Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Ingwe & The Serpent

The Holy White Stone of Ingwe

I have studied this many times before over a long period of time, but there are some things I would now like to look further into. I have been asked many times when the Last Avatar will arise, and whether he will arise here in England, as the work that I have done suggests. At times I myself have doubted, but even when this happens something else arises to confirm the work done so far, and to confirm the Wulf's Prophecy which is centred around this theme. There is one thing that takes any doubt away, and that is the idea that Ingwe is the new God-Force for the New Age that we are entering, as shown in the prophecies of Revelation concerning the 'New Name of God' which will be found in a 'White Stone', and contained within the name of the one who discovers this - Wulf Ing-essunu (Wulf - Son of Ing). Since Ing/Ingwe is the new God-Force then it seems clear that the Last Avatar will appear here in England. 

The Holy White Stone of Ing came to light when two Odinists - Harald and Sigrun - mentioned a stone carved with runes, associated with 'fertility'. At one level I agree that this stone, and Ing, are associated with 'fertility', but there is far more to this than first appears. The message is 'Gift of Ing - Fire' with the Gyfu-Rune, Ing-Rune and Ken-Rune giving us this meaning. But the meaning of 'Fire' is that of the Igneous Fire of the Aryan Blood, the source of which is the Black Sun. Fire is associated with various things -

  • The Blood. This is the Igneous Fire of the Aryan Blood. The Ing-Rune is the Rune of the Blood. 
  • Inga-Agni - the God of Fire, the Aryan God who is associated with the Igneous Fire, the Fire of Spirit, the Spiritual Fire of the Arya. 
  • The Fire-Serpent or Kundalini which is awakened within the 'Twice-Born' - the Arya. 
Ingwe can be found in legends across these islands, and also in Norse Mythology from Scandinavia and Iceland. In some cases Ingwe (or the variations of this name) is found to be 'One-Eyed', just as Woden is 'One-Eyed'. Indeed, this suggests that Ingwe is Ygg, a very old and legendary god who is 'The Terrible One', found in Ugr (Rudra - India), Ygg (Norse), Og ('Celtic'), 'Ogma' ('Celtic'), 'Ogre' (Legend) - all of these names seemingly coming from a source meaning 'eye'. 

One of the by-names of Woden is Har or Hari, which can be found as Hari and Hara in Vedic India, names given to Vishnu and Shiva. The name itself is the same as the here/heria/herian/heri associated with the Germanic Mannerbunde, and it is also found in the German herr meaning 'master', as well as in the Egyptian God Heru/Horus who, significantly, loses one of his eyes in his battle with the Dark Lord - Set. But the name 'Har' can also be associated with roots meaning 'one-eyed'. 

I have mentioned before how the Holy White Stone of Ing is carved in a way that hints at the DNA Spiral, and the English Ing-Rune is shaped as the DNA Spiral. This is not only a link to the Ancestors, Ingwe being the Divine Ancestor of the English, but also to the future - to immortality. Ingwe is not only the Divine Ancestor of the English but is also the God who will lead us through our Divine Destiny.

Ingvi-Frey is the 'Lord of the Elves', Albion is the 'Land of the Elves'; England was once Albion - also seen as the 'White Island' of legends. It is often overlooked that Frey's weapon at Ragnarok should have been the 'Sword of Victory' but which he exchanged for the love of Gerda. He thus bore the Stag's Horns as his weapon, and he is thus not only associated with the Boar but also the Stag. The Stag has always been associated with kingship so I am going to look at this aspect now.

The Ken-Rune is not only the 'Rune of Fire' (Kundalini-Fire) but also the 'Rune of Kingship' but, I believe, kingship in the sense of Sacral Kingship. There is a vast difference between 'kingship' as it became later, and Sacral Kingship as it once was. In the Christian era (Dark Age) kings ruled by 'Divine Right' through being 'anointed' by the Christian Church, in other words they were subordinate to the Head of the Church. This was a sick parody of the true and original Sacral Kingship. Germanic Heathen Kings traced their ancestry back to Woden (in most cases) and thus maintained a link by blood with the Gods. But this was not Sacral Kingship, which was kingship in which the King was the God, the King was 'God on Earth' - an Avatar

Cuthman - Ingwe.

