Saturday, 27 February 2016

Shamanic Initiation

After posting a piece on the Shamanic Initiation that I underwent in the spring of 1997 I was once more featured in 'Maggie Benn's' blog named Radical Britain. Maggie Benn seems to feel that what I describe is some kind of mental illness and comes out with an NHS list of all sorts of 'syndromes' (*) including 'taking illicit drugs or alcohol'. Now Maggie I do not take 'illicit drugs' and this was certainly not due to 'alcohol' although I used to like a drink now and again like many people do. 

The problem is that today's psychiatry, psychoanalysis or psychotherapy is based upon Sigmund Freud rather than upon Carl Gustav Jung, the latter having a far better understanding of the Germanic Psyche - i.e. the Germanic Gods. Thus, any form of 'diagnosis' through psychiatry, psychoanalysis or any other 'psycho' that 'Maggie' would like to quote in regard to these likely causes comes through in a form that is not suited to the knowledge of the Germanic Psyche. I am not suggesting that 'Maggie' is not an expert in her field but that expertise may not be right in regard to the Germanic Psyche.

It is a fact that today's 'mental illnesses' are held in check through drugs, and that no-one seems to be able to cure them, or rarely are they cured, should we say. This is because there is so little understanding of what is termed 'mental illness'. To the person whose whole existence is based upon the idea that there is only a material world there can be no understanding of any other worlds or dimensions. So anything that is beyond the material world and the materialistic society is either ridiculed or written off as being 'insane'. If those in charge of looking after the 'mentally insane' actually understood what causes it then they may find a cure one day. We on the so-called 'Far-Right' are always accused of being 'a loner' or having 'childhood problems' that make us believe what we do. All this is a very clever trick to make our views look 'insane' and thus stop people from listening to our point of view

It would seem that my post about the 'hallucination' ended up (somehow) on another blog called 'FSTDT' which is yet another one of the same ilk as 'Radical Britain' and those who run it seem to have nothing positive to offer either, merely negative attacks upon anyone who opposes the view of the Old Order. What is interesting is an 'intriguing reply' from an 'anonymous poster' (as always); I will quote this in full but please do not laugh!

'I agree with what this Grand-Master is saying, he appeals to the Englisc-Folk, and everyone who is right-thinking has seen the secret Masonic codes lurking on TV. I am a proud member of Woden's Folk, and I am not Wulf Ingessunu who is brilliant, has mystic powers and he is the avatar of Woden, thus he is Woden. His words are divine law.

I have to deal with my friends, who have been tricked by the shadow that clouds most of the Englisc, who have not Awaked yet. They like branding me a trans-woman in denial, how daft. Yes I do want to be a woman, but then, doesn't everybody?

Most men long to be women, as a result of the mind being exposed to the Dark-Forces that threaten to stop Woden's Folk, who have Awaked to their True Role in stopping the evil from growing any stronger. Also, I want to get rid of the more bigoted parts of Woden's Folk, who belong to the shadows. They disgrace Woden's Folk.

I've tried to tell Wulf Himself not to talk to them, but he never listens. How hard can't it be for Woden himself to spot these Occult-Nazis? This must be part of a cunning plan by Wulf who is Woden's Avatar.

So mote it be. This is the truth. What do you think of it.?' (**)

Well. 'Maggie' says that this person may be a 'troll', and if they are 'sincere' they clearly have some sort of 'mental disorder' (another one?). She (he) goes on - 'Sadly, they have fallen under the sway of Wulf Ingessunu. a man who has his own untreated issues ......' (***) She believes this? Or some clever acting, perhaps you should be on stage. 

Now, is all this not exactly how the Communists worked, sending untold numbers of people for 'psychiatric' treatment because they opposed the Communist 'ideals'? But, of course, Communism is not 'radical' is it. Firstly, let me state clearly to these people that the above quote from the 'anonymous poster' is most certainly NOT from anyone connected to Woden's Folk, and it is clearly (to anyone with an ounce of intelligence) from someone who is out to smear both me and Woden's Folk as a whole. It is obvious from the wording that the mistakes such as using the spelling 'Englisc' (which I do not use except to point out the difference between an 'English Movement' and 'Englisc Movement', the latter living in the past in most cases), and 'Englisc-Folk' which would be either 'Englisc-Folc' or 'English Folk'. 

