Tuesday, 25 July 2017

The Growing Evidence for a Germanic England

In an earlier post, The Fair Angles, I took up once more the idea that a Germanic Tribe akin to the English - the Tegeingl (Welsh name) or Deceangli (Roman name) - occupied the area of Gwynedd and Anglesey, having moved from the area of Leinster in Northern Ireland. This tribe then moved further eastwards into Flintshire. This tribe were said to be part of a confederation together with the Gangani. The latter occupied the Lleyn Peninsular in North-West Wales after moving from Leinster, 'Lleyn' being a corruption of the original name of 'Leinster'. 

The Gangani were seafarers, the name said to stem from the proto-Celtic 'kanki' meaning 'branch'. Looking back though the various books of notes I have, making a note of new ideas as I go along, I found the following historical recording which may well help to identify this tribe. According to Paul the Deacon the Lombard Royal Line bore the name of the Gungingi a name not so far from 'Gangani'. The 'proto-Celtic' word 'kanki' need not be ruled out since this would certainly be a 'branch' of a very famous Germanic Tribe.

The names of both have a similar root-form 'ang' and 'ung-ing'; these form part of the sequence of root-forms -


The name 'Gungingi' seems also to be very close to 'Gungnir' - the Spear of Woden. What is interesting is that the word 'Lombard' means 'Longbeard' and was given to this tribe by Woden. They are the Langobards, and their origin-myth is exactly the same as the English origin-myth. Is it really a massive 'coincidence' that the Tegeingl and the Gangani were once a federation of tribes dwelling in Northern Ireland, with the former moving over to North Wales at a later time, and occupying Anglesey which is 'Angle's Island'? 

The Lombards are said to be descended from the Winili from Southern Scandinavia, according to the Lombard historian, Paul the Deacon. They, like the Anglii (according to Tacitus in Germania) formed part of the Suebi or Swaefs, when they dwelt in North-West Germany in the 1st century CE. They lived at the extreme boundary of Gaul, and from there a section left under Ybor and Aio (Divine Twins) and their mother Gambara. They moved to Scoringa which was then ruled by the Vandals & their chieftains, Ambri and Assi (Divine Twins)

From here comes the famous story of how the Lombards got their name; through a trick by his wife Frigga, Godan (Woden) named the Winili the Longbeards and thus had to give them victory over the Vandals. The later Lombard migration into Italy was led by Alboin ('Elf-wine' or 'Elf-Friend'), son of Audoin. There were various other Suebic Tribes with them, including 20,000 Saxons. 

According to Anglo-Saxon legend the legendary King Sceafa of Scandza was an ancient Lombardic King. The Old English Poem Widsith lists Sceafa Longbeardum meaning 'Sceaf, ruler of the Longbeards'. The Lombardic language seems to be akin to the Saxon Tongue.

Like the English Tribes the Lombards worshipped the Vanir-Gods, the gods of fertility and the earth. They then took up the worship of the AEsir-Gods, gods of war and battle. (This shift merely means that the times became warlike and their religious needs changed.) Tacitus in his Germania has the Lombards as part of the Suebi who worshipped Nerthus, as well as the Reudigni, Aviones, Anglii, Eudoses, Suarines, and Nuitones. The Lombards were clearly part of the tribal grouping known as the Ingvaeones - the 'Friends of Ingwe'.

We can see clearly from this one legend of the Lombards that the Germanic Tribes were scattered widely over different areas of Europe. There were branches that retained their name, whilst other branches took on a new title as the formed a separate tribal grouping, albeit retaining their origins-myth and their roots in Germania. 

The Edel-Rune shows the features of the 'head'; whilst the Ing-Rune shows a 'crowned head'. The 'Gift of Ing' is sacral kingship, the sacred kingship bestowed by the Gods. 

The English Tribes were worshippers of Nerthus and the Waene/Vanir; later we find that the kingship descended from Woden, but some tribes still retained the memory of Sceaf, the King of Scandza. 

It may well have been the case that a 'branch' of the Winili migrated earlier to Ireland, becoming known as the Gangani, part of which, or as part of a confederation, were the Tegeingl, the 'Fair Angles'. The Tegeingl then moved eastwards over the narrow piece of water into Gwynedd, part of the Gangani moving over to the Lleyn Peninsular on the coats of North-West Wales. 

The move from the Vanir to the AEsir seems to have coincided with the growing power of the 'Religion of Evil' (Judaeo-Christianity) which was gradually taking hold of the Germanic Tribes. Thus, the move from an agricultural and peaceful society was giving way to the warlike times that heralded the dawn of a 'new world age'. The many Folk-Wanderings were due to various reasons, such as the need for new lands to settle, and perhaps disasters or failures of crops etc. that forced change. (The Germanic Tribes did not sit down and flick the flies off themselves when disaster happened, they got up and moved, and fought against anything in the way of their movement - this is the fundamental Law of Nature.) No doubt the subsequent tribal conflicts swelled the ranks of the Einheriar in Valhalla.

In regard to the term 'branch' used or the Gangani, we should note the use of this in the term 'Plantagenet', a name that breaks into 'planta' (branch) and 'genet' (generate). The 'Plantagenets' were the 'Angevins', a name very similar to 'Ingwines' or 'Friends of Ing'. Where this originated I do not know, and the roots of this 'branch' either. But this shows how such usage was common, and that various Germanic Tribes had 'branches' in many European lands. 

