Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Sons of the White Dragon

Attempts are well under way to try to suppress the White Dragon as a symbol of the English Folk. Attacks have been made upon this symbol whose importance has obviously been recognised by our enemies. The symbol has been a point of unity amongst the Englisc Nationalists even though the movement suffered from disunity and in-fighting when at its height. The British State stepped in to halt any rise in English Consciousness and the focus was on Steadfast Trust who were a registered charity dedicated to helping the English. Obviously Steadfast Trust did not know of the Eleventh Commandment - 'Thou shalt not help thine own Folk!' The state has, for the first time, banned a street-active group here in England, and at the same time brought in by the back door more oppressive powers for this corrupt and rotten regime.

The White Dragon Symbol is a revival of an ancient symbol, a symbol mentioned by Geoffrey of Monmouth as symbolic of the Saxons. The Welsh Mabinogian mentions the Coiled Golden Worm of the Germans, referring again to the Saxons. Symbolism works at a lower level than our waking consciousness, for it works upon the subconscious mind through the right-brain. This is why our enemies fear the revival of this ancient symbol, for it awakens the symbol within our Folk, thus awakening the Blood Memory. The dragon adorned the famous Viking long-ships, thus proving to be a powerful symbol for them.

We have shown many times how the 'Anglo-Saxon invasions' were far more than they seem to be according to established historians. Germanic Tribes were already here in these islands, and not just in England. The new arrivals (or maybe some of those already here) were made up of some of the most famous Germanic Tribes - Wolsungas, Wulfingas, Haddingas, Billingas, Vandals, and many more. We also find links to the Swedes through the Wulfingas (Wuffingas) who left traces in many parts of the East and South of England. When the Vikings came over from Sweden, Denmark and Norway they 'topped up' the Nordic Blood in these islands. When we look at this from another angle, the English are a mixture of all of the most prominent Nordic-Germanic Tribes, making up the Nation of Ingwe.

This is why we use the symbolism of the Seven Swords of Wayland which may have been from the TV Series but which fits our purpose since it is based on the name of the English Smith-God, the God of the Manual Worker. The seven swords symbolise the Seven Tribes of Ingwe, those tribes that would have originally made up the dwellers in ancient At-ta-land before it sank beneath the North Sea. This was the ancient North-West Continent that gave rise to the Legend of Atlantis. The Seventh Sword of Wayland is Albion, the ancient name for England, which renders our island as the 'White Island' but which can also mean Island of the Elves. Ingwe-Frea is the 'Lord of the Elves' and the English, according to Tolkien, were closest to the Elves in kinship. (*)

Wyrd gathered the Germanic Tribes into these islands over hundreds of years, gathered them together for a specific destiny. These are the Sons of the White Dragon who are blood of our blood, spirit of our spirit. The Saxon and Viking legacy remains within the Folk of England. What turned them from their true Wyrd was the spread of the Judaeo-Christian religion amongst the English. The gods did not leave our Folk, our Folk left their gods. More and more of our people are today turning back to the True Gods. It is no coincidence that the White Dragon symbolism spread so quickly at the same time as more of our people are returning to their Gods.

The Winged, Coiled Serpent represents the Kundalini Force or Fire-Serpent which I have related to Ingwe through the Inga-Fire. Through the White Dragon Symbol this fire arises within our Folk. The power of Woden works at a very deep level, so deep that it is difficult for anyone without a knowledge of this god to see what is happening. Carl Jung recognised the street-marches and torchlight marches as a manifestation of Wotan. When we see the young folk, dressed in the black garb of the Germanic Mannerbund, flying their Black Flags and wearing the Death's Head Masks, a sure sign of the presence of Woden, then we see this working throughout our land. Working at a deep level that politicians of the establishment cannot see; yet they fear it since they react in such ways as to show their fear of what is to come. The Old Order overreacts in such a way as to show their fear

