Friday, 23 January 2015

The War for Middle-Earth

'Now Sauron's lust and pride increased, until he knew no bounds, and he determined to make himself master of all things in Middle-Earth.....He brooked no freedom nor any rivalry, and he named himself Lord of the Earth. A mask he still could wear so that if he wished he might deceive the eyes of men, seeming to them wise and fair. But he ruled rather by force and fear, if they might avail; and those who perceived his shadow spreading over the world called him the Dark Lord and named him the Enemy.'

'The Silmarillion' - J.R.R. Tolkien.

This short quote from The Silmarillion sums up the essence of Sauron, who we must not forget is the servant of another dark power - Morgoth - just like the Demiurge is the power behind the Dark Lord. Sauron is a liar, a deceiver, and rules through force and fear, just as we find with the Global Powers that rule Middle-Earth today. But we should remember that it is an alliance of Gondor, Rohan and the Light-Elves that face the Dark Lord and his Dark Orcs in battle, and it is the humble and lowly Shire-Folk that finally cause the destruction of the One Ring of Power though it is an act of self-destruction really since it is the Gollum (Golem) that finally destroys itself together with the One Ring of Power

Just as the Brood of Loki was raised in the Ironwoods the first shadows arose in the Mirkwood where the power of Sauron re-emerged after its defeat at the end of the Second Age. Sauron, we are told, came out of the wastes of the East, taking up his abode in the south of Mirkwood -

'It was the Shadow of Sauron and the sign of his return. For coming out of the wastes of the East he took up his abode in the south of the forest, and slowly he grew and took shape there again; in a dark hill he made his dwelling and wrought there his sorcery, and all folk feared the Sorcerer of Dol Guldor, and yet they knew not at first how great was their peril.'

'The Silmarillion' - J.R.R. Tolkien.

Nothing can exist without its opposite, and so the growing power of the Dark Lord must be countered by the Powers of Light and Order, and thus shall arise a counter-power to challenge the Forces of Darkness and Chaos - the Dark Shadows that arise in the Darkness of Night at the End of Time -

'Even as the first shadows were felt in Mirkwood there appeared in the west of Middle-Earth the ISTARI (*), whom men called the WIZARDS. None knew at that time whence they were...But afterwards it was said among the Elves that they were messengers sent by the Lords of the West to contest the power of Sauron, if he should arise again, and to move Elves and Men and all living things of good will to valiant deeds. In the likeness of Men they appeared, old but vigorous, and they changed little with the years, and aged but slowly, though great cares lay on them; great wisdom they had, and many powers of mind and hand...'

'The Silmarillion' - J.R.R. Tolkien.

The Istari or Wizards were the Messengers of the Gods sent down to Middle-Earth to 'contest the power of Sauron' (The Dark Lord) and to 'move Elves, Men and all living things of good will to valiant deeds'. This can only be done through positive thought that wills positive action and that achieves positive results. Our English Flag - the Cross of Fro-Ing - is a positive symbol (+) which is why we still use this symbol rather than trying to totally replace it - it is not a xtian symbol and it is not a Norman symbol, since it pre-dates both of these going back into very ancient times. It is also symbolic of the healing of the legs of Baldaeg's Foal, and thus of his resurrection

One of the Dark Powers allied to the original Morgoth was Ungoliant - the Great Spider - who is paralleled in Lord of the Rings by Shelob, and it can be no coincidence that the Dark Powers rule through the World Wide Web which is merely a materialistic symbol of this ancient force that seeks to control Middle-Earth. The great battles depicted in the Mahabharata and the Ramayana are reflected in the battles outlined in the Silmarillion and the Lord of the Rings, as well as World War I and World War II - especially the latter which was Total War of Devastation - the 'Abomination of Desolation'. 

Spider - The Hague 2012

Spider - Geneva 2012

There are two characters in Lord of the Rings that I would like to analyse in order to clarify their archetypal role in this epic English Mythology - Aragorn and Gandalf. Firstly I will look at the figure of Aragorn, son of Arathorn and of the Royal Line of Elendil. He is the Rightful King or the Once and Future King whose lineage is through the Dunedain who were originally called the Numenoreans. The Numenoreans were a High Race whose downfall occurred, we are told by Tolkien, because they mixed their Divine Blood with the lower races, and this blood-pollution caused their degeneracy and eventual downfall when many of them were subverted by the wiles of Sauron - the Dark Lord. We are told in The Silmarillion how this High Race lost its power and wisdom and its long life-span due to its mixing its Divine Blood -

'For the blood of the Numenoreans became much mingled with that of other men, and their power and wisdom was diminished, and their life-span was shortened...'

Aragorn was one of the Rangers whose descent was from the Dunedain ('Edain of the West'), the Edain being the dwellers in Numenor which was a land prepared for them by the Valar (Gods) in the First Age. This would be the equivalent of At-al-land, which is centred around North-West Europe. Aragorn, as one of the Rangers, was named 'Strider' since his title 'Aragorn' was such that he could not take it up until he recognised himself as the Rightful King. 

Before Aragorn could take up his destiny he had to acquire the 'Shards of Narsil' which was the sword broken by Sauron when wielded by Elendil in the battle at the end of the Second Age. The sword was reforged by the Elven Race  -

'The Sword of Elendil was forged anew by Elvish Smiths, and on its blade was traced a device of Seven Stars set between the crescent Moon and the rayed Sun, and about them was written many runes; for Aragorn, son of Arathorn was going to war upon the marches of Mordor.'

The reforged sword was named Anduril - 'Flame of the West' - which reflects the name of the Hun-Sword given to Hengest - 'Battle-Flame' - and it also suggests the Flaming Sword wielded by Kalki Avatar - the Last Avatar. Aragorn, of course, is the archetype of The Last Avatar who arises from the soul of the people in their direst hour. Aragorn takes a leading role in the battles against the Dark Lord and his Orc Armies. 

