Friday, 14 October 2016

Ur-Hyperborea and At-al-land.

I have covered the subject of At-al-land in various posts recently and in the past; I think it is now time to ensure that this subject is put into perspective so that misunderstandings cannot occur. At-al-land is not the Land of Hyperborea, or at least it is not the original Land of Hyperborea. Miguel Serrano postulates that there were five Hyperboreas, but this will not concern us here; this is why I have decided to use the term Ur-Hyperborea for the original one on which dwelt a race of translucent 'blue-blooded' Shining Ones.
Neither is Atlantis the Ur-Hyperborea and is more likely At-al-land or Atland of the North, though even this is not certain. In Plato's description of Atlantis he speaks of an island which is fertile and green and mentions the growing of crops, and also the training of warriors for war. On the Ur-Hyperborea crops were not sown and war was not known, it was a Golden Age of Perfection. So we have to distinguish between the two. I am now going to look at the two concepts separately -


Ur-Hyperborea -

This was the Land of the Golden Age, peopled by a 'Race of Light' whose blood was the Igneous Blood or 'Blue Blood' which coursed through the veins of a translucent race, a perfect race. This land was destroyed in an ancient catastrophe when this race polluted its Divine Blood by interbreeding with men, and thus the Three Giant Maidens appeared (Wyrd Sisters or Norns) and with these came Time - the Cycles of Time. The catastrophe tilted the earth's axis by some 23 1/3 degrees which started the Cycle of Precession.
At the same time as this happened a section of the Hyperborean Race who had not mixed their Divine Blood were sectioned off and as the continent sank they and the land-mass their dwelt upon were moved into a different dimension, into a different 'world'. This is the 'Inner Earth' of Miguel Serrano. This is certainly an over-simplified version but will suit us here. The key to this Aryan Mystery, or Hyperborean Mystery should we say, is that the Perfect Land and the Perfect Race were separated from the physical Earth and physical race that was left.
Miguel Serrano's works suggest that the Ur-Hyperborea existed as the Land of the Gods in the beginning, and that an earthly Hyperborea was created, and this is the one from which the Hyperboreans mixed their blood or took to wives the 'daughters of men'. This makes no real difference to my arguments here.

At-al-land -

Whereas Ur-Hyperborea was situated in the Farthest North (of the time), At-al-land came after this and was in the North-West. What was left of the ancient Hyperborean Race, now somewhat mixed in blood, would have moved down into the area we know as At-al-land - the 'Racial Homeland'. Maybe they scattered even further, but we do not know for sure since this is so long ago. The Mahabharata mentions an Atala - The White Island - which would also be the Island of Albion. (*)
The peoples of Atala were of fair complexion and were devoted to Narayana who was an aspect of the god Vishnu. This is perhaps interesting since the make-up of the name gives us a clue to the next events -
N - This was an ancient glyph of the Serpent, here reaching upwards towards the skies.
Ar(a)yan(a) - Aryan.
The Serpent was an ancient glyph of knowledge and wisdom, and also the ability to regenerate, since it oft sheds its skin, thus regenerating itself. It is noteworthy that here the Serpent is N which reaches upwards. With the 'Fall of Man' the Serpent was made to 'lie on its belly', i.e. become a 'Z', and thus the N-ion (N - aeon) became Z-ion (Zion). The Serpent no longer reached upwards to the heavens, it lay on its belly and slithered across the Earth - the material world. The original Serpent of Knowledge, Wisdom and Immortality was the Aryan Serpent. A land of Seven Islands, situated in the West, was known by the name Amentet by the Egyptians. These 'Serpent-Aryans' can be found in the Nagas of India, the 'Feathered Serpent' (Quetzalcoatl) of the Americas, Votan of the Mayans (of the Race of Chan, or 'Race of Serpents'). (**)
A series of catastrophes, reaching over thousands of years, sank the continent of At-al-land, the last ones being around 3,000 to 4,000 years ago; 5,000 years ago the Isles of the Blest sank around Doggerbank (or rather, I surmise that this happened). We know that many parts of the lands sank, killing untold thousands of people, but many would have escaped, and Occult Legend has it that they moved across to the Gobi Desert where a new and vast civilisation was created.
Since we seem to have evidence that North-West Europeans inhabited the area around the Tarim Basin in China, and that Aryans moved downwards into Iran and India, this may hint that these were some of the survivors of At-al-land. It has been promoted that the DNA of Tutankhamun matches that of North-West Europeans, so we may also assume that some of the survivors fled to Egypt and founded dynasties there. We have also evidence of the White Gods in the Americas. Whether some of these Folk-Wanderings occurred after the destruction of Hyperborea, and later with the destruction of At-al-land we may never know for sure, although new evidence is always arising. Our problem is that the truth is being viciously suppressed.
What we do know from Plato's account of Atlantis is that the High Race once again mixed its blood with lower species, and this was the cause of the sinking of At-al-land. This was, of course, after the remnants of Hyperborea had taken on physical form and fallen into matter; Miguel Serrano suggests that this was a deliberate ploy by the Gods to enter the realm of the Demiurge and wage war in the material world - a dangerous plan but one that would allow mankind to arise again to become the God-Man. Obviously, to do this the ego ('I') had to be developed in Aryan Man, to be able to transmute this into the Absolute I.
What happened to Hyperborea? What has this to do with the 'Inner Earth' which features so much in the works of Miguel Serrano? These are now questions that I shall try to answer. The answer lies in Norse Mythology and the concept of Odainsakr and the Asmegir.

