Monday, 22 May 2023

Edel Project - Part Two

Carrying on from the last part I do think it important to grow our own food, since there is a likelihood of food shortages and even famines in the future. We cannot tell, but whatever the case there is nothing whatever to lose in growing food in the garden or on an allotment. My garden is not that big, but I can fill many areas with food-crops by growing some close together. A word of caution here, since with the idea of mass-production came the idea of close-cropping, and a long time ago William Cobbett warned of farmers doing this and getting far smaller yields because the crops were too close together. We should think on this point when growing, since in some cases growing close together has adverse effects - tomatoes are one of the things that can have problems here, since this can encourage blight to set in. 

I tried a new idea of a bed with squares, planting different crops in different squares; I saw no advantage to this and it did not produce any more crops so have dropped the idea this year. But, this may be due to my own circumstances, so don't be put off by new ideas - I always try them and see what happens. If they work fine, if not we have to try another way. I have increased my growing beds this year since my next-door neighbour had some wood he did not want and I got enough to create a new raised bed. The other bed I made by digging up a bit more of the lawn; I'm like to sit out in the summer so keep a small piece of lawn, and for the dog to lay on too. 

Brassicas have never been successful for me, especially cauliflower, which is one of the better tasting, of course. And no matter how I grow them under netting of a small poly-tunnel, the cabbage-white butterflies seem to find a way in and ravage the lot. This year I am going to try something different by growing just a few cabbage in planters - they can be put under the netting the same.

I grow quite a bit in containers, but this is really down to the individual, since it can cause problems in hot, dry summers when you have to go away for a while and cannot water them. This has to be weighed up in regard to individual circumstances. Using larger containers or wooden planters (better still) is the best way to go about this. Wooden planters are not that hard to make, and a couple of years ago my youngest son started making these and selling to the people he did gardening for. He has changed his type of work now so no longer does it, but some of the stuff he made was really good. 

This is Lemon Balm growing in an old container that would usually have been thrown away; makes refreshing tea in the summer, and sometimes I add this to mint tea. 

There is still seedlings in the mini greenhouse; I am going to sow a further supply of peas this year to try to get a second crop, since two of the sets I have sown are already growing pods. There is a 100-watt solar-panel on the top of this greenhouse (south-facing wall) which powers a 12-volt truck battery, from which all of the small electrical/electronic gear is recharged. You will notice the plastic markers for the seeds, which usually end up being mixed up or the 'permanent' ink comes off! Which is why it is best to learn to identify small seedlings if possible. For some unknown reason the tomatoes this year are CRAP! I did go to a garden centre to try to get plants but theirs were not that much bigger, so we shall have to be patient and wait for them to grow.

The poly-tunnel is ready for planting, but with the tomatoes being as they are, and the cucumbers no better either this is as yet 'barren-land'. I have a copper coil in this too, so we shall see what that brings. Usually, the tomatoes are by now about 6-7 inches tall, since they were sown back in early January; but they do grow later but will crop later too. The idea of sowing early is to produce early crops, since salad leaves are abundant this year, and I always each tomatoes with salads - as well as frying for breakfast. Last year I had 8 jars of green tomatoes which I pickled in brine - but not that keen on these even when fried. Will let them ripen this time. (They could be used in chutney I guess.)

In the foreground here is a plum tree that has never done well, and it does stop a lot of light when larger. I pruned it right back and it is shooting out again now, and will be getting another one this winter and keep in a pot - obviously seems to need a pollinator. 

There is an ash-tree in the front garden which was here before I moved in, some 25 years ago now. The grass has not been mown here but I do mow it regularly in early spring to get the grass-cuttings that are put on the garden and dug in or used as a mulch. Around the ornament are Garlic Chives, which I would strongly advise others not to plant in the garden, since they grow everywhere even in the grass. They are edible and the flowers can be eaten in a salad, but the statue here is a 'pissing-point' for Sam, so I don't really want to use these for eating. They will grow in pots, but even then I would take care, since they do seem to spread by seed - which goes everywhere as I say. Even the chap next door has a garden full of them now! 

I've even got peas growing on the front, next to the front porch; this is a hot area and they may thrive there, we shall see. I had to move a clump of bulbs to get space to try these, but they were shifted elsewhere and not wasted. To the right of the above photo (not clear) is a small bed of potatoes, where I cut part of the lawn away to plant them. They are somewhat under the Ash-Tree and this takes nutrients and water away which could be a problem - we shall see. 

