Thursday, 17 January 2019

Ar-Kan Rune-Row

Ar-Kan Rune-Row

Hamasson sent this design to me and since it is a good way to show everyone the Ar-Kan Rune-Row I thought that I would post this straight away. For those who are not too familiar with this I shall list the rune-names below. The system is split into Four AEttir each section with eight runes, and the Gar-Rune ('Spear of Woden') represents the Cosmic Axis and Spiritual Centre -




















Eh(w)/Ech(w) - 'ch' as in 'Loch'.








Ior (Pronounce all of the letters)

Ear (Pronounce all of the letters)


Calc (hard 'c')



The rune-staves are those we use as standard, with certain variations in some of the runes, variations which suit whatever reason we are using them for. The two runes which have changes are the Haegl-Rune and the Stan-Rune; the alternative runes are shown below -



Ar-Kan Rune-Lag

For those who are interested in working with the Ar-Kan Runes Woden's Folk will be publishing our Online Magazine - "Spear of Woden" during 2019 and this issue will cover as many aspects of this system as we can get into the issue. This is available from Woden's Folk by sending £10.00 Sterling through the following PayPal address -

The magazine will be published sometime in 2019, most likely during the first half of the year, and will contain information on the runes and everything about the Ar-Kan Rune-Lag. 

This issue of the magazine will be sent to you through email in PDF Form, and you will be able to print it off to make things easier. We are going to try to cram as much into the one issue as we can so that you can have a working knowledge of this runic system. 

When sending through PayPal please ensure you give an email address to send the PDF Online Magazine to. Thank you.

Monday, 14 January 2019

The Fire of Ingwe - Part One

"By coming forward, he (Agni) has created kingship. He has conferred on you majesty and victory over your enemies."

Atharva Veda 13.1.4-5.

I have equated Agni with our own Ingwe because after years of study the two seem connected with the same Mystical Fire which is associated with Kingship and with Immortality. The Fire of Ingwe is the 'Solar Glory' or 'Solar Victory' and is a metaphysical reality and not mere symbolism. This 'Solar Glory' is the hvareno of the Persians. In Vedic Lore we find Agni-Vaishvanara as the Spiritual Fire that leads conquering kings to victory. This was associated with 'good fortune' and thus to the Heil recorded in Germanic Lore. At first there seems no link between Heil - meaning 'whole' etc. - and 'fire' but when we note that the Heil Salute invokes the Ken-Rune, the Rune of Fire, this becomes clear. This is associated with Sieg  and with 'Victory'. 

The 'Solar Glory' or Hvareno is said to belong 'to the Aryan Nations, born and unborn, and to the Holy Zarathustra'. In Persian Lore the Eternal Conflict is between the Arya and the Turanians (*) and in one legend it is a Turanian Shah who tries to steal the 'Glory' from a lake but it is Kai Kushrau the Aryan Shah who receives it by Divine Right. The tale is that of Hama chasing Loki after he has stolen the Brosingamen Necklace ('Necklace of Fire') and dived into a lake, into which Hama dives to retrieve the stolen necklace. This is the Necklace of Freya. The Persian Goddess known as Ardvi Sura Anahita is the equivalent of our own Freya, for it is she who owns the Hvareno just as it is Freya who owns the Necklace of Fire. 

(*) The Turanians are the Persian equivalent to the Vedic 'Dasyus' and the Eddaic 'Joten'.

The 'Fire of Kingship' is inherent in the Ken-Rune which has the following important concepts -

King - cyning/konungr/The Kon. The Sacral King.

Kin - the 'kin' and the 'king' are one.

Ken - Knowledge, wisdom and understanding bring this 'Kingly Glory'.

Kun - The 'Serpent-Fire' or 'Fire of Ingwe' which is the Kundalini or 'Candle Fire' which lies within the burial-mound of the AEthelinga (English Rune-Poem). The 'Chan' or 'Serpent' to which Votan belonged - the 'Race of the Serpent'. 

Kon - The highest caste as given by Rig-Hama (Agni-Ingwe). 

Kan - The Fire-Dragon or Fire-Serpent; the 'Khan' or 'Divine King'. 