'Saint' Cuthman pushes his 'mother' (The Great Bear = The Mother of Revolutions) eastwards; in this drawing of Cuthman we find the 'barrow' is shaped like the Great Bear (Woden's Waen' or 'Ing's Waen). Cuthman is Bootes, as I have shown before (as well as Venus, but that does not concern us yet). We must now look more carefully at the name 'Cuthman'. (In the above is an eight-spoked wheel, the eight-pointed star being Venus.) 

The only thing that has come down to us this day regarding the word cuththa (from which 'Cuthman' derives) is the word 'uncouth', so we have to start from this. 'Uncouth' means un ('not') couth ('known') which is the original meaning from which todays meaning stems. So the term cuththa or cuth means 'known' which tells us that the name 'Cuthman' has a hidden meaning, for this 'Christian Saint' must have been called that in order to hide some hidden truth. 'Cuthman' was a figure well 'known', indeed, well known to the English Folk since he was Ingwe in disguise. Cyththa can also mean 'knowledge' which again hides the fact that there is something hidden here, some knowledge that is hidden within the name. The Old English kyththan means 'make known' and gecythan means 'become known'. The Woden Initiates that formulated the Legend of Cuthman did so because they wished to pass to us the knowledge that in this figure was the ancient Ingwe, the Divine Ancestor of the English Folk. 

The stone at Steyning was found in 1938 and was face down, this obviously preserving the carvings which would otherwise have been weathered to a greater extent. Even the area has the name 'Stone of Ing' which agains suggests a most important place, and more so, a most important legend, and the physical symbol around that legend - the Holy White Stone of Ing. The stone is associated with knowledge in some way, and that knowledge we need to find. In order to find this knowledge we need to look at the legend of Cuthman.

Cuthman pushes his mother eastwards until he finally arrives at Steyning ('Stone-Ing') where he builds a church. He was struggling to fix the main roof beam (which suggests the Sacred Centre) when a stranger appeared and helped him to finish the work. Cuthman asked who he was, to which he got the reply 'I am he in whose honour you are building this church', which is usually seen as either 'Jesus Christ' or 'Saint Andrew' (the later 'saint' associated with the church in Steyning). However, since we can see this being dedicated to Ingwe who is the Divine Ancestor of the English. It is also interesting to note that one of the major roads ('Roman Road') running through this area of Sussex is 'Stane Street', the word 'stane' meaning 'stone'. Here, once more, we seem to have a hint at the importance of the Holy Stone. 

Cuthman's 'journey' seems to have been along Stane Street, from Chidham ('Bag-ham') to Steyning. This journey ended at Steyning where the church dedicated to Cuthman was built. 

It seems to have been the Normans who tried to destroy all knowledge of 'Cuthman', for neither church, nor port nor fields carried his name into the thirteenth century. Only recently has his name been revived, maybe symbolic of the finding of the stone (1938) and thus the re-awakening of the English Folk. This also connects to the re-awakening of Ingwe with the 1999 Black Sun

The day associated with 'Cuthman' is February 8th which is near to Vali's Day (February 14th) and the time when the Solar Power is arising to fight the Darkness of Winter. What we can read into this I am not sure, but the date itself may have some other importance.

The Ken-Rune.

  • Ken = knowledge, wisdom, understanding; 'to ken' is still used in the Scottish Lowlands to mean 'to know'. 
  • Kan = The Serpent, the Fire-Serpent, the Dragon (Winged, Coiled Serpent). The 'Khan' = kingship, and in particular Sacral Kingship. Votan was of the 'Race of Chan' - the 'Race of Serpents'. Ingwe could thus be a very ancient figure associated with the Shining Ones, the Serpent-Race of which I have mentioned before many times, and thus to the most Ancient Hyperborean Druids. 
  • Kin - the Sacral King and his Kinfolk; the king is the Folk, is the people. Kin-g and Kin are bound by the ties of Sacred Blood. The cyning ('king') is the Kin of Ing, the Kin of Ingwe. 
  • Kun - the Kundalini or Fire-Serpent, the word cuth was originally cunth as can be seen from the following Germanic words -
Gothic - kuntha

Dutch - konde 

German - konnt 

Thus the term kund-alini is very similar to cunth and no doubt was also connected to knowledge, as well as to its meaning of 'coiled'; this is the Coiled Serpent. Our word 'candle' is also connected to this theme since this 'knowledge' is connected to enlightenment which itself is connected to the DNA and the 'light' associated with knowledge and enlightenment. 

