Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Ingwe - The God of Resurrection

I have shown before how Ingwe is associated with the planet Venus which is a male-female planet, the Morning Star (Freya-Idunn) and Evening Star (Ingwe). I am now going to produce further evidence to back up this idea, evidence based around the Irish figure called AEngus/OEngus/Angus. Angus is linked to Newgrange, and Newgrange appears to be linked to the planet Venus and to 'resurrection'.
Angus takes the dead warrior Dairmuid to the Bru na Boinne (Newgrange), into the mound with the pregnant girl Grainne (pregnant with Dairmuid's child). There he proclaims - 'I will send the bright light of a soul from the sky into him so that he may talk with me each day.' This statement suggests that the soul of Dairmuid will be 'resurrected' in his child of Grainne. Grainne then gives birth to a child, a son, who is then sent to be fostered and 'to learn to become the warrior his father had been'. This latter statement suggests that this indeed is a case of the 'resurrection' of a warrior-hero into his offspring.
It seems likely that Newgrange was actually used because it was set up to ensure that the Light of Venus would transfer the souls of the dead into the bodies of the new born - just as Egyptians held rites to ensure that the dead pharaoh's soul was resurrected into his son. Newgrange seems to be aligned to the eight-yearly cycle of Venus, so when rituals of a sexual nature (fertility rites) held at the Spring Evennight would mean births at the Winter Sunstead.
It is said that the markings on certain stones inside the mound align to the rising of Venus; the mound also contains a number of X-crosses and 'lozenges' (diamond-Ing Runes), the latter suggesting a link to Ingwe and Venus. Newgrange is also associated with the Tuatha de Danaan who were said to have come 'from the North' or 'from the skies'.
Woden crops up as Gwydion/Wydion in Welsh Lore, and Gwydion is named 'Gwydion ap Don' which means 'Gwydion, son of Don'. Don is the Welsh equivalent to Danu whom the Tuatha de Danaan are named after. Don is married to Beli - the God of Light - so Gwydion is of the Children of Light or the Lords of Light which is indeed a title of the de Dannan. This tribe of Gods went into the Inner Earth and became the Sidhe which is a name similar to the Vedic Siddha who were the Wise Sages of the Arya. There have always been doubts about the real meaning of Seidr but it may be suggested that this has links to Sidhe and to Siddha.
I have used Newgrange as an example, but it seems fairly obvious that this is only one amongst many ancient mounds which were used for the same purpose - the 'resurrection of the hero'. I am going to suggest that we may have a link to the ALU-ULA Formula here. If we take the ALU-Formula we start with the Ansuz-Rune (Ancestral Rune) at the top, working through the Laguz-Rune (Water/Blood) and down to the Uruz-Rune (Earth), thus suggesting some form of manifestation into matter of a spiritual force or Ancestral Force.

The above 'Formula 88' has been featured on a couple of occasions; the Ing-Rune is shown at the bottom, using three staves representing 'spirit'. This is also perhaps symbolic of Venus - the Morning Star. It is quite well known how the Freemasons use Venus as a symbol of 'resurrection' and it is significant that the symbols used for Venus are the five-rayed star and the Wyn-Rune (Rune of the Waene or Vanir-Gods). We see in the above how the Wyn-Rune is used back-to-back as the 'Spirit 88'.

King Rerir of the Wolsungas reaches old age without an heir to his throne, and this can only happen through the intervention of Freya-Idunn who sends her handmaid with an apple. The apple is symbolic of Venus since when cut in half it does show a five-rayed star. The apple is thus symbolic of resurrection and of rebirth, linked to Idunn and her Golden Apples, but also to Avalon which is the Isle of Apples. Avalon could be seen as a kind of Valhalla since we find the famous 'King Arthur' taken there to await the time of his return and 'resurrection'.

It would seem clear that our Germanic Ancestors were well aware of the need to perform rituals that would ensure the resurrection of their warrior-heroes into their offspring, and thus ensure a continued line of leaders, rulers and heroes. Today this is all but forgotten, but something that we need to study more carefully if we are to survive the onslaught upon our Folk. When considering this we should not forget that Valhalla is not the only place where the Fallen Heroes go after a heroic life and death, for Freya welcomes half of the fallen into the Realm of Folkvang. 

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