No one in WF has ever come to me to warn me about listening to these 'Occult-Nazis' and it does not need an 'avatar' (if you know what that really is) nor Woden himself to spot the line 'So Mote it Be' which is used in wicca and not by Folkish Wodenists. I do not know of any of our men who 'want to be a woman' nor do I feel that 'most men want to be women' - at least not amongst our kind. Would anyone in their right mind believe this rubbish? Maybe the audience that Maggie Benn is getting out to will - which must go to prove something.

Then we go on to accuse me of having 'Obsessive Compulsive Disorder' (OCD in Newspeak), the symptoms of which are listed (we are told) in 'Fundamentals - A guide for Parents, Teachers and Carers on Mental Health and Self Esteem' by Lynn Crilly and Natasha Devon. Now, this is an eye-opener for anyone who takes notice of what we have been saying for years, and also proves beyond doubt that these people are what is termed 'Cultural Marxists' (****) who cleverly promote Marxist Communism through destroying all genius amongst our Folk, and by attacking those who do not conform to the material economic society. How this is done can be seen in the list of 'symptoms' of OCD, and I will here give my comments too -

'Fear of being contaminated by germs or dirt, or of contaminating others' - The masses today are so contamination-obsessed that a germ cannot land anywhere any more - that is plain to see all around. 

'Excessive focus on religious or moral ideas' - So it is now a mental illness if we are serious about our religion - presumably the 'fundamental Christians' and the Muslims, as well as the Jews, all suffer from OCD. As usual, there is no actual definition of the term 'excessive' which opens this to any abuse. Morals are also targeted, which is not surprising in this materialistic era which is in the throes of degeneration and decay.

'Order and symmetry' - In promoting Chaos we cannot have 'order' or 'symmetry' can we?

'Special consideration to anything considered 'lucky or unlucky' ('superstitions') - people of all eras have been 'superstitious', consider that many people will still not walk under a ladder. Presumably, throughout the ages these people have OCD - although this would be a problem as this has only surfaced in the last few decades, appearing from nowhere (or maybe by magic). 

'Praying or engaging in rituals triggered by religious fear to an excessive extent' - a quick look through the Old Testament will reveal how peoples in ancient times feared 'God' to such an extent as to have to placate him/her. Since the whole book is full of this then it is not something new at all. I would remind Maggie that Folkish Wodenists do NOT 'fear' our Gods, we HONOUR our Gods (look the word 'Honour' up if you do not know what it means). 

All in all, if we take notice of Lynn Crilly and Natasha Devon (which no doubt those in prominent positions in this society do), there must be a whole load of folk out there with OCD. Since this part of the attack was about what I said about the water supplies I will explain to Maggie what I meant, since she (he) clearly does not understand. The water that comes through our taps is 'dead water' unlike the water that comes from a spring or well etc. The suggestion that I made was not based so much upon 'magic' as such, but when you spin the water around it collects air, and since air is the medium for the Life-Force then it collects Life-Force. (Quantum Science or Aryan Science recognises this in terms of what scientists call Zero-Point Energy; Materialistic Science cannot do so because only the material world is recognised). 

I would suggest that anyone reading this goes through these 'OCD symptoms' carefully since this is the clever way that the maintainers of the Old Order destroy all vestiges of anything good and right through having gained positions of some power within the Old Order. Such is the case here where this book/booklet/pamphlet is aimed at 'parents, teachers and carers' - all of these sections of society being in a position to manipulate the young and vulnerable and to recognise 'symptoms' of non-conformity or heresy (which I believe was an 'excessive' part of the Christian attacks upon Heathens in the past, which we seem to be in the process of reviving at the end of the Dark Age). So when anyone comes up with 'symptoms' of any of the above-mentioned things, usually concerning 'religion' or 'morals' then they can be dealt with - through the use of mind-altering drugs that put them back on the 'right track' (so to speak). Is this why there are so many young people on drugs for some form of 'mental illness' in our time? Anyway, everyone is happy - especially the massive Global Drug Companies who supply the drugs for the legalised drug-dealers to hand out. 