It was Wilfrid of Northumbria who eventually brought Christianity to the South Saxons; once shipwrecked a few miles from Steyning he was threatened with death by the Heathen Saxons. He returned later to convert them; three times he reached Rome, and he was obviously becoming a pain-in-the-arse to the Heathens as he had numerous threats to his life throughout this time none of which (unfortunately) were carried out! 

The 'coincidences' concerning the Holy Stone and this Mayan Stela are more than interesting, the white stone in the boat, the Thunder-God with his hammers, and the markings on the figures beside the boat - XX-X which are the same as the 'Gift of Ing'. The serpents on the boat are familiar as the 'Viking Ships' of later times, and the scene shows the Solar Ship floating on the Waters of Chaos at the end of a world-age. Even the texture of the white stone is very much like the Stone of Ing. 

The importance of this stela lies in that it shows a time of change and of chaos, a time very much like today; the Stone of Ing is concerned with the English Destiny and to the new Age of Ing which was conceived on August 11th 1999. Why is the ship carrying a White Stone? Where is this being carried to? And where did it originate? There are connections to Central and South America through the figure of Votan of the 'Race of Chan', but also perhaps to the Inkas whose original name was spelled 'Ingas'. And then there is the hill-figure in Peru-Chile called the Atacama Giant, a figure with the same stance as the Long Man of Wilmington -

And then there is the figure of Viracocha who is also seen in the same stance as the Long Man of Wilmington, but who holds Twin-Serpents as 'staffs'. Again - the serpents. We have seen before how the Stag and the Snake can be found in a Dorset Legend, associated with the Irminsul. 

On one side of Sussex (East Sussex) is the Long Man of Wilmington, and on the other side is the Holy White Stone of Ing. There are also many other ancient and sacred sites around the county, such as Chanctonbury Ring, Cissbury Ring, Highdown Hill, various burial-mounds of Saxon Kings, and the large burial-mounds on top of the South Downs over the largest Yew Forest in England - Kingsley Vale ('King's Ley Vale'). So important was the area of Steyning to the Templars that they built a castle there, and the area has a great Templar presence. Whether this significance has to do with the Norman's and their attempts to destroy all vestige of Cuthman's presence we cannot tell. Whatever the case, once again we have a deliberate attempt to destroy English History and English Identity, this time through destroying all traces of the Divine Ancestors of the English. Sussex, and the South Saxons, was the last place in England to succumb to the Christian Faith. 

William the Bastard seems to have been hell-bent on the destruction of the Anglo-Saxons; his hatred is illogical, but we must also consider that his invasion was financed by the money-lenders, the same people who today control Global Banking and Global Finance. William was also backed by the Pope of the Catholic Church. Today this illogical drive to destroy the English Identity and the English Folk has taken hold again; there seems to be a common link between these times, a link spanning 1000 years. Has this, as some have stated, something to do with the coming of the Last Avatar?

In the above figure showing Woden with his Twin-Ravens, holding his Spear (Gungnir) above a coiled serpent the hint is that he has control over the serpent rather than 'slaying' it. On his shield he bears the symbol of what appears to be a star-formation. Is this showing Woden as having control over the Serpent-Force? We are back again to the serpent and the 'Serpent-Race'.

The White Stone ('Calc-Stan') is associated in a subtle way with the White Dragon, and on the stone is a Ken-Rune and its links to the Serpent-Dragon, and to the Fire-Serpent in particular. The Graal-Runes are the last three runes of the 33 English Runes, and correspond to the area of the human body ruled over by Ingwe - the IE Root *ingwe referring to the groin area. This area is also associated with the White Stone (Calc-Stan) with Gar as the 'Spear of Woden' (Spinal Column). The 'Fisher-King' or Amfortas is wounded in the groin, and the Graal Mystery thus contains the idea of the regeneration of Sacral Kingship which can only be done through the healing of the Old King by the 'New King' (Parsifal). This is associated with Ingwe and the English Destiny. 

