Friday, 3 November 2023

Ingwe & Bootes


In this post I would like to make a deeper study into the link between Ingwe and Bootes, and to also create the link between the Krist Archetype, Ingwe and Bootes. A lot of this stuff has been covered before, but not put together in the way I have tried to do here. To follow this up I would like to make the link between Ingwe and Sheaf through some new ideas that came up fro  further study. 

"And I looked and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of Man, having on his head a Golden Crown, and in his hand a sharp Sickle."

Revelation 14:14

The 'Son of Man' here refers to Krist, but we know that Ingwe is the 'Son of Man(-nus') so the title refers to either one of these. The image here is of the Constellation of Bootes, which has a 'Golden Crown' which has actually 'toppled' from the head. Bootes holds a 'sharp sickle' in his left hand.

The figure of Bootes is here shown with a Spear (Right Hand) and a Sickle (Left Hand), with two Hunting Dogs which he holds on a leash. Just to his right is the 'Golden Crown' (Northern Crown - Corona Borealis). This image has many different variations as to how individuals have interpreted the star-positions. 

This version is different in that he holds a Shepherd's Crook in his right hand and a sickle in his left hand, and the dogs are not shown. There is an importance of both the Shepherd's Crook and the Sickle, as we shall see now. I have shown before how the Legend of Cuthman is the Legend of Ingwe, and in this legend Cuthman is said, as a child, to have tended his sheep - thus the Shepherd's Crook. Later in the legend Cuthman is said to have used a Plough, which is where the Sickle image comes in, since this is an image of harvesting the fields of crops - particularly Corn. 

The Plough or 'Great Bear' revolves around the Pole-Star in the shape of a Swastika; if we look at the image below of Cuthman pushing his invalid mother in a barrow eastwards we can see that the barrow has a shape similar to The Plough -

"Ing was first amongst the East Danes seen by men,

he later eastwards went over the waves, his Waen after-ran...'

Old English Rune Poem - Ing.

The Constellation of Bootes is known as 'The Herdsman' or 'The Ploughman', which covers both the Shepherd and the Ploughman together, as do the differing symbols used, as I have just shown. This fits exactly with the images of Cuthman as a Shepherd in his youth, and then as a Ploughman in later life. 

I will now turn to the link between Ingwe and Sheaf, which is not widely recognised, but which I do think can be made when we look closely into certain aspects of what little we know about both of these. 

Firstly, an English Nobelman named Ealdorman AEthelweard, around the year 990CE, spoke of Sceaf having landed 'on an island in the ocean which is called Scani'. Scani is on the southern tip of Sweden and was the ancient home of the Danes. 'Ing was first amongst the East Danes seen by men...' So says the Old English Rune Poem in a statement that I see as going some way to suggest Ingwe and Sceaf are one and the same person. 

As Ingwe-Frey (Ing the Lord) he is associated with the Corn and the Harvest, which is clearly a role of Sceaf since his head lay upon a 'Sheaf of Corn' in the oarless boat. In one of the woodcuts of Cuthman there are bales of straw (from the corn) in the background. In a later piece of information about a Divine Child in a boat, though not actually stated as being Sceaf, we find that he has a 'shield' (boat) on which is a Lighted Taper - Fire. He was the God that brought Fire to the Folk of Scani. Frey is definitely associated with Fire, even though this is not actually stated outright in the Norse Myths. Frey fights the Fire-Demon Beli and slays him, and at Ragnarok he fights against the Fire-Giant Surt. 

The Legend of Sceaf is also very similar to the Legend of Agni, the Vedic Fire-God and son of Mataricvan, who is akin to our Mundelfore (Waendal). Agni is sent down to the Bhriguians -Son of Bhrigu - by his father Mataricvan. He brings with him the Sacred Fire of the Gods - the Nyd-Fire or Fire-by-Friction. Sceaf has, on his boat (shield) a 'Lighted Taper', so we see the similarities here. Mundilfore is the 'Turner of the World Mill' and we can see Ingwe-Frey as being associated with the grinding-process of the Wheels of the Mill. Both are then associated with the Mill, which is also associated with the Sacred Fire created by friction. Ingwe is the Fire itself, produced by friction of two sticks or a similar process. The descendants of Bhrigu are also called by the title Bhargavans, a name which comes from bharge meaning 'to shine'. The name of the island where Sceaf landed is Scani or Scandi which means 'to shine', 'shining' or 'bright'. 