In the above video we can see how the Chinese Tyrants treat those who grow their own food, seeking some independence from the State Monster, but also perhaps because they have to do so to live. This is why I have always felt the need to make different plans for different situations, and not rely upon one set plan. This is a Global Agenda, and we shall at some time in the future have this happen here in England. This is where survivalism also comes into the picture, since settled communities are just one option, and one that could have problems in the future. There are things we can do, but these need discussion face-to-face so that they are not broadcast to the world. 

Sunday, 21 May 2023

Edel Project


Growing one's own food is not only useful in that there will come a time when food becomes short, but also because it means picking fresh food each day from the garden. I don't grow enough to be self-sufficient, but enough to give me fresh food during the spiring-summer, and some for the autumn-winter by freezing and storing. It is also very relaxing to work in the garden or on an allotment, and, of course, working in a natural outdoor environment, as well as keeping the physical body fit. 

I'll start with the garlic which are growing well now, being planted last October since they garden off better with the cold winter. I planted these last year and had a very good crop.

Raspberries were planted along a small make-shift fence; some of these were from suckers moved last year.

Peas planted in a cold-frame, these were supermarket dried peas, which I have been planting for years with no problems; far cheaper than seeds from the seed-suppliers. 

Onions planted in a narrow bed; so far these are doing a lot better than last year when I had a really poor crop. These were Onion Sets, since the seeds I did sow did not germinate this year. Sets are easier to be honest and there is little to gain at the moment in growing seeds - though this will soon change by the look of it.

Next to the garlic are peas grown against the same fence as the raspberries; these have only just be put into the ground from trays. All I do is scatter the seeds in trays and split when needed. This can be done in supermarket plastic trays which cost nothing more and are strong enough for the job. 

There are two courgettes planted in front of the spuds; they can just be seen here. Others have been planted in a different bed. These came out very quickly this year and I have plenty to use. Since Lee has started an allotment now I give him what I do not use. Work together is the idea.

Lettuce in a cold-frame in the front garden; these have been sown later than another crop which I am using - shown below -

This crop of lettuce I am using now for salads; not seen easily are small clumps of spring onions planted around the outside after I moved the cold-frame to the later crop. These grow much quicker under plastic around this time of year. 

Next to the pease growing in the larger cold-frame is a rhubarb which is doing very well; I have others but these were sown from seed two years ago and are still getting hold. 

Both front and back gardens are a mixture of growing for food and growing flowers for looks (and the bees). The peas here are flowering and were raised first in the small cold-frame.

 I had lots of strawberries from one of the gardens I look after, and from runners I have grown a new bed outside, and here the rest are in containers inside the poly-tunnel. 

A comfrey plant in a pot, the plant supplied a couple off years ago by Scyld who is a WF-C Activist. These are not only good for sprains and broken bones, but also for potash for tomatoes and potatoes. I usually cut the leaves up and dig them into the soil, since putting them into water for a liquid feed stinks after a time. 

These are not grown for food, they are tree seeds (in this case Oak) planted in a pot by my daughter Freya when she was a small child. The stick pushed into the soil, and similar ones scattered around the garden are wound with copper wire as an experiment, since copper, when coiled, is said to act in a totally different way - we shall see. Copper does give a current, since this is used as a slug-deterrent, so this is the theory behind this idea of using copper coils. 

These are sweet-corn which are growing alright so far; last year's crop was nowhere near as the previous one, and I'm hoping to get a better one this year. I have watered these since they have not long been put in, but it is sometimes better to let small plantings go without too much watering, to encourage the roots to spread downwards and outwards for water and nutrients. 

These spuds have been planted along the fence at the bottom of the garden, along which grows a grape-vine. This is not part of a 'wilderness' drive to keep up with the New World Order, but is because this area grows shady under the apple trees that grow there. 

This is the small pond that Freya built when she lived here; this not only attracts insects etc. but also enhances the garden, even though very small. In front of its is a small potted gooseberry bush which is starting to fruit now. To the left is another small tree - Maple - which was grown from seed some years ago. These can all enhance the garden and its looks. 