I have said before how Parsifal is from 'Waels' which is sometimes taken as 'Wales', but which could more likely refer to Waels or Wolsung, thus making Parsifal of the Royal Line of the Wolsungas, and thus of the Germanic Tribe sired in the forests by Woden as a Divine Race. 

The English Ing-Rune could be seen as twin coiled serpents, entwined like the DNA Spiral. The symbolism of the Serpent transforming into the Winged Coiled Serpent hints at the striving for immortality, to become as gods, to become the Superman. This is found within the symbolism of Iggdrasil; the aim os to reach the highest level of initiation, becoming the 'Twice-Born' (Arya) and transforming from the Serpent (Earth) to the Winged Coiled Serpent/Swan/Eagle (becoming as the Gods in the 'heavens'). The serpent sloughs its skin and is thus symbolic of immortality and long life.

There are certain verses of Revelation which connect together to make sense of what our Divine Mission is -

'To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the Tree of Life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God'. 

Revelation 2:7

Here, as opposed to the desert-demon Yahweh/Jehovah who throws Adam and Eve out of the 'Paradise of God' because they ate of the Tree of Knowledge and might then eat of the Tree of Life, those who 'overcome' shall be granted 'eternal life' - immortality.

'To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written....

Revelation 2:17

This refers to the Holy White Stone of Ing, and to the name 'Ing' written upon the White Stone. The late David Lane (Wodensson) studied this section and used the term 'I Thee Wotan' as an anagram of 'A White Stone' which is another way of interpreting this section. But the name 'Ing' carved in the 'White Stone', as the 'new name of God' is another way of interpreting this piece, one from another angle. 

'Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God... and I will write upon him the name of my God (Ing) and the name of the city of my God  which is New Jerusalem (England)...I will write upon him my new name (Wulf Ingessunu).'

Revelation 3:12

I have repeated this since it has an importance in view of the coming Avatar of Woden; this is all associated with the arising anew of the god-force we know as Ingwe - King of the English. David Lane (Wodensson) studied the whole of the Christian Bible and his fate (being sentenced to prison for 180 years) allowed him time to do so. Many have no doubt rejected his ideas due to his seeing himself as the 'Jesus Christ' of the Bible, using English Gematria to decipher the code. But myself I have never rejected this claim, since in many respects he could be seen as the archetype of the 'Suffering God' who went down into the 'pit' to redeem our Folk. 

'There were two Messiahs: one went down into the pit for the salvation of the world; this was the Sun shorn of his Golden Rays, and crowned with blackened ones as the thorns; the other was the triumphant Messiah mounting up to the summit of the arch of heaven and personified as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah....

Quoted from The Secret Doctrine by H.P Blavatsky.

Here there is a 'Suffering Messiah' whose symbol is the Black Sun, and a 'Triumphant Messiah' (Tribe of Judah), and the 'pit' is Patala which is one of the seven regions of the nether world in Hindu Lore, ruled over by a Serpent-God (Vasuki), and in some way Patala is related to the USA according to Blavatsky. Thus Wodensson could well claim to have been the 'Suffering Messiah'. At the same time the 'Tribe of Judah' rose to become the rulers of the world, as we can see today. 

All of this conforms to Archetypal Myth as does the symbolism around the conception of a New Age (Age of Ing) and the resurrection of Ingwe as the 'King of the Angles'). With this Archetypal Myth comes the legend of the sinking of At-al-land, and the prophecy that this will rise once more out of the Waters of Chaos. And all this connected to the arising of the Last Avatar here in England. There is a synchronicity involved here since David Lane was born in 1938, the same year that the White Stone of Ing was re-discovered.

There is one thing that has to be done before the Last Avatar can arise, and that is there must be an English Awakening. This would seem rather obvious, but seems to have been somewhat forgotten. There has to be some form of English Resistance or English Movement based around the concept of the arising of the Last Avatar, and upon the Divine Mission given to us from Ingwe, the Divine Ancestor of the English Folk. This can only be formed through the awakening of the White Dragon. The White Stone is the key to this Divine Mission because it links the past (The Ancestors) to the present (The Awakening) and to the future (The Coming Man). 

