Friday, 23 November 2018

Ingwe in Tolkien's Works

There are two distinct names which are seemingly the same figure, found in the Silarillion and The Book of Lost Tales II.  The comments suggest these to be the same but it does seem clear that Tolkien meant them to be the same. They are Inwe and Ingwe, and they seem to have been originated in the name Ing which is the first name he used in his works. Before we go into this, it must be pointed out that Tolkien first used the names Ing, Inwe, and Ingwe as the name of an Elven King, and in later times turned Ingwe into a King of the English. There need to be no contradiction in this, as we shall show here. It is also interesting to note that Tolkien links the Kin of Ingwe to the gods in a very interesting way, as we shall see here too. 

In the Silmaruillion Ingwe is the King of the Vanyar Elves (Silmarillion), these being one of three Elven Clans -

The Vanyar - These were the Eldar  or Fair Elves who were also known as the Quendi. Ingwe is said to be the 'most high lord of all the Elvish Race. These, it is said, follow Manwe and Varda. Ingwe is the King of the Vanyar Elves. The term 'Vanya (sing.) or Vanyar (plural) means 'The Fair' referring to their Golden Hair.

The Noldoli/Noldor were the Deep Elves led by Finwe (Finn) who followed Aule. 

The Toleri or 'Sea-Elves' led by Elwe.

The Inwir, of whom Ingwe seems to have been ruler, is a Royal Clan amongst the Teleri/Vanyar. Ingwe or Inwe has a son named Ingilmo or Inwithiel, and Inwe has another title of Ingil. He was also known as Isil or Isil Inwe and his son Ingwe Inwithiel. In the Sindarin Tongue the word 'elf' is 'edhel' which is obviously from our Edhel-Rune. The name 'Eldar' stems from 'el'/'elen' meaning 'star' and Eldar/Elena means 'Of the Stars'. 

There are some very interesting things that come from this, but to do so you need to study the Book of Lost Tales II where Tolkien links Manwe to Woden. So the Fair Elves or Eldar are linked to Woden, and also to Varda who is the Lady of the Stars, also called The Exalted and The Lofty. She is the greatest of the Valier (Queens of the Valar) and the wife of Manwe-Woden. She has other names - Elbereth, Elentari, Tintalle. 

There is a very interest piece in the Book of Lost Tales II concerning Orion which is the 'image of Telemektar in the sky' who has diamonds on his sword-sheath, and this will go red when he draws his sword at the Great End'. Orion the Hunter is followed by Gil who is 'like a Blue Bee'. Here the name 'Gil' was originally written Ingil which is an alternative name for Ingwe, and as the 'Blue Bee' he is Nielluin which is the Dog-Star, Sirius. Thus we have a link between Ingwe and Sirius which is indeed a star that shines blue, and it is at the foot of Orion the Hunter. 

There is another thing of interest to us here, and although Tolkien at first sight seems to have jumbled these things up completely, there is in the end a firm sense within all this - yet hidden. He tells us that the whole of the Kindred of Ingwe, and the lost part of the Kindreds of Finwe and Elwe follow Orome. He is one of the Vala or Aratar and is a 'great hunter' whose name means 'Horn-blowing' or 'Sound of Horns'; his horn is Valaroma. Tolkien very often gives figures titles in Old English, and here he gives Orome the title Wadhfrea ('Hunting-Lord') or Huntena Frea ('Lord of Hunters') and also Wealdafrea ('Lord of Forests'). These names fit well with Herne the Hunter who is an aspect of Woden.

There seems to be no link with Bootes but I have shown before how Ingwe and the English are linked to Bootes, and the England is a reflection on Earth of this constellation in the Northern Skies. Orome, as the 'Lord of Hunters' may also be Bootes shown here clearly with two hunting-dogs; here he carries a scythe in his left hand and a spear in his right hand. To be truthful, I see these two symbols as being a fusion of Ingwe (Scythe = Landsman) and Woden (Spear = Hunter). I have shown before how Bootes can be likened to the 'Son of Man' from certain texts in Revelations. The brightest star in Bootes is named Arcturus which is why 'King Arthur' (rightly 'Arctur') is as much English as anything else in these islands - he is the archetype of the Once and Future King.

The Dog-Star or 'Wolf-Star' (Chinese) is one of the most important stars in the Occult World and Gurdjieff gives hints at this when he said he had 'buried the dog' in one of his works, clearly hinting not of burying a 'bone' (as it should be) but meaning Sirius - the Dog-Star. For some reason Sirius and Venus are connected together in ancient works. In a future post I am going to discuss the star Sirius since it formed also part of many of the dreams I had in years gone by - there is something important we are missing. 

Looking at all this in regard to Tolkien's Works we cannot disregard his ideas since he was a scholar of not only Germanic & Celtic Mythology but also the Indo-European Languages. He was also in a place to gain access to more works that we can ever do and must have gained endless knowledge that we cannot access through old books. In linking Ingwe - Lord of the Elves - with Ingwe - Divine Ancestor of the English - he created a continuum between Elves and Men, and one which shows that the English truly have the Lore of the Elves in their blood. (This is in fact showing itself now since Ingwe is being looked at by many of the more esoteric scholars in England today.) The English are thus the direct descendants of the High Elven Race of the Eldar and the King of the Eldar - Ingwe. The Inwar, looking at the name-changes such as Inwe to Ingwe, would thus also be called Ingwar and thus Ingwaiwar as Tolkiens calls them (Ingvaeones). 

