Monday, 25 October 2021

The Age of the Fire-Eagle


"Agni Yoga is a synthesis of all yogas. In all the ancient Hindu Scriptures the approaching Fiery Epoch has been predicted. It is said that Agni - the Fire that is found in varying degrees at the foundation of all yogas - will saturate the atmosphere of our planet tremendously, and all the branches of yoga will be fused into a fiery synthesis. Agni Yoga is a fiery baptism."

Fiery World II - Helena Roerich.

The Signs in the Heavens of August 11th 1999 told of the conception of the Age of Ingwe when the Sign of Ingwe appeared in the planetary position of that particular day. The 'Cross of Fro-Ing' (The White Krist) or the 'Rune of Ingwe' was predicted in Matthew and the conception of the Age of Transition predicted by Nostradamus. The Black Sun (Solar Eclipse) brought back to life the 'King of the Angles (Ingwe) and ushered in the Age of the Son. The Sun, Moon and the Morning Star (Venus) are in the House of the White Dragon (here as Leo the Lion at the top). 

We need to understand that this is an 'age of transition' between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius. This is the time-in-between-time, the liminal period between the two world-ages; this is the time when the Power of Light and the Power of Darkness are in balance - at least in regard to the New Order. This period is ruled over by The Hooded Man who holds within himself the Power of Light and the Power of Darkness.

The Kalachakra Tantra prophesies that when all is lost Kalki will emerge from Shambhalla to vanquish the 'Dark Forces' and usher a worldwide Golden Age. The coming of the Last Avatar will be at the very point of Day-Break of the Age of Aquarius. Agni Yoga was the term used of the work done by Roerich and his wife Helena Roerich, the latter who continued this after his death. It was said that Morya, one of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, gave this wisdom to the Roerichs. It is said that he will incarnate physically in order to be the Manu of the New Root-Race. 

As we have shown, our Fire-God Ingwe is the counterpart of the Vedic Agni; Ingwe is the Creative-Fire of the Cosmos. Ingwe - as Sheaf - came down to the Folk in the North (Isle of Scandi) bringing the skills of Corn-growing, the Divine Fire, and the means to survive in the transition from the Golden Age to the coming Ice-Age. Ingwe brought the Divine Fire from the Gods, and he also brought the Elixir of Immortality from the Heavens to the Earth. 

This is the Age of Fire as prophesied in the Holy Eddas, when the worlds will be cleansed by the Fires of Surt. According to Helena Roerich - "Ur is the root of the Light of Fire" - Ur being another name of Aditi, the Mother of the Gods (Fiery World I - Helena Roerich). Helena Roerich called herself Tara Urusvati which means 'The Light of the Morning Star'. 

Gesar Khan - Roerich

In these ancient prophecies it is said that the Kalki Avatar (Gesar Khan, Maitreya etc.) will only appear 'when all is lost', at the very darkest of times for mankind and the Earth. At the very end S-Ur-T-Ur will come brandishing a Flaming Sword by which he will cleanse the Nine Worlds with Fire and Destruction. In Hindu Lore it is the Dance of Shiva (as 'The Terrible One' - Ugre) that destroys and recreates through a Cleansing by Fire. 

Maitreya - The Conqueror

If we look at the idea of Manu we find that this is a god-force that descends to Earth, incarnating in a physical form, in order to bring the Divine Laws to mankind, and also to create/recreate the Divine Order of the Gods (Caste System). Manu is an archetype akin to Heimdall of Norse Mythology, who himself is a similar archetype to Sceaf-Ingwe. These are connected to Agni who was, like Heimdall, a God of Fire, and who first established kingship upon the Earth. The Laws of Manu are rather a late, garbled version of the Divine Law, since much of this relates to petty 'rules' rather than Divine Laws. But the gist of the text retains its former glory handed down to us from the Aryan Manu.

The first form of fire is the Creative Fire of Ingwe; this is the Divine Fire and Light that burns within the Folk. Ingwe is the god that ignites the Fire Within, the Divine Spark of Immortality. Ingwe is Light, Warmth and Fire, the Fire that glows within us - the Fire of the Gods. This is the Inga-Fire, known as the Agni-Fire in the Agni-Yoga System. Ingwe is the Fiery-Serpent - the God of Fire, Force and the Sacred Flame of Life. It is this god-force that rules over this transition period in the Epoch of Fire. 

Agni is said to ride a bull, and also sometimes a Ram, the Divine Symbol of Heimdall. But he is also associated with a Divine Hawk (just as is Horus in Egyptian Lore) named Shyena. As this Divine Hawk he ascends to heaven to bring back the Soma (Nectar of the Gods) to Earth in order to regenerate all life upon Earth. In the Puranas Shyena becomes Garuda who brought the Amrita (Nectar of the Gods) from heaven at the bequest of Kadru, the Mother of Serpents. Garuda is depicted as an Eagle. 

