Wednesday, 9 September 2015

The Wolf and the White Dragon

Thesis vs Anti-thesis = Synthesis

This was the basis of the doctrine of both Hegel and Karl Marx, postulating that there will always be a 'Conflict of Opposites' which will result in their fusion thus forming the basis of great change - that 'conflict', of course, not necessarily being a natural occurrence since it could be (and has been) carefully planned conflict which seems to be true of wars for many centuries. And not only wars but also ideas, since we can see proof of this in the conflict between Capitalism and Communism which resulted in their fusion into what has been termed as 'Communitarianism'. When opposites come into conflict they will merge into one. Same must war against same - that is the game!

The Wolf (Woden) must struggle with the Wolf (Fenris).

Creative Fire (Hama) must struggle with Destructive Fire (Loki).

Creative Fire (Ingwe-Frey) must struggle with Destructive Fire (Surt).

The Divine Serpent (Sigurd) must struggle with the Evil Serpent (Fafnir).

The White Dragon (The AEsir) must struggle with the Red Dragon (Dark Joten).

At the End of Time these forces conflict on such a level as to destroy each other, sowing the seeds of a true New Order. It is the symbol of the White Dragon that will unite the different factions of these islands, and is becoming reality through its use by more and more groups, many of which do not share the same ideology, but all of whom struggle for our Folk in some way. The White Dragon was never revived as a symbol of English 'civic nationalism' and has now moved beyond this into a symbol for all of the Germanic Peoples of these islands - the conflict of the White Dragon of the Gods and the Red Dragon of the Dark Joten has taken a new turn. The English Revolution has taken a new turn!

***** Sometimes when things are done the results are not quite what was expected, and when the Old Order were hell-bent on stopping the rise in English Nationalism and in creating false movements they would not have been aware of their actions resulting in something they never dreamed of - what is broken splinters, and the splinters fly in different directions, taking with them their ideals and ideology - and their symbols.

The Serpent itself is a symbol of the Earth, it glides upon the Earth; the Winged Coiled Serpent is still a Serpent but if flies towards the heavens. It is no longer 'Earth-bound' but flies to the realm of the Gods - The Divine Powers. The Coiled Serpent unfolds and moves along the Column of Irmin, upwards to the heavens, upwards to the Eye of Woden. The White Winged Coiled Serpent is awakening (as prophesied) after 500 years of slumber, and today the symbol flies as the Flag of the English Folk once more, coming to replace the Christian Cross in the Islands of the Mighty. In 1485 the Red Dragon (Tudors) defeated the White Boar (Saxons), the Red Rose (Red Dragon) defeated the White Rose (White Dragon). In the 1980's (500 years after, symbolic of The Phoenix) the White Dragon and the White Rose arose again as symbols of the English. The White Rose of Ancient Albion represents the Germanic Folk of these isles (or maybe At-al-land) who dwelt here and whose descendants also dwelt here, their blood 'topped' up by the so-called 'invasions'. The White Dragon represents the English Folk who must now reclaim their ancient land and its holy sites. 

Under the White Dragon the Seven Tribes of Ingwe have come together, their unity symbolised by the Seven Swords of Wayland, with the Sword Albion that will be wielded by The Hooded Man. The Fenris Wolf symbolises the all-devourer who is fast devouring everything we hold true to, and who is destroying our lands, turning them into The Wasteland. The Wolf must now confront the Wolf. 

The Brisingamen Necklace

No-one really knows what the Brisingamen Necklace (Brosingamene) really referred to, but what we do know it was the property of the goddess Freya. The name itself is said to refer to Fire. I am here going to look into the subject to try to find what this symbolism represents - mythology comes in symbolism.

In Aryan Persia (Iran) we find legends based around the figure of Kai Khusrau who is the Haosravah of the Zend Avesta and also known in Aryan India as Sushravah of The Vedas. In the Shahnama ('Book of Kings') we find reference to a perpetual war between the Untamo and the Kalervo. This perpetual struggle appears to be reflected in that of the Aryans against the Turanians in this area of the world - indeed, it seems also to parallel the perpetual struggle between the AEsir-Gods and the Joten and the Devas and Asuras in India. This is an important point that needs to be remembered.

In one particular legend Kai Khusrau (Arya) and Afrisiyah (Turanians) contest for the Hvarena which is the Glory of Light or the Charisma of Fortune. To understand this we need to consider the idea of Sacral Kingship which is through the Divine Bloodline of the Gods, with the Sacral King being the 'divinity upon earth'. It would seem that this was given through Divine Right (not the same as the Judaeo-Christian interpretation). It would also seem that there was a divine race to which the Hvarena rightly belonged to - it 'belongs to the Aryan Nations, born or unborn, and to the Holy Zarathustra'. 

The Hvarena was in Lake Varukasha, and Afrasiyab, being a non-Arya, was not entitled to it. Three times he tried to steal the 'Glory' but 'the Glory escaped, the Glory fled away, the Glory changed its seat'. The Hvarena was allotted to Kai Khusrau as the Heavenly Mandate. Lake Varukasha had three outlets where the Glory escapes - the first was named Hausravah which is the Avestan name for Kai Khusrau. These outlets led to the Beyond.