The Saxon War Song

Whet the bright steel,
Sons of the White Dragon!
Kindle the torch,
Daughter of Hengist!
The steel glimmers not for the carving of the banquet,
It is hard, broad and sharp pointed;
The torch goeth not to the bridal chamber,
It steams and glitters blue with sulpher.
Whet the steel, the raven croaks!
Light the torch, Zernebrock is yelling!
Whet the steel, sons of the Dragon!
Kindle the torch, daughter of Hengist!
The black clouds are low over the thane’s castle:
The eagle screams-he rides on their bosom.
Scream not, grey rider of the sable cloud,
Thy banquet is prepared!
The maidens of Valhalla look forth,
The race of Hengist will send them guests.
Shake your black tresses, maidens of Valhalla!
And strike your loud timbrels for joy!
Many a haughty step bends to your halls,
Many a helmed head.
Dark sits the evening upon the thane’s castle,
The black clouds gather round;
Soon shall they be red as the blood of the valiant!
The destroyer of forests shall shake his red crest against them;
He, the bright consumer of palaces,
Broad waves he his blazing banner,
Red, wide, and dusky,
Over the strife of the valiant;
His joy is the clashing swords and broken bucklers;
He loves to lick the hissing blood as it bursts warm from the wound!
All must perish!
The sword cleaveth the helmet;
The strong armour is pierced by the lance:
Fire devoureth the dwelling of princes,
Engines break down the fences of battle.
All must perish!
The race of Hengist is gone-
The name of Horsa is no more!
Shrink not then from your doom, sons of the sword!
Let your blades drink blood like wine;
Feast ye in the banquet of slaughter,
By the light of blazing halls!
Strong be your swords while your blood is warm.
And spare neither for pity nor fear,
For vengeance hath but an hour;
Strong hate itself shall expire!
I also must perish.

Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832)

The Divine Ancestor of the English is Ingwe who appears in the English Rune-Row as Ing. One of the meanings of this rune is 'beacon', whilst another is a 'hero' or 'god'. The latter fits Ingwe-Frea as the 'Divine Hero' descendant of the Gods. Ingwe ruled the Island of Scandi in the Far North, sent by the Gods to the English Folk who named him Scef ('Sheaf'). The Saxons wore his Boar-Symbol on their helmets, the Boar being sacred to Ingwe, and also thus sacred to the English. Richard III fought under the White Boar against the Red Dragon of the usurper Henry Tudor. To Folkish Wodenists today the White Dragon stands for our Divine Ancestor, Ingwe, as much as it does to the Land of Ingwe - England.

The 'old wives' tale' of the snake never dying due to its continual shedding of the skin gives rise to the serpent-dragon being a symbol of regeneration and also of immortality. What better symbol to use for our struggle for the regeneration of the English Folk-Nation and the struggle for the New Man who strives to become immortal. The serpent was a symbol of healing, as depicted on the emblem of the medical profession today - a snake coiled around a Haegl-Rune (Rune of Hael). The evil aspect of the serpent was influenced by Judaeo-Christian dogma.

Comets have often been likened to Fiery Dragons which is interesting in view of the role of the Hale-Bopp Comet in the founding of Woden's Folk in 1998. They are also likened to a 'bearded star', due to the long tail of the comet. We cannot dismiss the synchronicity of the appearance of the Hale-Bopp Comet and the rise of the White Dragon in the English Consciousness.

When we look back to the early references to the White Dragon and the Red Dragon, the latter generally regarded as having Roman origins, there would have been no such thing as the 'nationalism' of today. The flag or banner would not have been symbolic of the nation as it is today. In such times we have a clear indication that the kings were themselves 'dragons' - we find this in the name 'Pendragon'. Since this appears so then the emblem or symbol of the White Dragon would refer to its kings, and maybe to Hengest and Horsa too. We can see this in later times with such kings as 'Vlad Dracula' whose title 'Dracula' is that of a 'Dragon'. We have what appears to be a dragon on the Sutton Hoo Helmet, which certainly symbolises the rising of the Fire-Serpent, but since this is a Mask of Woden it may also be symbolic of the Woden-Born King who wore it - in this case perhaps Raedwald.