"Before all birds he ranked this bird, O Maruts; supreme of falcons, be this fleet-winged Shyena, because, strong-pinioned, with no chariot to bear him, he brought to Manu the god-loved oblation (Soma).'

Rig Veda IV 26:4

The essence of the coming era is one of Regeneration by Fire; each world-age is destroyed by Fire and Flood. This is an age of Force and Fire - of the Will-to-Power. Ingwe rekindles the Fire of Cleansing and Creation, of Destruction-to-Regeneration. This is the chance that Man has to become 'as gods', to become one of the Immortals. The term 'mortal' means to taste of death, whilst 'immortal' means to conquer death and achieve Eternal Life. Ingwe is the Immortal amongst Mortals. 

We should also remember that Weland the Smith is a Fire-God, a God of Creative-Fire, forger of swords and divine weapons. Take a look at the photo below which was taken at Wayland's Smithy, and contrast this with a depiction of the Agni-Fire shown below that -

Inga-Fire at Wayland's Smithy


The latter was taken from an online photo of the Agni-Fire, whilst the former was taken at one of the numerous Folk-Moots held by Woden's Folk at the Wayland's Smithy. The similarities between these two is rather obvious, and it is still not clear how the camera came up with this at the time. The photo taken at Wayland's Smithy was with the White Dragon Banner in the background, another synchronicity. 

The Ing-Rune (as shown above) is the Kan-Fusion version, itself being based upon Fire and in particular the Fire of the Dragon or the Fiery Winged Serpent. This rune is used by Folkish Wodenists here in England and is found on the Holy White Stone of Ing, the finding of which emphasised the importance of the Age of Ing, and indeed, the prophecy in Revelation about this   White Stone clearly states that the 'New Name of God' (i.e. the ruling god-force) can be found in the White Stone - Ing. In Genesis the 'serpent' (i.e. the Fiery Serpent) helps mankind by showing the way to knowledge, and then to the Tree of Life (immortality) whence he can become 'as gods'. 

The Dark Forces that rule over the world in our era will no doubt try to attain 'immortality' for themselves, just as they slew the Divine King in order to find these secrets for themselves, thousands of years ago. But their 'immortality' is yet another sick parody, being that of the immortality of the 'cells', of the physical rather than the spiritual, since they deny Soul, Spirit and the Will. Everything that they do is but a sick copy of the Truth, the Light and the Right. Might is right in the fight for our freedom and our upward evolution. 

A quick word about the Eagle - the King of Birds. In Tolkien's Mythology we find that at critical points, when all seems lost, there appear the Eagles of Manwe who are the Messengers of Manwe. Manwe Sulimo is the King of the Valar (The Gods), and it is he who directs the Eagles, usually summoned by Gandalf the Wizard. The Eagle was usually the bird that flew to the Gods to gain for man the Secrets of Immortality. In regard to the Amrita - Nectar of the Gods - this, like Soma, seems to be the Sacred Mead, which has become a line of discussion as to what exactly this was. Although the physical object represents its counterpart in the Other-World, I'm not so sure it is wise to try to find the physical contents of the Mead drunk by Saxons and Vikings, rather than looking at the chemical process that seems to take place in the brain, where a nectar-like substance (DMT?) is secreted into the back of the throat, as attained to by Hindu Yogis. This is the physical counterpart to the spiritual awakening that takes place in very deep concentration and meditation. The whole process could well be seen as linked to the shape-shifting of Woden from the Serpent (base of the mountain) into the Eagle (top of the mountain), where he sits in the Golden Seat. This is how he gains three drinks of the Sacred Mead, putting them into the three vats or kettles - Bodn, Son & Odroerir. This Tantric Rite of Woden is obviously linked to the Fire-Serpent or Kundalini-Force. 

Monday, 18 October 2021

The Archetypal Mark

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man: and his number is 666."

Revelation 13:16-18.

This has been so banded around that it should be second-nature to most people, but here I would like to look at this in more detail. This is a 'prophecy' but it is also and 'Archetypal Myth' and as such could be seen as something that occurs over and over again throughout the Cycles of the Ages. For this reason we need to look at this from this perspective, and like The Tower in the Tarot Pack this is symbolic and can differ for different times, so taking the whole thing at face value may not be the best way to do this. The Tower or The Falling Tower can be seen to represent the French Revolution and other revolutions around Europe that toppled the Crowns of Europe - the Monarchies of Europe. But, as I have shown before, it can also represent the fall of the Twin Towers and the Age of Capitalism, which is today transmuting into Global Corporatism where the Global Corporations have seized control - of course, funded and financed by the Global Bankers. 