There is another 'coincidence' here, since Bhrigu and Manu were the first to use the Sacred Fire when Agni brought it down to Earth. Bhrigu and Manu have their equivalents in the Teutonic Berchter and Mannus, and the 'Son of Man(-nus)' is Ingwe, as we have shown before. The name Berchta means 'bright', 'clear' or 'light' and has its equivalent in the Old English beorht and Old Saxon berht. Manu is the one who appeared before a Great Flood to give warning and to help the people in such a time. He is also the one who brought the Divine Order of Caste to Man (in which he resembles Rig). (*)

(*) We are not actually told that Rig is Hama-Heimdall in the 'Lay of Rig', and this is only stated in a different text. At the very end of the 'Lay of Rig' we find a strange reference to 'Dan and Danp', names clearly related to the Danes. The Royal House of the Danes was Scyld who was the 'Son of Sheaf' (Scyld Scefing), part of a trio - Sheaf-Shield-Barley. Dan was supposedly where the title 'Danes' came from, and Scyld gave his name to their Ruling House. The name 'Rig' can be found as 'Rik' or 'Reik' and means 'King' or 'Ruler'. (A 'Reich' is a 'Kingdom'). It has never been explained as to why 'Dan and Danp' were used at the end of this lay. Wotan's Krieger (who used to be with Woden's Folk) suggested that Rig could be Woden, since it is Woden who teaches runes, and I see this as a valid argument in a sense, but there may be other explanations.

We have the runic-sequence Mann-Lagu-Ing which in the past I have related to Manu-Flood-Ingwe. Since Manu appears before the Flood, then Ingwe must appear after the Flood - if we take this sequence as valid. Indeed, since the Old English Rune-Poem clearly states that Ing 'went over the waves' we have a reference to what could actually mean a 'flood'. There is another point here, since to go 'eastwards' would mean that if Ing were here meant to have been with the East Danes in what became Angeln, then their travel to Britain could not be seen as going 'eastwards'. (Here there seems to be an ambiguity, since some say this sentence could mean 'back' rather than 'eastwards', but, of course, it could mean both.) 8,000 years ago a massive tsunami was triggered by a vast landslide in Scandinavia and sank the whole of the area of Doggerland, an area known as Atland to the Frisians, and At-al-land in Folkish Wodenism. Vast areas of North-West Europe which included parts of these islands were submerged in the waters of this disaster. This being so the Ingwe may have led the Ingefolk eastwards over the waters to escape the disaster. 

In one sense Manu and Ingwe are one and the same archetype, since we find the statement made of Krist -

'I am the Beginning and the End - the First and the Last.'

The old name for England is Albion which can mean either 'White Island'/'Shining Island' or 'Land of the Elves' ('Shining Ones'). Ingwe is the 'High Lord of the Elves' and Tolkien has him leading the Ingweawar out of their homeland which was about to sink under the waves. 'Albion' was said to have been a 'Giant' in legends from this area, and William Blake used him in his works. The word 'elf' stems from Old English (Low German) whilst 'alb' stems from High German. 

In the genealogy of the West Saxons it seems that Scef, Scyld and Beow are added to take this beyond Woden and to include the biblical 'Naoh', since Scef is said to have been 'born in Noah's Ark'. This, as is usually the case, is attributed to a Christian scribe, but another explanation could be that it has been added because Sceaf has something to do with 'Noah's Ark' and a Flood. Sceaf may first have come to Thule-Hyperborea at the end of the Golden Age, as I have already shown since he brings agriculture, weapons and the Sacred Fire to aid the Ingefolk as the Great Winter is about to set in. The later part of the sinking of At-al-land may have been around 4,000 years ago which seems to coincide with the Flood of Noah. Every 4,000 years, it is said, the Hale-Bopp Comet comes within sight of the Earth, a dating that coincides with 6,000BCE (Tsunami that sank At-al-land), 2000BCE (dating of the Flood of Noah), and 1997 which seems to herald yet another coming catastrophe. 

"After great misery for mankind an even greater approaches when the great cycle of the centuries is renewed. It will rain blood, milk, famine, war and disease. In the sky will be seen a fire, dragging a trail of sparks."

Nostradamus Century Two - 46.

We are told that King Aethelwulf (father of Alfred the Great) was of the line of Sceaf (Scefingas); this line was of the West Saxons, and became the Ruling House of the English. I have mentioned on occasions before how there is a problem in the West Saxon Royal Line, and that is with Cerdic and Cynric. Since Cerdic cannot be rendered as Old English it is deemed a 'scribal error' for Cedric; however there are two names - Ceredig and Cynrwrg - who appear in a Royal Line of the Welsh, in an area of Wales known to one have a Saxon presence. It has been suggested that Cerdic and Cynric were 'ealdormen' (they were not said to be 'kings' in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles) and thus vassals under the Romans. Hence, they were here before the later English invasions and perhaps joined forces with their closest  blood-kin against the Romano-Britons. Whatever the case the foremost leader of the English was Hengest, and his name can be rendered 'Geist of Ing' so he represents Ingwe as the 'Manu of the English'. The West Saxons adopted this title later, and were earlier known as the Gewisse -'The Wise Ones'. This suggests that they were more than just a 'tribe' but some sort of 'Esoteric Order' which no doubt held the Mysteries of Ingwe.