Gandalf is one of the Istari or Wizards that arise in order to counter the growing power of Sauron; Tolkien based the figure of Gandalf on Woden, with perhaps some characteristics of Merlin the Magician - the same archetype originally. In the saga Gandalf dies and is 'reborn' again, this being an initiation from Gandalf the Grey to Gandalf the White, in which his power grows tremendously, needed to counter the dark sorcery of Sauron. Gandalf plays a leading roles in the whole of the saga from beginning to end, and is a guide and a leader of men. 

Gandalf's role is to encourage men to great deeds, to fight for their freedom, to fight against the Dark Powers, and he is responsible for urging on both the Rohirrim and the Men of Gondor to wage war against the Dark Forces. He is also responsible for urging on the Hobbits to fulfil their role in the struggle - the Shire-Folk. Gandalf also takes part in the battles, though this is not the role of Woden in his archetypal myth. Gandalf held the ring known as Narya (an anagram of 'Aryan'), and the Sign of Gandalf was the Feoh-Rune - the Primal Rune. 

The Hobbits or Shire-Folk - clearly based upon the humble Englishman - played a key role in the destruction of the One Ring of Power. It is truly the Shire-Folk who play a key role in the struggle against Sauron and the Dark Forces.Although small, their courage and bravery excelled and is an example to all that undertake this great struggle. 

The Rohirrim also take a great part in this struggle, and Tolkien in one instance refers to them as the 'Norsemen' which clearly refers to the Vikings. However, the names of all those of Rohan are Old English and their alternative name Eorlingas is Old English. Rohirrim means 'horse-riders' and here we see a link to the most ancient Sacae-Sani or Aryan Scythians - the Saxons. The Eorlingas are descended from Eorl the Young and Tolkien informs us that they were kindred to the Kings of Gondor originally, descended from Eldacar, and thus Numenoreans. 

Saruman the White was one of the Istari, indeed was the greatest of the Istari, but his lust for power caused him to make a pact with Sauron and he thought he could at first rival Sauron in might - a folly that coule never be achieved. Thus, like the White Traitors, he betrayed his kinsmen and attempted to build an army of Uruk Hai (Orcs) that besieged Helm's Deep but were defeated there. In the film Saruman is thus defeated and held prisoner in the Tower of Isengard, but in the book it is Saruman and his aid, Grimr Wormtongue, that at the end take over the Shires before being defeated and expelled by the Shire-Folk led by the hero-Hobbits of the saga. 

In the Lord of the Rings we have all the archetypes on both sides of the struggle, and the Final Conflict between the Light Powers (Gondor-Rohan-Elves-Hobbits) and the Monsters of Chaos - Orcs, Goblins, Uruk-Hai and the other renegades and traitors of men. This results in the victory for the Powers of Light and the defeat and destruction of Sauron, the Gollum (Golem), the Dark Orcs and the renegades of men. Both sides lose a great deal in this struggle, but order and stability return with the Return of the King, and the White Tree (White Race) flourishes again from the seedling sown from the tree destroyed by Sauron. 

'Yet in that hour was put proof that which Mithrandir had spoken, and help came from the hands of the weak when the Wise faltered. For, as many songs have since sung, it was the Perianath, the Little People, dwellers in hillsides and meadows, that brought them deliverance.

For Frodo the Halfling, it is said, at the bidding of Mithrandir took on himself the burden, and alone with his servant he passed through peril and darkness and came at last in Sauron's despite even to Mount Doom; and there into the Fire where it was wrought he cast the Great Ring of Power, and so at last it was unmade and its evil consumed.'

It was the humble Halflings or Shire-Folk that became the greatest of heroes and destroyed the Ring of Power, destroying the power of Sauron. Don't write off the English, no matter how things look today!

(*) Note the resemblance between the name ISTARI and OSTARA - the Goddess of Dawn and Regeneration. 

Thursday, 8 January 2015

The Three Cauldrons - Part Two

"Wicca is an eclectic mixture of pagan religion and ceremonial magic. It is not the religion of the Celts, but the spirit remains the same. As modern witch and Jungian psychologist Vivian Crowley states, it owes much to the Dionysian, and it is a paganism of 'ecstatic vision, of trance, of the loss of individual consciousness and its merging into Nature...' "

Quoted from Warriors of the Wasteland by John Grigsby. (My underlining).

I have quoted this passage so that people can understand why we need a spiritual discipline that runs counter to this type. Wicca may think itself 'different' but from what is said here it has the very same aims as the disciplines of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism etc. which are the major religions and spiritual disciplines in the world today. This is why Wicca is acceptable whereas we are not! Whether it be 'Union with God', 'Union with Nature' or 'Union with the Cosmic Consciousness' the aim is to achieve a loss of individual consciousness which in real terms means being plunged back into the Primal Chaos or Primal Soup. Individual consciousness (ego) was the gift of Hoenir, given to Man in order that he Know Himself and become self-conscious, which is a necessity if Man is to become the God-Man or Divine Being that has long been prophesied. The aim of most spiritual disciplines is to achieve Samadhi which is the 'Union with the One' whereas the separation of the ego, and its enhancement and transformation into the Absolute I is the aim of what is know as Kaivalia.

As I stated in the first part this work was sparked by a reading of some stuff done by Steven Mc Nallen of the Asatru Folk Assembly, whom I am indebted to for bringing up some of the ideas that came through from it. From a Word to a Word we are led to a Word. This is how things work and if what we can do can stimulate thought in others then our work is not in vain. Part Two will continue the study of the Three Cauldrons.

Urda magn

Svalkaldr saer

Sonar dreyri.

Wyrd's strength

cool-cold sea

Son's liquid.