The Edhel-Rune

At first there may seem no link between the Elves and the Edhel-Rune, though Tolkien mentions that edhel is the Sindarin for 'elf'. This rune is also the 'Gift of Ing' containing both the Ing-Rune (Germanic) and the Gyfu-Rune as a 'bind-rune'. It is also the rune of Blood & Soil and thus of the English and England. The rune is of the Folkland and the Folk, of the 'inherited property' (land) and the 'innate qualities' (blood). Through this rune we may have the mystical link between the English and the Fair Elves ('Fairies' or 'Fair Folk'). 

It is often thought that 'The Star' of the Tarot is that of the Dog-Star, Sirius, although the Seven Stars that go with it are not a clear indication. Indeed, the Seven Stars are usually seen as the Great Bear (Woden's Waen) or later the Pleiades (which seems to have six stars but has always been seen as the 'Seven Sisters'. The figure in this version pours water into the lake/pool and also onto the land, thus linking this to the Age of Aquarius and the 'Water-Bearer'. Now, it has to be said that Sirius is indeed linked to the rising waters, since its appearance each year heralds the flooding of the Nile in Egypt. It seems to have been linked to the idea of flooding since we find that in 1993 the Mississippi overflowed and flooded at the same time as Sirius was blocked out from being seen from Earth by the Sun. When this period ended the floods subsided. This may not actually be irrelevant since Sirius really does seem to have been seen by the ancients associated with pulling out some form of plug/stopper which lets loose the waters. 

But, in the above we have Ingwe (Ingil) seen as Sirius, but we also have the association with Bootes, all of which seems rather confusing. Logical thinking does not always help in this, because there is yet another clue hidden in 'The Star' card - the figure of the 'Fair Woman' is shown clearly in the position shaped as a Fylfot-Swastika, a Sign of the North. The star is yellow, as is Arcturus in Bootes. Both Sirius and Venus seem to be linked to Isis, and Isis is said to have given birth to Horus who is 'in Sirius' - so both Isis and Horus are connected to Sirius, as Freya and Ingwe are associated with Venus. Both Venus and Sirius have the Five-Pointed Star symbolism. 

There is something here that we must look at in regard to this information, which on the face of it looks rather mixed up. This concerns the link between Sirius and the arrow. On one Hindu site I found that Sirius is linked to Rudra as 'The Piercer of the Deer'; obviously it is the arrow that pierces the deer, and in some cultures this star was known as the 'Arrow-Star' -

mulKAK.Si.DI = Arrow-Star (Sumer)

Tishtriya - Arrow-Star (Iran)

The following link Sirius to the sea and to the waters -

Babylonian - New Year ritual says 'Arrow-Star, who measures the depth of the sea'.

Iranian Avesta 'Tishtriya by whom the waters count.

In Hamlet's Mill by Santillana & von Dechend we find the above and also links to our own mythology through the figure of Hamlet - I am going to extend their work to bring in the Ear-Rune, which seems to be the significant link we need here. 

These two link Sirius with Earendel, which Tolkien links to Venus; so we have here the 'missing link' since both stars seem to have the same 'archetype' (if you like). They see the name Earendel (which is Orvandil of the Norse Mythology, father of Hamlet) as coming from the OE *ae-/*ear meaning 'wave', 'sea' and ON *aurr meaning 'damp'. Another meaning stems from the Root *or- meaning 'arrow' thus making Orvandil 'Arrow Waendal'. Noteworthy his grandfather was Garentil which means 'Spear Waendal'. The English called this star by the name Jubar which means 'beam' or 'ray' and which in MHG and Italian means 'arrow'. The star is called Tir in ancient Iran. Earendel seems to be the same archetypal 'Archer-God' as William Tell and AEgil the Archer. Earendel is -

OHG - Orentil

AS - Earendel

ON - Aurvendill

OHG - Erentil

Unfortunately I have no image of the Ear-Rune that we use in the Ar-Kan system, but it is the Cweorth-Rune shown above with 'hands' on each 'arm'. The above rune is shaped as the Long Man of Wilmington who is Waendal which links us directly to Ear-Waendal (Earendel). The name 'Wendel' was used of 'The Devil' in many witch-trials, so this must once have been a key heathen god. The following sequences seem connected to these ideas -

Aar   Ear   Ier   Oar   Uar

Ar   Er   Ir   Or   Ur

Aor   Eor   Ior   Oor   Uor

Also, the words - heor (OE), heru (OS) and hiore (ON); also linked to Cheru/Heru related to the Cheruscans and to the Sword-God named Heru or Saxnot. 

The Ear-Rune is thus not only related to *ear meaning 'earth' but also to the waters, as seen in 'The Star' Tarot Card which shows the pouring of water onto the waters and the earth. It is also interesting to note, in view of the link between Ingwe, Bootes and agriculture, that OE *ear means 'ear' (of corn). Linking these to the next rune, Cweorth, Rune of the Fire-Twirl, there is also the Greek euo and Latin uro meaning 'to burn'. 

'...and Quetzalcoatl is accused of having incestuous relations with his sister, as were Hamlet, Kullervo, Yama and, we might add, King Arthur.'

'Hamlet's Mill'

Now, were we sitting around a camp-fire, listening to the Tribal Scop relating these tales, he would expect us to know exactly what was meant by 'incestuous relations with his sister' because the brother-sister relationship is seen clearly within the Waene-Gods, the Gods associated with Venus. Frey-Freya/ Ingwe-Freya are brother-sister, though when we look at the Egyptian Mythology where Horus comes 'out of Sirius' (Isis) then one of the roles can be transferred to the 'Son' ('Son of the Widow'). 

