Thursday, 16 February 2017

The World's Tragedy

'And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth....

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.'

Genesis 1:26-28.

Overlooking the obvious discrepancies in this text for the time being the gist of this is that man was created in the image of 'God' in order to dominate the earth and subdue everything upon it. This Judaic man-centred doctrine stands opposed to the life-centred doctrine of ancient heathendom. Indeed, this evil doctrine has brought upon us the wanton destruction of our planet and all life-forms upon it.

Heathen belief is that man is a part of a living cosmos, and that the Earth is a living being, not a piece of mud to be exploited. We have had 2,000 years of the Christian doctrine which stems directly from Judaism, and this has distorted the soul of our people and brought our Folk to the brink of destruction. It is quite possible to guess that Judaism in some form or another began to take hold some 6,000 years ago, one quarter of the Great Year Cycle, the last and darkest quarter. This would be the 'winter' period of the Great Year Cycle, which for convenience we shall see as 24,000 years.

'Let is make man in our image...' would either refer to the 'Royal "we"', or more likely a text originally telling us that we were made in the image of the Gods. No problem in this since Norse Mythology tells us much the same, we were created in the image of the Gods, having the 'Light of the Gods' (litr godi). From then on the text replaces the True Gods with the 'Demiurge' whose nature is to dominate the earth and subdue everything upon it to his will.

We are given a hint that this 'creation' is not quite what it seems, and we could even gleam a hint that here we are not dealing with Man but with a 'chosen people' of the Demiurge. The text clearly states that man must 'replenish the earth' the word 'replenish' meaning 'to fill up again'. This suggests to me that this text refers to a time after a catastrophe, even referring to the flood, although this comes later in the same Book of Genesis. The whole text could be a mix-up of various themes put together from different sources in order to rewrite the history of the ancients. It is certainly not a 'Creation Myth' based upon the most ancient past when the Earth formed. Since our race was made in the image of the Gods and was not made to subdue the earth and dominate all life this cannot refer to our Folk at all. Admitted, many of our people have been taken in by this, have had their soul distorted, and have taken on the evil ways of the Demiurge, but this does not mean they were created in order to do so.

The next section of Genesis continues the doctrine whereby herbs, plants, trees an animals are said to have been created for man's use. The part of the text goes through the same theme over again, which once more suggests this is taken from various different sources and put together in an incoherent manner. Then comes the generations of 'man' from Adam, the first man, whose names once more have nothing whatever to do with the Northern Folk. Then comes the statement that there were 'giants' on the earth, no doubt meaning tall, fair men; these 'giants' were of a different form and 'came in unto the daughters of men', i.e. these 'giants' mixed their blood with the lower men.

The 'Lord' then got the arse over his 'creation' of men and sent a flood that would destroy them, allowing Noah to build his ark to save certain animals, plants, trees and other life. In other sources outside this area the flood was a natural disaster and it was Manu who was sent by the Gods to save some of the life on Earth. We have a parallel in this idea of this vengeful 'God' hell-bent on destruction, sending his wrath upon man for his 'sins' in the later Christian times. The wrath of the Viking raiders was blamed upon the 'sins of men' by the Christian priests. Nothing more than a control mechanism by the priests, creating self-guilt in order to hold this control. 'God' punishes those who do not obey his priests!

The 'first sin', of course, was the work of Adam and Eve, when Eve tempted Adam to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. I have covered this before, but its importance makes it something to mention here. After creating Adam and Eve, 'God' put them in the 'Garden of Eden' which has strong resemblances to the ancient Hyperborea of the North, with its four rivers running from the central point. In the garden he planted the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge (of good and evil). He commanded the two not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge.

It is clear here that 'God' (i.e. the Demiurge) was opposed to mankind eating from the Tree of Knowledge and thus knowing 'good and evil', that is having a choice in the matter. Then along comes The Serpent who tempts Eve to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge; she does so an bids Adam to eat too, which he does. Their eyes were 'opened' and they realised they were standing naked, thus coming the old 'fig-leaf' making to cover themselves. I have to admit that I am here lost as to the symbolism of this which makes no sense at all as to why the knowledge of 'good and evil' would open their eyes to being unclothed.

Then 'God' came strolling through the garden on his morning walk and they hid themselves because of their nakedness. Once again the whole text makes no sense since they were supposed to have just covered themselves with fig-leaves and now hide because they have nothing on! 'God' asks - 'Who told thee that thou wast naked?' Should have been obvious to anyone, but seems not. 'God' asks if Adam has eaten of the Tree of Knowledge, to which he admits, grassing on his other-half who tempted him to do so. 'God' turns to Eve who grasses on The Serpent for telling her to do so. For this the Serpent is cursed to slide on his 'belly' (which snakes seem to do anyway) for the rest of his days. Eve is to be ruled by her husband for this too. Adam is likewise cursed for eating the fruit.

The whole text contains obvious symbolism and should not be taken literally, though the symbolism is somewhat lost in its rewriting to suit the cause of religious dogma. Having found Adam and Eve eating of the Tree of Knowledge, and fearful of their eating of the Tree of Life, 'God' throws them out of the garden and sets Cherubims and a 'flaming sword' at the entrance to keep them out.

Was this the 'First Lie'? The Demiurge had discouraged Eve from eating by telling her she would die if she did so. The Serpent told her she would not, which was a truth since they did not die through eating it. Eating of the Tree of Knowledge would lead to them eating of the Tree of Life. The latter is symbolic of gaining immortality, and thus the Demiurge holds back mankind from gaining knowledge in order to gain immortality. We have two distinct choices, to strive to gain immortality or to return to the source, the 'One', the 'Cosmic Consciousness', the 'Primal Soup' etc. The role of the 'Demiurge' and the Joten, as the 'Eaters of the Dead Souls' is to prevent us from achieving immortality.

I have mentioned before that in the New Testament book of Revelation it is stated that ' him that overcometh shall I give to eat of the Tree of Life...' which is the polar-opposite to the working of the Demiurge. Here it is clearly stated that the search for immortality involves overcoming human limits which, of course, is part of the doctrine of Friedrich Nietzsche. We can see in this another part of Nietzsche's ideas in that the Ultimate Man is the end-result of the human evolution for those who are corrupted by the Demiurge, whilst the Superman is the jump in evolution for those who would become Gods - become immortals.

The role of Woden is here quite clear, for he is the god who searches endlessly for knowledge and wisdom, his aim being that we emulate his search in order to attain immortality. Woden leads the revolt against the corruption of the Demiurge, or in Wodenic terms the war against the Joten. The Serpent symbolism is important in that it often symbolises knowledge and wisdom, and is connected to the wise men in so many Indo-European traditions - the Nagas of Indian Lore, for instance.

The revolt against the domination of the Dark Forces must take the role of creating a new harmony between ourselves and the cosmos, and harmonising with the earth rather than the futile attempt to dominate it. Through a rejection of this evil doctrine man can once more become part of a living cosmos, and thus take the evolutionary leap to the Superman.

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