Wednesday, 13 November 2019

The First English Awakening

Just over eight years ago the 'Great Englisc Folcmoot' was held in Wiltshire; Woden's Folk attended this historical event and a Wodenic Handfasting was held during the evening around the campfire. This formed part of what we could call 'Englisc Nationalism' which was never a political movement but one of culture and identity. The Steadfast Trust was an English Charity which helped English Folk and funded projects for the English Folk - not allowable today, hence the reason it had to be destroyed. Woden's Folk was the Spiritual Movement that was a growing power at this time. 

Woden's Folk held a Wodenic Handfasting at the 'Great Englisc Folcmoot' during the evening around the campfire. There were around 50-60 people who gathered to hear this which was quite remarkable for a Heathen Rite at a gathering that was not strictly heathen. This was a really powerful occasion for everyone who gathered there.

This gathering was truly amazing since it attracted a large number of people to it; even an attempt by some local liberal-leftie to call the police failed miserably and the event went on without hitch. These people never cease claiming anyone loyal to his people and land to be 'fascist' or 'neo-nazi', as well as 'hate-mongers' and 'intolerant' and yet they are the intolerant people who will not allow anyone who has a different view to speak out or to hold any activity they do not agree with. 

The reason why I have put up this video now is to emphasise what should have been an English Awakening but which did not come about due to in-fighting and squabbles that ended with the whole thing breaking down. Woden's Folk came out of this untouched and as strong and ever, but some groups were not so lucky, and Steadfast were soon to be targeted for attacks by the media and press which led to it being destroyed. Of course, the positive side is that those people who were part of this revival are still out there and no doubt most have not changed their views at all. 

What has come out of this first phase in the English Awakening is that the White Dragon has become the prime symbol of the English Folk and the English Awakening. As shown in the film this flag has become widely used, and it is also used outside this movement now too. 

This is important since a symbol is not merely an image, it has a power of its own, a power to unite. It is not well known that the word 'symbol' means 'to unite'. This brings me to another point, and one which is just as important in a wider context. Very often we think of 'The Devil' as being made up by Christians for the purpose of having an 'opposition', but there is something that seems to suggest that the name was used (originally, in older times) in the same way as the Vedic 'Dasyus' and Norse 'Joten'. The word 'devil' comes from the Greek diaballo which means 'to divide', so has a similar meaning to the Vedic and Norse terms used for the enemy of Gods and Men. A 'symbol' is thus the means to unite a people against a common threat to their survival.

What has distracted people in this scene ever since is the 'Christian Nationalist' movements that sprang up from nowhere, manipulated and financed by the Global Powers. Even within this movement we find the White Dragon Flag flying at gatherings of English people. This new movement seems to have slowed down very quickly here which hints that the Global Powers are pulling the plug out again; maybe it has for some reason served its purpose for them. 

Please watch this video right through to the end since it does show how, without financial backing, the English Folk can now and then put on something that is inspiring and about English Identity, Culture and Tradition. Without the backbiting, infighting and squabbles more would have come out of this, and much of this can be put down to 'social media'. When our Folk get out and do something as 'Activists' and not 'Keyboard Warriors' then we shall get somewhere faster. 

Sunday, 10 November 2019

Folk-Ecology vs Fake Environmentalism

'Climate Emergency' - Fake Environmentalism.

Many young people (and older people) will not know how they are being deceived with the latest 'Climate Emergency' which is spreading like wildfire across the globe. Were they to check the not so far distant past they would see through this deception. 'Alarm bells' begin to ring when we see such rich and famous money-bags as Aileen Getty putting some £500,000 into the venture. This new enterprise is called 'Extinction Rebellion', a name that wreaks of scaremongering. Rather than a 'rebellion' this seems more likely to be a very clever trick of deception whereby those who have created the situation we are in today have come to realise that the resources they need for energy will run out so they need a complete change of tactics to introduce 'new' energy-systems. Hence the use of the gullible 'Greens' to do this for them. 