Even in the Cweorth-Rune we have a similar rune-stave and the same -eor- stem within the rune-name. As the Fire-Twirl this may be related to 'Rudra-the-destroying-archer' and the 'Dance of Shiva' which has a similar shape to these runes. 

I think that the one thing that the authors of Hamlet's Mill failed to recognise is that there is no reason whatever to seek and 'either' in the meaning of words used in ancient texts, the seeking of the 'or' makes better sense since every text has many meanings, not just one of which is right. The term ear can mean any and all of these.

Viktor Rydberg equates Orwandel with AEgil the Archer; since we are here also looking at a Hunter-God we can see in this Orion the Hunter which is close to Sirius and is Wuldor - the Winter-Woden. Since Orion is blinded we may find the last traces of this legend in that of Robin Hood who is blinded by the prioress and thus is killed. Robin Hood - The Hooded Man - is our most famous English Folk-hero. AEgil, Wayland and Finn are brothers and Rydberg sees these as doublets of Orwandel and his kinfolk, and also of the Sons of Ivalde. Of course, all these may be similar archetypes with similar myths.

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Wights, Elves & Dwarfs

If the enemies of our Folk are out there monitoring this post it is, once again, going to invite accusations of my having 'mental health problems'; but to those who are wiser and still loyal to Kin, Folk, Gods, Ancestors and who are aware of the Spirit-Worlds in which dwell other Holy Beings who withdrew from this realm when the Christians turned them into 'demons' or 'devils' and mankind drew away from them and eventually almost forgot they existed. Far from having 'mental health problems' those who believe in there being other worlds of existence, and other being who dwell in these worlds, and the ones who hold to the truth. Quantum Science, although still partly stuck in the physical world, is beginning to find the truth, and much of this is not due to modern ideas but to the study of ancient texts. 

The problem in creating this post lies in the fact that what we know as 'Wights', 'Elves', Dwarfs' and other 'otherworldly beings' have in the main been demonised by the Christian Church - turned into 'devil's and 'demons'. The modern materialistic consumer society has done its part in cutting man off from the other-worlds and the only vestiges left are perhaps that the Elves come at 'Christmas' with 'Santa Claus'. Not only were these beings treated in this way, but also our Gods who were demonised, the best example being Woden who was turned into the 'Devil', as we shall show.

Luckily, there are still remnants of the truth, especially in the works of Jacob Grimm - Teutonic Mythology - and Grimm's Fairy Tales by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. 'Synchronistically', the name 'Grimm' is a by-name of Woden. Writers of this era, fortunately, had access to old 'folk-tales' still passed down through word of mouth, something we do not have today. Jacob Grimm and his brother, Wilhelm Grimm, had the foresight to write down some of this and leave it for those to come. 

As I said, the Christian Church was responsible for 'demonising' our gods, wights, elves, dwarfs and other beings, but this is not the whole story. This we know to be the case but as with all things mankind, having developed the means to choose, chose to go the wrong way and to believe what the church said, admittedly sometimes out of fear for their lives. In following this path they lost the contact with the other realms, and in doing so the beings of these realms would naturally not be so keen on dealing with men - hence no doubt why we find mischievous elves or sometimes downright hostile elves or other wights. Another consequence seems to go some way to explaining the rather complicated remnants of this Folk-Lore where Elves were seen to be 'little-people' rather than the tall, fair Elves of Tolkien. 

This is quite easily explained when we see the same thing has happened to men, who have diminished in height over thousands of years, and these wights also diminished in height. In many instances the Dwarves (Dwarfs) were seen to be taller than the Elves. My own experience of this was in the Scottish Highlands on the shore of the Moray Firth where Asbeorn (an Odinist Magician) and I performed an Alfar Blot and just after doing so I stood beside a small stream running down from the mountains above, aptly named the Fairy Glen. A shining blue-white figure of beautiful appearance stood before me, a shimmering blue-white light about four foot tall. This was one of the Elven Folk. We can see by this that the Elves are smaller now, have 'diminished' as Tolkien wrote in his Book of Lost Tales. This explains the anomalies in the tales of these wights.


The word 'elf' is related to the ideas of 'shining', 'white', 'brilliant' etc. and stems from -

OE - aelf, elfen, ylfa

ON - alfr, alfar

Goth - albs

German - alb


For our purposes we shall always use the term Elf or Elven, using a capital letter to show that we see these as a 'Holy Folk', just as we do with the Gods and the Ancestors. For this, we must add, the term is used of the Light Elves or High Elves alone, for reasons that will become clear in this post. There are three kinds of Elves to be found in Norse Mythology -

Light Elves - liosaflfar - dwelling in Alfheim.

Dark Elves - dokkalfar - dwelling within the Earth.

Black Elves - svartalfar - who seem to be the smiths and craftsmen.

The 'Dark Elves' are obviously not the same as the 'Black Elves', and seem to be rather more 'dim' or 'dingy' rather than 'black'. Indeed, they are more 'brown' or even (in a lot of cases) 'grey'. Popular belief held that dwarfs wore grey clothing or grey or brown 'cap-of-darkness'. What struck me here was that even today these beings may not have completely stopped entering our realms unrecorded. Is it not possible that the Light Elves are the 'Nordic Aliens' and the Dark Elves the 'Grey Aliens'? (*) These are just modern interpretations of ancient mysteries seen through the eyes of technology. 