When the White Dragon awakens (is resurrected) then the English Folk will awaken; this means awakening the land (England-Albion) and the Spirits of the Land. It also involves the awakening of the Guardian-Goddess of the Land - England. This is Idunn or 'Britannia', who bears the solar-shield, trident and wears the Helm of War. Idunn is Freya, is the twin of Ingwe-Frey, and both are associated with Venus - the Morning Star - the Star of Resurrection. 

Ingwe-Frey is the Lord of the Elves, the Lord of the High Elves, the 'Shining Ones' or 'Immortals'. Ingwe is 'The Son of the Widow', but just as important is Freya-Idunn (Sovereignty) who the Son must be 'wed' to in order to secure the Sacred Wedding. Ingwe is the Sacral King which is part of the Waene-Cult (Vanir-Cult). The Sacral King will be the role of the Last Avatar who will appear in England, even though it would seem impossible at this time, the state of this country and its people. But not until things have got so bad, so rotten, so corrupt, and the people lose hope, will things start to change. Not until the world sheds tears for Balder will the world change. 

The White Wyrm is the symbol of Ingwe, as well as England, the 'Land of Ingwe'; the White Wyrm also links to At-al-land and to Ingwe as the ruling-power over this lost land, and the rising power as the lost lands arise again, as in the Legend of Atlantis. In the case of 'Cuthman' we find a deliberate attempt to erase his name, his past, his role as Divine Ancestor of the English, an attempt that failed miserably since he came to light once more, against all odds

Some 20-odd years ago I travelled from North Wales down to Sussex to try to find a place where the family could live; this was after my ex-wife had a series of vivid dreams telling me to do a special rite at the Long Man. We bought a cheap caravan to stay in as we travelled around; at a site near to Shoreham we stayed the night and I had a vivid dream of a Dark Goddess (associated with the Wolf) swallowing a Light Goddess (associated with the Cat) - this was on the Summer Sunwend (June 21st). This symbolism was true to form since at Midsummer the Dark Powers start to gain in strength, and this was symbolic of that time, the symbolism being that of a Goddess of Light and Goddess of Darkness. The Dark Goddess devoured her own children, as in the Goddess Kali of the Hindus - a sign that the gods will destroy the wayward of their own kin when this becomes necessary. 

We are still in the 'Age of Darkness', the 'Warg-Age', but at such a time the Power of Light begins to wax stronger, event hough we are in the darkest period. Miguel Serrano would seem to be right when he sees the coming of a 'Lead Age', an age of terrible oppression, but an age which can be transmuted into the new Golden Age. The 'White Stone' is also symbolic of the transmutation of Darkness into Light, into the Age of Perfection. 

Until the English become fully aware of the role of Ingwe, their Divine Ancestor, they will not awaken; this does not entail everyone considered English, but those who are conscious of their Englishness. The White Dragon stirred, but the 'sleep-thorn' was cast upon it and it returned to its slumber once more, the English Awakening thwarted. This was, in the main, the fault of those who could not understand the Archetypal Myth of the English, and could not understand the role of Ingwe as the Divine Ancestor. 

Deep within the Folk-Soul of the English the White Dragon stirs once more; the Light of Ingwe is kindled anew and this time there has to arise a strong and virile movement that will prepare the way for the 'Man to Come'. The 'Gift of Ing' is our land, our Sacred Blood, the Divine Destiny of the English Folk, and above all - the Coming Avatar

Monday, 7 August 2017

The Cosmic Joker

This post was sparked by an email from a supporter of WF and a keen follower of our work on the Last Avatar. The email asked some important questions about the Last Avatar, questions that I am afraid I cannot answer since the details have never been given to me. But a strange synchronicity followed today when I went into a 'charity shop' to look at the books there, and found a copy of Nostradamus & The Third Antichrist (Napoleon, Hitler & 'The One Still To Come') by Mario Reading. This was about the first two 'antichrists' - Napoleon and Adolf Hitler - and the 'Third Antichrist' ('The One Still To Come') as the title suggests. I will now look at the ideas in the book, or rather some of the ideas that concern our own work.