You can see the peas already growing in this large pot; they were sown inside a mini-greenhouse, and planted out in the poly-tunnel, then now moved outside, which is why they are growing so well. The use of glass/plastic at this time of year gets much earlier crops. Another trick is to spread grass-cuttings around a raised bed, and cover with about 2 inches of soil; this should warm up and help to germinate seeds sown there. 

Both peppermint and spearmint are grown in large pots around the garden; they grow best in pots since out in the soil they spread and take over everything. Another plus is that each year I pull the roots out in late winter, break them up and replant the bulk back into new soil. The rest of the roots make new plants which is why I have around 6 plants now, and have given at least the same amount away to family and friends. (These could also be done a little more professionally and sold to others - something to consider as things get worse.)

At the front right is a small bay-tree which is in a pot, and has been there for some years now. It supplies bay-leaves to dry off for use in cooking. There are also 6-7 potted rosemary plants which are so easy to grow from cuttings. Just cut small twigs from a rosemary plant and stick in the ground or a pot - they grow very easily without any help. 

More and more of those in the WF-C are getting involved in the Edel-Community which is our way of trying to get as many of our people as possible (not for everyone, of course) growing their own food. 

Due to our WF-C Activists being scattered around the country it would not be feasible to think of a close-knit community working together in one area. Would this be possible in the future? Maybe, but I am reluctant to say 'yes' since there are great problems ahead for anyone who feels that this can be done successfully, especially here in England. We cannot always have what we want, since this is not always possible in these times - and we need (NOW) to face up to this, since it is important. There are certain problems that can be foreseen -

  • We would first need to greatly increase the number of active WF-C Hearths operating in local areas. Our numbers have increased lately, but the number of active local hearths has decreased - hence the problem. 
  • Land - At the back of the mind we must now consider that ALL private ownership (apart from The System) will be abolished. That is their aim anyway. Since any piece of land is registered then, although not impossible, it would be difficult to buy land and to use it. For those who think it impossible to take the land, I suggest a look at past Communist Regimes, and the present-day 'back-door' method of having it something that 'can' be done on paper, but is 'impossible' to do in reality. To get hold of private housing all that would be needed is to force owners to get their houses up to an 'eco-standard' costing hundreds of thousands of pounds; for most this would be impossible to do, so the State steps in and buys up the houses to rent back to their 'owners'. The same type of thing would be applied to land. 
  • Even with land that is rented we would have the problem of moves to stop people growing their own food. This would not necessarily need an outright ban - very obvious and tyrannical - but could be done using alternative methods that allow this on paper, but make it impossible to do, the hallmark of Communist Regimes. And how much land would there be that one could rent, if NO private property is allowed. 
  • Surveillance - With the CCTV cameras, drones, satellite surveillance, and any other high-tech methods of keeping tabs on everyone, how easy would it be to set up something, especially with a group of people, that would remain 'under the radar'? England is not a large country, and there is no wilderness here I am afraid. The Scottish Highlands are the area for some form of wilderness, but Scotland is also in the hands of the Global Activists. 
These are negative ideas, but they are necessary points, since this is what they are trying to do, and we have to face facts and reality. This is why I have always done growing hand-in-hand with survivalism, since the latter may one day be the only alternative in the given situation of the time. We have seen in the US how certain groups are already being targeted because they are self-reliant, and this will also be applied here in time. 

If anything was to be done in this direction, any form of use of the World Wide Web would soon attract the spotlight and put paid to any real moves towards such an end. If this were to be done it would need total secrecy and a select small group who have known each other for a long time. With the above in mind, it is then imperative that we plan now as individuals, plan how best we can deal with this before it comes onto us - which could be a swift as the Covid 19 tyranny. In this case total self-reliance would be needed in everything, since we could not rely on seed-suppliers, plant-suppliers, nor tool-suppliers. What to do would be a matter for the individual at this time, for putting out ideas will only give them away to those who wish to complete the loss of freedom we have. 

Tuesday, 2 May 2023

Mystery of Mysteries


The above is a map supposedly of Hyperborea, situated at the North Pole; this was supposed to have a capital of Thule. To the Aryans of Iran this was called Airyana Vaeja and to the Aryans of India Aryana Baeja. According to the Iranian Manual of Khshnoom this land took was one third of the Earth and centred around the North Pole. This was a Spiritual Realm peopled by Spiritual Beings; due to a massive winter that set in, the fault of the Dark Power, Angra Mainyu, this continent became inhabitable, and the Aryans moved southwards and eastwards into the material realm of the Earth. This is very much like the ideas of Miguel Serrano where he sees the Divine Heroes (Viras) descending into matter in order to wage a Holy War against the Demiurge (Shaddain-Jahu) who controls the material world where now Evil Sorcery reigns.