So the idea that a mark 'in their right hand, or in their foreheads' need not be taken literally. This piece states clearly that no man may buy or sell 'save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name'. This seems to give us three methods by which this can be done, not just one single method as it is usually understood. Some YouTube videos appeared to show that the Number 666 featured in the rollout of the global vaccines, as well as in connection with Bill Gates ('The False Prophet'?). Whether this is so I cannot verify so I am not really in a position to make a comment on this. But if this is an Archetypal Number then such 'synchronicities' are certainly not impossible, in fact they are most likely to occur. 

There is no doubt that many Christians have refused the vaccine because they fear that this could not only be linked to the 'Mark of the Beast', but contain a microchip with the 'Number of the Beast'. Back in the 1970s it was banded about that the Electronic Fund Transfer System was the method used to introduce the 'Number of the Beast' and that for everyone in the world to be given a number would mean using the sequence XXXXXX   XXXXXX   XXXXXX - three sets of six-digit numbers, or 666. Now, it is possible that a very small microchip could be injected through a vaccine injection - possible. Whether this has yet been done cannot be verified, or whether it is something for a future vaccine, since there seems a never-ending stream of new vaccines for new strains of 'virus'. But perhaps we need to tread with caution here since, as I said, there seems to be three options for the Global Elite, so there may be other (perhaps even more sinister) ways to go about this. 

There is no doubt that the Smart-Phone and the Vaccine Passport or 'Green Passport' are the tools being used for this, and that the large Global Corporations are in a position to discriminate against anyone who does not have the Vaccine Passport, so that they 'may not buy or sell'. This may also be extended to working too, which is something else to consider. Eventually, of course, this would need some form of method to have this 'implanted' into every human being. Vaccine Passports as ID Papers would be a temporary measure which would later be followed by some permanent method of having a 'Global Number'. 

However, Let us not dwell on the negative side of this, since we are here 'preaching to the converted' no doubt. And to try to pursuade other people is sometimes like 'talking to a brick wall'. Even with all the mounting evidence there are still many, many people who cannot see the wood for the trees. So I feel that the best thing to do now is to look at ways that we, as individuals or families, can avoid getting our selves into the 'shit' when this is fully implemented. We have an idea what they are doing, and going to do, so we have the chance to do something before this happens. What can we do? These ideas are my own and they are not really comprehensive -

  • In one of my other blogs - Guerrilla Survivalism - I have often spoken of the necessity to stock up with enough food to last at least a few weeks, in case of some kind of social breakdown or catastrophic change, or food shortages which are certainly on the cards. (It seems that in the USA 'food shortages' are now being used as a lever to get everyone vaccinated. Maybe some of our US Folk-Comrades can verify this.) But there is another reason to stockpile a small amount of food, and that is in case we are cannot 'buy or sell' due to not having the 'Mark'. This is a good enough reason to do so now, before this can be brought in fully. 
  • There is no doubt that this will eventually become the 'norm', in either local supermarkets or using online shopping. This, of course, would take longer to put into place in smaller shops and sales outlets. Switching to buying from the smaller shops would be a good move at this time, if this is not done already. I buy nearly all of my meat from a local butcher, and use local farm-shops for for some food, though I still use the supermarkets to get cheaper stuff when I need it. I also use for online shopping, merely at this time for convenience (rather than running around using fuel), and also to stock up with things that I will need for the future. 
  • It seems clear to me that we shall be forced to provide as much as our own food as possible through our own Kitchen Garden or through renting an allotment where we have only a very small garden - or both if possible. For myself I have my own Kitchen Garden which I have tended for 20-odd years here (and still by no means achieved self-sufficiency), and two very small allotment plots, one of which has provided potatoes this year, and the other I have rented for use for the next year. Becoming self-sufficient is a very, very hard task, especially with the weather conditions we are having these days. Nothing is easy though and plodding on is the best way to go.
  • With the knowledge that we shall need to provide meat-supplies ourselves means having the equipment to hunt and fish: this is another thing to think of now if this has not already been done. We know that the aim is to provide 'Fake Meat', which will be GM Food to be able to provide a world-wide supply, and of course the future of our vegetables is thus compromised, since these too would be GM Foods. (Since we are seen as 'animals' they will provide us with 'animal food'.) 
  • For myself, foraging for wild food is the next step, though I have been out and about trying to recognise what is food and what is not edible. It seems best to simplify this by noting the most common species of edible food - nettles, clover, dandelion, etc. (I did a post about this on the Guerrilla Survival blog.) 
  • In this modern society there is so much rubbish (trash) lying around in the countryside and woodlands that some stuff can be utilised for survival when the time does come. 
  • We should consider medicines and medication needed by some individuals, since if the NHS here in England is anything to go by we shall find grave problems in the near future. There is a case for going backwards here to herbal remedies (used for thousands of years as opposed to the very short time that modern medicines have been used) for minor illnesses. This also applies to the old 'Household Remedies' which have been used into these times. Some years ago my ex-wife was ill with sharp pains across her stomach; she was in so much pain that I rang a doctor. He was an 'old school' doctor and told me how to make up a quick 'Household Remedy' the ingredients of which I cannot recall, except for ginger and bicarbonate of soda (both known to help with stomach problems). This I did, at the time being rather sceptical of the outcome, but half an hour after using it she was alright again, and it never recurred. Keeping extra medication would be a good idea if this can be done; alternatively it may be wise to try to find other ways to treat the same illnesses using perhaps herbs or spices etc. It seems better to try to find alternatives now, rather than when this does happen. 
  • I have a good selection of books on herbalism, wild plants, and survival techniques etc. which have always come in handy, and which will be a must in future times. Even if we do not have some skills now, it would be very useful to have the means to learn them when the time does come. This also goes for buying equipment now, rather than when this becomes impossible.
These are some ideas that I can think of now, but they are by no means comprehensive, so sit down and think on this to see what you feel you would need in your own circumstances. This would also be the time to put into place the old saying - 'Practice makes perfect' - by getting out and practicing methods of survival and what is now called bushcraft, but which was in earlier times the normal way of life. Times were very hard and everything was far simpler, and self-reliance was important, and will become so again soon. 

