Saturday, 12 March 2016

The Mysteries of Ingwe

I have several times mentioned that Ingwe/Ing could be connected to the name 'Ygg' or 'Igg' which is a by-name of Woden and the root of 'Yggdrasil' or 'Iggdrasil'. The Gothic rune for 'Ing' is Yggws which may have been pronounced 'Yngwas', and we have the Greek letters 'gg' being pronounced 'ng'. The name 'Ygg' is said to mean The Terrible One and 'Yggdrasil' is the Steed of The Terrible One. Since 'steed' infers a horse, it may be relevant to mention that the old children's word for horse is 'gee-gee' (g-g), and we may well ask where that term came from. 

We need to look at the underlying archetype of Ingwe if we are to gain further knowledge of this. I have suggested the following sequence -

Ingwe - Sceaf - Woden - Hama - 'Son of Man(nus)' - The White Krist

I would like to suggest that Ingwe is a very old name given to the same archetype as Woden. Indeed, since we find a close link between Krist (as the Hanged God) and Woden (as the Hanged God) this links both to the 'Cross' (the Sign of Ingwe is the Cross of Fro-Ing) or the Wolf-Tree. This would explain in part the obscure references to Ingwe in certain weapons -

Gungnir - 'Gift of Ing'

Mimming - 'Memory of Ing'

In some way these references to Ing/Ingwe suggest that this archetype is very ancient indeed, and his memory is all but veiled in an ancient mist. Since we can find this same archetype in the 'Celtic' names Aengus/Oengus/Angus then it is just a step further in seeing Ingwe as the God of At-al-land, the memory of which can be found within the Lore of the Frisians, and also we may surmise in the 'Celtic' Lore that has been recorded here in Britain. References to 'sunken lands' can be found this side of the North Sea too. It is also to be noted that a by-name of Rudra (Shiva) is Ugg - Rudra is a very ancient archetype that pre-dates Shiva, and this archetype is that of the Wild Hunter-God. 

When we look at the figure of Odin portrayed by many Odinists it seems to be totally different from the Wild Hunter-God or Wolf-God that has arisen as the new Woden Archetype within Folkish Wodenism. The Woden Archetype is far nearer to Rudra who is also a wild, chaotic figure, whose by-name 'Ugg' is very similar in sound and in meaning to 'Igg'. Woden rides an eight-legged steed (horse) whereas Rudra rides a Bull. What I am saying here is that this is a far more ancient concept of this archetype.

The incarnation of Ingwe as Wid-Ar - the Crowned and Conquering Son - is made clear through the events of August 1999, the Solar Eclipse, the Perseid Meteor Shower, and the Sign of Ingwe in the skies. We can see another side of this archetype when we consider the Greek Perseus to be the Archetypal Divine Hero (born of a God and a Human Woman) - he is the Archetypal Parsifal or The Divine Fool. We have now entered the Age of Ingwe or The Age of the Son, and the primary archetype of our Folk is the Warrior-Hero mounted upon a White Horse, carrying a shield bearing the White Dragon, and the Flaming Sword in his right hand. 

The White Stone of Ing is the 'Gift of Ing' which is - Fire! Fire is an element which is esoterically associated with movement and action, which (as Steed has also mentioned) is connected to the suffix -ing which is always used to denote 'movement' or 'action' and thus 'change'. As Steed suggests, this connects to Woden and the Woda-Force (which is 'movement'), but it also links to Irmin whose name may stem from ermin (at one level) meaning 'to put into motion'. We may also mention here that the name Iring, using the suffix ing suggests that Ir is 'put into motion'; when we find that Iring's Way is the Milky Way we can see that this is a coiling, swirling motion symbolised by the Swastika. Ir or Irmin is the God of the Arya. (Note that Arya stems from the Aryan Root *ar- which means 'movement' as well as 'to plough'.)