The Well of Wyrd is sometimes named Odroerir and a draught from the well is 'Wyrd's strength'. 'Son's Liquid' is from the Well of Mimir at the Cauldron of Son, and the 'cool-cold sea' must be Hvergelmir at the Cauldron of Bodn. These make up the draught in the Hel-Horn given to the dead when they first enter the Realm of the Dead - Hela. If Hvergelmir is 'the cool-cold sea' then this area is where the Fire-Serpent lies dormant - Fire-in-Water. So although the liquid is 'cool-cold' it contains Fire within it - just as the clouds contain the lightning. The three liquids from the Sacred Wells are contained in the Aurochs-Horn (Urarhorn or Ur-Ar-Horn). The Hel-Horn has the Mythical Serpent Fann engraved and painted upon it. 

The idea of a 'cool-cold sea' suggests that this centre is associated with cool water that is heated. If we relate this to Hvergelmir (which we have) then this suggests the 'roaring' associated with 'boiling' water. We should note that around the lowest centre (Hvergelmir) lies the Serpent-Dragon Nidhog - Kundalini. This also suggests to me that this is the Sleeping Goddess who is 'frozen in ice' and who can only be freed through the heat of the Black Sun of the Inner Earth. Like the Earth itself, she is protected from the freezing cold by the White Wolf-Skin (the white snow). The Black Sun would here be within the area of the Hara since this is the source of heat that will melt the Ice and free the Sleeping-Goddess

Those who have looked at the Guerilla Survivalism site from Wulfinga will have seen how we use the term FAH to represent the needs of fire-lighting - Fuel - Air - Heat. This is at a physical level, but the same formula can be applied to the methods we are going into here -

Fuel - The Ur-Essence contained at this centre.

Air - The 'Vital Breath' (ond) through rhythmic breathing (through the abdomen as it should be). 

Heat - The heat is actually generated by the Fanning of the Fuel with the Vital Breath - this is felt as a heat generated by the body, in my experience this moves up and down the Spinal Column. 

The name Hvergelmir means 'roaring kettle' which itself suggests the heating of a liquid, or the fermenting of a liquid (which produces heat). Kettle- Cold Water-Heat. The Brosingamen Necklace has to be retrieved by Hama from the waters into which Loki plunged with the necklace. If we place the Ur-Rune within this lower cauldron this is connected to 'drizzle' and to 'vapour' which results from the heating of liquid. This cauldron is named Bodn which suggests the German Boden which means 'soil' or 'land' - Earth. 

The Solar Plexus Centre or Heart Centre we have linked to the Lagu-Rune which we can very simply link to the idea of 'motion' (as this cauldron is called) since the word leikr means 'to spring up' or 'to set into motion' and this we can see in the Laukaz-Rune. The Lagu-Rune itself, in its shape, suggests a 'wave of the sea' or even a 'fountain of water' which 'springs up' (leikr) from the ground. Whatever the case it suggests 'movement' and the 'setting into motion' mentioned before. Since this area is linked to the blood ('son') then red seems the suitable colour for it. 

The Third Eye Centre is named Odroerir ('wod-roarer') and is linked to the Well of Wyrd which has been called Odroerir. This is termed hvitr aurr which makes white (hvitr) suited to this area. This we have linked to the As-Ansuz Rune which is the Rune of Asgard. 

There are few references to the three containers of Three Cauldrons but we find two obscure ones -

'Bodn's growing billow' - Einar Skalagram

'Son's reed-grown grass-edge' - Eilif Gudrunson

The former suggests that this area is indeed the area of 'incubation' as Steve McNallen has stated, since 'growing billow' suggests a growing 'surge' or 'swell' of water, i.e. the beginning of life or movement from something static. The 'reed-grown grass-edge' of Son suggests a stretch of water, a lake - the Lagu-Rune. 

I would now like to look at the role of the Vedic God named Agni who is the equivalent to Hama-Heimdall and even to Ing, who we shall refer to as Inga since it is 'AGNI' spelled backwards. I am going to list the roles of Agni here -

Outer Form - The Sun

                     - The Lightning (Fire-in-Water)

Hidden Form - The sap in plants.

                       - The blood in animals and man

Angi is -

- The Sun

- The Lightning

- The Hearth Fire

- The Sacrificial Fire

- The cremation-Fire

- 'Liquid-Fire' (Sap and Blood)

The 'parents' of Agni are the Two-Sticks that rub together to make the Nyd-Fire; the Nyd-Rune is a glyph of the Fire-Bow at one level. Agni is also named Apam Napat - 'Son of the Waters' since he is Fire-from-Water, especially as the lightning from the clouds. He works here at three levels -

Earth - Friction-Fire

Heavens - The Sun

The Atmosphere - The Lightning

Fire and heat is what moves the sap and quickens life; in the cold winters heat is lacking and the sap withdraws into the roots. Agni is thus seen as the Vital Spark or the Flame of Life

I have moved slightly away from the main subject here to show that 'fire' and thus the 'Fire-Serpent' are associated with Agni-Fire or Inga-Fire. The Fire of Kingship is called hvareno by the Iranians, and was the sole property of the Aryan Nations. This concept - hvarena - seems to be connected in some way to the Brosingamen Necklace since both are stolen and hidden in a lake, the first retrieved by Kau Khusrau and the second by Hama-Heimdall. The hvarena is held by the goddess Ardvi Sura Anahita and the Brosingamen Necklace by Freya

In the quote at the top we find that the Three Cauldrons are indeed linked to the Three Wells or Three Fountains - Wyrd's Well, Well of Mimir and Hvergelmir. It is thus correct to say that the Sacred Mead is held in these three wells, as well as in the three cauldrons or vats that Woden obtained the Mead from, held by Suttung and guarded by Gunlod. But this is not the only place where the Sacred Mead is held.

There is another legend held about the Sacred Mead, and one that we should all know in passing, though the details would not be well known.

Jack and Jill went up the hill

To fetch a pail of water;

Jack fell down and broke his crown

And JIll came tumbling after.