At the back of our mind we should consider that when the time comes we will be forced to do something, and at such times a certain amount of creative thought and creativity will come into play, simply because it has to come into play for our survival. But at this time we can certainly make things far easier for ourselves and our families when the time does come. 'Be Prepared!' was the old Scout Motto of Baden Powell, and this we would be wise to consider at this time. Putting things off may not now be the wisest thing, since another point to consider is that if inflation does spiral out of control savings will be wiped out in one foul stroke. Personally, I would rather put my efforts into buying tangible and practical things which are there when I may need them in the future, than having savings that could be wiped out in an instance. 

In regard to this, it seems wise to look to getting hold of the right kit to be able to create what we need ourselves when the time comes that we cannot buy them. This is the most sustainable approach since whatever we buy may not be lasting (little is nowadays), so buying the kit to make our own in the future would be a good move. This goes for what we need to grow food, to hunt, to fish, and to provide alternative energy in times of crisis. Leaving such things to chance is not a very wise thing today, since we can not only guess what is coming, but we can almost be sure of what is coming within the next ten years or so. 

Rather than sitting around worrying of what is happening around us, doing something to offset these future problems keeps the mind occupied, and lifts the spirits somewhat. This has to help to keep us healthy too, since worry and stress have negative effects. Better getting on with our own preparations than listening to the 'doom and gloom' which is pushed at us daily. Hope is thus kindled in a world without Hope

Sunday, 17 October 2021

In Memory of Andrea Haugen


Andrea Haugen

We remember here Andrea Haugen (Hagalaz Runedance  and Nebelhexe) who was murdered in the suspected Islamic Terrorist attack in Kongsberg, Norway. I was given Hagalaz Runedance years ago and still listen to it with much pleasure. This and the recent attack in London seem to indicate a new wave of terror, using different tactics, coincidentally coinciding with the oncoming Winter of Discontent

Monday, 11 October 2021

The Germanic English


This is a subject that I have covered several times before, but I propose to look at some new ideas on this, and hope not to bore you with repeating too much of what I have said in previous posts. It is a subject that needs to be studied because not only are many of the English Folk not aware of their origins and roots, but peoples of other European Nations are sometimes not aware of the Germanic origins of the English, since historians have done such a good 'hatchet-job' of trying to destroy our past history through distortions and lies. 

One of the ways that English History was distorted was through the 'Legend of King Arthur', where this so-called 'Celtic King' has been raised above any of the famous Germanic Chieftains, such as Hengest and Horse, who came here in the so-called 'Anglo-Saxon Invasion'. In fact, one of the main historians of the time, Gildas the Monk, does not even mention a 'King Arthur'; it seems that the fame of this man was concocted by the later Geoffrey of Monmouth in order to serve the Norman cause over the English. What was probably no more than a local Celtic Chieftain was turned into an 'emperor', event though no records exist of this around Europe. The 'Once and Future King' is an Archetypal Myth centred around the Constellation of Bootes and the star Arcturus - this is the real "King Arctur'. 

It was the ninth century Welsh scholar Nennius who first mentioned this figure, and even then he states that this was from the observation of an earlier Welsh Poet that 'a certain warrior, though brave, was not Arthur'. That is not to say a 'King Arthur' never existed, but that the figure was distorted at certain times of history in order to further some agenda. The true origins of 'King Arthur' lie in the Archetypal Myth of King Arctur which is associated with Bootes, which itself is associated with Ingwe. 