From sources in Iceland we find that in heathen times there was a great respect for the Landveettir - land-wights or 'earth-spirits' - and when a Viking ship was beached the dragon's heads had to be removed lest if not they drove away the spirits and made the land alfreka. We can sense from this the knowledge that these dragon's heads were magical symbols that were there to drive away spirits. If so then the White Dragon is a powerful symbol in our Holy War against the Forces of Darkness and Chaos.

The dragon has also been symbolic of the Life-Force which permeates and vitalises all life throughout the Nine Worlds. The Dragon-Currents said to criss-cross the land seem to be associated with the movement of this energy, related (its is usually said) to the movement of water beneath the surface of the Earth. The labyrinth may be a symbol of the Coiled Serpent and this Serpent-Current. It is interesting to note that this seems to form the legend of the dragon-slayer, Ragnar Lodbrok, who sets out to free a maiden trapped by a dragon coiling around the house. The scene is set in East Gotland which is a centre of stone labyrinths.

The dragon or serpent is the symbol of the Guardian of the Inner Fire, the Inga-Fire, associated with the Fire-Serpent or Kundalini. In this respect we can equate this with Ingwe. We should recall that Sheaf-Ing was not only associated with the Sheaf of Corn but also with the lighted taper. Now, the lighted taper is an important element of this Sacred Myth since Ingwe is associated with 'fire', but not with the physical element of fire. This should be clear from his association with Agni - the Fire God - since the name Agni gives us the Greco-Latin words ignite, igneous, ignition etc. which were rooted originally in a different form from the roots of our word 'fire', the latter representing the physical form.

Some have seen the Uffington White Horse as not a horse but a serpent-dragon; below the hill-figure is Dragon Hill, said to be the place where 'St. George' slew the dragon, an obvious Christian overlay upon an earlier Saxon Heathen symbolism. Uffington is the 'Ton of the Wuffingas' (Wulfingas) and the whole area is riddled with Saxon Mysteries, down to the nearby Wayland's Smithy which dates back some 5,000 years or more. The 'White Horse' and the 'White Dragon' are solar-symbols and sometimes interchangeable.

As I have shown in a previous blog the Serpent-dragon is also a symbol of Woden, sometimes in the form of the Hooded Serpent. The Life-Force is symbolised by the Serpent, whilst its movement by the Fylfot-Swastika. In the Northern Hemisphere it is known that the counter-clockwise (opposite to above) movement of the Life-Force is the usual form. We can see this in the growth of runner beans along a pole, always counter-clockwise. This form is known as widdershins meaning 'to go against'.

Photos of the Great Storm of 1987, and also of many other storms and hurricanes, show these are swirling S-Swastikas. This is the pattern of the moving air that all storms are made of, the movement of air. Woden is similar to the Vedic Vayu who was a storm-god and god of the movement of air. The swirling movement suggests the spiral galaxies, like our own Milky Way, which are 'creation in action'.

Forward-seers can see a mighty storm coming; when a nation sees a time of unrest and the start of revolutionary action within its people the catalyst for revolution is when the ruling regime gets more and more oppressive and acts with its boots rather than its brain. Hasty decisions and 'clutching at straws' feeds the fires of revolt; when a corrupt and degenerate regime turns upon a section of the society that opposes it, people start to question 'why?' and 'what for?'. When groups such as 'Anti-Fascist Action' are allowed to promote and use violence, seemingly at times against the state (though this is not really true, only used to recruit, as they admit themselves when founding it), and do not face any form of ban, then we know that such groups of the left are there to protect the Old Order.

Woden is the God of Storms, he is the Lightning-Bolt who leads the Lightning-War (Blitzkrieg) against the Joten. His appearance is through a sudden rush of power, a force like a hurricane-wind that smashes through everything in its path. His symbol in this role is the Sig-Rune or Sieg-Rune which is also symbol of the Serpent. It is the Lightning-Bolt, the Fiery Comet that appears from nowhere and fills the masses with terror. The enemies of Woden will never see it coming....Forward-seers can see a mighty storm coming..........

Wolves Amongst The Sheep!

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