Indeed, it was not 'water' that Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch - it was the Sacred Mead. Jack and Jill are names corrupted from Hyuki and Bil, the  children of Vidhfinnr the Giant. The 'water' they went to collect was held in a bucket carried on a pole between them, the pole in the original tale being called Simil or Sumil a name related to Sumble through the root *suml meaning 'brewing, ale, mead'. 

It would seem that there was originally a source of mead at a hidden place in Jotunheim, and this was stolen from Jotunheim and taken to Nokkve's Ship, where 'Bragi, unharmed, refreshed himself' or 'renewed the vigour of life'. Bragi, of course, is the God of Poetry and a Son of Woden. The name Nokkvi/Nokkver means 'ship-owner' or 'ship's captain' - this ship is the Moon

Mani - the Moon-God - sees the children (Hyuki and Bil) who fetch the mead at night, filling their pail from the fountain Byrgir. They carry it way in a brimming pail on a pole on their shoulders. Mani takes them and they then remain with him - he adopts them. It is important to understand that the Moon is a source of the Mead of Inspiration and this can be proven by the fact that the Soma of the Hindus, which is the Soma-Medhu ('Soma-Mead') too, is connected to the Moon, as Agni is connected to the Sun. The Soma was concealed on the Moon. 

We can find evidence of the stealing of the Sacred Mead from Vidhfinnr, who is termed Fin in an Old English source, when we find an enmity between Fin and Nefr/Hnaf (Moon-God) who steals the Sacred Mead from Jotunheim. Nefr is the founder of the Niflungs, and Fin is also called Sumbl Finnakonungr and Svigdir. The latter title is interesting since it means 'The Champion Drinker' and the root of the name is swig meaning 'to drink deep draughts' (Old English) - we still use the term 'to swig ale'. Svigdir may well be the Jotun whom Woden had to impersonate when he entered Knit Mountain to steal the Sacred Mead from Gunlod who guarded it. 

The Moon is known to affect the subconscious mind and no doubt to work on the Right-Brain; it certainly affects dreams that we have, and makes for more lucid dreams at certain phases. This is what is meant by the Mead of Inspiration because it gives insight into hidden things. So the Sacred Mead is also contained in the Moon, guarded by the 'Man in the Moon' (Mani). He carries a lantern and a bundle of thorn-twigs which he uses to punish evil-doers. The 'lantern' suggests that the Moon has an 'artificial light' which it has, it's light is not of it's own but that of the Sun in the Lower-World. There are so many links between the Myth of Knit Mountain and that of the Moon-Mead that this can be no coincidence. 

Steve McNallen equates the Three Cauldrons with the three Arya-Castes and this a a relevant point we need to consider -

Lower Cauldron - Bodn - Earth - The Craftsman/Landsman Caste (Ceorl) which embodies fertility and virility and the prolonging of life. This would be the genital area which is part of this centre. This is the Hara-Centre which represents the Vril-Force that is involved in this area, as a creative-force. This is the centre of the 'Life-Force', and used in the Martial Arts. 

Middle Cauldron - Son - Blood - This is the Warrior-Aethlinga Caste (Earl) which also includes the 'arms' (the area associated with the Warrior). This also embodies the idea of the 'White Blood Cells' which are the 'Einheriar' who protect the World Order-Cosmic Order (and the ordered working of the body). This is the Heart-Centre and the Solar-Plexus Centre. 

Upper Cauldron - Odroerir - Spirit - This is the Priest-King Caste and the highest caste (Kon) which is the area of inspiration; Rig-Earl masters the Holy Runes, inspired in this area by the Mead of Inspiration. (The term 'inspire' is itself connected to 'spirit'.) 

We must look now at the parallel traditions from other Indo-European sources that give more understanding of the Mead of Inspiration -

Amrita -

The alexir of immortality


Nectar of the Gods (i.e. Honey of the Gods)

Ambrosia -

Food of the Gods

No death

Immortality is the aim of the Aryan Initiation as can be seen in various different traditions, from India to Egypt and all over the area covered by the Indo-Europeans. Miguel Serrano uses the term A-mor for this, which is a mirror of 'Roma' and means 'No death'. There is also a secret contained in the legends that tell of the re-awakening of the Pineal Gland, for this area has the Amun's Horn or Ammon's Horn and we can see that Amun is The Hidden God. The terms below relate to Amun -

Amun - Egypt

Aum - India 

Amen - Christian Bible

This is the area where we have to retain the Blood Memory when we pass into shadow, through the ritual outlined elsewhere, taken from the Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean. This fits with what we have been doing and can now be incorporated into our work. 

We can also equate the Three Cauldrons with the Three Worlds (or layers) -

UR - Hara - Hela/Niflheim

LAGU - Centre - Midgard

AS - Upper - Asgard

Hela is 'cool-cold', yet the name Niflheim stems from the same root as the term 'nebula' and refers to a 'mist'; Niflheim is the 'Mist-World' and placing the Ur-Rune here suits that well. Midgard is the 'world in motion' since it is always becoming and under the Laws of Wyrd (Wyrd = to become). Asgard stems from a Root *as- which means 'to be' and refers to the state of being rather than becoming. Miguel Serrano associates this area (Third Eye-Crown) to the Swan and to Thule, and we find that swans swim in the waters of the Well of Wyrd. 

In our Wodenic Lore the HE-SHE referred to by Miguel Serrano is ER-ERCE, which can be found in the charm for the land. The 'Third Eye' is the Eye of the Dragon (Dra-urg) and here is the Fire of the Vril.