Procopius of Caesarea wrote a piece about Britain in the 6th Century CE; in this he held that three distinct peoples occupied Britain - Angles, Frisians and Britons. These races, he stated, were so fertile that they regularly sent large numbers of men, women and children over to the Franks, who planted them in the emptier parts of Frankish territory. He also wrote of the migration of Britons over to Armorica (Brittany). There is also a tale, backed up by the writings of a monk of Fulda (Germany) a little before 865 CE, and regarded as an 'ancient tale' asserting that the German Saxons sprang from the Angli of Britain through a migration out of Britain in earlier times. The name of a canton, Engilin, between the Unstrut and the Saale suggests an early settlement of Angles in the area. Since the Old Saxon Tongue is somewhat different than Old English and Frisian, this also suggests a much earlier migration from Britain to Germany. credit the Saxons in later times here in England. 

Some historians thus see this migration of Anglo-Saxons as proving that their invasion was halted at this time, even though we find the statements of the migration of the Britons to Armorica. This suggestion does not have to be the only explanation, especially if we consider that the English Tribes were here long before these 'invasions' and that these merely helped to throw of the Romano-British Christian yoke and return the Germanic Tribes already here to their Heathen Gods. Like the later 'Viking' invasions there is a hint here of an underlying destiny of these tribes to counter the growth of the Religion of Evil in these islands. 

I am going to look at something that does point to an early existence of ancient Germanic Tribes here in Britain, and this concerns the two earliest Kings of the West Saxons - Cerdic and Cynric. Firstly, the name 'Cerdic' does not seem to have Germanic roots, though 'Cynric' is certainly of a Germanic origin; hence the idea that the name should be 'Cedric'. Certainly, there could have been a sound-change from the original 'Cedric' to 'Cerdic' and I am going to show how this may have happened. This is a rather complex subject, and there are some obstacles to overcome in understanding the truth of the history of these 'Twin Brothers'. They certainly, like Hengest and Horsa, fit perfectly into the Divine Twins Archetype.

However, these same names appear in the history of a Welsh Royal Line, which starts to complicate matters somewhat. They appear as Ceredig and Cynwrg who were from a Welsh Royal Line found in South Wales. There is a clue in this mystery in that the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles state that Cerdic and Cynric were ealdermen, which means that they were not kings of the West Saxons. Some scholars have recently suggested that they were vassals of the Romans here, and thus why they were seen as ealdermen and not 'kings'. If this were so, they have gone on to suggest that these were pre-Roman leaders of a pre-Roman tribe here in Britain. Since it is very, very unlikely that a people of British descent would drop the Roman yoke and fight with the Saxons, then we can safely assume that they were originally a Germanic Tribe akin to the English who came here later. Thus 'Ceredig' could well be a distortion of 'Cedric'. In fact, these two claimed descent from a Cunedda (pronounced 'Cunetha') who was recorded as having an alternative name-spelling of Cunedag, a name which can have Germanic Roots.

If we trace this 'Welsh' royal lineage it goes way back to a time when this tribe lived in the Scottish Lowlands in a place called in the British Tongue -Gododdin (God-oth-in). This area was once occupied by Saxons and Frisians in the Scottish Lowlands, with the Angles to the East of these Germanic Tribes, around the Edinburgh area. At some time in their history they moved down into Gwynedd (North Wales) and then down further into Dyfed (Mid-Wales). They occupied an area called Ceredigion, named after Ceredig, and one of their rulers was named with the prefix Seis which is the Welsh term for 'Saxon'. This may not prove that they had Germanic Roots, but it certainly goes a long way to suggest some truth in this. (*) 


The 'White Stone of Ing' (above) can be found in a Sussex Church (Sussex = South Saxons), but it stands next to a stone believed to be the gravestone of King Aethelwulf, grandfather of Alfred the Great, King of the West Saxons (Wessex). There is a synchronicity here in that the King of Gwynedd was Maelgwyn Gwynedd, the name 'Maelgwyn' meaning 'White Stone', and there are various legends of a 'White Stone' in these parts of Wales. We should not forget that Gwynedd and Anglesey (Angles Island) were in earlier times occupied by the Tegeingl ('Fair Ingles'), and the Concani (Gangani - a Germanic name meaning 'Wanderers'). 

