Saturday, 14 November 2015

Hengest and Horsa

According to an old Frisian Legend Swana ('Swan' - the great-grandchild of Woden) had two brothers named Hengest and Horsa. She married a duke of Friesland, Udolphus (Hrothwulf) and had two sins whom she named after her brothers - Hengest and Horsa. These two sons directed the invasion of England. Now, there is a similarity here with the Greek legend of Castor and Pollox - the Divine Twins - for these two were born of Leda, the Swan. 

What we have here seems to be an ancient legend of the birth of the Divine Twins in the Land of the Swan - Thule/Hyperborea. On the 'Dancing Warriors' found on the Sutton Hoo Mask we find horns with are bird-headed snakes - the Feathered Serpents. The message on the Horns of Gallehus, which also contains depictions of these Twin-Warriors, states the following -

Ek Im Unmurdsa

Ek Thikskoad

'I am the Immortals, I watch you'

The Divine Twins are called Alcis in parts of Germany, and this name can be rendered Alchi which stems from an IE Root *alec meaning 'protection' or 'help'. Two inscriptions can be found which mention the Alchi -

'Alchi powers reach everywhere'

'Alchi be praised,
Alchi be praised.'

The Vandals had two 'Twin Poles' called Ambri ('Beam') and Assi ('Pillar') from which came the two Germanic Tribes - the Ambrones and the Assipitti. Other names for these Twin-Warriors was Raos ('Pole') and Raptos ('Post'). Here I am reminded of the Long Man of Wilmington and his association with Waendal (an alternative to 'Vandal') who bears Twin Poles.

There seem to be certain variants of the name 'Hengest' of which are -

Hangus - Angys - Aungys

The last two names are phonetically the same as 'Angus' which can be written AEngus or Oenghus - they are Scottish names.According to Nennius one part of the Saxons under Hengest settled in Kent whilst another part under Octa and Ebissa (his son and his nephew) settled in Scotland. In one account Octa and Ebissa lead the Frisians. Dunfries is the 'Town of the Frisians' and it has been suggested that the 'Fomorians' of Ireland were actually the Frisians (this is in fact something for study since the name seems to suggest 'Fo-Mor' meaning 'Under the Sea', the area of Frisia being the area of Holland, and the 'Netherlands' means 'Under the Sea'.) 

An old Roman inscription tells us - 'In hoc tumulo jacet Vetta filius Victi' which means refers to Vitta, son of Vecta' the grandfather of Hengest and Horsa. Nikolai Tolstoy in one of his novels states that the name 'Octa' (son of Hengest) was also the name of one of the sons of AEtla the Hun. This suggests that Hengest recognised that he had links to the Archetypal Myth led by AEtla, and thus confirming the importance of the sword Hunlafing Hildeleoman which passed from AEtla (Hun) to Hengest (Engel-Kin). 

In one German Legend Hengest and Horsa were said to be the sons of the Duke of Engern. The Duchy of Engern had a White Horse on its banner. The Roman name given to the Angles was the 'Angrivarii' who lived in three subdivisions of Saxony, including Westfalahi and Ostfalahi, as well as in Engern near to the Teutoberg Wald, and in Angeran in Munster. The Angrivarii were said to have invaded Westphalia under Yglo  Lascon. 

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