As I have stated at the start, the aim is now to (re-)create a working spiritual discipline (Ar-Kan Rune-Lag) that will counter the counter-initiation which seeks to submerge the ego into the 'All' or 'One'. In order to do so we need to use a working system that can be found in our own Northern Lore, even though we may have to look elsewhere to find what we need, and further develop what we know. We have a 'hero' in the form of the Divine Fool since this is Parsifal ('Pure Fool') or Percival (Perce a val = 'to cross the valley'). Parsifal is the Son of the Widow and is Horus, Hamlet, Ing, Wid-Ar, HelgiH and similar archetypes. Just as important is his comrade - Gawain

Also important to these ideas is the son of Parsifal - Lohengrin - for he is the Swan-Knight (Sceaf) who leaves behind him three treasures -

A Sword

A Horn

A Ring

The Horn is needed to awaken Gods and Men to the Final Battle, the Sword is needed to fight that Final Battle, and the Ring of Power is needed to win that battle. The mystery of the Kaivalia is found in the Kaula Tantra and the hidden order that held these secrets was the Kula Brotherhood. In this we have yet another 'hero' to look to for guidance - Hercules or Herackles, whose name stems from Hera (Heri) - Kula. His 'Twelve Labours' go through the twelve signs of the Zodiac. Our struggle is the Blood-Struggle and we have 'labours' to do when we take this up. We wage this Holy War on a physical-psychical-spiritual level, and we have to work on all of these levels. 

Far too many of the 'New Age' adherents try to tell us that we can awaken the Kundalini through a 'forced' awakening, which may well happen, but will not produce the spiritual elevation we seek. This will awaken through our own spiritual development, and through the deeds we do in life, the heroic deeds that aid the survival of our Folk and that aid the Gods in their struggle. All the 'wishy-washy' mumbo-jumbo of the 'New-Agers' will never achieve the evolutionary jump from Man to Superman, which can only be done through the strengthening of the ego and the transmuting of the ego (lead) into the Ultimate I (Gold). 

The Second Merseburg Charm

Phol and Wodan rode into the woods,

There Balder's foal sprained its foot.

It was charmed by Sinthgunt, her sister Sunna;

It was charmed by Frigga, her sister Volla;

It was charmed by Wodan, as well he knew how;

Bone-sprain, like blood-sprain,

Like limb-sprain:

Bone to bone, blood to blood,

Limb to limb - like they were glued.

This is taken from the Old Saxon version and I have retained the name Wodan rather than Woden. This charm is also known in the Orkney Islands in a Xtian version -

Our Savious rade,

His fore-foot slade;

Our Saviour lichtit down.

Sinew to sinew, vein to vein,

Joint to joint, and bane to bane,

Mend thou in God's name. 

This is called the Wristing or Wresting Thread because to be effective a thread with Nine Knots on it is used at regular distances, and the charm is repeated at every knot. Another version can be found in the Shetland Islands -

The foal rade,

And the foal slade;

He lighted

And he righted.

Set joint to joint,

Bone to bone,

And sinew to sinew.

Heal in the Holy Ghost's Name!

Since these charms can only be found in the Germanic areas and do not seem to have been known by the Norse, it would seem strange that they have become known in this remote area of Scotland, although there are very old records of the Saxons invading the Orkneys, but this is around 300 CE. Before moving on we shall put this into its Old English version -

Dryhten rad,

fola slad,

se lihtode,

and rihtode;

set lidh to lidhe

eic swa ban to bane

sinewe to sinewe.

Hal wes dhu, on dhaes Halgan Gastes naman!

(I have used 'dh' for the 'th' sound).

At first glance this is a simple healing charm, but when we look at it more carefully we find that this simple piece may well be a part of Aryan Mythology that has been almost lost. In fact it may be connected to the Myth of Balder, and to the events that ended the Golden Age of Peace and Plenty. But first we need to look at the god-names used in this charm -

Phol - This is also Pol, Fal, Fol which are titles of Balder; it is Pol's foal that sprains his foot. We can find the name 'Pol' in various parts of England, as listed by Kemble -

Palgrave - Norfolk & Suffolk

Polebrook - Northampton

Polesworth - Warwickshire

Polhampton - Hampshire

Polstead - Suffolk

Polstead - Surrey (near Wansborough - 'Woden's Burg')

Polsden - Hampshire

Polsdon - Surrey

Polsley & Polthorn

Poling - Sussex

To this list of Kemble's I am going to add Polegate which is in East Sussex just a couple of miles from the Long Man of Wilmington. The name is said to mean 'Gate to the Pool' but may be in doubt since many Old English names are mere 'guesses' I am afraid. However, since a 'pool' can be from a 'spring' then there may indeed be a subtle link - we shall see that in Germany Pol is linked to fountains and springs. 

The German name Fal is linked to place-names connected to springs or fountains -

Phole's Fountain - Thuringia

Fal's Fountain - Frankish Steigerwald

Balder's Well - Reinphalz

Also the name Westphalia comes from Westfalia and is named after Fal or Pol. We can also find similar charms as this Germanic Charm in Poland (Pol-land), in Belarus and in the Ukrainian Polesye (Pol-esye) which is between the Ukraine and Belarus. 

We have Sinthgunt and Sunna, the latter being the Sun-Dis, the former most likely Nanna, the wife of Balder. Then comes Frigga and Fulla, wife of Wodan and her sister. Now, here we have an array of the High-Goddesses and yet they are unable to charm the foal's foot to right. This can only suggest to us that some form of Dark Sorcery was involved in this, and that the breaking of the foal's foot was a deliberate and malicious act. We may suggest Loki as the culprit, and I am here going to tell a tale which became the subject of an article in an Odinist magazine many years ago, which suggested to me another meaning of the Second Merseburg Charm. I have said all this before but it is well worth putting in again, since this may have a deeper meaning than I first thought of. 

The Witch-of-the-Eclipse (Loki) lures the Sun-God into the forest; there he steals the Golden Ring, twists the feet of the Sun-God's Foal, and imprisons the Sun-God in the Underworld. Woden charms the Foal's Foot  back to right and the Sun-God escapes his bonds, flies into the heavens again, and the Golden Ring is returned.