Since the West Saxon Royal Line also claims descent from Sceaf (Scef-Ingwe) then they were clearly asserting their claim to a most ancient origin as Ingefolc. Cerdic and Cynric were obviously regaining their rightful positions as Saxon Kings when they backed the incoming Germanic Tribes, the so-called Angles, Saxons and Jutes (and sometimes Frisians when historians feel 'generous'). Now let us look at what the historian John Mitchell Kemble says in his Saxons in England which was published back in 1876 -

'But I do not think it at all probable that this was the earliest period at which the Germans formed settlements in England.'  (Page 7, Volume I)

It is a fact that the Romans planted settlements of Germanic Tribes here in England, and we have shown in earlier posts how Germanic Tribes existed long before these times. That there existed a rather large proportion of Germanic Tribes (especially the Ingefolc) can be seen when we see the absence of the Welsh Language around England, which would have left remnants had this 'Brythonic Tongue' (**) been spoken here before the Romans. We can see that even with the incursions of the English into Cornwall around the 10th Century half the place-names in Cornwall are Celtic-Cornish (i.e. Brythonic). In later times we find many Danish names around England, especially in the area of the Danelaw (Eastern and North-East England), which are scattered amongst the names originating from Old English. There are merely a handful of names originating in Welsh here in England, hence why the historians had to concoct the idea of the English Tribes 'massacring' the Britons. (This later, in more 'liberal' times, was replaced by the idea of a 'mingling' of the Britons, losing themselves amongst the English.)

(**) In regard to the 'Brythonic Tongue' this was not a language that ever existed, it was created by a Welsh scholar in order to ensure that words, names and place-names that were pre-Roman were 'Celtic', even though Englisc Scholars have shown most to be of Germanic origin.

Kemble lists over 600 place-names that suggest Germanic Tribes settled in areas of England, a rather vast amount for an 'invasion' by three ships under Hengest and Horse, even if we add the three ships of Cerdic and Cynric. In fact we know of some very famous Germanic Tribes who either settled here, or were already here before the Romans -

Wuffinga - The Wulfingas of East Anglia.

Waelsingas - The Wolsungas or Volsungs who gave their name to Walsingham in Norfolk, Wolsingham in Durham, and Woolsingham in Northumbria. 

Swabians/Swaefs - These gave their name to Swaffam in Norfolk, East Anglia.

Haestingas - The Hasdingas or Asdingas who were a Royal Line of the Vandals, giving their name to Hastings (East Sussex). 

Billings - They were a Saxon Royal Line giving their name to Billingshurst in West Sussex, and maybe to Billingsgate in London.

Waetlingas - they gave their name to the Watling Street (A5 Royal Road) and to Watlington in Norfolk and Oxfordshire.

Uffingas - Uffington in Berkshire, Lincolnshire and Shropshire. These were the Wuffingas/Wulfingas. 

Scylfingas - Shilvington in Dorset.

Scyldingas - A Danish Royal Line giving their name to Skelding in Yorkshire.

Maeringas/Myrgings - Marrington (Shropshire), Mering (Nottinghamshire), Merrington (Durham & Shropshire).

Haedingas - the famous Haddings of Norse Mythology, giving their name to Haddington (Lincolnshire and the Scottish Lowlands next to Edinburgh).

AElfingas - an interesting name meaning 'Sons of the Elves', giving their name to Avington (Berkshire and Hampshire). (***)

(***) Various English names have the prefix 'AElf' later becoming 'Alf' - Alfred being the best example. Since Ingwe-Frey is the 'Lord of the Elves' then we can see how the English ('Sons of Ingwe') have used this name. The 'Elves' are the Shining Ones of ancient legend.

The above is the symbol of the East Angles (East Anglia) which clearly shows a link to the Swedes, using the Three Crowns of Anglia, which are the Three Royal Lines of the Angles - Waelsingas, Wulfingas and Heardingas. The Sutton Hoo burial shows clear links to Sweden, and yet we still find that historians speak of the 'Anglo-Saxons'. The English referred to themselves as the Engel-Kin or Ingl-Kin - the 'Kin of Ingwe'. The name 'Saxon' seems to be an alternative, stemming from the Seax which was a short sword or knife. 

As if this were not enough we have a clear presence of the Danes (which could also have been earlier in the Scyldingas) who occupied areas of East and North-East England, and the East Midlands. I was born in Scraptoft in Leicester, a very Danish name. In the same area is Leire, named after the old Danish Capital. The number of names ending with -by shows a Danish origin too. Ragnar Lodbrok was said to have been thrown into the snake-pit by King AElla of Northumbria, and his remains would have been here in England if this is true. One of his sons - Ivar the Boneless - was said to be buried at Repton in the Midlands. Angol and Dan were brothers, so it is fitting that England should have its Danish origins as well as all of the other Germanic Tribes. In a sense we find that the Sons of Ingwe came together here in these islands, earlier named Albion ('Land of the Elves' or 'Land of the Shining Ones'). The 'Norsemen' were the Norwegians who also had a presence here, an example of a Norse name being Seymour (Saemarr). In another sense the Sons of Ingwe returned to these islands where, before the sinking of At-al-land, they occupied this area of Western Europe. 