In Scotland there are such things as the elf-arrow, elf-flint, and elf-bolt, and knots in wood were ascribed to the Elves. In Scotland a know-hole is called an elfbore. In Smaland (Prussia) a tale is told about the ancestress of a family that she was an Elfmaid, that she came into a house through a knot-hole in the wall with the sunbeams. I am going to come back to this because of the statement given by Jacob Grimm - 'with the sunbeams'. 

Elves are also associated (like Dwarfs) with invisibility and also with the butterfly, which seems to where we get the Victorian idea of the 'fairies' who have wings. The butterfly is a symbol of transformation since it starts off as a caterpillar (without wings) and transforms into the winged butterfly. On this same idea the 'Fairy Ring', which occurs in grass with mushrooms, should rightly be called an Elf-Ring since we get the terms alledands (Danish) and alfdands (Swedish). We have been led away from the true meanings through using terms not suited, since 'Fairy' comes from 'Fay' which is connected to 'Fate', again we have a mix-up of different concepts. 


There is so much overlapping here that it seems there is either a complete mix-up of the Elves & Dwarfs, or that, like the Gods these are 'titles' given to different aspects of these wights. Some of the Dwarfs were cunning smiths, and we find that the Elves also forge weapons, so certain parts of what seems to be two different races have been mixed up, maybe due to their roles. 

The Dwarfs are very much like that which is shown in The Hobbit where their home is in a mountain and where they mine the gold and precious gems. As with man - probably reflected in what has happened to man - they became obsessed with gold, gems and wealth. This is how these people are shown in The Hobbit which Tolkien himself stated was NOT based upon any modern events (like the 'Return to Zion' that was suggested by an Israeli Paper). The Dwarfs were shown as being honourable and loyal, even if they sometimes slipped, as is shown also of the Elves. We have to consider that not only man but also the wights were influenced by the Dark Forces, and that some of them turned to this Dark Side as did men, especially the rulers of men. 

The Dwarfs, as stated, lived in the mountains, in caves usually, and this is reflected in an Old Norse word dvergmal meaning 'echo'; this suggests that these wights were contacted via some form of chanting (such as Yodelling) which produces an 'echo' from the mountains. This may have developed into some form of human contact through sound but this does not mean that it did not develop from the original form of contact with other wights. 

The following Dwarf-names should ring a bell to those who have watched The Hobbit -

Vitr & Litr/ Fili & Kili/ Fiallar and Gallar/Skinir & Virnir/Anar & Onar/Finnr Ginnr/ Bivor & Bavor/ Nar & Nainn/ Thrar & Thrain/Nainu & Dainu/Oinn & Moinn/ Dvalin, Durrin, Thurinn, Fundinn.

There were also dwarf-names connected to the Elves - Alfr. Gandalf & Vindalfr.

In regard to their living in rifts and caves in the mountains we have three words in Old English that confirm this idea -




And in the Netherlands we have alfenbergen, in Denmark biergmond, biergfolk and biergtrold. 

The Dwarfs also need the aid of mankind at times, especially with the following -

  • Fetching midwives/goodwives to assist the She-Dwarfs in labour.
  • Men of understanding to divide a treasure or settle a dispute.
  • Borrow a hall to hold their weddings in.

These ideas may seem rather ridiculous, but it does go to show how - once - there was a very tight bond between men and the wights, and that each was in harmony with the other. As we can see in Norse Mythology it was Loki The Deceiver who wrought mischief amongst the Elves, turning kin against kin, and he did so with mankind too. Loki is an agent of the forces that seek to divide, creating disharmony and chaos, and eventually to destroy.

The Dwarfs are associated with invisibility and we find this so many times in our Germanic Lore. This is through certain means -

  • Hat, cloak, tarnkappe.
  • Grey coats.
  • Red caps, scarlet cloaks. (The Red Cap is also connected to the Elves and the Amanita Muscaria mushroom.)
We have the following names connected to this -

  • helkappe,
  • nebelkappe,
  • tarnkappe,
  • tarnhut
  • Hodeken (From the cap he wears.)

There are also certain Germanic words that connect to this -

Old Saxon - helith-helm

Old English - heolthhelm/haelthhelm

Old Norse - hialmar huliz

Old English - grimhelm

When Dwarfs appear singly to amongst men they are wise counsellors, and this is how we should see them again. Knowledge can be still gained from these wights of all races. 


In this section I am going to lump the two together as one since we have no way of telling which applies to which, although I have tried to show there was originally some difference. Certain wights are associated with Frau Holda and these were referred to as -

die guten holden ('The Good Holden')

holdeken ('Holde-Kin')

hulderchen (not known)

In Iceland we have the huldafolk, huldamenn names used of the Alfar; in Denmark we have hyldemand where hylde is the Elder-Tree giving us the 'Elder Mother' who is supposed to dwell in the tree - Tree Spirit. Frau Holda comes from the Elder Tree. There is also an association with Venus or 'Dame Venus' who dwells in the mountain, obviously a reference to a Heathen Goddess (Freya?) who dwells in a certain mountain. 


