Sunday, 30 April 2017

Iceni & the Eye of Woden

Both this Wulfinga Blog and the blogs of Wotan's Krieger have posted articles on the presence of Germanic Peoples here in England (and other parts of these islands) long before the accepted view that the Anglo-Saxon invasions were the first Germanic Folk to come here. Wotan's Krieger has also studied the Iceni Tribe and here I am going to add further evidence that this was a Germanic Tribe and not a 'Celtic' Tribe as scholars harp on about endlessly.

An article appeared in the Coins Weekly showing a coin minted by the Iceni Tribe, a coin dated at 50 - 30BCE. The article suggested that this showed 'Odin's Eye'.

The Iceni Coin shows a figure with one eye missing or closed, together with a 'third eye' which is near to the mouth of the figure.

On the other side is a horse, the 'Steed of Woden' which appears together with what seems to be a wheel above it.

Dr Daphne Nash Briggs, author of Coinage in the Celtic World thinks that an 'ancient Germanic ancestry' may have influenced the language, iconography and coin inscription of the Iceni. In simpler terms we may say that the Iceni were a Germanic Tribe.

Next to the Ideni in Eastern England were another 'Celtic' tribe called the Corieltauvi, and this tribe used coinage bearing what has been termed 'Spirit Eyes'.

Even more glaring is the coinage of a tribe called the Suessiones who dwelt in the area now known as France and who are a Belgic Tribe. A coin found and dated around 60 - 30 BCE shows the Eye of Woden on one side and the Fenris Wolf biting off the arm of Tiw (or swallowing Woden) is shown on the other side.

The image on the left shows the Eye of Woden in the mouth of the figure, just as does the Iceni Coin. On the other side is a wolf-figure either swallowing Tiw's hand or swallowing Woden whose 'eyes' are clearly shown. Again, we have the image of a wheel on the coin. Since we also know that the Belgae occupied an area of Southern England, we can now see how the god-figure of Gwydion/Wydion (Woden) came here in very early times. The Cantii who gave their name to Kent were also said to be a Belgic Tribe.

It seems that the Iceni were a Germanic Tribe, and thus Boudicca was a Germanic Heroine Queen and not a 'Celtic' queen as we have been told by historians. Whatever language these people spoke matters little, since as in all times there would have been a Germanic Aristocracy over others, and this is what matters to us here. When the Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Frisians etc. came over they came to a land of scattered tribes who were Romanised and who had started to be infected by the Religion of Evil brought here by the Joten. The new invaders had to take back the land and its people and once again become overlords over a Heathen Folk. The later Vikings did the same when the English succumbed to the Religion of Evil.

There is also a continuum of the Divine Twins as Romulus and Remus, depicted here on an Iceni Coin; the Wuffingas (Wulfingas) continued this and within their own ancestral lineage is the figure of Caesar. This continuum seems to indicate that the Wuffinga Tribe were also here before the Great Invasion.

Here we have a very similar head to that of the Suessiones with a figure with what seems an open mouth on one side and a Solar-Horse on the other side.

The above bears the Fylfot-Swastika.

The Solar-Horse and other solar symbols are found on another Iceni Coin; the horse features strongly on these coins. An aethlinga and his horse are buried at Sutton Hoo which again suggests a continuum of Germanic Culture in the area of East Anglia.

The name Ygg/Igg could well be linked to the 'eye' and thus to the 'Eye of Woden'; it is also possible that an ancient god-name Og known in these islands also relates to Ygg/Igg. Maybe the term 'ogre' relates to this, and we still say 'ogle' when eyeing something. The ancient Vedic God Rudra, who became Shiva in later times, had a by-name Ugr which may be the same as Ygg. We need to recall that the Old English cyning is pronounced something like 'cooning', so 'Ygg' may be 'Oogg'.

There is a direct link between the eye and the mouth, both of which feature in the Iceni Coin 'Odin's Eye' (it is still being mentioned  under this name). The Rune of Woden is the Os-Rune which means 'mouth'; we can now connect the rune to the Eye of Woden too. It is significant that the author of the article on the coin suggested that this is a 'Third Eye' through which Woden looks inwards, obviously suggesting a working knowledge of the god Woden.

The Belgic Coin showing either Woden or Tiw is significant in that it shows an early knowledge of Norse Mythology and Germanic Mythology. There is one thing that suggests this may be Woden rather than Tiw and that is that it is the left arm which is being swallowed - Tiw lost his right arm. There is also the further evidence of the pronounced eyes on the figure, again suggesting Woden rather than Tiw. The wolf stands upon the Wheel of Time.

Once again we have the Solar Horse and the Wheel of Time and a symbol of seven dots beneath the horse.

The symbol of the seven dots is not unlike the symbol of six dots found on the above figure of Odin riding Sleipnir. The discrepancy concerning the number 6 and 7 may be linked to the Pleiades known as the Seven Sisters of which only six stars can be seen plainly.

Further evidence to suggest that Woden was in fact the chief god worshipped in these islands in ancient times is the widespread use of the Gold Torc. Rather than being the symbol of 'The Goddess' as is usually suggested, logic tells us that the Torc is a twisted cord worn around the neck, suggesting that it symbolises the Hangman's Noose of the God of the Hanged - Woden. The Golden Torc (Solar Symbol) worn around the neck of the AEthlinga Caste symbolised that they were fettered to Woden, that they were Initiates of Woden. Evidence can be found on the Sutton Hoo Mask to suggest a connection to Woden through the Wuffingas.

The coincidence or synchronicity involved here is rather strange for just yesterday I outlined the new WF Logo containing the Germanic Ing-Rune as the Eye of Woden. Woden was the Raven-God but he was also the Wolf-God and in this aspect he was known in East Anglia, obviously connected to the Wolf-Twins who were also Horse Twins - Hengest & Horsa, Romulus & Remus etc.

These are images from coins of the Corieltauvi Tribe who occupied Lincolnshire, parts of Yorkshire, Northamptonshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire. They show 'hidden eyes' or 'Spirit Eyes'. The top row, far right shows a strange emphasis upon one eye over the other suggesting maybe a link to the One-Eyed God, Woden. Woden is the god associated with the eye - can all this be a coincidence, or proof that Woden has been worshipped here in these islands into very ancient times?

Styles of dress and fashions such as the wearing of beards or moustaches differ across Europe, and have always differed. The Germanic Tribes on mainland Europe would have differed in their garb and even slightly in language. There is no evidence to suggest that the Welsh language was spoken across what we now call England, Oppenheimer has shown how a Germanic Language was spoken into ancient times.

Angul and Dan were brothers according to Danish Lore, so is it a coincidence that the Danelaw stretched across most of the area occupied by the Angles? It was the Saxon areas of England that remained English under Alfred, from where the lands were united - but under a Christian yoke! A dual faith existed until well into the eleventh century but the English were on a downhill path under an alien yoke long before the coming of the Normans. It was the Judaeo-Christian faith that brought the English to their knees - literally!

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