Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Gift of Ingwe


Ever since seeing this ancient stone which I have called by the name White Stone of Ing the design of the carvings has eluded me, even though I have always seen it as being familiar. The Ing-Rune in its English version can be seen as two Edel-Runes joined as one, which looks very much like an ancient symbol for the Divine Twins - joined at the head. Although the central 'cartouche' is rectangular and not diamond-shaped the 'arms' and 'legs' connecting at the top and bottom do suggest a very similar image.

I can now see some importance in the stone itself, which is a White Stone, since the three major religions of Judaism, Islam and Christianity are all connected to the Black Cube which suggests darkness and matter. Could it be that the White Stone is the counter-religion to the darkness and matter based around the Black Cube or Black Stone? I have shown before how Revelations shows how the finding of a 'White Stone' would lead to a 'new name of God', i.e. the name of the god or archetype who rules the New Age. In this case the god Ing is the name found on the stone. The importance is obviously that of the 'White Stone' which is the colour of purity.

The message 'Gift of Ing' is found on the stone, with this being linked to 'Fire' and to the meanings of the Ken-Rune. The Ken-Rune also represents the Fire-Serpent which is linked to Ingwe and the Rune of Ingwe. Agni of the Vedas is linked to the Aswins who are the Divine Twins; both are associated with friction-fire and the kindling of the Sacred Flame. Here we seem to have a connection between Ingwe and the Divine Twins, if I am right in seeing the twin-Edel-Runes in the symbolism of the stone.

There is of course a very strong connection between the Ing-Rune and the Edel-Rune since the former is the Rune of the Blood and the latter is the Rune of the Homeland. The Ing-Rune, as stated here, is in itself twin Edel-Runes which form the ancient symbol of the Divine Twins joined at the head. The Edel-Rune has the shape given to the Greek god Atlas, the God of the World Pillar. The globe is the world, held up by Atlas. Both runes also contain the message 'Gift of Ing', something which has never been explained. Both the Rune of the Blood and the Rune of the Homeland are connected to Ingwe.

Of course, with such figures as Hengest and Horsa we naturally assume that the Divine Twins are always both male. In the case of Hengest and Horsa, who are the founders of a nation, this is obviously true since they parallel Romulus and Remus and other 'twins'. But there are various different aspects of such figures, and there may be a case here to consider that Ingwe is the male 'twin' but the other figure is perhaps female. In this case we could guess at the sister of Ingwe - Freya. Twins are not necessarily both the same sex. There is also the legend of 'Od' to consider here, for Freya loses her 'Od' and searches to find him again. The name 'Od' forms part of the Od-al Rune.

Mercia Eliade hints that fire is held within the 'Eternal Feminine' where man may seek to find it. It is perhaps significant that the Ken-Rune on the stone is a variant used by the Anglo-Saxons, and not the usual rune-shape which has an upright stave with a downwards or upwards pointing offshoot. In fact the alternative can be seen as an ur-glyphic Ur-Rune with a vertical line above it - fire with smoke going upwards. We know that Freya is also associated with fire since she wears the Brosingamene Necklace, the word 'brosinga' being associated with fire.

The ur-glyphic Ur-Rune thus suggests the Primal Fire and the CGF version of the Ken-Rune is shaped as an Ur-Rune turned sideways. I have shown how the English Ing-Rune can be seen as either an Ur-Fusion or Ken-Fusion which parallels the ideas that I have looked at here. Indeed, the shape of the White Stone of Ing also suggests an inverted Ur-Rune at the top and Ur-Rune at the bottom.

Gyfu is the Rune of Gefion who is the Gift Goddess and an aspect of Freya; we have thus Ingwe and Freya shown within the two runes which make up the phrase 'Gift of Ing'. The 'Fire-Rune' (Ken) is actually linked to the Ing-Rune, suggesting a closer link between these two runes. This may be stretching a point too far but these two make the word 'ken(n)ing'. This is likely a coincidence though we cannot rule out that it is synchronicity.

Ingwe is of course also known as Frey, a title meaning 'lord'; Freya means 'lady' which makes up the pairing. Indeed, this is no doubt where Wicca gets its 'Lord and Lady' from originally. In the law of the Waene (Vanir) sister and brother can also be married through a Sacred Wedding. Both Ingwe and Freya are linked to the planet Venus which is the Morning Star and Evening Star. It is most likely that Freya is the Morning Star and Ingwe the Evening Star, though of course the planet is one and the same. Whatever the case Venus is connected to the concept of resurrection.