I know someone who has what is termed 'OCD' and I can assure 'Maggie Benn', 'Tony Thatcher' or whoever you are that this is not a very nice thing to have. It seems to be triggered by some kind of traumatic experience (such as the death of a close relative) and is totally misunderstood by modern science. Indeed, as with every illness today (if it is indeed an 'illness') the symptoms are treated with drugs, but the cause (not being understood) is not treated - it will thus never be rid of fully. To take this as lightly as you do here is callous and unthinking; presumably your thinking is that OCD and a Mystical Experience are one and the same - which my own experiences can rule out of the question (I do not need 'experts' or scientific 'proof' to tell me so since (like our own Folkish Heathen Religion) this is through direct experience (not through the medium of 'experts' or 'priests'). 

The sole reason that I wrote down this stuff was to set down for other people who may have had such experiences, or those who may yet have them, what is happening to them on a spiritual plane. People fear what they do not know, so if they have an idea of what happens they need have no fear. There is no doubt that the mystics, wizards and shamans etc. have, throughout the ages, been 'set apart' form the norm; this is because they seem 'different' and sometimes seek solitude in order to think (as did Jesus and Buddha) - solitude today is not liked because it can bring out the genius and we do not want genius in this Age of the People. Indeed, 'solitude' itself is today considered to be an 'illness'. 

Back to the 'anonymous poster'. We should all notice the methods used in such smears and 'connections' since they are typical of the tactics of a warped-minded enemy that will use any means or lies to suppress the opinions of anyone who does not agree with their views - and they are always the ones who accuse us of being 'intolerant'. What you do is to smear by association with something that normal people would consider to be abnormal. Yet it is always the abnormal that these type of people show support for, and accuse others of being 'intolerant' of. The whole thing is twisted and warped in order to make an attack upon those they do not agree with. 

So Maggie Benn/Tony Thatcher or whoever/whatever you are, throwing such smears and lies at myself or Woden's Folk matters as much to us as if we were to lose One Eye. Although I feel that replying to such rubbish is counter-productive in that it wastes our time (no doubt the reason behind this) which could be used for better things I have done so in order to put what you have said to a positive use through logic and reason (no mystical mumbo-jumbo I am afraid) - to show our own people what is happening to them through the use of sinister tactics designed to crush all opposition to the New World Order - tactics used by organised groups who have the time to waste to do so. We Folkish Wodenists are pursuing our recognised religion lawfully and through our own choice and in a free country we would be able to do so without harassment - thus proof that we no longer live in a free country. It is our avowed aim to free the English Folk from this oppression!

Let me make it quite clear, we reject Judaism, Christianity and Islam because they are man-centred, unlike Folkish Heathenism which is Life-Centred. The three 'Abrahamic Religions' are all based upon the Old Testament/New Testament and thus upon the concept that man is here to 'dominate the earth and subdue it' (Genesis). We reject this idea because it is the reason why life on earth is being destroyed rapidly and man has become broken from Nature and Natural Law. Unlike any of these religions we do not 'preach', nor do we seek to 'convert' (with the threat of punishment for those who do not, of course). What we seek is to guide our own Folk back to the True Religion of their Ancestors; guide our Folk, not 'convert' or force them into our beliefs. Indeed, whilst the three slave-religions have priests to 'mediate' between God and men, we seek direct experience (hence the 'mystical experience' and 'shamanic initiation') of the Gods and Spirits. 

It is strange that you ridicule the belief in Gods, Spirits and the Spirit-Worlds and yet up until about a 1000 years ago (and up until far later times, mostly in secret due to the same type of suppression as we face today) these were firm beliefs of our own Folk (European Folk and also various other peoples). We have to remember that we are at the end of the Warg-Age or Kali Yuga, the Dark Age which is one of ignorance in comparison with the more enlightened past ages when our Folk honoured their own Gods and Ancestors. Yes, more enlightened since they knew of other worlds as well as the material world, just as Quantum Science knows of other dimensions which is just the same thing, and just one step away from realising that if other dimensions exist, other laws exist, and other beings exist within those dimensions. I have stated once before how a Maharishi from India once posted a centre-page spread in an English newspaper with certain stanzas of the Rig Vedas (Ancient Aryan Texts) comparing each stanza with the Laws of Quantum Science - enlightened past ages! 