There are also other beings to be found in Germanic Lore, some of which are obscure due to time and also distortions. We have the following interesting things to consider -

  • The term bilwit or bilewit which can be found in some Old English texts, as can the phrase bilewit faeder. Can we connect the term 'Bil' with the Norse 'Bil' or maybe even to the 'Billings' who were a ruling line of the Saxons, found in names such as 'Billingshurst' (West Sussex). 
  • Schretel - there is an Old English scritta and Old Norse skratti ('Giant'), and the English version seems connected to the Wood-Sprites or Wood-Elves which are the Wuduaelfenne. Interestingly the OE scritta gives us the later 'scrat' and I remember using the term 'scratty' for someone who was 'rough' or 'shaggy' or 'wild', terms used of the Wood-Sprites. 
We have the Wuduwasa or Woodwose who is the 'Wild Man of the Woods', more likely Woden as Herne the Hunter, Lord of the Trees, but also no doubt used of those who he sent to do his will on Earth - a 'projection' of the God. There are certain other names associated with the wildwoods -

  • Wildfolk.
  • Forest-Folk
  • Wood-Folk
  • Wildwood-Folk
  • Moss-Folk 

There were also wights connected to the water, water-sprites and water-monsters as they became later. We find that certain words connected to these stem from the god Woden and his association with the sea and with water -

Nichus - OHG

Nicor - OE

Nikr - ON

Nok, nocke - Danish

Nikarr/Hnikkar, Nikuz/Hnikuz found in the Eddas, the former from ON and the latter from OHG. 

Then there is Grendal and Grendal's Mother who are connected to water, and who are 'monsters' of sort that had to be slain by the hero - Beowulf.


Here we come to something interesting since this section is directly connected to Ingui/Ingwe through various words, but also through the 'Legend of Cuthman' which I am going to go into. We have the Latin ingoumen/ingoumo which means 'Guard of the Interior' as well as Ingeside/Ingesinde meaning 'domestic' or 'inmate'. We find in Middle High German the term heilige Ingeside referring to this same concept. In Old Norse we have the term skurgodh - 'Hearth Gods' connected with the hearth and the home-fire. Here we also have the English term 'inglenook' for the fireplace, a name obviously linked to Ingwe. 

In Cuthman & A Continuing Tradition by George Cockman (an unfortunate name!) we find the following statement -

'When Cuthman came to build his church, he was said to have hung his gloves on a sunbeam.'

Remember the Elf-maid who appeared through the knot-hole on a sunbeam? Is this a coincidence, or have we here a tradition passed down with a knowledge (even dim) of the Elves and of Ingwe - Lord of the Elves. Cuthman is Ingwe as I have shown before. When the work of building the church neared its end Cuthman was struggling to fix the main roof beam when a stranger appeared and helped him to finish it. Cuthman asked who he was and he replied - 

'I am he in whose honour you are building this church.'

In one version it is inferred that is is 'Jesus' and in another 'Saint Andrew' - the latter probably being a later version since we can equate 'Jesus' (Krist) with Ingwe. The 'main roof beam' is symbolic of the Sacred Centre just as the Barnstock Oak at the centre of the House of the Wolsungas represents the Sacred Centre. 

The 'Gift of Ing' is Fire and we have the 'inglenook' as the fireplace surrounding the Hearth Fire (Sun), and it would seem that the fireplace was the entrance fo these Hearth Wights to enter the house. Our modern society has by and large rid itself of the Home Hearth through 'central heating' and through making fires something that is 'anti-social' - this is so since in many areas having a 'bonfire' is frowned upon. The link between the 'sunbeam', the 'hearth' and Ingwe is interesting.


There are other wights that we know of which include the following -

  • Puck - This is the English name of the wight known as Phuka in Ireland and Pwcca in Wales. However, this should be taken as a 'borrowing' from the Celtic since we find the following in the Northlands - pog (Danish), pojke (Sweden), puki (Old Norse) and Pocca (Finland). 
  • There is also a tomt found in Germany and it is possible that this is connected to the 'Tom Bombadil' of Tolkien?
  • Another name that comes down to us from mainly Germany is kobolt/kobold but this is likely a later addition from the Greek.
  • 'Goblin' is Latin.
  • Robin Goodfellow is the equivalent of the German Knecht Ruprecht.


There are so many people who talk about 'ecology' and 'nature' who see this as merely based upon the physical world as we see it today. Yet we can see in this 'Physical Nature' a state of decay, as Markwood (Mark = Boundary) becomes Mirkwood where all is in a state of decay and death. This is not 'Nature' which is bound also to the spiritual worlds but 'nature' locked into matter as ,man is locked into matter. The Spirit of Nature is being lost whilst rampant technology destroys everything that is sacred to us on the physical plane, at the same time driving the Spirits of Nature away at the same time. 

We have to reverse this process and welcome the Spirits of Nature back into our world; this is not impossible and I am sure that these Spirits of Nature will welcome our attempts at setting right what has gone wrong. In the process, as we have shown, these Spirits of Nature also help give knowledge and wisdom that will aid us in our struggle. 

Even today we have the concept that at Yuletide we leave something out for the Elves, and it seems clear that in order that they are appeased we need to give something to them as a 'gift'. It seems strange to say that we give food to the Elves, some German tales telling that a loaf of bread should be baked and given as a gift, but that is precisely what seems necessary. Some years ago, whilst living in Gwynedd, North Wales, I had a dream about Deganwy Castle and that I should go there to contact the Elves, and did so as suggested. However, when nothing of interest happened I realised that in the dream I had been told to give a gift to the Elves - which I had forgotten to do. A lesson learned since we have to give 'blot' to the Elves, give a gift just as is also said to have to happen at Yuletide when the Elves come with 'Santa Claus'. This is something to consider. 

The above may seem strange since it is hardly possible that the Elves can eat the food we give, but there is something we need to keep in mind here. In eld-time the Warrior-Kings were buried with their regalia, their horses, and in some areas wives etc. This suggests that they had would be able to use their weapons and regalia in the 'other-world' which seems rather crazy. However, perhaps they could use these since they also existed in this other-world, which is suggested when we see weapons as having names which thus charged them with Magical Power. So maybe they could have been charged in order that they existed in both worlds - which is also possible when we consider a 'gift' to the Elves. 