In one sense Ingwe is the Life-Force which is in constant motion and change; constantly moving, swirling and changing. This is the Virile Force (Vril) which is the Force of the Hero (Vira/Wera) connected to the Ur-Rune (note here that Rudra rides a 'bull' and this rune is that of the Ur-Ox or Primal Bull). [*] In this respect the Ing-Rune actually means 'hero'. Ingwe is the Archetypal Hero or Divine Hero

[*] A post on the Ar-Kan Rune-Lag Blog will be based upon Vril-Vira-Ur Rune ideas - coming soon.

The Symbol of Ingwe is the White Dragon or more precisely the White, Winged Coiled Serpent and this links to the name 'Iggdrasil' which can be said to mean -

Igg - Ing

Dra - Dragon

Sil - Sun

Which gives us - Sun Dragon of Ing. But, since the word 'sil' developed from 'sele' in the name 'Silbury Hill' then it is also possible to see 'sil' as selig meaning 'holy or 'blessed', thus - Holy Dragon of Ing. The Listian term sal suggests 'salvation' and again we can see here a link between Iggdrasil and 'salvation', through Lif and Lifthrasir that dwell within the trunk of the Holy Tree. Iggdrasil is the White Tree as well as the White Dragon.

The Inga-Fire is the 'Inner Fire' within all life, and it is also the Fire-Serpent or Kundalini (The Kan-Fire as on the White Stone of Ing). In Kundalini in the Physical World Mary Scott suggests that the Kundalini (which is a word connected to 'to turn' or 'to coil') is like a 'screw' (which 'coils' or 'twists') in space, which suggests the concept of the worm-holes (wyrm/worm = a dragon = 'to turn') postulated by Quantum Science. This idea also connects to the 'coils' found in dowsing ancient sites and 'ley-lines' (Heilig Lines). Since ratio was the basis of Ancient Mathematics we should note the following sequence, based upon the 3 1/2 coils of the Fire-Serpent -

3 1/2 : 7 : 14 : 28 : 56 : 112

In English Gematria the Number 112 means The Hooded Man - is this really a coincidence, or synchronicity? The Hooded Man holds within himself the 'Balance of Light and Darkness', which holds true for his Weapon of Power - the Sword Albion - and at one level the Archetypal Myth of Ragnarok is based upon the conflict and union of opposites, which forms the basis of the stage prior to the separation necessary to achieve the Resurrection of the Hero (Ingwe). 'Albion' is the ancient name for England. 

The Inga-Fire is symbolised by the Lightning-Bolt (Sig-Rune) which is the Fire of the Superman (The Coming Man). This, as we have stated, is the Vril-Force at one level.

The Lightning-Bolt is the Power of Thunor, just as the Swastika or Hammer of Thunor is the moving power of Mjollnir - 'The Crusher' or 'The Miller'. This is the power that 'grinds', the power of the World Mill, 'grinding' down in order to re-create - the Power of Destruction-to-Recreation. Thunor is the Archetypal Hero-God who the Warrior of Woden worships and emulates in order to become 'as the gods'. 

We have seen how (at one level) the prophecy in Voluspa of the coming of The Mighty One ('The Strong One From Above') relates to Hama (Heimdall) as found in the references in Voluspa which match exactly to Hama. The 'e'en Greater One', as I have stated, refers to Wid-Ar, and thus to Ingwe if what I say is correct. This archetype is that of The Terrible One and we can see this in the oft-quoted stanza attributed to Nostradamus -

"In the year 1999 and seven months, from the sky will come the great King of Terror (Solar Eclipse - Black Sun). He will bring back to life the great King of Angolmois (King of the Angles, i.e. Ingwe). Before and after Mars reigns supreme."

Ingwe will be 'brought back to life' through the King of Terror - the Black Sun or Solar Eclipse of August 11th 1999. The omen surrounding this will be the reign of the War-God (here named Mars). This has certainly shown to be true since the events afterwards have been a Reign of Terror going under the title 'War on Terror'. It was the Power of the Black Sun that brought this Ancient Archetype back to life or resurrected. This was also the conception of the Age of Ing - The Age of the Son.