There are some problems with the Manual of Khshnoom in this case, since it is said to have been a Spiritual Realm where Spiritual Beings dwelt, and here the Evil Powers held no sway at all. If so this could not have been destroyed by a Great Winter brought on by Angra Mainyu. In which case we need to take note of Miguel Serrano's ideas on there being a First Hyperborea which was the spiritual realm, and a Second Hyperborean which was an earthly realm; in the latter case a Great Winter would certainly have caused the massive Folk-Wanderings away from the Ur-Lands. That seems to sort that problem out.

I am certainly in agreement with Miguel Serrano in that this First Hyperborea exists, but in another dimension of time and space - as the 'Inner Earth' as he calls it. The concept is one of a parallel world which is still peopled by High Spiritual Beings. As soon as we think of this image the realms of Agharti and Shambhalla come into mind. The alternative spelling of Asgartha suggest that this is the Norse Asgard, and when we find that Karl Haushofer referred to Shambhalla as a 'city of violence and power whose forces command the elements and the masses of humanity, and hasten the arrival of the human race at 'the turning-point off time'. The piece of interest here is that Shambhalla is a 'City of Violence', since this is supposed to be the Capital of Agharti (Asgard), which is, of course, Valhalla (Shamb-halla - Val-halla). Valhalla is, of course, a 'violent' place since it is  a daily battleground for the Einheriar. 

Shambhalla is called Chang Shambhalla and is said to be lit by the Northern Lights (Green Ray) in some legends. It is thus, like Thule-Hyperborean, situated at the North Pole, but in another dimension. We can get past the problem of the legend that there are two Shambhallas by seeing these as the First and Second Hyperborea, one spiritual and one earthly. There is the phenomena known as Fata Morgana where people have had hallucinations (*) of a Golden City when nearing the North Pole area, and this would suggest they see the Spiritual Agharti-Shambhalla. 

(*) In a modern English Dictionary the word 'hallucination' is said to mean something that is seen but not real. But if we go back to an English Dictionary 100 years ago the meaning was simply - 'a wandering of the mind'. The word is Latin and links to ALU (Magical Force) and its extension HALU (Heil-Force). 

Thinking logically, Agharti would be a realm where the 'Teachers of Righteousness' would dwell - Zarathustra, Buddha, Akhnaten, Kristos etc. since this is a place of peace and meditation. These would be what Savitri Devi called Men Above Time who act as if they were in a Golden Age, but have to act within Time. Shambhalla would be a place where the Warrior-Leader-Fuhrer would dwell with the Warriors of Woden. Such men are what Savitri Devi calls Men Against Time and they are forced to act with violence against the destructive violence of the Dark Forces that control at that time. 

These sacred places would have been known to the peoples of the areas of Tibet, India and Mongolia because at some ancient time the Aryans swept out of At-al-land and moved southwards and eastwards into these ancient lands. The location of these places would thus have been moved to these areas in ancient times, and remain as legends today. In a curious legend from Mongolia, recorded by Stephen Jenkins, who held a teaching post in Mongolia, the Mongols predict the return of Gesar Khan, and that the Buddha was a Shambhallic Initiate. In about 543 BCE (a curious dating) the Buddha was near the end of his life and he was visited by a European named Sucandra, whom the Lamas thought was a Celt, probably from Britain. They hinted that Shambhalla was in some way in Britain. 

The name Sucandra can be broken into Germanic Roots -

SU - To generate.

KAN - Fire-Serpent.

DRA - To twist, to turn, to coil. 

In order to perhaps understand this mystery we need to recall that before around 10,000 BCE there existed a massive continent in the North Sea which I have called At-al-land - 'Race Homeland' (also - 'Land of the Arya'). England (and Britain as a whole) was part of this North-West Continent until parts sank and the whole thing broke up, much still being under the sea. Friedrich Marby, a German Rune-Magician, saw this as 'Atlantis', and he considered the 33-Runes of the English Rune Row as coming from 'Atlantis'. Reference to Atlantis of the North by Jurgen Spanuth would be handy for this. This North-West continent was a shift to the Solar-Mythos from the original Polar-Mythos of the Thule-Hyperborean era of more ancient times.