It is also suggested from Germanic Folklore that the Elves and Dwarfs love to dance, and that bells can summon the dwarfs - another thing to consider when we seek to reconnect to these Land-Wights. Also, we have the Guardian Goddess of England in the figure of 'Britannia' which invokes the Spirit of the Land, and the Guardian-Goddess of the English in the figure of the Wolf-Queen (Idunn or Kara) who can be invoked in battle or in peace. The White Dragon symbol is used to invoke the Land of Ing and the Folk of Ing.

The Elves are often associated with the Waene-Gods, hence the link to Venus as the Morning Star & Evening Star. The Light-Elves live in Alfheim and the Waene in Vanaheim. One the Elven-Kin is named the 'Sons of Ivalde' which includes Idunn who is the daughter of Ivalde. The English equivalent seems to be Ewald or Hewald stemming from the Old English Heawold. 


Tolkien seems to have seen Earendel as the planet Venus - the Morning & Evening Star. Since his earlier version of this piece is named Scipfaereld Earendeles AEfensteorren we can deduce that he saw Earendel as the Evening Star, and not the Morning Star. The 'son' of Earendel is named Ottor Waefre (OE 'restless', 'wanderer') who became known as Eriol. I say 'son' of Earendel because he was 'born under his beam' through this father was named Eoh (OE 'horse') who was slain by his brother Beorn. Ottor Waefre settled in Heligoland where he married Cwen ('Queen') and had two sons, Hengest and Horsa, born to avenge his father Eoh, which they did.

Here, of course, Tolkien has put into this tale the Saga of Hamlet where the father is slain by the brother, and the son revenges the death of the father, though here it is the two sons who take on this task. After the death of Cwen he left his young children and set out to seek Tol Eressea - 'The Unknown Island' - and there he was 'made young by limpe (also known as lith in Old English) and they had a son named Heorrenda. Eriol later adopted the name Angol and -

Thus it is that through Eriol and his sons the Engle (the English) have the true tradition of the fairies, of whom the Iras and the Wealas (the Irish and the Welsh) tell garbled things....

Thus a specifically English fairy-lore is born, and one more true than anything to be found in Celtic lands.'

'Book of Lost Tales - Volume II' by J.R.R.Tolkien

Tol Eressea is placed in the location of England and is also seen as Luthany and Albion. Tolkien changes this story and replaces certain places and figures, and thus Eriol or Angol becomes AElfwine (OE 'Elf-Friend') and the Elves name him Lurhien because he comes from Luthany. According to this account he loved the sign of Orion and thus the Elves called him Luthien ('Wanderer'). 

There are certain things which are of interest -

  • 'How Old English became the sole mortal language which an Elf will speak to a mortal that knows no Elfin.
  • Ingwe and Earendel who dwelt in Luthany before it was an isle and was driven east by Osse to found the Ingwaiwar.
  • The 'seventh invasion' was 'that if the Ingwaiwar, who were not hostile to the Elves'. 
  • 'How he (Ingwe) became the half-divine King of the Ingwaiwar, and taught them many things of Elves and Gods, some that some true knowledge of the Gods and Elves lingered in that folk alone.'
  • Ingwe...becomes the king of the Angali, Euti, Saksani and Firisandi who adopt the title of Ingwaiwar. He teaches them much magic and first sets men's hearts to seafaring westwards.'
Tolkien set out to create an English Mythology because he thought that they had lost theirs; but he was also a scholar of many Indo-European Languages and Cultures - as is clear from his writings. We could see this as a bias when he see the English as having the True Knowledge of the Elves but when we consider that the English are a very rare people in having so many Old English names that actually contain the word 'Elf' - Alfred being the most obvious that everyone knows. The following are some of these names -

  • AElfgar - Algar - Elgar
  • AElflaed
  • AElfgifu
  • AElfheah
  • AElfnodh
  • AElfraed - Alfred
  • AElfric
  • AElfsige
  • AElfstan
  • AElfwid
  • AElfrydh - Elfreda
  • AElfweard
  • AELfwine

We should ask ourselves who so many Old English names are linked to the Elves, and our answer must come from the fact that the Divine Ancestor of the English Folk is Ingwe - Lord of the High Elves. It seems that Tolkien saw AElfwine as a descendant of Ingwe who had gained a knowledge of and love of the Elves from the tradition of his family. He wrote the Golden Book of Tavrobel which is mentioned in his Quenya Dictionary as The Golden Book - the collected book of legends, especially of Ing and Earendel. This also seems to have been called The Lost Tales of Elfinesse. 

'Even as Men wax more powerful and numerous so the fairies fade and grow small and tenuous, filmy and transparent, but Men larger and more dense and gross.'

The word 'fairy' is often said to stem from 'fae' and thus 'fate' but if we use it in the sense of the Fair Folk it takes upon itself its true meaning. It is also interesting to note that the Welsh Tylwyth Teg is used for 'fairy' and means 'Fair Family'. The word 'Teg' means 'fair' and is that used of the Tegeingl or 'Fair Ingle' who dwelt in Ireland and then North Wales. I would assume that 'Tylwyth' is like the Irish 'Tuatha' and Germanic 'Teuta' meaning 'tribe' or 'family' which is the smaller unit. 

In regard to the lack of English 'Fairy' Lore there was obviously an abundance of this but through the most oppressive measures used against the English Folk this has been lost to us - no doubt destroyed. Even so, pockets of this still exist, and we have proof that Tolkien was right in that we are the only peoples here to have had names using the prefix AElf. 