Maegan and Hael (Heil) are qualities of the Sacral Kingship, especially the latter which meant 'luck' or 'good fortune', but which in esoteric terms denoted this Mystical Fire which is the Hvareno or 'Glory of Light'. In the 'Lay of Rig' we find that Rig teaches Runic Knowledge to the contender for Sacral Kingship. 

I have shown before how both Hama-Heimdall and Ingwe have many similarities; there are also overlaps with Woden too. We find in the Holy White Stone of Ing that the 'Gift of Ing' is Fire, and here the Ken-Rune is carved as an 'inverted Y' which is the Sacrificial Fire and the Sacrificial Smoke that sours towards the heavens and the Gods. This Sacrificial Fire is the link between Midgard and Asgard, as is the Bifrost Bridge and also Heimdall who links Man to the Gods. The Rune of Hama is the Man-Rune.

I am not going into the links between Agni-Ingwe-Hama-Woden but here I shall list some of the concepts attributed to Agni/Fire in the Vedas, through the work of Sri Aurobindo (*) -

  • Agni - The Inner Fire,
  • The Mystic Fire that raises Man to the Immortal, to the Great Heaven,
  • Agni is Higher Truth and the Path to Higher Truth,
  • Agni is Truth (satyam), Right (rtam), and Vast (brhat),
  • He is the One Truth, the One Reality,
  • The Flame of Agni is the Seven-Tongued Power of the Will,
  • God of Knowledge,
  • Mediator between Earth and Heaven (Midgard and Asgard), the 'Messenger' and the 'Traveller',
  • Primal Word of the Truth,
  • The force that pervades all - Agni Vaisvanara,
  • Purifying Fire,
  • Son of Force. Son of Energy,
  • The 'Immortal Messenger',
  • The 'Child of Energy',
  • 'Wide-Seeing' 'Seer of the Word',
  • Tongue of Flame/Ageless Flame/Flame of Energy/Flame-Seer/Ageless Fire/The Shining One/Fire that has come forth from the Truth.
  • The Winged Flame/God of Force and Fire,
  • The Flame - Child of Light.
  • Light of the Sun-World,
  • Lord of the Brilliant Flame,
  • Guardian of the Immortals.
  • Twice-Born Agni,
  • Child of the Waters, the most Strong and Mighty Fire,
  • 'Flame in Man',
  • 'Fire, the Son of Force',
  • Immortal Fire,
  • The Divine Traveller,
  • Rider of the Golden Chariot pulled by Red Horses,
  • The Golden Fire/The Luminous One
  • The Ancient One/The Young One/The Youth/Youngest of the Gods
  • The Flaming Arrow, High-Kindled, Universal Fire,
  • Priest of the Call, Priest of the Word, Lord of the Sacrifice,
  • The Horse of Power/Steadfast in Light,
  • Golden-tusked/' a beast with golden beard and tusks of bright purity..'
  • Fire who dwells in the house, master of the house...,
  • The Sacrificial Flame,
  • The Hawk of the Heavens,
  • The Mighty One,
  • Priest of the Word/ Carrier of the Offerings/Knower of all things born,
  • Flame born in Heaven/Flame born of the Waters/'Twice-Born',
  • Slayer of Darkness
  • Terror of the Destroyer/ Enemy of the Forces of Darkness and Chaos/ Enemy of the Forces of Division, of Lies and Deceit. Enemy of the Demon-Sorcerers.
  • Flame-Seer/ Son of the Wideness.
  • Fire of the Gelded Horse/Fire born from Atharvan,
  • The Living son of the Stone.
  • The Bringer of the Soma (as the Hawk).

These are enough to shown how Agni has many of the attributes of Woden, Hama and Ingwe, and many of the ancient Vedic Hymns are to Agni. Agni is seen to be the Fiery-Force that flows within plants and trees (sap) and the blood of Man. He is the 'Inner Fire' that gives life to us, for when we grow cold we die. As Rig-Manu he came to father the Castes of Aryan Man whence the 'Divine Spark' was placed within each of these Aryan Castes. Agni, like Hama, is associated with a 'Golden Necklace'.

