Tuesday, 14 March 2017

The 'Fair Angles'

The subject of the 'Fair Angles' has been covered before in one of my earlier blogs. This started through a find by my comrade Hamasson who noticed a 'Romano-British' or 'Celtic' tribe called the Deceangli by the Romans and Tegeingle by the Welsh. I am going to go over some of the same stuff here because it will make the argument clearer, but there is a good deal of material here that was not in the earlier post.

According to 'The History Files' the 'Gangani and Deceangli were warlike Celtic Tribes situated in the extreme north of modern Wales'. Remember, everything that preceded the Romans in these islands was 'Celtic'. Indeed, since this is so (sic) the name 'Deceangli' must derive from a 'Celtic' source (ignoring the fact it is a Roman name). Thus

de = 'from'

ieangli - 'Gangani'.

The word 'Gangani' stemming from a Proto-Celtic *kanki meaning 'branch'. This is the name given to the Gangani Tribe who are assumed to have split into the Gangani and Deceangli. 'Branch' of what we are not told! But the name means - 'Branch from' or 'From Branch'.

It would seem that the Gangani occupied the area of the Lleyn Peninsular on the North-West coast of Wales, the name 'Lleyn' having derived from the older name for Leinster (Ireland) - Laigin. (This is a very important point which should be kept in mind for later.) In Ireland the Gangani were also known as the Concani. The Deceangli were said to be part of the Gangani who split off to form a tribe dwelling in the area of the north-west and north-east of Clwyd and of northern Gwynedd, including Anglesey. The Deceangli had their principle tribal centre at Canovium which is modern Caerhun in Gwynedd.

Summing up this first part, the Deceangli seem to have come from the area now known as Leinster in Ireland, where they moved across to Gwynedd, Anglesey and Clwyd in North Wales. They formed part of a tribal grouping or alliance called by the name Gangani which means merely 'branch from'.

In 60 CE the Roman Governor, Gaius Suetonius Paulinus, attacked Anglesey to destroy the power of the Druids; it would seem that the 'Druidic Power' stemmed from Anglesey at this time. His forces massacred the Deceangli forces, killing their Druids, and destroyed their Sacred Groves. Paulinus had to swiftly withdraw his troops due to the rebellion of Boudicca of the Iceni Tribe of East Anglia. In 78-79 CE another Roman Governor, Julius Agricola, attacked the Deceangli in Anglesey.

When Edward I invaded North Wales at a much later time he founded the Cantref of Tegeingl which in English is called 'Englefield'. This was incorporated into the area known as Flintshire. As Hamasson pointed out, the name Tegeingl means 'Fair Ingl' in Welsh, thus Deceangli would be rendered 'Fair Angles' since 'Angli' is the Roman name for the Angles or English. Since the English named the area 'Englefield', another rendering of 'Angle-field' then we can be almost certain this 'Celtic' tribe was really the Germanic Tribe known to us as the 'Angles', who gave their name to England'.

Now, there is also rather a 'coincidence' in the 'Celtic' meanings of the term Deceangli -

de - 'from'

congani/cangi = 'estuary' (Remember this meaning for later - 'estuary').

This is taken from Rhys' Celtic Britain with the latter meaning of cangi/caing meaning 'estuary' coming from Guert's Origins Celticum.

The 'coincidence' lies in one of the usual renderings of the name 'Angle', deriving from the Latin Anglii meaning 'those who dwell by the narrow water (estuary)'. The word ang meaning 'narrow', it would seem.

The Welsh teg/tege definitely means 'fair', giving us the following names in Wales -

Tegid - 'Fair',

Tegwen - 'Fair White',

Tegan - 'Fair'.

We have a clear reference from a Christian Priest who first saw the Angles and referred to them as 'Angels' due to their fair appearance. So the name 'Fair Angles' or 'Fair Ingl' (a variation of 'Angle/Engel') referred to a people fairer than the others in that area of Wales.

I mentioned in the original post that when living in North Wales the local newspaper The North Wales Weekly News posted a piece on the findings of a blood-group survey of the Conway Valley (the area of the Tegeingl) which had a strong Scandinavian Blood Group 'A', which as assumed to be from the 'Vikings', but which may have been earlier due to the presence of the Tegeingl. When I wrote a 'Letter to the Editor' mentioning the links to the White Dragon of the English I was smeared by someone within the paper in order to hush the whole thing up; unknown to the one who wrote it  was the fact that I worked there!

Some years ago a young Irishman named 'Tommy' wrote a letter to me outlining a newspaper article that related an archaeological find under the Viking settlement of Dublin, a find that purported to have discovered an 'Anglo-Saxon Settlement' under the Viking settlement! 'Tommy' mentioned that this was soon 'hushed up' due to its being rather an 'embarrassment' for the Irish Government, with the climate of the times. I had no contact with 'Tommy' after that and could not verify this. However, recently I came across a post which stated that in 1999 the Irish Times reported a find of a pre-Viking house 'built in the Anglo-Saxon style' in Temple Bar in Dublin, found during a construction project in Copper Lane.

Now, the Irish chronicles tell of the Dubgaill (translated as 'Dark Foreigners') invaded the area of what became known as Dublin, warring with the Findgaill (translated as 'Fair Foreigners') who already dwelt there. An alternative name of these seems to be Dubgenti (translated as 'Dark Gentiles') and Findgenti (translated as 'Fair Gentiles'). The translations are rather strange, since they are vague and the term 'Gaill' seems to have been seen as Gael in the sense of 'Welsh' - i.e. 'foreigner'.

There is a strange 'coincidence' here because the 'Fair Gaill' were the original dwellers, who were invaded by the 'Dark Gaill' who were presumable Danish Vikings, or even Norwegian Norsemen. We are not told who the 'Fair Gaill' are.

Summing up this last part we have an earlier Anglo-Saxon (Angle) settlement in the area later known as Dublin, which is itself in the Province of Leinster (remember?) and is at the mouth of the River Lilley, directly opposite to what is now Holyhead on the Island of Anglesey ('Isle of the Angles'). To show how things get twisted due to establishment historians and archaeologists dogma, the name 'Anglesey' has been said to derive from a 'Viking' word 'Ongle', no doubt due to the Viking name 'Orme' used for the 'Great Orme' and 'Little Orme' near Llandudno. The more obvious 'Angle's Island' did not fit with the norm because it referred to the 'English'.

Tegeingl Flag

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