J.R.R. Tolkien tried to recreate an English Mythology which he deemed to have been lost and needed restoring. In this he built a mythology on the ancient land of Beleriand, and then Numenor (Atalante) which were North and North-West landmasses in ancient times. In the Book of Lost Tales - 2 he speaks of this lost land in the North Sea and its sinking, and in doing so he links this with Ing or Ingwe who led the Ingwaiwar out of the sinking lands. Hengest and Horsa later led the English Tribes back to their Ur-Lands. 

Legend has it that the Aryan Race were 'created' on this North-West Continent of At-al-land; the Aryan Race was descended from the Shining Ones - the most Ancient Solar-Race referred to in the Ramayana. Occult Legend speaks of Manu leading the Aryans out of Atlantis, but this can be seen as no problem since Manu is linked to Agni in the Vedas, and Agni is the god Ingwe in Wodenic Lore. In fact, Ingwe is the 'Son of Man' (Manu-Mannus) in Germanic Lore. 

Shambhalla is associated with the Kalachakra Tantra which has been spread by the Dalai Lama around the world; these appear to be pacifistic teachings, though the Dalai Lama was a friend of Miguel Serrano and his mentor was Heinrich Harrer, an Austrian mountaineer and Olympic ski-champion who made an expedition there during World War II (Seven Years in Tibet by Heinrich Harrer - the film with Brad Pitt is a distortion). Heinrich Harrer was a member of the German SS. His Holiness the Dalai Lama sent a condolence message to the wife of Heinrich Harrer on January 10th 2006 after his death. It is known that a German expedition to Tibet brought back 108 Sacred Texts given by the Lamas (108 is a Sacred Number). 

Of course, over the thousands of years between these events, these lands of Agharti and Shambhalla have been mixed up and no doubt distorted in many ways. 'Like a diamond glows the Light on the Tower of Shambhalla' - stated a Tibetan Lama to Nicolas Roerich. The legends of Shambhalla are also linked to the UFO phenomena, which us yet another interesting subject, but not one we need to look at here. The one problem we face in all this is that Agharti and Shambhalla are said to be 'underground', although this could be a symbolic way of saying 'in another dimension'. But it is interesting to note that Miguel Serrano, who knew the Dalai Lama well, sees the 'First Hyperborea' as being the 'Inner Earth' - the 'Nether-World'. 

But this actually concurs with the idea of Odainsacre which Viktor Rydberg sees as being in the Underworld, a place ruled by Baeldaeg where the Asmegir dwell, the New Gods of the New Order after the Great Catastrophe. The 'New World' that 'arises from the waters' after the Great Catastrophe is referred to as 'Green' in the Eddas, and is most likely the 'Greenland' of the Book of Sajaha. This is where the Golden Tablets (Taefl) are found again by the New Order of the Gods. It is the 'Inner Earth' or 'First Earth' - the 'Former World' or 'Ancient World' said to have been 'shaped' by Kristos (Norwegian Rune-Poem - Hagal). 

Legends state that there are entrances to Aghart and Shambhalla in different parts of the world; this is merely saying that there are 'Gateways' or 'Portals' into the Inner Earth at different locations. Here in England we have the tale told to us by Walter Map, of a King Herla - a 'British King' - who found an underground entrance into another world. After what seemed to him hours he arrived back at the surface, only to find he had been gone for hundreds of years - a 'Time-Warp' associated with these extra-dimensional themes. In fact, the name 'King Herla' is not British, it is a Germanic name, and one used by the English; it gives rise to the 'Herla-Thing' and to the Harlequin of the French. But the importance here is that he is associated with a 'Gateway' into the Inner Earth here in England - though the location is not given. 

There is a place in Wiltshire that is connected to a 'Gateway to Heaven', and that is in Alton Barnes. A memorial in the church has the words 'Gateway to Heaven', and it points in the direction of 'Adam's Grave' on a nearby hilltop. This long-barrow was originally named Woden's Barrow and there was an account of a lady walking in the area who witnessed the Wild Army on this site. It seems that certain earthly sites have their counterpart in another dimension, and these sites are 'gateways' to the Other World. The 'Wild Army', of course, rides out of Valhalla!