Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Gifts of the Gods

Found on land,
little maegan,
Ash and Embla
Ur-laug not.

Ond they had not,
Od they had not,
la nor laeti
nor lito goda.

Ond gave Woden,
Od gave Hoenir,
La gave Lodur,
And litr goda.

We shall analyse this now. Ash and Embla are here symbolised by two trees, one male and one female. They are 'found on land', indeed by the sea in one account, but they have little maegan (strength/might/power) and do not have a destiny or Urlaug. The trees represent the vegetative state that these were already in, their physical state which was devoid of the things that the gods gave to them.

They did not have ond which is 'spirit' or 'vital breath'; they did not have od which is the ego, understanding, memory, will and divine inspiration; they had neither la which is blood, which is the power of motion which sets apart animals and man from the plant-world, or laeti which is 'manners' and 'bearing', and the way we act and move; neither did they have litr goda which is the Astral Body which gives shape and character to the physical body, and is sometimes called the Subtle Body. This latter is the 'Inner Body' which is made in the image of the Gods, and the outer (physical) body depends upon the condition of the litr.

It was Woden who gave spirit or vital breath since he is the 'Wind-God', not just in the sense of the wind we know of and encounter, but in the sense of the 'movement of air' at a subtle level which is spiritual. We may see Woden in the storm-wind but this is at a physical level, and he works on deeper levels too. Hoenir gives Od which relates to what is usually called the 'soul' and to the 'ego' which makes us individual. We can see here that these creative acts are not a one-off in some far-distant past, because the soul is brought to the mother prior to every birth of man, brought by Hoenir. We still remember this in the 'fairy-tale' where the Stork (Hoenir is also called langifotr which means 'long-legs') brings the soul to the mother. 

The Stork is the Creator-God walking in the Ocean of Chaos, brooding over the Primal Soup (Tohu-Bohu), and who hatches the Cosmic Egg. This can be found in Egyptian Mythology and other sources. The fruit out of which the child is developed is grown in the World Tree, and is called manna mjotudr which matures and falls from the branches into the Mythic Pool to be fetched by the Stork-God (Hoenir), the winged servant of the Gods, to be born out of the mother. 

In one Old English text Hoenir is referred to under the name Haene which itself means 'Long-Legged', and this is related to hohni which means 'White Bird' (either a Swan or a Stork, these symbols may be interchangeable). Hoenir is also referred to as aurkonungr - 'mire-king' - which refers to his role as either Stork-Swan which swims in the 'mire' around the waters. 

Lodur (who is not Loki as some would have us believe) gives blood, but he also gives the Divine Form of the Gods - the 'Divine Spark' (which is the Friction-Fire at one level). This is the Litr Goda ('Light of the Gods') referred to in the text. The term la (blood) has to be related to the Lagu-Rune which would refer to 'blood' as well as 'water', and thus also to the 'sap' that rises in the vegetative world. The term litr refers to something that can be seen, but cannot be felt, i.e. it refers to a non-physical concept. We could see this as the aura in modern terms. 

The Havamal (93) tells us that beautiful women have 'joyous fair litr' and in the sense of someone being clever and intelligent we have always said they are 'bright', whereas those who are not clever are 'dim'. No amount of tampering by the 'Cultural Marxists' will alter this Eternal Truth! In some people the aura (litr goda) is pronounced and can even be 'felt' by others around them - especially spiritually advanced beings. 

There is also another slant to this, since the outward appearance of the body can be altered by the emotions, which influence the litr. This we can see when we become 'pale' or when we 'blush' since it is the emotions which trigger these physical responses. We can also note that the outward appearance of the body could then be influenced by how we think and what we do - which may account for the degenerate types that abound in our era at the end of the Warg-Age. The litr lives on after death. 

I am going to equate Lodur with Hama-Heimdall since Hama is a Fire-God (Creative Fire), and he is Agni of the Rig Vedas. I have equated Hama with Ing-Sceaf in the past, though they may be different forms of one Archetypal Being. In the Rig Vedas we are told that Matarishvan brought Agni from the heavens, 'from the gods very far away' and gave him as a gift to the Bhrigus, who concealed him in a wood (Ask-Embla?) before giving him to Manu (The First Man). Bhrigu 'brought forth' Agni - he kindled the Need-Fire, and the name 'Bhrigus' means 'flame' or 'blaze'. 

Now, Agni (Inga) is the Fire-in-Water since he is the Lightning in the Clouds, but he is also the Sun, and also the sap in the plants and the blood in Man. We have a direct link to Hoenir here with the la or blood. We find that Angiras (Ang-iras) first kindled Agni; he was the first half-mythical ancestor of the Priestly Race, and became a name of Agni. Agni, in respect to the blood in man, is thus the Vital Spark or Flame of Life in Man, and the Vital Force in all life. There is also a figure called Atharvan who draws Agni forth by the Friction-Fire; atharva (Skt.) means 'flame' and atharyu (Skt.) means 'blazing'. Agni is Atar in Iranian Lore. 