The title struck me straightway - 'The One Still To Come' - which is almost word for word from Miguel Serrano's - 'The Man To Come'. It also reminds me of Lord Lytton's 'The Coming Man'. Actually, I am not going to concern myself with the details of what he has to say, since I am certainly not certain about the ideas he gives. It is very easy to relate Nostradamus to Napoleon and Hitler since these are in the past, but to relate to something that has not yet happened is far harder and fraught with problems, since prophecy can only be fulfilled when it has actually happened. 

There are four specific prophecies that relate to Adolf Hitler, and these are not all covered by the author -

1. He is a man who came from Western Europe and who speaks loudly to the people.

2. His name is remembered more in the East.

3. He was sent by the 'Three Sisters of Destiny' - the 'Norns' - thus using Nuremburg ('Burg of the Norns') for his major rallies. 

4. His body would never be found, which it has not. He was thus, like Romulus, considered to be 'immortal'. 

These do not include the ones mentioning 'Hister' which are more suspect, and the name is not exactly similar as most authors of such works have declared. Other quatrains that have been linked to these two 'antichrists' have been added without any form of reason, and indeed added because they make these people look to be the 'evil monsters' that they have been declared to be. This sort of approach is typical, but does not make it the truth! And the truth is surely what we should be looking for. Anyway, this is not really the concern of this post, but mentioned in order to make the whole thing clearer.

The part which concerns us here is in Century 10 and near to the end of the prophecies. I would also like to give a warning here because most of us (including myself) have to at times quote from a source that may not always be accurate, simply because we do not have the original source, or the work is in a foreign language and we have to rely upon the translation available to us - which are sometimes (as I will show) not reliable. First I will give the French original and then the translations -

'Le temps present avecques le passe
Sera juge par grand Jovialiste,
Le monde tard lui sera lasse,
Et desloyal par le clergy jurists.'

(Original French by Erika Cheetham)

'Le temps present avecques le passe
Sera iuge par grand Iovialiste,
Le monde tard lui sera lasse,
Et desloial par le clerge iuriste'.

(Original French by Mario Reading)

'The present time together with the past will be judged by the great man of Jupiter. Too late will the world be tired of him and disloyal through the oath-taking clergy.'

(English translation by Erika Cheetham)

'Time present and past
Will be judged by the great comedian,
The world will tire of him when it is too late
Having forsaken its conventional clergy.'

(English translation by Mario Reading)

Clearly the second half of this quatrain has been given two different meanings, but this does not concern us here, and I am not in a position to state which is nearer to the truth. What does concern us is the difference in the first part, line two where jovialiste/iovialiste is given totally different meanings, one relating to 'Jupiter' (presumably linked to 'Jove'), and the other 'comedian'. I am not a French scholar but I would suggest that 'jovialiste' would relate to 'comedian' since it obviously stems from 'jovial' or 'jolly'. So you see here how we all need to be wary when using 'second-hand' texts - but this is only a sidetrack.

It is noticeable that Mario Reading uses the translation 'comedian' with a lower-case 'c', rather than 'Comedian', which would fit the French original which uses a capital 'J'. It may be that he wishes to get away from the idea of 'Jove', but I feel that is is an error, and would suggest that the translation 'Comedian' or rather 'Great Comedian' is the better version. I will explain.

I have many times given some details of the mystical experience (Solar Initiation) I had back in 1997, at the time of the appearance of the Hale-Bopp Comet. But there are certain points that I have not revealed, and one in particular that I kept back because I have to admit that I did not fully understand it. Behind the whole of this Solar Initiation was the figure of what I can only term The Cosmic Joker; this seemed to hint that the world is a joke played upon itself. This was hard to understand at the time, and made little sense, although it seemed to fit with the Divine Fool and also the Harlequin which is an aspect of the Wild Huntsman. This becomes clearer with the comments made of this quatrain -

'The final joke is upon us. Everything humanity thought would last will be lost in the mists of time. We are simply part of a whole, and relevant, even to ourselves, no longer. The Great Comedian has won.'

I am reminded of a strange dream that I recall from some years ago, a dream in which a kind of masked parade was led by a kind of 'joker' figure, a comic figure who lead masked dancers, dogs, wolves and other animals, and the whole thing was aimed at a mockery of the established order of things. Then I recall the strange laugh connected to 'Santa Clause' - Ho! Ho! Ho! - which is part of a call associated with the Wild Huntsman in Germania.