As yet, the importance of Ingwe has not been recognised; he is the most ancient archetype of the English Folk, and it is the English Folk that bear the Inga-Fire and the innate Power of Ingwe. This is why the English have always been adventurers, conquerors, battle-hardy and victorious, bearing the Inner Fire (Inga-Fire) within them. What we call the 'English' of today are a pale relic of this once ancient people, but that Inga-Fire (Fire of the White Dragon) still burns within the Folk-Soul. Today it yet remains a smouldering 'ember', but an 'ember' that can be fanned into a flame through the application of the Power of Ingwe. To 'fan' an ember into a flame it is only necessary to apply wind or the movement of air - the Force of Woden. 

The Inga-Stone (White Horse Stone) has been seen as the 'Birthplace of England' and in a sense this is very true; it marks the place where Hengest and Horsa defeated the Britons and started the ascendency of the Germanic Folk here in England. Again, through Hengest and Horsa being the Divine Horse Twins we are back to the Horse Totem of Igg/Ingwe. Indeed, hidden within the name H-eng-est is the name 'Ing' or 'Eng' (Eng-lish). Hengest could be seen as the Geist of Ingwe - Spirit of Ingwe. This indicates that Hengest was the Incarnation of Ingwe which is why he is connected to the founding of the English Nation. As an ancient archetype he came as Sceaf to aid the English Tribes on the Holy Island (Scandi) at the end of the Golden Age, to bring agriculture (The Arya) and the Secret of Fire. Indeed, as well as the physical element of fire, Sceaf-Ing brought down the Inga-Fire which dwells in the Soul of the English Folk. He was resurrected as Hengest in order to counter the growing power of the Joten - Forces of Chaos - wielding the Sword of AEtla which was passed on by the Hun-Lord, Attila as the Wyrd of Attila

As we can see from the Symbol of Iggdrasil, the Horse ('Steed') and the Dragon are interchangeable symbols, so the White Horse and the White Dragon are also interchangeable. So the Symbol of Ingwe is the White Dragon or the White Horse, the latter featuring on the flag of the Old Saxons, as seen by the modern Flags of Saxony. (Here we should note that the Saxons and Engels were often seen as the same.) This is also proven by the famous Nursery Rhyme that concerns Banbury Cross -

Ride a cock-horse (coch-horse = red horse) to Banbury Cross,
To see a Fine Lady (*) upon a White Horse.

(*) The 'Fine Lady' is Lady Godiva or God-Gifa whose name contains the Gyfu-Rune which crops up throughout these ideas. She is the 'Gift-Goddess' Gefion or Freya.

When we consider that the White Stone of Ing(we) is not of the type of stone found anywhere in the area that it was found (Steyning), there could be a possibility that it has come from further north, maybe even from At-al-Land which is an interesting thought. This is perhaps made clearer by the use of the name Cuthman which stems from a very complex root -

Old English cyththu - 'knowledge'.

Old English cyth - 'known' (pp of kunnan - 'to know'.

Old English cythan - 'make known'.

Old English cyththe - 'native land', 'kindred'.

From these we get the English word 'kith' which forms the saying 'kith and kin'. We still use the term 'uncouth' which is 'un-couth' meaning originally 'one who is not known', a stranger. The letter 'y' in the above would be sounded as 'u' as in 'us'. The terms 'Kith' and 'Kin' derive from the same root, and originally in the Ken-Rune or Kin-Rune. (Note that this can be found on the White Stone of Ing, suggesting that the rune also represents the 'Known Man' - Ingwe.) The twin meanings of cyththe - 'native land' and 'kindred' must remind us of the concept of Blood (Kin) and Land (Kith). 'Kith and Kin' can thus mean 'Land and Blood' just as in German this is Blut und Boden. We see the very same mystical link between Man and his Land - this is the root-essence of the Arya. 