Of 'Extinction Rebellion' it is said - 'It has grown into an international movement, backed by celebrities, academics and writers...' (The Telegraph). Compare this with a piece in the same newspaper dated October 6th 1990; this relates to a group being set up called 'Quiet Desperation' ('extinction', 'desperation') which are 'A group of concerned citizens - professional, media, academic - who view the future with grave foreboding.' This quote is given from The Guardian by Auberon Waugh writing in The Daily Telegraph under 'Way of the World'. He wryly notes - 'No "workers", you note'. Auberon Waugh then goes on to expose these people for what they are -

'Translated into plain English, the manifesto should read: We are a group of useless intellectuals who have just discovered that socialism does not work and are desperately in need of another issue to make us feel morally superior and self-important.'  This, of course, hits the nail on the head; in the latest manifestation of the very same 'desperation' over the environment we find these 'useless intellectuals' urging the same type of 'environmentalists' to become martyrs and face imprisonment, but this, of course, does not apply to those financing and manipulating behind the scenes whilst sitting in their ivory-towers.

In an earlier piece by the same writer in The Daily Telegraph he mentions a 'Rock Concert' being put on by the BBC 'as the crowning glory to a week of debates, lectures and children's poetry-readings on the subjects of the environment'. He also mentions another 'Rock Concert' held in Central Park, New York, where the same type of 'environmentalists' left behind 40 tons of litter - a bit like those who hold their annual 'Summer Solstice Festival' at Stonehenge with the approval of English Heritage (who claim that they do not approve of 'anti-social behaviour'). 

Rubbish at Stonehenge

Things do not change much; the theme of the weeks events back in 1990 was 'One World - One Voice'. It seems that nothing has been learned from the past; we have the same old 'Global Village' twaddle being pumped into people through the same method of scaremongering about a global catastrophe, which, of course needs global action - i.e. a Global Dictatorship. If anyone still doubts the truth of this I would suggest they count the number of new laws that have been forced upon the English people in these past decades - laws designed to control every facet of our lives. 

 Folk-Ecology -

  Logic shows us that as the world comes closer and closer together, creating larger and larger institutions of control, forming a vast bureaucracy spreading its web across the world, things are getting worse and worse. Stemming from the Old Testament dogma that man should 'dominate the Earth', propagated by the man-centred religions that have themselves dominated mankind for over 2000 years, the results are bringing the Earth to the brink of destruction. The twin forces of Global Finance/Global Corporations and Global Marxism are supposed to be polar-opposites but in reality are working hand-in-hand, as the farce of 'Extinction Rebellion' clearly shows. 

Global Finance creates the wealth needed for Global Corporations to flourish and make vast amounts of profits. At the same time, whilst making these vast profits, the Earth's resources are being depleted rapidly. I will give one example here - bottled water. Water comes down from the clouds to the Earth; it comes down free of charge. From the water sources of the world it is collected, 'purified' (i.e chemicals are put into it) and then sold off to the consumers at a vast profit. That was how it was, but this rip-off does not end there now. Because of the purification process water now tastes worse than it used to, so consumers are fed the idea of using 'bottled spring water', which (of course) in many cases does not actually come from a spring. This has become a multi-billion pound industry world-wide.

The problem is that these Global Corporations tap the water from sources that have come from these springs, and the water-tables naturally get lower and lower. This is the reason that we no longer find springs scattered all across our once green and pleasant land. Then there arises the problem of 'litter' with the millions and millions of plastic bottles used for this purpose. To ensure that the people do not have access to their own water supply laws have been created; even if one drills down to tap water as these corporations do the water-authorities will no doubt charge to 'purify' this water - as if Natural Water needs any 'purification'. This has actually happened in the past.

As opposed to the vastly destructive globalism there is the alternative of an ecological movement based upon the concept of 'Think National - Act Local!'. Things have to get smaller and not grow larger and larger until the Earth is destroyed. The basic unit is the family (*) which is what we should look at in terms of self-sufficiency and self-reliance. Every family-unit should ideally be as self-reliant and self-sufficient as possible. Of course, the family cannot be broken from the larger unit, the tribe, nor from the idea of the Folk-Nation. 

