaning 'stone'. So all four of the Graal-Runes have subtle links with each other. The Gar-Rune is the Gar-al or Graal/Gral - the Holy Blood (Sang-Real) and the Holy Grail (San Greal). 

This is the Spear of Destiny that pierced the side of Krist-os - Woden, the Tribal Spear of the Merovingian-Wolsungas, the Spear carried by Frederick Barbarossa, then Otto the Great, passed to AEthelstan who (with the Spear) forged the English Nation, was lost to the world for some time and reclaimed by Adolf Hitler in his role as Siegfried. This is the Spear of Woden that will be wielded by the World Haeland - Parsifal (The Pure Fool). 

NEWGRANGE - It would seem that Newgrange is associated with the planet Venus-Freya, which is symbolic of resurrection. Like the Egyptian Pharoahs (+) the Ur-Druids practised a special type of burial that involved the idea of a Resurrection of the Body into the Star-Body (Sahu) which would produce the Immortal Man. This was done under the Light of the Morning Star, which would be the key to the death of the Old King who would be resurrected as the New King (Osiris becomes Horus). We can see the pattern in a well-known story -

  • The Krist-os is conceived at the Spring Evennight, born at the Winter Sunstead, and then dies at the Spring Evennight just as he is conceived.
  • John the Baptist is conceived at the Winter Evennight and is born at the Summer Sunstead. 
Newgrange has a skilful alignment of Venus every 8 years when the planet is at its brightest, and this was used for a special Birthing Ritual. This ritual was designed to 'earth' the soul of a new King in a time-continuum. It is noteworthy that the Helgi Mysteries were given to me at the time of the Spring Evennight and in Norse Myth Helgi is born at the Winter Sunstead and with him are the Three Mothers (Wyrd Sisters). What more proof do we need that the Helgi Mysteries were given to me within the workings of the English Destiny and the Coming Haeland (Avatar). The 'death' of the Krist-os comes as the Spring Evennight and his 'resurrection' is three days later at Easter. Here we have a great mystery which is that of the Death of The Fool and his Resurrection in the Spring.

THE DAGDA - He is the chief of the Tuatha de Danaan and is described as a man with a 'Great Eye', wearing a 'Grey Cloak' which is 'hooded', and wielding a Club - all of which seem to link to the One-Eyed Hunter-God whose image is found in the Herne Giant. 

THE MORRIGAN - Stands upon 'one leg', 'one eye closed' and reveals her name to be Badh ('Battle-Crow'). The stance is the Crane-Stance which is a magical stance where the Right Eye is closed, the Right Leg is raised and the Right Hand put behind the back. The left-hand side connects to the Right-Brain which is the reason for this Magical Stance. 

DANU - She is also Idunn (DNN) who is the Goddess of Immortality, and she was obviously known in England under the name 'Black Annis'. In this legend she lived in a cave (underworld) and was a dark-side of the goddess Danu-Idunn. Idunn is the daughter of Ivalde, chief of one of the Elven Kin, who is also Orwandil or Ur-Waendal, associated with the Long Man of Wilmington.