Agni is sometimes referred to as Angiras and associated with him are the Angiras or Angirasas. The name is directly linked to Ang-Eng-Ing, the roots of Ingwe. Not only that, Agni-Angiras is said to be a 'messenger' or 'traveller' since he is the god who mediates between Man and Gods. Is it thus a coincidence that the 'messengers' of the Greek Legends were called 'angels'? That is what the term means, a term misused by the Christians, and today distorted anew by a new breed of 'New Agers' and 'Pagans'. The Greek aggelos, pronounced 'angelos' means 'angel' and I have mentioned how Ygg and Yng could be seen as linked - the link between Ygg (Ancient Name of Woden) and Yng (Ingwe).

The Chariot of Ing is most likely the Great Bear or Waen which has Seven Stars; the Sacred Number 7 is attributed to Agni over and over again. Agni is the 'Driver of the Waen' and thus perhaps Bootes, the constellation of Ingwe. Agni is associated with the Ram (Heimdall) and the Boar (Ingwe) as we see in the concepts outlined above. He has a 'Golden Necklace' and we find Hama seeking and retrieving the lost Necklace of the Brisingas, the property of the Goddess Freya. This necklace is the Necklace of Fire which is taken from the Waters. Ingwe is the Hero-God who is 'Born of the Waters' and arises from the Great Deep (Waters of Dissolution). 

We can perhaps gleam more knowledge of this through a rather unsavoury source - Aleister Crowley. As I have said before, I do not condone his life-style, nor his work, but I do see something important in his Book of the Law, and it is to this that I seek this knowledge.

We have seen the links between Horus and Ingwe, and in the Book of the Law Horus is featured in Part II as Hadit. This is, I believe, a Chaldean name, here used for some unknown reason within an Egyptian Text. Hadit is the Centre of the Sphere which is everywhere whilst his 'bride' is Nut/Nu/Nuit who is the circumeference which is knowhere found. The 'Centre which is everywhere and the Circumference which is nowhere' feature heavily in the works of Miguel Serrano, though I don't think he was a fan of Crowley. 

The key to this is in the statement -

"I am the Flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star. I am Life and the Giver of Life..."

This is the basis of the Vedic God, Agni, who is the Flame of Life that burns within all life. He is termed 'the axle of the wheel' which is interesting since Agni is kindled from the friction of the Fire-Wheel around its Axle. He is of 'Force and Fire', as we see in Agni. He is also seen as a 'Snake that giveth Knowledge and Delight and Bright Glory...' which can also be seen as Ingwe (Serpent) and Agni (Bright Glory and Delight). 

Hadit is also said to be the 'Secret Serpent coiled about to spring' which is the Fire-Serpent or Kundalini, also associated with Agni-Ingwe. Just as Agni is both of Heaven and Earth, so is Hadit said to be one with Nuit when he lifts his head, and one with the Earth when he droops his head. Hadit is, like Agni, not associated with 'reason' but with the 'Will' -

'If Will stops and cries Why, invoking Because, then Will stops and does nought.

If Power asks Why, then is Power weakness.'

Hadit is the 'secret centre' and seems to have been symbolised by the Winged Globe, and he is the Winged Secret Flame. We have seen how Horus is the 'Hawk-Headed God' and Agni is also seen as a Hawk. The Winged Secret Flame is the Fire-Serpent. This is the Secret Fire that is within us, and this is the Fire of Ingwe. Hadit is called the 'Winged Snake of Light'.

In Crowley's Book of the Law we find the Stele of Revealing mentioned; this was (at least some decades ago when I visited Egypt) housed in the Cairo Museum, numbered 666 (significant to Crowley, of course). It shows Nut/Nuit arched over Hadit (the Winged Globe). Below these are (to the left) the figure of Horus as the 'Hawk-Headed God' with the Solar-Disc above his head.

There seems to be a problem in that Hadit is equated by Crowley with Horus, or an aspect of Horus he calls Heru-Ra-Ha which is a 'combination of twin gods' named Ra-Hoor-Khuit (**) and Hoor-Paar-Kraat. Yet those who have followed (or seemingly followed) Crowley equate Hadit with Set, the exact opposite to Horus, who is the slayer of Set. Thus the God of Darkness and Chaos has seemingly been substituted for the God of Light and Order. Admittedly, later in his work, Crowley seems to have given mixed signals and some of his evocations are definitely Dark Forces, but the Book of the Law is definitely based around the Solar-Powers.