The suppression of the truth and the suppression of our Ancient Knowledge is not new, in fact it has gone on age after age as history proves. Whenever that Knowledge of Light arises anew in the Age of Darkness the very same forces turn upon it and throw everything they can at it in order to stop it spreading that Light in this Age of Darkness and Ignorance. Whether these forces are religious, political, cultural or whatever else makes no difference, for the result is the same. That Ancient Knowledge is held from the people in order to keep them in ignorance ('Ignorance is Strength' - George Orwell). 

Lo, there do I see my Father,

Lo, there do I see my Mother, my Sisters and my Brothers;

Lo, there do I see the line of my people - back to the beginning.

Lo, they do call to me, they bid me take my place in the Halls of Valhalla,

Where the brave may live forever.

This is used by the Woden Folk-Religion and was taken from a Viking Ritual chanted by the Angel of Death at a Bael Blot for the Dead Hero. We Folkish Heathens believe in the continuity of existence amongst our Teutonic Tribes, that we should honour our Family, our Tribe and our Folk-Nation - past, present and future, and we do so with this short but powerful ritual. 

Oh, the 'inexplicable' illustration of the clipart of wheat is a secret symbol for Sceaf - the Divine Ancestor of the English also known as Ingwe or Ing. The Old English 'Sceaf' means 'Sheaf' - i.e. a Sheaf of Wheat or Sheaf of Corn. He was the Divine Child who was sent by the Gods to Scandi (The Shining Island) and to the English Folk in very, very ancient times. He brought agriculture and fire for the Folk because the Gods knew that a catastrophic change was coming at the end of the Golden Age. He is an 'Avatar' an incarnation of a God, who comes to Earth to aid his Folk in certain times of change - you know what I mean. 

(*) 'Syndromes' - there seem to be a good number of people who have become 'famous' (in the circles of the Old Order) by putting their name to some 'syndrome' or other - and no doubt at the same time made a bit of cash for themselves - as you do in the 'Progressive Society'. 

(**) This passage should show beyond doubt how the sick minds of our enemies work; where they cannot use logical and intellectual argument (no sign of anything 'intellectual' in this bit as you can read) they stoop to the lowest kind of smear-tactics. 

(***) 'Issues' - I have been through various English Dictionaries to find what the word 'issue' really means, and not one of them comes up with the answer 'problems', which is what is clearly meant in this statement. The modern usage of the word 'issue' is typical of the people who have influence in the 'Progressive Society'. One meaning of the word is 'topic of interest' so maybe that is what you mean Maggie....'What do you think?'

(****) 'Cultural Marxism' - the so-called 'Left-Wing' put all the blame for the woes of the world on the 'bankers', presumably because they believe these people control the world's money and thus control 'The People'. Yes, we too believe that, but we do not turn a blind eye to the other side of the same coin where these 'Cultural Marxists' ('Left-Wing') have been responsible for the total loss of our free speech and freedom of action - which is what the work by Lynn Crilly and Natasha Devon obviously tries to do, through restricting the right of any individual to 'focus on religion or moral ideas', or trying to line an object up 'just so', or 'praying or engaging in rituals triggered by religious fear' etc. These are attempts to alter the minds of our children using the 'Tools of the State' - i.e. parents, teachers and carers (yes, many parents are today so indoctrinated as to have become 'Tools of the State'.) The 'bankers' or 'money-lenders' control the money through credit and debt, but on the other side the 'State Controllers' are in education, the law, the police, social workers, social services, psychiatrists, psychoanalysts, psychotherapists - and in my own experience many of the people who take up certain of these jobs are either fanatical (excessive) Christians (remember the 'Satanic Abuse' stuff that took children from their parents) or fanatical (excessive) modern 'pagans' dabbling in occult stuff. Makes you wonder who really should 'keep taking the tablets.' 

So Mote It Be!

Wulf Ingessunu - Grand-Master of Woden's Folk, Avatar of Woden, The Word of Divine Law, The Awakened One (at least I think I have 'Awaked'). 

In order to understand what I am saying you will unfortunately have to read through the blog by 'Maggie Benn' which can be found on 'Radical Britain' after another attack upon the Steadfast Trust. The attacks on myself or WF are aimed at different blogs run by 'Wulfinga', one of which has been removed since these are not permanent posts. 

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