This, of course, all occurs in ar var alda - the Dawn-Time. We shall now see how this myth fits the latter part of the Golden Age, perhaps just prior to the slaying of the Sun-God at the hands of Loki. This simple legend can also give us the symbolism connected to the Sun-God Balder - the Lord of the Golden Age. We should note the involvement of Loki the Trickster in this again. 

The symbol of Balder is the Sun-Wheel, which is a Circle ringed round an equal-armed Cross; this symbolises Balder as the Sun-God of the Golden Age. This is the Golden Ring mentioned in the tale. This Golden Ring is stolen by Loki, which leaves us the equal-armed Cross. The 'Foal's Feet' (the feet of the Cross) are 'twisted' and what emerges is the Fylfot-Swastika. This is symbolic of Baldaeg in the Underworld (as he is now, until his emergence after Ragnarok and the Doom of the Gods). Woden charms the 'twisted' legs of the Foal, which then becomes an equal-armed Cross again. Baldaeg is freed from the Underworld and flies high into the sky again, regaining the Golden Ring - we are back to the Sun-Wheel. We have thus a clear symbolism attached to Pol-Baldaeg -

Sunwheel - Solar Cross - Fylfot-Swastika - Solar Cross - Sunwheel

The name Fylfot is thus a corruption of Fol's Foot or Foal's Foot and this would be the widdershins (anti-sun-wise) version which moves against the flow of Time. This is the Hidden Symbol that was activated from another 'world' in order to create a change in the order of things, and to create a New Order. Baldaeg is the Lord of the Golden Age and it may be that his symbol is also the Black Sun which shines from the Lower World and which activates the Sacred Blood in our Folk. 

On the night of August 10th 1999, prior to the Solar Eclipse of August 11th, eight Millenium Ale bottles showing an Old Man with a blond-haired, blue-eyed child were buried in the shape of a Fylfot-Swastika in a secret location near to the Long Man - and have been there ever since. Each bottle contained a runic formula and invocation, and these were 'powered' on the morning of August 11th at 11,00 am when the 'sun turned black'. The next day the 'hot stars' (Perseid Meteor Shower) 'fell from the skies'. This was the dawn of a new era, and the conception of the Age of Ing. The Sign of Ing appeared in the heavens at the same time (the planetary positions showed the Ing-Rune or Solar-Cross, the latter may indicate that at this time the 'Foal's Feet' were righted). 

The Sun & Moon (and Venus-Freya not shown) were in the House of the White Dragon (Leo), with Mars (The War-God) in Scorpio, Saturn (The Malevolent One * - at this time) in Taurus, and Uranus (God of the New Age) in Aquarius (The New Age). This formed a Solar-Cross and/or an Ing-Rune which is the Sign of the Son of Man(-nus) this being Ingwe or Ing. The Solar Eclipse is symbolic of Baldaeg in the Underworld (Odainsacre) where he is 'imprisoned'. This is the Black Sun in a sense. The symbolism (as Nostradamus stated) shows that evil and war would reign (Saturn and Mars), and we can see from this that the Sons of Saturn (Loki) were responsible for the 'War of Terror' that we are seeing today. The fall of the Twin Towers heralded the end of the world-age and the world-order that existed. 

The Resurrection of Baldaeg will herald the coming of a new Golden Age, and after the Fires of Surt have cleansed the worlds a new and prestine world will emerge from the seas that put out the flames - this is not a new 'creation' since we know that Baldaeg and Lif & Lifthrasir were taken into Odainsacre, together with all that was good and pure, all that was non-warlike. This new world will arise whole from the seas, seeded with all forms of life that existed in the last Golden Age. This we know from the knowledge of Odainsacre, the legend from Iran that has Yima save the 'seeds of life' in a special container, and 'Noah's Ark' which saves the seeds of life from the last Great Flood that destroyed the Golden Age. All these contain seeds of truth relating to the sinking of Atlantis which is a myth remembering the ending of the Golden Age. But there is also an occult legend of the rising of Atlantis and this refers to the arising of this new world and a New Order

(*) Saturn has been transformed into 'Satan' and chained by the Rings of Ice which we can equate to the Ring of Power forged by Sauron in the Lord of the Rings. This Ring of Power can only be destroyed by Fire - the names of some of the moons of Saturn should be carefully noted, since most planets and stars are called after Greek or Roman Gods -




Hyrrokin (whose legend suggests she is Heid-Gulveig-Angerboda)

Mundilfari (God of Cyclic Time)







Farbauti (Father of Loki)




Kari ('Time')

Fenrir (Fenris Wolf)


Loge (Loki as Fire-God - Destructive Fire)


Saturday (Saturn's Day) is 'Loki's Day' and the 'Sabbath', named from a name for Saturn - Shabbathai. The symbol of Saturn is a 'cube' from which we get the Xtian Cross (a cube opened up). The hexagon (Star of Satan) appears at the north pole of Saturn, and the eye (Eye of Sauron) appears at the south pole. The Rings of Saturn bind the ancient God of the Golden Age and only Surt's Fire will free him when the Ice is melted. As we can see, the original God of the Golden Age was Kronos, and if we see him as the 'God of Time' then we can see that Mundilfori (God of Cyclic Time) is a name of one of the moons. Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun, and with the hexagon this suggests that the number 6 is connected to this planet. We need to note that Miguel Serrano suggests that rather than living in the Iron Age we are now living in the Lead Age, and the metal of Saturn is - Lead. Lead is the metal that is transformed into Gold by the skilled alchemists. 