Dr Francis Pryor of the TV Series Time Team is one of the growing number of people who are today questioning the 'Anglo-Saxon Invasion Theory'. On a website www.romanarmy.net/invasion.shtml the subject is taken up by 'The Roman Military Research Society' which concludes that a Germanic language was spoken here in England, and that a Germanic people were present here before the Roman invasion. This again goes some way to proving that what we have said for years is right. England was part of Germania

This is a subject I have pursued with some earnest because it is so important for our Folk to regain their true history, and thus regain their true identity. Whilst we, the English, are seen as 'outsiders' within these 'Celtic' islands we can be seen as having no real part in its ancient history, especially the history of the ancient sites scattered around our lands. I am pleased that Folk-Comrades such as Wotan's Krieger and Runebinder have also worked on the theme since it is now important that more and more people take this up and spread the truth to others. 

The above website also came up with the idea that not only England but also the other nations of these islands contain a Germanic presence, and that in reality the racial make-up of these nations has not changed that much over thousands of years - until today, of course. 

There is obviously something that the Established Order does not want our people to know, and that is their Germanic Roots. But this is not all, for they take a great interest in the Islands of the Mighty, the Islands of the West, Albion - the White Island - and are doing everything possible to suppress the people here, and everything in their power to destroy the gene-pool of the people here as quickly as possible. 

With this growing evidence the study of 'British History' should now become part of our work; the study of the 'Celtic History' of these isles becomes part of our work. Because they are part of our Germanic Heritage. God-names differ from area to area and this difference does not make the people different. I have shown before how the figure of AEngus, when seen as Ingwe, forms an earlier history of the Germanic Folk here in Albion. The Ingwaeones were here long ago and form a continuation. We need to study the Druids, since the seat of their power seems to be within the Tegeingl - The Fair Angles - in Angle's Island. We need to study the ideas that the Druids, in some areas, were subverted and became an alien priesthood. Our task will become easier now with the growing number of established archeologists and historians who are taking this up. The truth always arises in the end.

We are developing what is now an 'alternative' movement, a new movement of the English Folk; the history and records of other nations here within these islands can no longer be brushed aside as being 'nothing to do with the English', since their records are sometimes records of the Germanic Folk here in these islands. The narrow-minded 'pseudo-nationalism' which promoted bigoted hate of anything 'not English' must now be thrown out in favour of an open-minded look at 'Celtic History in Britain' from a Germanic perspective. What has been suggested is that the language here in England has developed as a fourth part of the Germanic Languages, as being a variant of these languages spoken here in these islands from ancient times. 

If a dialect of English was spoken here before the Roman invasions then the whole thing makes sense; with the new incursions of Germanic Tribes, the Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Frisians, Franks etc. then the people of this land would have reverted to their pre-Roman culture and language and fitted smoothly into line with the new input. There is proof of a considerable Danish and Norse presence through the Danelaw, but this did not erase the earlier Germanic presence, and it only added certain parts of the Norse Tongue to the original English Tongue. 

We can now look at mythology in a different light; we can see into the various myths and recreate our mythology as a whole. The god known to the Welsh as 'Gwydion' is Woden; the 'g' is silent so we get 'Wydion'. This is probably the god-name known to the Belgae, for we have it from Julius Caesar that the first 'British Tribes' he encountered spoke a Germanic Tongue. Indeed, Gwydion seems to be linked to the Tuatha de Danaan, the 'Tribe of Danu', since he is the 'Son of Don'. In ancient tongues the vowels were not used, so the root-sound of Gwydion-Don-Danu-Woden-Odin-Idunn etc/ is DN. The son of Gwydion is Lleu, the equivalent to Lugh of the Irish, again Lugh being of the Tautha de Danaan, who Serrano associates with the AEsir-Gods.

The names 'Lleu' and 'Lugh' mean 'light'; Lleu is transformed into an Eagle where he hangs upon a tree. Here the myth of the Hanged God is transferred from the father (Gwydion) to the son (Lleu). The IE Root *leuk means 'light' or 'brightness'. This could indicate that Lleu is akin to Baldaeg, son of Woden; Baldaeg is also seen as a 'Hanged God', wounded by arrows in his case. 

This archetype of Woden developed into the figure of Merlin the Magician whose legend is well known here in these islands. Merlin is a 'court magician' of King Arthur, and here we have the split between the King-Magician whereas prior to this the same personage took both roles. The 'Arthur' well known today is a Christian figure who upholds the Christian Religion against the Heathen Folk of these islands; this, of course, is a later version, the former being of the archetype of Arctur, related to Arcturus in Bootes (Ing). 

Don, Danu and Idunn are the same Goddess of Regeneration; they bear the same basic name with variations in vowel-sound, just as today there are variations in regional speech. Gwydion is Woden, the God of the Ash-Tree, and he is a magician, scientist, seer. There is little doubt that he was the god known to the Belgae, and although the Fir Bolg of Irish Mythology were relegated to the realms of the 'demons' there may have been a connection between the two names. 

We can find the name 'Og' connected to certain villages here in England; again this can be equated to a Germanic source since it can be seen as linked to the following -

Ygg/Igg = Woden

Ugr = Rudra-Shiva

Og = Ogma

In fact it is quite likely that the root 'og' relates to the eye; we still use the term 'ogle'. This is also true of the 'ogre' who again is relegated to the world of demons and 'giant', but who may originally have been the One-Eyed God. An Odinist Rune-Magician suggested that the Ogham may have been a code used for the runes. There is no proof of this I am afraid but the idea makes some sense since Ogham is itself not a script and it seems to be a type of code. We find the same type of thing in the Norse 'Tent-Runes' and 'Tree-Runes'. In this respect we have to consider that there are certain alien elements in some of the names of the Ogham, but we need not consider this here. If there is any truth in the 'Woden-Lithi' carvings in the USA then the Runes and Ogham were used together at one time.

With this growing evidence we can start to rebuild Germania here in the Islands of the Mighty. Our enemies have done everything they can to suppress the truth, but the truth always comes out in the end. We have a long history in these islands which is now coming to light.

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