(*) The 'Grey Aliens' could also be linked to the standardised, raceless, sexless beings that parallel the 'progress' of the human race today - towards a 'Race of Slaves'. 

Saturday, 17 November 2018

Ask & Embla

The First Man is named 'Ask' and the First Woman is named 'Embla'; these are said to be trees which is rather a hard concept for most people to understand, not making sense to the intellect. They are usually seen as the Ash and the Elm, respectively, although 'Embla' also suggests 'fire' (embers). But, for now, let us see these as being two trees, and connect them to the End-Times when 'New Life' is hidden in the bole of the World Tree - Yggdrasil. 

It is the Triple Godhead - Woden, Will & Weoh - who form Man out of the already-present living organic matter here symbolised by the two trees. Here we should emphasise that Man is not 'mankind' as we know it today, proven by this Aryan Myth, since there are other races which are not made from the same material. This is made clear in the lore of the Judaeo-Christian Bible where 'man' (small 'm') is created from the clay of the ground which is inert matter. Clay is the soil beneath our feet, but the tree is rooted in the ground, and yet reaches high into the heavens - especially the Ash-Tree. Woden is the Ecstatic Energy, Will is the Will, and Weoh is Holiness. 

Here the important point is that 'man' (lower species) is made up of the inert matter of the Earth, but 'Man' (The High Race) is made from the living, organic matter which is rooted in the Earth, but which is also able to grow upwards towards the heavens - towards the Home of the Gods. This High Race partakes of the past and the future, of the Earth and the Divine, of OS ('God') and AESC ('The Ancestors'). The Man-Rune or 'Rune of Man' is the Rune of our Folk and not of the whole of 'mankind' - it is the Rune of the Thinking Man - Creative Man. The 'High Race' is both the Serpent and the Eagle - the Serpent and the Winged Coiled Serpent.

Likening 'Man' to the trees also suggests mortality, since the trees are not immortal, having a span of life which ends in decay and death. This 'Man' is thus Aryan Man (Race of Hope) and not the 'Shining Ones' or 'Elves' who are immortal, and who were the original Spiritual Race on Earth but who now dwell in the Land of Immortals, outside the material world in another world, a world removed after the Great Catastrophe. In a sense these are the Asmegir (Asa-Powers) who dwell in Odainsacre. They are the 'Coming Race'. 

In regard to 'Embla' and the idea of 'embers' this is merely an idea and has no real basis in Norse Mythology which does not explain the word. However, trees die off and return to the Earth, but wood is also the main fuel used for 'Fire', hence there may be a link here, albeit a very subtle one. If so this is the Feminine Fire and may also be linked to the Elmes-Fire which became Christianised into 'St. Elmo's Fire', this personage being a blacksmith I believe. The smith is the 'Wielder of Fire' and the 'Tamer of Fire', the creative-spirit whose energy is Fire. 

In the Ar-Kan Runes we use the Os-Rune as the 'Rune of Woden' and the AEsc-Rune as the 'Ancestral Rune', linking the latter with the Ash-Tree and with 'Ash' - the 'First Man'. 'Ask' is the Divine Ancestor of the Aryan Race. But, we have no rune for 'Elm' as far as we know. There are certain 'Tree-Runes' within the Ar-Kan Runes -

Ken/Kan - Pine

Feoh - Fir (?)

Thorn - Hawthorn/Blackthorn

Eoh - Yew

Beorc - Birch

Ac - Oak

AEsc - Ash

These are the most obvious but there may be more hidden away within the rune-names or rune-meanings. (Feoh as 'Fir' is merely speculation). The Cweorth-Rune may also be 'Apple' since the Celtic Ogham has 'Quert' meaning 'apple'. This fits with the idea of the 'Way of the Gods' and with 'Immortality' and the 'Tree of Life'. 

This is a very short post but one which is needed to help explain the symbolism of Ask and Embla. When we recognise that 'Ask Yggdrasil' - the World Tree - is at one level the 'White Tree' and represents the White Race then this makes it even more likely that what I have said here is right. 

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Nodens - Germanic God?

Noden's is said to be a Celtic God associated with Lydney in Gloucestershire and in Gaul, but I am going to follow another thread here started by Steve Pollington in his excellent book - The Elder Gods. Here Mr Pollington mentions a figure called Fornet whom he traces from an Old English work Bald's Leechbook where a plant called fornetes folm is mentioned. The name Fornete's Folm' may mean 'Fornet's Hand' which is the clue he takes up. He links this to Nuada of the Silver Hand (Irish) and to Lludd of the Silver Hand (Welsh) - to the Irish Nuada who lost a hand which was replaced by a 'Silver Hand' and to Lludd whose legend suggests the same. 

These are linked to Noden's whose name can be 'Nodens', 'Nudens' or 'Nodons' and who can be found at a place called Lydney in Gloucestershire, and to a place in Gaul (now in Germany). What we have to consider is that the tribes of Gaul were certainly not all Celtic since I have shown before how coins depicting Woden being swallowed by the Fenris Wolf can be found there. It is important to reject this idea that the Germanic Folk were 'late-comers' to these areas and supplanted the earlier 'indigenous' peoples. This is a distortion if not a downright lie!