Each basic family-unit should be able to provide its own energy-supply, water-supply and waste-disposal. What cannot be done at a family level is done through the Folk-Community or Folk-Tribe. This also applies to food production which starts with food-growing by each family and hunting for food as has always been done. Again, this starts with the family through the Folk-Community where necessary. National interference should not be necessary in such a healthy society, not in regard to food, water, energy and waste anyway. Of course, surplus food or whatever can be used to barter outside the family or tribe. 

I am going to give an example of how this 'localisation' would work better than the 'national' or 'global' system that is destroying everything. Years ago I worked at an organic farm in East Sussex and was asked to make a toilet-waste are by the use of bales of hay. This I did by stacking hay like one would lay bricks and the sewage-waste pipe was put into the middle of the stack. About 12-18 months later I was asked to take the whole thing apart to create a new stack. Somewhat sceptical of the outcome, I did so; there was in fact no trace of any of the waste, nor any kind of smell either. The waste is then scattered and ploughed into the land. This can be done at every family level, and there are alternatives to hay which are just as valid.

With the advance of solar-power and wind-power the use by a single family unit is now not out of the question. True, a massive wind-turbine in the back garden would not be feasible unless one had a massive back garden, but small wind-turbines could be worked upon as an alternative. Neither wind-power nor solar-power are any good on their own; here in England the Sun does not always shine throughout the year, and the wind is not always blowing. Combine the two and this could be overcome. There is at least room for individual experiment here. Water-power was once part of the energy-production and this alternative can be revived where possible. 

The first step for any Folkish Wodenist is in food-growing which is a step towards self-reliance. This we are doing through the Edel-Project made up of a number of individuals within the Movement. Those who hunt and fish add this to their self-reliance. Alternative water and energy can then be looked at as to how efficient they would be to the family-unit. 

Of course, all of this is today merely a pipe-dream because such an alternative would not be allowed here in England, nor for that matter in many other lands. Groups of people have got together to start an alternative community and are always attacked for their 'alternative views'; those who build upon system-values or wish to live in filth and squalor can do so, of course. If people wish to try to become more self-reliant they need to do so without attracting attention. The problem lies in that the mainstream system is designed to control every facet of our lives, and we stand against this because we believe that freedom is worth fighting for. Our forefathers fought and died to remain free of tyranny and oppression. This freedom is not just for us, but for our children, and their children, and their children............

'None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.'

Johann Wolfgang von Goeth.

Friday, 1 November 2019

An Land - An Blod - An Folc

Some years ago I pointed out an old prophecy from the time of Queen Elizabeth I which went something like - 'When hemp is spun, England's done'. Hemp is, of course, from the cannabis plant, and this prophecy was fulfilled decades ago by the wife of Paul McCartney, Linda McCartney, who came up with the idea of using the cannabis plant to make handbags - thus 'spinning' hemp. In reality, this was perhaps a couple of decades ago and this did indeed herald the 'death' of England. But, as with all Nature, death is never an ending, but should be seen as a new beginning. It is a transition period between great changes that are all part of a cycle. 

When we enter a period in which a void appears this is the time to fill that void, not see this as a negative time when all is lost. Because we are attacked for our views that are the polar opposite to the modern 'progressive' society should never make us back down - it should make us even more determined to struggle against all odds to create positive change. Change only ever comes through the few and never the many. And everything is always in a state of flux and change. There is so much said about 'Positive Thinking' but in line with society today this is invariably aimed at the individual; what we need is to extend this to the Group-Mind rather than as separate individuals working for their own ends. 