(**) Ra-Hoor-Khuit is described as a 'God of War and Vengeance' and seems to be an aspect of Horus like our Wid-Ar the Avenger. His work is done through the Book of the Law - III.

There is a strange text within the Vedas which seems to shed light upon the source of the Servants of Darkness -

"O Fire, who are these who are binders of the Adversary, who are the guardians, the luminous ones that shall possess and conquer? who keep the foundation of the falsehood? who are guardians of the untrue Word?

These were thy comrades, O Fire, who have turned away from they, they were benignant and have become malign; they have done violence to themselves by their words spreading crooked things to the seekers after straightness...'

We refer to these as The Illuminati and their source seems to have been through the God of Fire and Light; they have fallen from the Light into the Darkness - the 'Fallen Angels' would be an apt term in light of this, especially as this term has actually been coined of the source of Evil in this world. 

Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Nineteen Eighty-Four

Over the Yule period I watched the Nineteen Eighty-Four film which was released in 1984 and starred Richard Burton, John Hurt, Suzanna Hamilton and Cyril Cusack. Having read the book a few years ago, and also writing a piece on this revealing how so much of it has become reality in our times, I decided to watch the film, even though it was rather boring as it turned out. 

Some have tried to link Orwell's totalitarian state to the Nazis, but as clearly shown in the logo above 'Ingsoc' means 'English Socialism'. and although the colours White, Red and Black are used this does not fit with the message that is clearly imposed upon this logo - the clasping of a White Hand and a Black Hand. This message was not restricted to this film and has been used over and over again within messages designed as a propaganda exercise for the Global Order. The image is that of 'Black and White Unite' which is a leftist propaganda slogan. The film tried to infer that National Socialism was the basis of 'The Party' but from Orwell's other works we find that he attacked not only Nazism but also Egalitarian Socialism and Marxist Communism, even though not naming them directly. 

But there is something else about this logo, and that is the "V" symbol which has also been used in the 'V for Victory' symbolism of VE Day and other celebrations. I believe that it was back in 1995 with the fifty years celebrations that a VE Day logo was created in such a way that the occult imagery was quite obvious. Unfortunately, I have lost the cutting that I had from the time and cannot find any trace of this symbol online, so I will have to describe it as best I can remember it. 

I recall that it had the usual 'V' image but this was within a kind of 'fire-basket' with flames and (I think) a torch. This is as far as I can recall the imagery, but it certainly looked like similar occult symbols, especially the 'torch' which features on the image of 'Baphomet'. 

In the above we see the 'V for Victory' mudra which was used during World War II by Winston Churchill, who is said to have had certain occult links. What is interesting about this symbol is that it was said by Aleister Crowley to be the Symbol of Typhon the Destroyer. Crowley worked for British Intelligence and it seems that through them he passed this symbolism to Churchill who approved it and henceforth used it as his personal 'V For Victory' symbol. 

In Crowleyan terms ISIS-APOPHIS-OSIRIS (IAO) stood for the destruction of Nature (Isis) by Apophis the Destroyer, and its regeneration though Osiris 'slain and risen'. This seems to be from the Golden Dawn and is a modern interpretation of the Gnostic IAO formula. Apophis is Typhon or Set, and this is the Dark God worshipped by the Hyksos who usurped the power of the Egyptian Pharaohs and ruled Egypt until they were overthrown. Apophis is the 'anti-god' of the Egyptians. Some think that this symbolism ('V') was used to destroy the power of the Swastika, hence Crowley's involvement in British Intelligence and the use of the symbol by Churchill. 

Clearly the use of the above occult symbolism has been used to further the aims of the New World Order which arose out of the 'victory' of World War II, even though in fact it was far from this since it cost the lives of millions of Europeans, and Britain hardly 'won' since the British Empire was carved up in order to forge the basis of a One-World State. How many nations in history have 'won' a war and lost territory in doing so? Ever since then Orwell's idea, 'WAR IS PEACE', took hold through the continuous wars since then followed by the ever-continuing 'War on Terror' which is still going on into the future. 