The idea that the White Stone of Ing may have originated in the sunken lands we know as At-al-land may well be hinted at in the use of the Ken-Rune on the White Stone of Ing. This is not the usual Ken-Rune of either the Common Germanic Futhark nor the Old English Futhork, but a variant which can be found in the English Runes and which seems to represent a Fire with smoke arising from it. 

It seems reasonable to assume that the English Tribes would have known full well who Ing/Ingwe was - their Divine Ancestor. The White Stone of Ing would have been left to us as a 'key' to discovering the Mystery of Ingwe when the time was right - i.e. at the End of Time. The Gift of Ing is the DNA Code which to us contains the Blood Memory. The blood, to us, is not just a physical element that courses around the body, it is the vehicle of the 'spirit' (just as oxygen is taken around the body through the blood). In this way we can see the Blood as the Igneous Blood (note the word igneous related to Agni) which is the Fire of the Black Sun. We have here a direct link between Ingwe and the Black Sun, as in the Prophesies of Nostradamus. The Black Sun is the power that awakens Ingwe and we can also find this once again in The Prophecy 88 where it is the power of the Black Sun of the Inner Earth that melts the ice that imprisons the Goddess of the New Dawn - Idunn. It is the Dawn-Goddess that brings into being the Divine Child - the Last Avatar. 

Is it any wonder then that our enemies fear the power of the Black Sun; but they also fear the power of Ingwe symbolised by the White Dragon. This explains, even if done unconsciously, the attacks upon the English Awakening which was symbolised by the growing use of the White Dragon. It also explains the return to a 'British Consciousness' that has followed - this symbolism being the Red Dragon. The symbol of the White Dragon was already being distorted at this time, but their actions have assured that it is now being taken up by the more Folkish elements, which means it is rising once more but this time in the right way. 

As found in Revelation the White Stone is symbolic of Ingwe (Ing) and tells us that Ingwe is the 'new name of God', i.e. the new archetype for this new world age. Since it seems likely that Wid-Ar is a god-force (archetype) that 'resurrects' every 26,000 years (a Great Year) then we can assume that this also applies to Ingwe. This cycle is made up of four periods of around 6,500 years which is a time not very far off that linked to the cycle of the Hale-Bopp Comet and the sinking of At-al-land around 7,000 years ago. Again, we are back to the idea that Ingwe was the God of At-al-land, and that there is no doubt that he led his people out of the sinking lands to safety - 'Eastwards across the waves' maybe. This would have led this remnant out of the area to Scandinavia and Northern Germany, the later 'homeland' of the English Tribes. Some of the peoples would have remained here, no doubt, and the later 'invasions' were merely a return to their original Homeland or 'Racial Lands'. 

If I am right here then the Legend of Ingwe is very ancient and has still been remembered in the English Rune-Row under the rune called 'Ing'. The English version of the Ing-Rune (shown below) is in fact the Germanic Ing-Rune with a downward-pointing arrow (Sinking of At-al-land/Ingwe) and an upward-pointing arrow (Rising of At-al-land/Ingwe) combined into one symbol -

The rune is also a glyph of the Edel-Rune shown downwards (Sinking of At-al-land) and upwards (Rising of At-al-land) which again combines the very same idea, but this time using the Rune of At-al-land itself. Combined in this one rune is the concept of Blood (Ing) and Land (Edel). Also, hidden within the Rune of Ing are the Twin Kan-Runes of the Inga-Fire (Kan-Fusion) and, when the rune is turned around, the Twin Ur-Runes of the Vril-Force (Ur-Fusion). In both cases we see a 'Union of Opposites', the Ken-Runes representing Male-Female (penetrating-receiving) and the Ur-Runes also representing Male-Female (the same but seen as upward-downward/heaven-earth). Ingwe thus represents the Union of Opposites (Ragnarok) which separate creating the God-Man or the Resurrection of the Hero. The separation is represented by the downward arrow and the upward arrow separated by the Sign of Ing (Germanic Ing-Rune which is here the 'Seed of Creation'). 