An Land - An Blod - An Folc is a battle-cry based upon looking forwards to a new English Folk-Nation based upon the only ideals capable of bringing back harmony and balance to a Nation and Folk. One Land - England! One Blood - Blood Kin! One Folk - The English Folk! And this, of course, extended to the other Folk-Nations of Kindred Blood. With the great onslaught upon our Folk this would seem a far-off aim, but in these times things can change quickly, as time itself speeds onwards towards decay and death - the decay and death of the Old Order! 

Because we live here in England we have to centre our work around the English, holding our activities here in England. But we recognise the need to work with all like-minded blood-kin throughout the world, and also to recognise that all peoples and races are threatened by this Global Tyranny, though we ourselves work for our own Folk. Despite this statement we shall be called 'Fascists', 'Neo-Nazis', 'White Supremacists' and everything else that the press, media and 'anti-fascists' (working with the press and media) can throw at us. Do we care - No! We are Folkish Wodenists who are reviving an ancient Folk-Religion suited to our times, a religion recognised in English Law and thus not a 'fake spirituality'  (*) as the ignorant would have people believe. 

The sprawling urban communities of the cities and large towns are soulless areas breeding a soulless people, a mass of human slaves chained to commerce and industry. This started here in England with the 'Industrial Revolution' which not only encouraged tens of thousands to move from Rural England into the cities and the 'Satanic Mills', but also changed the cities from centres of culture into a mass of slums. There must now be a 'Rural Revolution' whence the move should be from the cities to Rural England, something started between the two world wars by such people as Rolf Gardiner (co-founder of the Soil Association) and D.H. Lawrence, as well as a host of others who worked with the growing Folkish Movement across Europe. There has to be a 'Back-to-the-Land' movement that will start to recreate the old Folk-Communities that formed the backbone of our Nation. The aim of Rolf Gardiner's work was to 'rebuild a hill-and-vale economy along modern organic lines'; here, the economy would serve the Nation and not the Nation serve economics. 

Rolf Gardiner tried to do this by 'creating a reinvigorated stock of countrymen' from the unused (unemployed) material of the towns. I have no idea of what the people who attended his camps actually thought of this, or how they reacted to the ideas of song and dance that would create a comradeship and also a 'Strength Through Joy' (Wagner). These attempts were made to recreate the mystical link between the Blood of the Folk and the Soil of the Land.

An Land - An Blod

But to recreate the Heildom and bring harmony and balance to any society such a society must be centred around a harmonious working with Nature, and also a harmonious working with the Cosmos. As D.H. Lawrence said - 'We must plant ourselves again in the Universe.' We have to create a New Order in microcosm that will act as the 'Seed of Life' which will grow and flourish into a new 'Tree of Life' at the macrocosmic level. There are three things needed to achieve such aims -

  • Enthusiasm as a driving-force creating a fanatical religious fervour that drives us to achieve what we have set out to do - WODEN.
  • The Will-to-Achieve that drives and motivates, that pushes us on against all odds to overcome all obstacles and opposition to our aims - WILL.
  • The religious fervour or fanaticism that overcomes the 'I cannot' part of the human mind and drives us to achieve our goals - WEOH.

The White Dragon symbolises not only the English Folk-Nation (that which is to come) but also the Land of England. This White Dragon is marked out across the South of England from Winchester (the ancient English Capital and Capital of the Belgae) to the Long Man of Wilmington, as the White Chalk Downs known as the South Downs. The White Dragon is etched into the English Consciousness and the Land of England - it has to be fully awakened in order to awaken the English Folk. That awakening has started, even though this may not be recognised as yet; more and more groups and individuals are using the White Dragon Flag, a sign of an awakening that is growing in power. The increased suppression of Folkish Wodenism is a sign that there is a growing awakening of the English Folk, even though this is at a deep level at this time. 

(*) The only 'fake spirituality' is that already made up by the Old Order in order to ensure that the people do not find their own roots and their own destiny. This is 'fake spirituality' since it has no links to the organic origins of our Folk, and does not come from the Blood Memory. Much of modern-day 'paganism' and the 'New Age Movement' diverts the young people from their true origins and their True Religion.