That the English Tongue no longer sounds Germanic is simply because of the Christian Church (which introduced Latin as the language of the scholars and scribes) and the Norman-Breton Barons (who introduced some French and more Latin into the language). Listening to the Old English Tongue there are similarities to the Old Frisian Tongue, since the Frisians were also the Sons of Ingwe. But the mainstay of our English Language stems from Old English, and to see how this has been twisted to sound vulgar we can look to our 'dirty-words' and 'swear-words', all of which stem from Old English - 'fuck', 'arse', 'cunt', 'prick' etc. These words are thus used by the Common Folk of England who have kept them alive. 

We retain the Germanic Gods in the names of our days of the week - Sunday (Sun-Day), Monday (Moon-Day), Tuesday (Tiw's Day), Wednesday (Wodensday), Thursday (Thunor's Day), Friday (Frigg's Day) and Saturday (Sataera's Day). Woden gives his name to various places here in England - Wednesfield, Wednesbury, Wansdyke, Wannock etc. as do many of the Germanic Gods and Goddesses. We have place-names named after Baeldaeg in his Germanic Name of Pol

The Long Man of Wilmington is the Waendal, a name associated with Sweden and the Vendel Period. This is in East Sussex in an area once known as the Tree of the Helmed Waendal. In the churchyard nearby is a 1600-year-old Yew Tree, no doubt the Tree of Waendal. Down the road is 'Polegate' originally 'Polgate' - 'The Gate to Pol'. 

The Helmed Waendal (Sweden)

The famous Sutton Hoo Helmet is said to have been that of King Raedwald of the Wuffingas of East Anglia. The right eye-piece has garnets around it, backed by gold foil, and this is now though to be because the eye would shine under a torch, thus standing out as 'Woden's Eye'. The symbolism, as I have shown before, is that of the Kundalini Fire or Serpent-Fire which shows how the Wulfinga Tribe of the East Angles knew these secrets and hid them in their symbolic regalia. (Snake-Eagle Symbolism). The closest to this helmet can be found in Vendel, Sweden. 

There is more and more evidence of a 'Proto-English Tongue' spoken in these islands going back into very ancient times. State scholars and academics try hard to cover this up, and refute it as much as they can, but the truth has begun to show through. When they set up the 'European Union' they wiped England from the Map of Europe altogether, this being replaced by 'regions'. None of the other nations of these islands had the same treatment - only the English. They have tried to wipe the English off the map altogether, going so far as even to deny there is any such thing as an 'Englishman'. We have been singled out for special treatment, so there must be some hidden reason for this that has as yet not come to light. Whatever the case, they try their hardest to keep the English from recognising their Germanic Roots and Origins, and to keep other European Nations from seeing the truth too. I hope that this puts the record straight because we ourselves are proud to be Germanic English. 

Manu - The Man To Come (Book Review)

Joe Sevnson and the 55-Club has issued a new edition of the famous work by Don Miguel Serrano - Manu - The Man to Come. I had an edition published by Hermitage Helm Corpus in association with The Brahmanic Order of Kristos-Lucifer-Wotan which was kindly sent to me by Franz Berg, who translated the work from Spanish into English. I am thus in a position to review the book here.

In fact, this book was the first book by Don Miguel Serrano that I had the privilege to read, even though this was the last in his 'trilogy'. This book opened my eyes to a  weltanshauung that fitted the course of history going back into the most ancient times, to the time of Hyperborea-Thule. This was first published back in 2012, some nine years ago now, and the dating was no doubt deliberate and symbolic. 

The work of Woden's Folk has in many ways paralleled that of Don Miguel, though we have gone about this in a very different way, and the emphasis has been upon the English and a coming English Folk-Hero (The Hooded Man) as well as the Last Avatar who shall appear at the Dawn-Time of the Age of Aquarius. In fact one person in the USA (who to be fair was not aware of what we had been doing for years) accused me of plagiarism; this was quite understandable in view of some of the similarities in our work to that of the Armanen Master. I had a conversation with this chap to explain our work and he too understood. I did not know at this time that Don Miguel was actually aware of the work of WF, and we do try to honour his name and to uphold the great struggle that he took up throughout his life. 

This work is a complete weltanshauung and an esoteric library of knowledge, it is a book that must be read, and re-read, and re-read in order to discover the truths that are hidden within the pages. It is an esoteric work and not quickly understandable to everyone, but everyone will benefit from reading it, since it works at a very deep level of the mind. There is a large section devoted to drawings of the Armanen Runes, and a German text explaining the meanings (or some of them, some need to be discovered for oneself). 

