Tuesday, 24 November 2015

'King Arthur' and Glastonbury.

Archaeologists have uncovered evidence that the Legend of King Arthur connected to Glastonbury Abbey may be false. It would seem that the Abbey monks made the whole thing up in order to raise money to fund the restoration of the building after a fire in 1184 CE. Now, we all know that 'King Arthur' was a figure made up by the Norman-Bretons in order to create a 'rightful claim' to these islands under their rule. The evidence found at Glastonbury lends credence to this and knocks a great hole in the 'Celtic' legends associated with an area of England. 

This information was published in The Independent and the Belfast Telegraph on 24th November 2015. Research by the University of Reading found that the site was occupied 200 years earlier than first though, occupied by the Saxons. They also found the earliest and most substantial evidence of glass-making in Saxon England. They found no evidence whatever for any links with a 'King Arthur' or 'Guenevere', nor of a 'British' cemetery supposedly found there in a previous dig. 

Roberta Gilchrist, Professor of Archaeology at the University of Reading stated -

'The project has rewritten the history of Glastonbury Abbey.'

and that -

'Although several major excavations were undertaken during the 20th century dig directors were led heavily by Glastonbury's legends and the occult.'

It would seem that the records from two previous excavations in 1904 and 1979 were not even published - presumably they did not fit with the 'King Arthur' legends even then. This goes to show that some archaeologists have deliberately kept evidence from the people if it does not fit with their existing dogmatic theories. 

The latest evidence suggests that after the fire that devastated the abbey in 1184 it was rebuilt to look more ancient in order to 'demonstrate its ancient heritage and pre-eminent in monastic history...' The legends were created in order to attract pilgrims to Glastonbury Abbey so that funds could be raised to rebuild the abbey. The story of Joseph of Arimathea would also be false and made up for the same reason. 

If this area was supposedly linked to Gwyn ap Nudd then it is dedicated to Woden as the Wild Huntsman. Glastonbury itself means the 'Glass Mount' which is the famous 'Glass Mountain' known all around the areas of the North Sea, in various myths and legends. Gwyn may just be another form of Gwydion/Wydion who is the son of Don. The term 'Nudd' means 'mist' so Gwyn is the 'Son of the Mist' which is merely a title. Areas to the West of England would be certainly influenced by Welsh Lore, which must have overlapped in many areas, something not found in the East of England and South of England, nor in the eastern sides of the Midlands and North. 

None of this negates the King Arthur Archetype and Archetypal Myth which are Hyperborean in origin and which are Eternal Truths. What it does prove is the distortions that have been made, and which have been promoted again and again in order to destroy the English Myth and thus the English Nation. The Legend of King Arthur more likely stems from a very much earlier Hyperborean Mythos and even then it can be linked to England from its earliest sources. I believe this to be right since Ing has associations with the constellation of Bootes as I have shown before, and that the brightest star in this northern constellation is named Arcturus. Remember - this is to be found in a constellation associated with the Divine Ancestor of the English! 

In the post about the White Stone of Ing I have shown how 'Cuthman' is linked to The Plough or the Great Bear (Woden's Waen). One derivation of 'Arthur' is said to be from the Welsh Arth Fawr meaning 'Great Bear'. Then there is the word pointed out by Hamasson ardhr meaning 'plough' - The Plough. There are too many 'coincidences' here to negate this idea - these mysteries are the Mysteries of Arctur and their origins go back to the Hyperborean Druids. Ing (Bootes) is the 'Driver of the Waen' or the 'Driver of the Plough', or in some legends the 'Driver of the Oxen'. These are all names for the Great Bear/Plough/Big Dipper which moves around the Pole Star in the shape of the Fylfot-Swastika. 

We have seen how the Legend of Cuthman was ruthlessly suppressed by the Norman-Bretons who may have understood the underlying meaning of this English 'saint', and thus sought to eradicate all memory of him. A different motive underlies the 'King Arthur' legend which the monks most likely attached to Glastonbury as a means to raise funds for its restoration. But the results are the same, the suppression and the loss of English Identity at the expense of 'Celtic Legend' which throughout the centuries has proven to be a boon to our enemies, no matter who they are. 

Today we are witness to the removal of England from the maps of Europe, which is merging into the European State planned for decades. Wales, Scotland and Ireland remain as nations, with England split into 'regions' within the new European State. There is also a growing argument being put forward that the English have never existed (shades of Orwell), even in the face of a growing evidence that the English existed here in these islands long before our 'history' tells us. In the past I have been called 'racist' (how upsetting was that!) because I used the term Teutonic English by a 'pagan' writer who has produced books on the runes. 

When the legends of King Arthur are studied he amounts to no more than a Welsh Chieftain who fought battles against the English; the rest of his 'history' was added by the Norman-Bretons in order to justify their conquest of the whole of these islands. There is no evidence whatever for his ruling an 'empire' which is stated in some records, nor of his influence outside Wales. The places dedicated to 'King Arthur' seem to be late editions and were a clever ploy to destroy the English Identity and the Germanic Myth here in England. 

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