It is said that the Age of Pisces started with a conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in the House of Pisces, and that Saturn was the planet of Israel and Jupiter the planet of rulership. This obviously heralded the 'Days of the Messiah' (a name that can mean 'Serpent'). In the Norwegian Rune-Poem we find that the Thurs-Rune is associated with Saturn. The names of the moons of Saturn are that of the Thurs-Clans or the Jotun-Clans. The Thurs-Rune or Thorn-Rune can be a very malevolent rune, though it is also associated with Thunor-Thor and the Hammer of Thor. The rune itself shows the Ur-Hammer or Ur-Axe which was made of stone and not iron as in later times. 

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Gifts of the Gods

Found on land,
little maegan,
Ash and Embla
Ur-laug not.

Ond they had not,
Od they had not,
la nor laeti
nor lito goda.

Ond gave Woden,
Od gave Hoenir,
La gave Lodur,
And litr goda.

We shall analyse this now. Ash and Embla are here symbolised by two trees, one male and one female. They are 'found on land', indeed by the sea in one account, but they have little maegan (strength/might/power) and do not have a destiny or Urlaug. The trees represent the vegetative state that these were already in, their physical state which was devoid of the things that the gods gave to them.

They did not have ond which is 'spirit' or 'vital breath'; they did not have od which is the ego, understanding, memory, will and divine inspiration; they had neither la which is blood, which is the power of motion which sets apart animals and man from the plant-world, or laeti which is 'manners' and 'bearing', and the way we act and move; neither did they have litr goda which is the Astral Body which gives shape and character to the physical body, and is sometimes called the Subtle Body. This latter is the 'Inner Body' which is made in the image of the Gods, and the outer (physical) body depends upon the condition of the litr.

It was Woden who gave spirit or vital breath since he is the 'Wind-God', not just in the sense of the wind we know of and encounter, but in the sense of the 'movement of air' at a subtle level which is spiritual. We may see Woden in the storm-wind but this is at a physical level, and he works on deeper levels too. Hoenir gives Od which relates to what is usually called the 'soul' and to the 'ego' which makes us individual. We can see here that these creative acts are not a one-off in some far-distant past, because the soul is brought to the mother prior to every birth of man, brought by Hoenir. We still remember this in the 'fairy-tale' where the Stork (Hoenir is also called langifotr which means 'long-legs') brings the soul to the mother. 

The Stork is the Creator-God walking in the Ocean of Chaos, brooding over the Primal Soup (Tohu-Bohu), and who hatches the Cosmic Egg. This can be found in Egyptian Mythology and other sources. The fruit out of which the child is developed is grown in the World Tree, and is called manna mjotudr which matures and falls from the branches into the Mythic Pool to be fetched by the Stork-God (Hoenir), the winged servant of the Gods, to be born out of the mother. 

In one Old English text Hoenir is referred to under the name Haene which itself means 'Long-Legged', and this is related to hohni which means 'White Bird' (either a Swan or a Stork, these symbols may be interchangeable). Hoenir is also referred to as aurkonungr - 'mire-king' - which refers to his role as either Stork-Swan which swims in the 'mire' around the waters. 

Lodur (who is not Loki as some would have us believe) gives blood, but he also gives the Divine Form of the Gods - the 'Divine Spark' (which is the Friction-Fire at one level). This is the Litr Goda ('Light of the Gods') referred to in the text. The term la (blood) has to be related to the Lagu-Rune which would refer to 'blood' as well as 'water', and thus also to the 'sap' that rises in the vegetative world. The term litr refers to something that can be seen, but cannot be felt, i.e. it refers to a non-physical concept. We could see this as the aura in modern terms. 

The Havamal (93) tells us that beautiful women have 'joyous fair litr' and in the sense of someone being clever and intelligent we have always said they are 'bright', whereas those who are not clever are 'dim'. No amount of tampering by the 'Cultural Marxists' will alter this Eternal Truth! In some people the aura (litr goda) is pronounced and can even be 'felt' by others around them - especially spiritually advanced beings. 

There is also another slant to this, since the outward appearance of the body can be altered by the emotions, which influence the litr. This we can see when we become 'pale' or when we 'blush' since it is the emotions which trigger these physical responses. We can also note that the outward appearance of the body could then be influenced by how we think and what we do - which may account for the degenerate types that abound in our era at the end of the Warg-Age. The litr lives on after death. 

I am going to equate Lodur with Hama-Heimdall since Hama is a Fire-God (Creative Fire), and he is Agni of the Rig Vedas. I have equated Hama with Ing-Sceaf in the past, though they may be different forms of one Archetypal Being. In the Rig Vedas we are told that Matarishvan brought Agni from the heavens, 'from the gods very far away' and gave him as a gift to the Bhrigus, who concealed him in a wood (Ask-Embla?) before giving him to Manu (The First Man). Bhrigu 'brought forth' Agni - he kindled the Need-Fire, and the name 'Bhrigus' means 'flame' or 'blaze'. 

Now, Agni (Inga) is the Fire-in-Water since he is the Lightning in the Clouds, but he is also the Sun, and also the sap in the plants and the blood in Man. We have a direct link to Hoenir here with the la or blood. We find that Angiras (Ang-iras) first kindled Agni; he was the first half-mythical ancestor of the Priestly Race, and became a name of Agni. Agni, in respect to the blood in man, is thus the Vital Spark or Flame of Life in Man, and the Vital Force in all life. There is also a figure called Atharvan who draws Agni forth by the Friction-Fire; atharva (Skt.) means 'flame' and atharyu (Skt.) means 'blazing'. Agni is Atar in Iranian Lore. 