Odainsakr & the Asmegir -

There are accounts of humans trying to reach a land called Odainsakr and I will recount one of them here. The best research on this was done by Viktor Rydberg in his Teutonic Mythology. I will take this from his excellent works -
Erik, a son of a Norwegian King, set out to find Odainsacre which he thought identified with Paradise. To do so he had with him another Erik, a Danish prince. and some helpers. After a long journey they come to a stone bridge guarded by a dragon; Erik of Norway seized one of his men, took up his sword, and rushed at the dragon. Both were swept into the jaws of the dragon, at which Erik of Denmark returned home. But they survived and found themselves in a wondrous land. They found a tower suspended in the air, with a ladder which reached up to it. Inside this was a room with a table laden with good food, and beds to rest upon.
They ate and then rested, and whilst Erik slept a 'beautiful lad' came to him; he told Erik that he was the angel that guarded the Gates of Paradise, and he was also his Guardian Angel. He asked Erik if he wished to stay or to return, to which Erik replied that he would return. At this the angel told Erik that this was not Paradise, for only pure spirits dwelt there, but bordered the Land of Paradise.
We can see in this account that Erik entered another world, another dimension, another realm if you like. This seems clear because he -
1. Gets into it through the mouth of a dragon.
2. Inside it is a tower that is suspended, and reached only by a ladder, i.e. it defies our physical laws and thus must be a realm with other laws, or none.
Going through the Norse Sagas we find references to this world of Odainsakr and we can put together a picture of what this means -
  • There is a Land of Flowers bordered by a river (River Gjoll over which is the Gjaller Bridge).
  • On the other side of the river is a Land of the Battle-Fallen (which must have preceded the creation of Valhalla, perhaps (as Rydberg suggests) when Woden was banished.
  • There are two different and distinct Jotenheims, one of which is a Subterranean Jotenheim in which is the Well of Wyrd and Mimir's Well.
  • Odainsakr is the land where disease, old age and death cannot exist, it is a land of perfection, peace and total harmony. No evil can exist there.
  • The entrance to Odainsakr is on the Farthest North.
  • It is ruled over by Mimir; in it is Mimir's Grove/Treasure-Mimir's Grove. This is where Lif and Lifthrasir dwell.
  • This is also the realm of the Asmegir whose name means 'Asa-Powers'.
  • When Baldaeg dies the Asmegir eagerly await his coming; he is welcomed by a sacrifice where the Soma-Madhu is drunk - the 'Waters of Life'.
  • These realms are in Hel/Hela which is the 'Hidden Land' or 'Coincealed Land' and which has nothing whatever to do with the Judaeo-Christian 'Hell' which is based upon the Jewish 'Gehenna'.
  • Odainsakr is called Jorth lifanda manna which translates as 'The Earth of Living Men'. This is important since it is actually referred to as 'Earth' and Miguel Serrano calls this the Inner Earth. But there is also (maybe) a play-on-words here for - 'manna' is the name used for the 'divine inspiration' mentioned in the New Testament (in regard to the White Stone in fact) - the 'Hidden Man-na'. This would thus read - The Earth of the Living Manna'. The 'Waters of Life' spring from these lands.
  • In one part Odainsakr is said to have existed through the ages.
We can deduce from this that Odainsakr is the Ur-Hyperborea which moved into another dimension/realm when the great catastrophe happened. This world moved as a prestine world of perfection, together with the Golden Race which was also pure and unblemished. Only the pure and unblemished could enter this land, and no evil or violence could enter this world. This is why the Land of the Fallen Heroes was separate, another part of the Inner World, because its warriors had to train for war and combat, train for the Eternal War. Lif and Lifthrasir, and the Asmegir, are the Coming Race that will repopulate the New Hyperborea, the Hyperborea risen from the Underworld, the New Earth after the cleansing by Fire and Flood.
Over the Asmegir ruled Baldaeg, and I have shown before how his symbolism in the Underworld is the Fylfot-Swastika; as the Sun-God he is thus very likely the Black Sun that illuminates Odainsakr. This is the Swastika of the Return. There are further secrets that we can look at now regarding this Hidden World.
As I said, this world is ruled by the Wise Mimir - the Severed Head! In the land beside this, in Hela's realm, is the Glittering Plain, In part of this land is the Well of Wyrd (Urd's Well), and Wyrd (as I have sought to show) can be equated with Morgana, who sent the 'Bearded Head' (Hale-Bopp Comet) to us in order to herald the building of the New Babylon in the North and to herald the appearance of the Third Sargon (Last Avatar). We have seen how the Hale-Bopp Comet has been linked to the sinking of At-al-land throughout the Cycle of the Ages. It was also responsible for the formation of Woden's Folk in 1998. We are now at the Ragnarok.