Pollington links the name Fornet to the Norse Fornjotr who is the ancestor of a 'family of mythological beings' in the Orkneyingasaga, amongst whom is Hler  and AEgir. The name Njotr is one of the by-names of Odin. He then equates this to an OE cognate *neot (nor recorded) and the verb neotan meaning 'make use of', 'enjoy'. J.R.R. Tolkien suggests that the name Nodens is related to the Germanic Root *neut meaning 'acquire', 'have use of' which was earleir 'catch' or 'entrap (as in hunting). These all come from the Proto-Germanic *neute meaning 'to make use of', 'to enjoy' and *nauta meaning 'to benefit', 'to profit from', 'possession', 'livestock', 'cattle'. Nodens is linked to Mars in some of the Roman inscriptions from Lydney. He is also associated with the Roman God named Silvanus, a God of the Woods and of Hunting. 

So, we have here a 'Celtic' god with a Germanic name, a God of Hunting, and a God with One Hand, just like Tiw, associated with the war-god, Mars. We have a composite of Woden-Tiw here. We also have the Welsh God named Gwydion, obviously Woden, and his son Llew who hangs upon a tree, both aspects of Germanic Mythology. Then we have the Welsh Gwyn (Wyn), Son of Nudd - 'Gwyn - Son of the Mist', whose name may have once derived from the same Germanic Root *neut. Let us put this together now -

Nodens - Nuada - Nudd - Llew - Lludd - For-net - Njotr (Odin) - Njord (Father of Frey-Freya) - Nerthus (Tacitus).

There are associations with - dogs, the forests, hunting, water, healing, all of which are also associated with Woden, especially since the aspect of the One-Eyed Hunter-God bearing a Bow and Arrows is one that is specifically known to the English Tribes and almost lost in Norse Mythology (Arrow-Od seems an obvious remnant of this figure). This is made obvious in that the legendary Robin Hood is obviously based upon Woden. Can it really be a coincidence that the same legendary god-form was known here in England before the Romans came? 

There is yet another strange thing here, and that is we find the name Nudd linked to Gwyn, and Gwyn-Gwydion seem to have the same roots. Gwydion is the 'Son of Don' who is the Goddess Danu of the Tuatha de Danaan. There is a complex interconnection here, and it would appear that the roots lie in the ancient Legend of the Tribe of Dana or 'Tuatha de Danaan', which appears also here in England through the 'Dane Hills' in Leicestershire dedicated to Dana or 'Black Annis' as she became to the Christian distorters. What we seem to have here is a Germano-Celtic Legend of peoples that came to these islands in ancient times, people from the North and closely linked to the English, and also maybe speaking a tongue linked to West Germanic.

Wotan's Krieger has also made the link between Gwydion and the Belgae (a Germanic people) who occupied Southern England and the area just across the waters now known as 'Belgium' (named after them). The Belgae, it has also been suggested, could also have been linked to the ancient Fir Bolg of Irish Legend. Despite the obvious links between the nations of these islands, modern scholars still refuse to accept these and to split us into 'parts' rather than seeing the picture of the 'whole' (the role of the Joten, of course). 

There is one more link, and perhaps the most important one; AEngus is the son of The Dagda of the Tuatha de Danaan, so we find a clear link between these figures and to Ingwe - the Divine Ancestor of the English. We do have the name 'Dana' or 'Annis'/'Anna' found in Leicester, so we do know that there is an ancient memory of this goddess here in England. This is where the 'Dane Hills' comes from, and not from the Viking 'Danes'. 

In regard to the 'hand' which seems to be the key to all this, when Tiw lost his Right-Hand (Solar Symbol) he thus took the 'Left Hand Path' (as Woden), and this comes through to us in Irish-Welsh Mythology where his Left-Hand is the 'Silver Hand' used of Nuada-Nudd (Lunar Symbol). The name 'Nudd' becomes 'Lludd' in Welsh for some reason, but Nudd is found as the father of Gwyn/Wyn. There is some mix-up here, or letter-change from 'Nudd' to 'Lludd' which may hint that the original meanings were already lost. (The name 'Nudd' is pronounced 'Neath' as in the town in South Wales, a fact that seems to further underline the meaning related to the Proto-Germanic *neute.) 

The word folm is a 'poetic word' according to Mr Pollington derived from the PIE *plm from which we get the Latin palma giving us the word 'palm'. But there is good reason to believe that the name Fornet links to a One-Handed God like Tiw, Nuada or Nudd. It is interesting to note that the name would be rendered as 'For-Net' or 'For-Neut' with the prefix 'for' stemming from the IE Root *per which means 'forward', 'through' and other senses of 'early', 'first', chief', and 'in front of'. This appears to denote something that is ancient or indeed primal in form. 

The above also suggests that putting Njord into the sequence may well prove right since the name Njord and Nerthus (if connected as they seem) would be near to the original pronunciation of 'Nudd' and 'Nuada'. Njord is definitely connected to the sea, as is Nodens - we seem merely to have variations of the same god here. Somewhere the legends surrounding Nodens has been distorted somewhat, since the obvious connection is with Tiw, but again we have to consider that these ancient god-names were used in many different ways for different gods. If Tiw was not 'usurped' by Woden, then Tiw (God of Balance) became Woden having to use the 'Left-Hand Path' as suggested by the Tiw-Rune and its connection to the Lagu-Rune. 

This is a short post and one which needs far more study to work out where the truth lies. But it does once more suggest that Germanic Tribes akin to the English (i.e. Inglinga or 'Sons of Ing') were here before the Romans came. We do know that the Romans did not (like Judaeo-Christianity) suppress the worship of local gods but incorporated them into their own 'pantheon', and on many occasions gave clues to their nature through association with certain gods. 

Coin from Gaul showing Woden & Fenris Wolf