Monday 13 March 2023

Woden & The Black Sun


Woden is the god linked to the Power of the Black Sun. He sacrificed an eye for Occult Knowledge, and this 'Woden's Pledge' was then hidden in the Well of Mimir - the Well of Memory. The Realm of Mimir is in the Lower-World (Nid-World or 'Nether-World') and there is held the Well of Memory, but this world is lit by the Black Light of the Black Sun. Woden, as the God of the Hanged, the God of the Dead, is thus linked to the Black Sun of the Nid-World. The serpent Nidhogg lies coiled in this realm, and there are Light and Dark areas here.

The Swastiks is a symbol used throughout the ancient world, and is especially an Aryan Symbol. This is because the Black Sun shone over the world of Thule-Hyperborea, and with it's decline came the decline of the Shining Ones, the Divine Ancestors of the Aryan Race. The Black Sun is the source of All-Father's power in this world; it is thus also the source of the Power of Woden. The Black Sun is directly linked to the Swastika, since in its form it is a triple-swastika. Aelfric Avery thinks that the Triple-Swastikas are of Ice (Wyrd), Fire (Werdandi) and Air (Skuld), and that the symbol is 'The Spinning-Wheel of the Norns' who weave the substance of Ginnungagap - The Void. The obvious symbolism of the movement of energy (Vril/Life-Force) is inherent in the Swastika and the Black Sun. 

The Swastika is made up of two Sig-Runes, and represents Sal (Salvation) and Sig (Victory). As the Black Swastika this is the Black Sun (Sweart Sun), and thus fits the symbolism of SS. According to Mdm. Blavatsky Prometheus is the personification of the Pramantha, and he is the equivalent of the Vedic Matarishvan, closely associated with the Fire-God, Agni. Thus, the Swastika is the 'Fire-Wheel' and linked to the kindling of Fire-by-Friction. The Swastika is linked to the Spiritual Sun, Spiritual Fire and the Knowledge of Truth.

The Nyd-Rune is the Rune of Fire-by-Friction, and is associated with the Vedic Agni, and with Ingwe - God of Fire and Light. Ingwe - the 'Son of Man' - is a god that has been hidden within Ingvi-Frey, but whose role is far higher than has been given credit by most 'revivalists'. His role as Scef shows him to be the Divine Ancestor of the Ingefolk, a role he seems to share with Hama-Heimdall, since these two share a similar Archetypal Myth. The Nad-Rune is the Rune of Nid - Rune of the 'Nether-World', and this invokes the Magical Power of the Nether-World. This can be seen in what we called the 'Raising of the Nithing-Pole', where the term 'Nothing' tells this secret, and whence a Nail was driven into the base of the pole - symbolic off the Invocation of Cthonic Powers. This is the Rune of the Need-Fire, thus linked to Agni-Ingwe. 

I have mentioned my thoughts that the Swastika is symbolic of Bael-Daeg in the Nether-World, since this is my own interpretation of one of the Merseburg Charms. Some have linked 'Blind Hod' to the Black Sun, which is quite logical due to the term 'Blind', and thus Bael-Daeg would be associated with the Golden Sun. But the term 'Bael' is also linked to 'blackening by fire' and is also a logical explanation. It seems to me that Bael-Daeg would fit the bill here, since he is not 'slain and risen' each year as the 'nature-gods', but is slain and does not return until after Ragnarok and the Great Catastrophe. He comes back 'hand-in-hand' with Blind Hod. And since he is in Odainsacre with the Asmegir, then he would be the Black Sun of the First Earth, which is where the First Ancestors are. 

Many earlier scholars, and some Northern Heathens, equated the Swastika with the Hammer of Thunor - as we ourselves have done in the past. I would most certainly not reject this idea, since the Swastika is a symbol of a force that is wielded by a god or gods. It is symbolic of the Vril-Force or Odic-Force, as well as the Woda-Force. The Hammer of Thunor is named 'The Miller' or 'The Crusher', and this itself tells us that it is associated with the World Mill/Cosmic Mill. which itself is associated with the Far North, where the stars revolve around the Pole Star in the shape of the Swastika. Certainly, the Great Bear is Woden's Waen, and this revolves around the Pole Star in the shape of a Swastika - but it is his 'wagon' and not the god himself. The 'Driver of the Waen' is Bootes, whom we know to be Ingwe, so the force that 'spins' the Swastika is the Power of Ingwe; but, saying this this could just as well be the Power of Woden, since he too may be connected to Bootes. But a force is not restricted to one type of power and use, so the idea of 'The Crusher' or 'The Miller', as a force that breaks down, being wielded by Thunor is quite possible. Symbols have many meanings, just as the runes have many meanings. 

This image is clearly that of Odin riding the Eight-Legged Horse, Sleipnir; but we find here his weapon being the 'Thunderbolt', usually associated with the Aryan Thunder-God, such as Zeus or Indra. Indra's weapon is the Vajra, translated as 'Diamond-Thunderbolt'. Again, we must recognise that these weapons are symbols of a force wielded by a God, and not the God himself. The 'thunder' is the sound, the noise created when the Lightning-Bolt is released - the 'Fire-from-Water' (Lightning from the Clouds). This sound is usually associated with the Chariot of Thunor as he rides across the skies in the thunder-storms. The 'Thunderbolt' is clearly the Lightning-Bolt, hence its shape as 'forked'. Here we have Odin wielding this weapon, and not Thor. 

The Vajra (India) or Dorje (Tibet) which is the 'Diamond-Thunderbolt' wielded by the Aryan Thunder-God. This is just a stylised version of the simple Thunderbolt seen being wielded by Odin/Woden. 

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