To save time I will paraphrase the book, and let you read it to fully understand what he is saying. The Divine Race once dwelt in the Land of Hyperborea, where they were spiritual beings, having the Divine Spark of the Gods. Due to the 'Racial Sin' of mixing their Divine Blood with the lower humans they fell from their divine position and Hyperborea was destroyed. The Gods had mixed their Divine Blood with lower mortals, thus losing their immortality. But this is not a permanent thing, for the Veras (Divine Heroes) can indeed regain their immortality through a warrior-struggle against the Demiurge and the Servants of Darkness. The secret is contained in the Sacred BloodThe work is also about the Last Avatar - 'The Man To Come' - who will be the Manu of the new Cycle of the Ages. 

"We are going to present here these keys without an attempt to decipher them, without an explanation, so that only a few of the learned will be able to grasp them, and this, in a time in another sphere, there in an infinite time.

Here, there is already almost no time."

Don Miguel Serrano.

The 'Keys" are given in the Armanen Runes and symbolism that is shown in the pages devoted to these. The work is not just a 'read' but is an esoteric work of a deep spiritual nature, where the Hidden Mysteries are held, and can be found through deep meditation. The key to the struggle is self-sacrifice, to give one's life to this great struggle. Don Miguel left us with the message of the coming Lead Age, an age of indescribable misery and oppression - and age that we have now entered, and one in which he tried to prepare us for. 

Friday, 1 October 2021

Weland the Smith

Weland the Smith, or using the more common name, Wayland the Smith, is well known to us through Wayland's Smithy in Oxfordshire, a place that we used once a year for our Ancestral Rites and other rituals, but one which the authorities have now tried to stop us using. To be fair we have not stopped going there due to their trying to sop us from doing so but because of the situation that has prevailed in this ailing land since 2020. The idea was to give it time to settle down and then continue our work there, but this is not easily done at this time, and will not be for a while since other problems are now being thrown at us - the 'fuel crisis' at this time. But I wm not going to go on about this since it is Weland the Smith that I wish to look at here.

Using a site I found a very interesting piece of information that is useful to us in our studies; this site suggests that Weland the Smith was known in Ireland and the Isle of Man by this name. Of course, the evidence for this is not certain, but their arguments do make sense. It is about a 'Smith King' who is named Cuillean or Guillean, the pronunciation of which I cannot give, but certainly the Celtic Gu gave rise to the later W so these two could be Willean, which is the argument given for equating this with 'Weland', which is also spelled 'Wieland'. 

Aine/Aighne was the sister of Milucriadh of Sliabh Guillean, better known amongst the peasantry as the Cailleach Biorar ('Old Woman of the Waters') of Loch Dagruadh, daughter of Chilean/Guillean. Guillean once dwelt in the Isle of Man at the time of Concubar Mac Nessa, afterwards King of Ulster. Concubar consulted the Oracle of Clochar and was told to go to the Isle of Man to get Guillean, a worker of iron to make a sword, spear and shield for him; the buadha (supernatural power) in these weapons would gain him the sovereignty of Ulster. This is his story.

'Cuillean' or 'Guillean' was often pronounced 'Whallin' or 'Wellin', as found in the Isle of Man where certain place-names are associated with him. It seems that there is indeed a possibility that Weland the Smith was known in both Ulster and on the Isle of Man. We have to remember that it is not the spelling that matters, it is the sound of a word. Our own term 'Wayland' is pronounced like a Geordie would say it.

There is one point that crops up in the article and that is an important one we seem to overlook when looking at the 'Axe-God' and the 'Hammer-God' (Thunor). It is a fact that the axe is the tool of a woodsman and builder of wooden houses, whilst the hammer is the tool of the stonemason or the metalworker (blacksmith). These two tools have totally different roles in a society. Weland the Smith is a metalworker or smith - a swordsmith, goldsmith and jewel-smith as is shown in his myth where he crafts the sculls of the sons of Nidhad using jewels. He is said to shoe horses so he is also the blacksmith. There is a Proto-Germanic Root *welan- meaning 'to work with a craft', but there are other meanings to the root of his name *wel-

One of the many meanings of the IE Root *wel- is 'to see' which suggests a 'seer' or 'prophet'. This in itself is quite interesting because the son of Weland is named Witege which has variations in 'Witiga' and 'Vidga'; the Old English witega means a 'seer' or 'prophet'. In Germany Witege is linked to a figure called Heime, and here in England Wudga is linked to Hama, both of whom were said to be 'outlaws'. Heime is the Old Norse Heimir, although some see links to Heimdall in this name. 

There is an area in East Sussex near to Burwash which Rudyard Kipling connected to Weland the Smith; he associated 'Willingford Bridge' with 'Weland's Ford', but whether this is right or not I do not know. There is another area not so far away called 'Willingdon', another name that may be a corruption of 'Weland'. Kipling mentioned this in Puck of Pook's Hill. Kipling has Weland carving 'Runes of Prophecy' on the blade of a sword he was making.