The descendants of the Bhrigu and Bhriguians are called Bhargavans, and Agni (like Sceaf) came over the sea to these people. Like Sceaf he was adopted by them and dwelt as a 'immortal amongst mortals'. He became the first patriarch and first priest. In the name 'Bhargavans we find the Aryan Root * bharg which means 'to shine' and we can find a direct counterpart in the Teutonic Berchter which stems from a Teutonic Root * berhta meaning 'bright', 'clear', 'light' or 'shining'. Clearly the Bhargavans are the Shining Ones and we are here going back to the times of Hyperborea-Thule or Scandi in the Far North. We have here a clear indication that the 'creation' of Man as Ask and Embla was the 'creation' of the Shining Ones or Arya

The name Bhrigu and Bharga could be linked to Brosingamen since this is the 'Necklace of Fire' worn by Freya and retrieved from Loki by Hama. Here, again, this is the Fire retrieved from the Waters (a lake). The Brosingamen Necklace is also connected to the Xvarena or Hvarena of Iranian Myth which is the sole property of the Aryan Race. We could see in this the Flame of Kingship which would also be the gift of Lodur. Indeed, having linked Ing-Sceaf-Hama this would be the Gift of Ing which is Kenaz (Fire of the Konungr) and which is stated clearly on the White Stone of Ing

Snorri adds the term hroering to Od which means 'agitated movement' or 'excitement' and is also found in Od-roerir. The term hroering means 'roaring' which gives us Roaring Spirit in the name Odroerir. Woden is the 'Master of Od' (Wod) but it is Hoenir who gives this to man - though Hama-Heimdall may be an aspect of Woden which would make more sense here.

When the spirit (ond) dominates the body throughout life the physical body become divine and even after death the physical remains are very powerful, emitting blessings and happiness around it. In this way the grave-mound may develop a kind of 'branch' from the main litr that passes on, which is termed a Hael-Wight, or 'Good Wight'. If the being has the opposite traits in life then a U-Wight or 'Bad Wight' can develop and the place would become negative. This may also account for negative or 'black-spots' as they are called. This is why grave-mounds are so powerful, and were placed near to the dwellings of the living kin to the dead. 

We should also note the fact that the dead should not be over-mourned, since they would be forced to return to the land of the living, though they would not want to do so. We have a clear account of this in the Myth of Helgi Hundingsbane where Sigrun mourns him so much that he has to return from Valhalla to ride to his own grave-mound. There he comforts Sigrun and assures her of his love for her and his devotion to her, and that they will meet once more in the Lower World of Hela. He then returns to Valhalla again. 

We can see not one jot of evidence in our Northern Myths to prove that Aryan Man (Northern Man) evolved from an ape. Nor do we find Aryan Man created from the mud of the earth as in the Hebraic texts. Aryan Man was created from the noble Ash-Tree which reaches towards the heavens - this is symbolic of the essence of the First Man into which the Flame of Life was placed. The vegetative basis of Man was formed from the noble tree that grows in the Earth, but which reaches to the heavens and the Gods. This was why Iggdrasil is the White Tree and represents the White Race at this level. Yes, it has been battered and beaten, decaying and is dying, but it will not pass away completely, for it will be regenerated after Ragnarok - or a 'sapling' of the White Tree will be found, as happens in the Lord of the Rings. 

Finally, it is Hoenir that gave the ego to Man which we have evolved in order that we may 'know ourselves' and be self-aware; to destroy the ego as most of the so-called 'religions' and 'spiritual disciplines' seek to do is to throw away the legacy given to us by Hoenir, and return to the Primal Soup. The Gift of Hoenir has to be strengthened, not destroyed, and transmuted into the Absolute I which transforms the litr into the Immortal Body

We are told that Ask and Embla did not have Ur-laug (Orlog) but the gifts given to them by Woden-Hoenir-Lodur empowered them and were given that they may fulfil their Ur-Laug or Racial Wyrd which was laid down for this new race of man. What we are speaking of here is the Divine Destiny of the Arya and not mankind as a whole. These gifts were given to the Ur-Race of the Arya and are retained in the few who are fulfilling this Divine Destiny down to our times. The mystery resides in the Sacred Blood. (Again, this mystery is found in the White Stone of Ing where the Ing-Rune symbolises the Sacred Blood. The Divine Fire of Kingship resides in the Sacred Blood - Sang Real. It is the 'Holy Gral' that we have to rediscover - that is the Mystery of our Age.) 

Since the First Man and First Woman did not originally have a Divine Mission, and had little maegan ('little power' or 'little might'), nor did they have the Gifts of the Gods given here, we can assume that our way out of the mess we are in is to redevelop these powers and to strengthen our maegan as individuals and as a Folk. There are ways to do this as individuals and also as a group, but we shall leave this to another time. 

* There is no evidence to suggest that 'Embla' means 'Elm' as has been suggested, since the name itself does not follow that course; there could be a link to 'ember' but that is just speculation. There may be a pairing between the Ash-Tree and Fire here, but we cannot be sure. I am going to stick my neck out here (as usual) and suggest this may be the case, that Aryan Man was made from the essence of the Noble Tree (Earth-Heaven) and the essence of Fire. The Arya were a Race of Kon(ungr) and Kan-Kon is the Fire-Rune. Even in death this Kan-Fire remained in the Long-Barrow and Round-Barrow as we are told in the OE Rune-Poem. This is the Pine-Torch and the Fire is invoked by the Rune of Kon - the 'Heil Salute' which is formed from this rune-stave in its English form. 

** The trio of Woden-Hoenir-Lodur can be found in Woden-Will-Weoh, which tells us that Hoenir also gives 'The Will' which is a most powerful force in Aryan Man. Lodur is thus Weoh who gives the Holy Blood, the Aryan Archetype, and the Light of the Gods. 

This post is of extreme importance since the details within it totally disprove the idea that Man (Aryan Man) descended from the apes or from mud-created beings. This is the key to arguing the origins of our Folk and to countering the lies propagated by the Great Enemy. The 'Aryan Race' may not exist as an entity today, but it is an archetype and it is a projection for the future. It is something to strive and struggle for, and in doing so go 'beyond' the mankind of today, to 'overcome' the 'man' of today, to reach to the stars for a new Race of Man. Origins are important, just as is Destiny.

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