The descendants of the Bhrigu and Bhriguians are called Bhargavans, and Agni (like Sceaf) came over the sea to these people. Like Sceaf he was adopted by them and dwelt as a 'immortal amongst mortals'. He became the first patriarch and first priest. In the name 'Bhargavans we find the Aryan Root * bharg which means 'to shine' and we can find a direct counterpart in the Teutonic Berchter which stems from a Teutonic Root * berhta meaning 'bright', 'clear', 'light' or 'shining'. Clearly the Bhargavans are the Shining Ones and we are here going back to the times of Hyperborea-Thule or Scandi in the Far North. We have here a clear indication that the 'creation' of Man as Ask and Embla was the 'creation' of the Shining Ones or Arya

The name Bhrigu and Bharga could be linked to Brosingamen since this is the 'Necklace of Fire' worn by Freya and retrieved from Loki by Hama. Here, again, this is the Fire retrieved from the Waters (a lake). The Brosingamen Necklace is also connected to the Xvarena or Hvarena of Iranian Myth which is the sole property of the Aryan Race. We could see in this the Flame of Kingship which would also be the gift of Lodur. Indeed, having linked Ing-Sceaf-Hama this would be the Gift of Ing which is Kenaz (Fire of the Konungr) and which is stated clearly on the White Stone of Ing

Snorri adds the term hroering to Od which means 'agitated movement' or 'excitement' and is also found in Od-roerir. The term hroering means 'roaring' which gives us Roaring Spirit in the name Odroerir. Woden is the 'Master of Od' (Wod) but it is Hoenir who gives this to man - though Hama-Heimdall may be an aspect of Woden which would make more sense here.

When the spirit (ond) dominates the body throughout life the physical body become divine and even after death the physical remains are very powerful, emitting blessings and happiness around it. In this way the grave-mound may develop a kind of 'branch' from the main litr that passes on, which is termed a Hael-Wight, or 'Good Wight'. If the being has the opposite traits in life then a U-Wight or 'Bad Wight' can develop and the place would become negative. This may also account for negative or 'black-spots' as they are called. This is why grave-mounds are so powerful, and were placed near to the dwellings of the living kin to the dead. 

We should also note the fact that the dead should not be over-mourned, since they would be forced to return to the land of the living, though they would not want to do so. We have a clear account of this in the Myth of Helgi Hundingsbane where Sigrun mourns him so much that he has to return from Valhalla to ride to his own grave-mound. There he comforts Sigrun and assures her of his love for her and his devotion to her, and that they will meet once more in the Lower World of Hela. He then returns to Valhalla again. 

We can see not one jot of evidence in our Northern Myths to prove that Aryan Man (Northern Man) evolved from an ape. Nor do we find Aryan Man created from the mud of the earth as in the Hebraic texts. Aryan Man was created from the noble Ash-Tree which reaches towards the heavens - this is symbolic of the essence of the First Man into which the Flame of Life was placed. The vegetative basis of Man was formed from the noble tree that grows in the Earth, but which reaches to the heavens and the Gods. This was why Iggdrasil is the White Tree and represents the White Race at this level. Yes, it has been battered and beaten, decaying and is dying, but it will not pass away completely, for it will be regenerated after Ragnarok - or a 'sapling' of the White Tree will be found, as happens in the Lord of the Rings. 

Finally, it is Hoenir that gave the ego to Man which we have evolved in order that we may 'know ourselves' and be self-aware; to destroy the ego as most of the so-called 'religions' and 'spiritual disciplines' seek to do is to throw away the legacy given to us by Hoenir, and return to the Primal Soup. The Gift of Hoenir has to be strengthened, not destroyed, and transmuted into the Absolute I which transforms the litr into the Immortal Body

We are told that Ask and Embla did not have Ur-laug (Orlog) but the gifts given to them by Woden-Hoenir-Lodur empowered them and were given that they may fulfil their Ur-Laug or Racial Wyrd which was laid down for this new race of man. What we are speaking of here is the Divine Destiny of the Arya and not mankind as a whole. These gifts were given to the Ur-Race of the Arya and are retained in the few who are fulfilling this Divine Destiny down to our times. The mystery resides in the Sacred Blood. (Again, this mystery is found in the White Stone of Ing where the Ing-Rune symbolises the Sacred Blood. The Divine Fire of Kingship resides in the Sacred Blood - Sang Real. It is the 'Holy Gral' that we have to rediscover - that is the Mystery of our Age.) 

Since the First Man and First Woman did not originally have a Divine Mission, and had little maegan ('little power' or 'little might'), nor did they have the Gifts of the Gods given here, we can assume that our way out of the mess we are in is to redevelop these powers and to strengthen our maegan as individuals and as a Folk. There are ways to do this as individuals and also as a group, but we shall leave this to another time. 

* There is no evidence to suggest that 'Embla' means 'Elm' as has been suggested, since the name itself does not follow that course; there could be a link to 'ember' but that is just speculation. There may be a pairing between the Ash-Tree and Fire here, but we cannot be sure. I am going to stick my neck out here (as usual) and suggest this may be the case, that Aryan Man was made from the essence of the Noble Tree (Earth-Heaven) and the essence of Fire. The Arya were a Race of Kon(ungr) and Kan-Kon is the Fire-Rune. Even in death this Kan-Fire remained in the Long-Barrow and Round-Barrow as we are told in the OE Rune-Poem. This is the Pine-Torch and the Fire is invoked by the Rune of Kon - the 'Heil Salute' which is formed from this rune-stave in its English form. 

** The trio of Woden-Hoenir-Lodur can be found in Woden-Will-Weoh, which tells us that Hoenir also gives 'The Will' which is a most powerful force in Aryan Man. Lodur is thus Weoh who gives the Holy Blood, the Aryan Archetype, and the Light of the Gods. 

This post is of extreme importance since the details within it totally disprove the idea that Man (Aryan Man) descended from the apes or from mud-created beings. This is the key to arguing the origins of our Folk and to countering the lies propagated by the Great Enemy. The 'Aryan Race' may not exist as an entity today, but it is an archetype and it is a projection for the future. It is something to strive and struggle for, and in doing so go 'beyond' the mankind of today, to 'overcome' the 'man' of today, to reach to the stars for a new Race of Man. Origins are important, just as is Destiny.