If the 'Gift of Ing' is the Primal Fire then Ingwe is clearly associated with the Vedic god Agni. Agni is in fact one of the original 'trinity' of gods prior to the later Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva. I believe that with the name 'Ingwe' we are going way back into very ancient times, maybe even linked to the title 'Igg' given to Woden when he hung upon Iggdrasil. Noting the following we can see a pattern emerging here -

  • Ingwe & Freya
  • The Divine Twins
  • The Rune of the Blood
  • The Rune of the Homeland
  • Ingwe was known in these islands well before the later Germanic invasions or incursions.

The 'Gift of Ing' is the Primal Fire or Creative Fire which provides not only 'Light' but also the heat needed to germinate new life. The White Stone of Ing has obvious connections to the creation of the English Folk-Nation through the idea of 'Blood and Soil'. The connection here between the Divine Twins - Hengest and Horsa - are obvious, for they are the 'Founding Twins'. The White Stone of Ing has obvious connections to the idea of the Resurrection of the English Folk-Nation. It is also connected to the White Dragon of the English. This 'resurrection' is linked directly to the sinking of ancient At-al-land. We know this through the importance of the Hale-Bopp Comet.

"In the end, K is something programmed into the computer code of the universe — a fundamental fore integral to the world, and designed to arise spontaneously, due to the designed nature of it. Once arisen, it guides the evolution of every self sufficient organism’s form and function. K may even be the fundamental force really driving the universe’s organizaiton, if not the underlying purpose of the entire Creation. In its most basic form, K is about the fostering of a specific quality within the Universe’s organization. The quality can be loosely be described as “greatness,” – encompassing such variables as complexity, ability, resiliency, sophistication, creativity, adaptability, etc.

If one examines the world around them, they will quickly come to the realization that, over the long haul, it favors K innately, and that this is likely an engineered design. God does not want to crack the hood on His Creation, only to look out upon a Universe of a worlds that all look like the world in the movie Idiocracy, filled with imbeciles denigrating the lone eloquent smart person. Indeed, were the universe designed to favour R-evolution would never have even made it that far. All God would see in a perpetually R-universe would be ever more rapidly expanding blobs of goo, each unit of goo competing fiercely with the others, to see which can expend less  energy on greatness and complexity, to focus on repoducing more of an ever less-evolved goo."

— The Anonymous Conservative, Chapter Twenty Six — What is K? — , The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics

I had just mentioned the word 'synchronicity' when I was beginning to run out of ideas that would complete this post. I had to look up my emails to sort out something for the coming Folk-Moot when I opened an email with a link to a site called 'Elfnationalist' which contained the above quote, and which compared what is termed R-evolution to K-evolution. What struck me so hard was the use of the 'K' which is connects directly to the K-Rune or Ken-Rune, and underlines yet another reason, and perhaps more important reason for the use of the rune on the White Stone. The basic meaning of what is being said is that 'R-evolution' is based upon quantity, equality, and the masses whilst K-evolution is based upon quality, inequality and an aristocratic order.

Again, speaking of 'synchronicity', the article here was about Tolkien's Elves, and the next section of my post was about Ingwe-Frey as 'Lord of the Elves'. The elves are depicted as Nietzsche's Superman or Overman, as the next stage of the evolution of Man. We are thus back to the idea of 'resurrection' and the ideas put forward here. The 'Gift of Ingwe' is thus the gift of Immortality and the creation of the Sun-Man or Sonnenmensch. It is the 'Fire of Re-Creation'.

The Ken-Rune is also the 'Rune of Kingship' and thus directly related to inequality and to the creation of the Divine Order of Caste. Ingwe is in a sense the Sacral King wedded to the land, to 'Sovereignty' (Freya). This is a very important concept since everything centres around Man and the Earth, to the mystical link between Blood and Soil - the Edel. The key to the 'awakening' is The Hooded Man whose rune is the Edel-Rune!

One last comment here. Does not the phrase - '...imbeciles denigrating the lone eloquent smart person...' ring true when we look at every form of attack upon anyone who stands up against this rotten, corrupt, degenerate system? We see this at every turn where anyone with a bit of common sense and intellect is ridiculed by the 'imbeciles' who make up the masses, the 'mob', the 'herd', the 'people' - the representatives of the multi-racial system that brooks no opposition nor criticism to its falling world.

This we must remember - they represent a falling world, a world quickly falling into decay and ruins, a world on the brink of destruction. Their own greed and foolishness will bring about their own destruction. The 'Black Cube' will symbolise their own destruction. The 'White Stone' and the 'White Dragon' symbolises the victory of Light over Darkness! The White Stone of Ing is held within the ancient Isle of Albion - the Isle of the Elves.

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