I have been over the symbolism of the figure known as 'Baphomet' as shown above, but will repeat this here for convenience -

  • The V-Shaped horns of the goat may well have the same symbolism as the 'V' sign.
  • This is a male-female composite which is all part of the 'dissolution' process, today found in the drive in which 'gender' cannot be 'assumed'.
  • The right hand points at a White Moon (White Man) whilst the left hand points downwards at a Black Moon (Black Man). The alchemical formula - Solve et Coagula - on the arms suggests 'to break down and run together'.
  • This figure squats upon the globe of the Earth, symbolic of world-domination. 
  • The goat's head also suggests a composite 'animal-man' as well as the mixing of male-female, black-white. 
  • The torch probably symbolises the 'Illuminated Ones' or 'Illuminati' since these people feel themselves 'enlightened' even though they are merely the 'Counter-Initiation' who dwell in darkness and ignorance.
  • The black wings may suggest that these forces seek to dominate the spiritual realms too. 

Clearly the message given in this film is that of a future totalitarian state, and that this state is, like we are today, ruled by 'socialism'. There is a growing backlash against this leftist control which imposes restrictions on freedom of speech and movement. The raid by the Thought Police mimics the 'Dawn Police Raids' used today against those who oppose this corrupt system - left or right, or anyone else. The use of hidden cameras has come about in a different way through CCTV which is openly used, and openly accepted by the gullible who see it as a means of 'fighting crime' - even though crime is rocketing out of control, proving this is not working at all (or is not designed for this). 

What Orwell did not foresee was the extent to which this control extended, for in his work the 'proles' were far freer since it was the party members who were the subject of complete control. Today we see that the 'party-members' extend through all bureaucratic levels of society but the 'proles' are also controlled through propaganda, and used to further the aims of the state, whether through the violence of the mob or through passing information to the system. That control seemed almost complete until recent months when a growing opposition appeared from nowhere. There is obviously something deeper working here.

I am assuming that the 'Ingsoc' image was created for this film and not the idea of Orwell himself; it is certainly the work of the Counter-Initiation and a useful tool in their Eternal War against the Forces of Light and Order. It is still being used today, long after World War II. Where the problem lies in researching this is the mist that surrounds Aleister Crowley and his work; he is not exactly a good example to live by. Neither is his work clear either since his 'Book of the Law' is clearly anti-democratic, anti-people, anti-equality and yet here we seem to have him on the side of 'democracy' and 'equality' since this was the force that became dominant after World War II. In his list of 'saints' he mentions Adam Waushaupt who created the Illuminati on the basis of 'Liberty, Equality, Fraternity' - the so-called 'Brotherhood of Man'. Some of the evocations he made in ritual are those of Dark Powers, although he may have evoked these to gain knowledge of them - we do not know. On the other hand he was clearly indebted to Friedrich Nietzsche and his idea of the 'Overman'. 

One of the important things we need to remember is that symbolism is shown to be a powerful force in itself, and that any movement for change needs to have a powerful symbol that can be used to move the masses. The 'V for Victory' symbol invoking Apophis the Destroyer is such a symbol, as is the powerful Swastika which even today is rising again as an Aryan Symbol, Polar Symbol and Solar Symbol. This is the 'Fool's Foot' (Fylfot) which today resurrects the Divine Fool or The Hooded Man. 

Note (added January 2nd 2019) - The 'V' sign seems to have been used as a kind of insult to others, as it is used today in the form of the opposite to the sign on the poster - where the hand faces towards the one using it. There are photos of Churchill using the sign in both of the variations, and presumably someone had to point out to him this error. 

The above shows the Crowleyan use of the symbol but I have no idea as to whether this was his work or one of those who came after him and put this together. Since this is said to be the 'Sign of Apophis' this is something that needs to be looked into at some point. It is important because the name was taken up by one of the Hyksos Kings who invaded Egypt and through this king the ancient Egyptian Kingship was destroyed and gave way to the Pharaohs. In doing this, it seems, the ancient knowledge of resurrection and immortality was lost. It appears that the Hyksos and the Habiru ('Hebrews') were a kindred Semitic people who eventually merged to form the 'Tribes of Israel'. Apophis was the 'Serpent of Evil' and the polar-opposite to the Egyptian Ma'at - Goddess of Right, Order, Justice and Light.