The Seven Sons of Mimir -

Their legend is that of the Seven Sleepers and they are linked to the Seven Swords of Wayland Lore in Folkish Wodenism. Before Ragnarok they 'spring up' or 'get into lively motion', the trigger for this is the sound of the Gjallar-Horn which announces the destruction of the worlds. At this time Woden consults the Head of Mimir. The Legend of the Seven Sleepers is one in which they lie asleep through the ages in a cave; this is near to the ocean maelstrom caused by Hvergelmir ('The Roaring Cauldron'). It seems clear that the Seven Sons of Mimir sleep in a cave in the northern part of Mimir's lands, near to the Fountain of Hvergelmir, which causes the maelstrom, and thus would be in a parallel-world in the same area as the maelstrom.
Rydberg traces these Sons of Mimir to Sindre-Dvalin and his kin, and in the same area dwells Mimir's daughter, Nat. He also suggests that when Mimir is slain due to the First War of the AEsir and Vanir, the World Tree loses its guardian and thus decays and withers, physically and morally, just as does the world of men and the earth.
Sindre-Dvalin is the enemy of Loki, a hero-figure, and when he awakens at Ragnarok he rides a horse named Modhinn. Of course, the Seven Sleepers are connected to the concept of the resurrection of the dead. When the arise they take up the Seven Swords of Mimir (Wayland) to protect the Inner World.

Litr Godha -

This is usually misunderstood, its meaning said to be 'good complexion'. Indeed, this is the meaning but it goes far deeper that the physical sense. Litr refers to the Inner Being or Astral Body. It was the litr godha or 'Form of the Gods' that dwelt within the physical body and which gave shape and character to the outer form. This is why in Greece we find the perfected bodies which reflected the litr godha - the 'Form of the Gods' - which was the inner form. This was given to Ask and Embla by Lodur, who is not Loki as has been suggested. He also gave la which is connected to 'blood' and to the Lagu-Rune. We are not told that Lodur also gives laeti but this is mentioned in a previous stanza so we can assume this. Laeti is connected to 'movement'  and 'action', and here we can see that Ask and Embla (static trees) become human through movement, action and motion, which does not exist in the plant world. (Notice we see no mention of 'apes' in all this!)
It should be obvious that in today's world the Litr Godha does not exist in the mass of people, obvious even more so in the number of 'mutants', 'degenerates' and 'low-lifes' that bear no resemblance to the images of the Gods of the Ancient World. Most of these could be seen as the 'monsters of chaos' which wage war against the Gods & Man at Ragnarok. These people have lost their Litr Godha (Astral Body - Body of Light).
Rydberg equates Lodhur with Mundilfore, who we know as Waendal; it is he who gives us the 'Blood', the 'Fire' (heat) that gives us life and energy. He also gives to us the 'Inner Form of the Gods' which we can now see as the Aryan Archetype, the Perfected Man, which once walked the Earth and dwelt in Hyperborea. Through mixing with the lower races, and then through further degeneration as the Kali-Yuga/Warg-Age set in, the Litr Godha was corrupted, lost altogether in most, and (like the Third Eye) no longer worked to show an outer form of the Perfect Man - the Aryan Man. At the end of the Warg-Age we can only 'resurrect' this Astral Body, recreate it from within. This is the Divine Form of the gods, the tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed Archetypal Aryan which today does not exists as such - it has to be re-created, resurrected from within.
(*) It would be advantageous to read The Final Battalion published by the 55 Club in relation to much of this, since this excellent book covers the subject of the Folk-Wanderings. Also Teutonic Mythology by Viktor Rydberg which seems to be one of the best interpretations of Norse Mythology.
(**) The Serpent-Aryan idea does not suggest the 'Reptilian Aryans' of David Icke which is disinformation on a grand scale; it is a shame that David Icke had to bring into his works this type of stuff since his 'conspiracy' work details a great deal about the 'New World Order' the 'Illuminati' and the 'Elders of Zion', stuff that is negated by his ideas on 'Reptilian Aryans' and 'Aliens'.

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