Where have we heard a similar tale?

Loki the Joten steals the Brisingamen Necklace from the goddess Freya, turns into a seal and dives into a lake. Hama-Heimdall changes into a seal and battles Loki at Singasteinne, regaining the necklace and getting it back to Freya.

It is important to note that here we have the necklace being the property of Freya, and in Aryan Persia the 'Glory' was the property of the goddess Ardvi Sura Anahita who was the Goddess of Light and who proceeded from the God of Light - Ahura Mazda. The name 'Ahura' is the same as the Indian 'Asura', these being the original Gods of Light and Order, but who became the 'baddies' as the Arya mixed with the native peoples and the myths were polluted by alien ideas. 

The term brisinga was used as a kenning for fire and also for amber, we can thus assume that the 'Fire' and 'Light' associated with this are the same as that associated with the Iranian Hvarena. The Brisingamen Necklace was thus the Necklace of Light which emanates from the Goddess of Light - Freya. 

I have noted on previous occasions that the Golden Torc was perhaps symbolic of the hangman's noose worn around the neck as a mark of the worship of Woden as the Hanged God. The torc is a 'twisted cord' which is itself a 'hangman's knot'.  Or, better put, a neck-tie is a mark of some form of subservience in the sense of being 'fettered' to something, which is clear in the case of Woden who 'fetters' his Initiates to his Will. The Torc is round whereas the necklace is an inverted triangle which symbolises the female genitals. We can thus assume that the necklace is here symbolic of the power of Freya as the Goddess of Light. On the necklace is a 'jewel' which could be a diamond since this would represent the 'Glory of Light' whose power comes from Freya. (This would be the basis of Tolkien's Silmaril which was a jewel in the crown, and may also be the basis of the legend of a battle in the heavens where the Jewel in the Crown of Lucifer fell from the crown. We should remember that Freya is of the Waene [Vanir] whose association with the planet Venus (Lucifer) is well known.) 

We should not leave this subject with the idea that this is just a symbol of 'Light' for it is far more than this. Brosinga-mene represents the Rightful Sovereignty of the Arya (*), the true 'Divine Right' to rule. It is the memory ('minne') of the Brosinga (Divine Fire of Kingship) which is bestowed by our 'Lady' - the Goddess Freya, also known as Arya, Arya Tara and Os-Tara. The 'king' is the Kon ('kon-ungr') which is represented by the Ken-Rune which is the Rune of the Sacral Kingship and when turned sideways (in its Germanic version) becomes the Brosinga-mene (inverted V). The Kan-Rune or Kon-Rune is the Rune of the Sacred Fire of Kingship - the Brosinga-Fire. This Sacred Fire is held by the Goddess Freya (female) and is given to the Sacral King (male) as a token of the right to Sacral Kingship. The brother of Freya is Frey whom we English know better as Ingwe (-Frey) and here I should point out the name Bros-inga-men, containing the name 'Inga'. (**)

Somewhere in the Legend of Hiram Abif, the basis of Freemasonry, there may be a hint of truth in the idea that the Secrets of the Arya were obtained by the Dark Joten through the slaying of an Aryan King, and these secrets became part of a new wave of counter-initiation based upon these secrets. The area of Egypt seems to figure in all this, and the slaying of Hiram Abif seems to be merely a symbol of some deeper truth that has been lost today whence the Masonic Lodges have become hotbeds of power and subversion, which is now being moved from the 'Third Estate' (Merchant Class) to the 'Fourth Estate' (The Masses) through new and just as sinister secret societies such as Common Purpose

(*) The term 'Arya' and 'Aryan Race' are here used in a totally different sense than they are normally used. The 'Arya' was 'twice-born', i.e. was an Initiate who had to undergo severe trials in order to undertake a 'death-to-resurrection' into a higher state of being. In ancient times only the two higher castes were 'Twice-Born' the Kons and the Earls, with the Artisan Class also forming a higher strata (which has today transmuted into the 'Merchant Class'). 

(**) Inga is the Fire-God who guards the Sacred Fire - the Hearth (inglenook) - and Freya (his sister) can only be the 'Goddess of Fire' and of 'Light'. This would seem logical when we consider that Freya was the one who was Mistress of Seidh-Magic ('Seething-Magic') which naturally equates her with 'heat' and thus 'fire'. I think we can throw away the ideas given down to us about the Goddess Freya - our Goddess of Light - whose myths were adulterated in order to make her look like a 'whore' (sleeping with Four Dwarves). Even then we cannot dismiss the idea that these Christian scribes who attempted this task, being unaware of the true sense of the myths, overlooked some of the symbolism within their distortions. In that case maybe the 'Four Dwarves' represent the Four Directions (four dwarves were named after North-South-East-West) and that the 'Glory of Light' is thus the 'halo' of the 'Divine Being', very often represented as a Cross-in-a-Circle or Sunwheel. This 'halo' would be represented by the 'crown' rather than the 'necklace' though.