It is again relevant to note that in the twisted and distorted Merlin TV Series the sign attributed to the High Priestess of the Old Religion who dwelt upon the Isle of the Blest was the Old English Ing-Rune with a 'seed' (dot) in the centre, in this case using the Ur-Fusion version (the above rune turned around). The High Priestess was named Nimwe if I recall rightly. It is made clear here, taken from Celtic Lore that holds these mysteries, that the Isle of the Blest was the last stronghold of the 'Old Religion' which in the series was represented by the White Dragon. It may be, as I have said before, that the Isle of the Blest were the last to sink into the North Sea - and maybe the first to rise again from the Waters of Chaos. If Nimwe represents the White Dragon (seen with Morgana, another Priestess of the Old Religion) then the Isle of the Blest would be the last stronghold of the Cult of Ingwe. 

Here we should recall the alternative symbolism contained in the Edel-Rune - the Balance of the Power of Light and the Power of Darkness. This is twin Sig-Runes facing each other. This is the Rune of The Hooded Man as mentioned by Hamasson. We only need to 'crown' the above Edel-Rune to create the Ing-Rune and thus the Crowned and Conquering Son. The Edel-Rune represents the sunken lands of At-al-land but it also represents the 'key' to understanding the Mysteries of Ingwe, since adding the 'crown' represents Ingwe, which suggests the link between Sacral Kingship and the Land (Sovereignty). We can see this when we use the Ing-Rune as the Rune of Kingship and the Edel-Rune in its alternative version - Erda - as the Rune of the Earth Mother. This is the Sacred Marriage of the Sacral King to the Land (Sovereignty). 

This photo shows the Sun-Symbol at Banbury Cross, and in another post I saw this as maybe being the Black Sun as well as the White Sun (White Horse/White Dragon) and the idea that it is the Power of the Black Sun that awakens Ingwe suggests that this may be a valid idea. The idea that Banbury (Beran-byrig) links to the Sacred Centre of England, and that this is the centre of the House of the Wolsungas (Barnstock Oak/Branstock Oak) also links it to the World Tree - Iggdrasil - and thus to Ingwe. Indeed, Bran, Ban etc. are names of the Celtic figure who is beheaded and whose head then guards the Land of England. It was said to have been buried in the Tower of London. Bran is associated with the Raven, and the last ravens that are in the Tower of London are Huginn and Muninn - the Ravens of Woden. The solar-symbol here actually suggests the 'centre' since the Sun is the centre of our solar system. 

Ingwe is the Inner Fire that burns in the heart of the Inga-Folk, and in the core of every star - the Life-Force - everywhere the centre whose circumference is nowhere. Ingwe is the Fire-Snake, the Secret Serpent which is coiled, waiting to spring (spr-ing) into action. Ingwe is an Ancient God, a Primal Force, the 'Terrible One' later known as Woden, also known as Rudra, tamed to Shiva, but still the 'Wild One', the 'One-Eyed Hunter-God' whose symbolism is that of a Dark God standing upon his Left Leg, holding his Left Arm behind his back, and peering through his Left Eye in the Crane-Stance which is the Magical Gesture of the One-Eyed Hunter-God, the Wild Man of the Woods, the Lord of the Trees, the Lord of the Animals - the Wolf-God. His awakening is symbolised by the Wer-wolf (werewolf) which like the god Wid-Ar suggests the God of Resistance - the resistance to this vile regime that oppresses our Folk and seeks our final destruction. Ingwe, Wid-Ar, HelgiH, The Hooded Man - these are all forms of the same Archetypal Hero who appears in order to resist an oppressive regime and to lead the English Folk to the Final Victory. 

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