'When the Holy Father at Rome could only impotently lament before God the fate of the grex segregatus, the one-eyed old hunter, on the edge of the German forest, laughed and saddled Sleipnir.'

'Wotan' - Carl Gustav Jung.

I have said before that the English Awakening will not happen until after the Wild Hunt rides once more, led by Woden who will laugh and saddle up Sleipnir once more to create (s)laughter in the Islands of the Mighty. This is beyond Good and Evil and is part of the Archetypal Myth that is unfolding here in these islands. This is the role of Woden as the One-Eyed Hunter-God, and this role will be taken on by Wid-Ar the Avenger when Woden is finally swallowed by the 'Wolf of the Fens'. 

'When the great number seven completes itself
Games will begin at the Tomb side;
Not far from the turn of the millennium
The dead will rise out of their graves.'

Nostradamus 10:74

The term 'games of slaughter' is also used to translate Jeux d'Hecatombe, and using the term 'games' links to the above ideas on the Great Comedian or Cosmic Joker. 

In Norse Mythology there is no sense of total 'evil', rather forces working in different directions towards a common end. That common end is the 'Twilight of the Gods', the 'Doom of the Gods' and the 'Resurrection of the Gods'. Whatever sides are involved in this, this is the end result, and all part of the Cosmic Cycles of the Ages. The Great Comedian is naturally assumed to be 'Satan', but this is a Judaeo-Christian concept, and has nothing to do with Heathen Lore; Woden was indeed turned into 'The Devil' by the Christians in order to demonise our All-Father and replace him with the Desert-Demon, the 'Demiurge' of the Gnostics, the 'Anti-God'. 

The 'Antichrist' of these peoples comes under the same category, that of a demonisation of our True Gods, and a demonisation of the Last Avatar too, which naturally follows. This is why Friedrich Nietzsche wrote The Anti-Christ as a cock at the Established Church; he did not actually attack 'Christ' (or more precise 'Krist') since he suggested that the only 'true Christian' was the Christ slain on the demands of the Rabbis, and carried out by the Romans. Whether this was a man, or whether the whole thing is an allegory, really does not matter - the symbolism is there for all to see. It follows that Nietzsche condemned the Christian Church and thus saw this as the enemy of the Aryans or Hyperboreans. Thus, the 'Anti-Christ' is not the 'Anti-Krist', the latter being those who seek to destroy our Folk today the Dark Joten.

It is clearly stated that the Great Comedian will judge the 'time present' and the 'time past'; this was all part of the strange dream that I had of the Wild Hunt which contained judges which suggests the concept of justice. This, of course, is also the role of the Last Avatar who will bring back justice to this fallen and broken world - he will annihilate injustice and those who have ruled unjustly. This was also made clear in Hindu Legend of the Kalki Avatar, and Babylonian Legend of The Third Sargon. So this Cosmic Joker is also the God of Justice who destroys the 'evil' in order to reinstate the 'good'. 

'Time present and time past
Are perhaps both present in time future,
And time future contained in time past.
If time is eternally present,
All time is unredeemable.'

'Burnt Norton') - T.S. Eliot. (Quoted from Mario Reading)

If anything, the 'Satanic' figure today rules this rotten, corrupt, degenerate world; he is the 'Great Deceiver' and the 'Great Liar', the "Demiurge' of the Gnostics. Thus, the 'Third Anti-Christ' ('The Third Sargon) comes to destroy the Established Order, the New World Order ruled by this 'Satanic' force, or 'Saturnian Force'. In a sense, I see this 'Saturnian Force' being destroyed by its own force, a chaotic force wielded by Woden as the One-Eyed Old Hunter, or by his Son - Wid-Ar the Avenger! 

The Cosmic Joker is an 'Agent of Chaos' and we should recall that the Gods are part 'God' and part 'Joten' and can wield the Joten-Force against itself where this is needed. This 'Chaos' is a necessary part of the process, since any 'Old Order' has to be destroyed before a 'New Order' can become reality. This is the role of Woden, of Rudra-Shiva, of the One-Eyed Hunter-God. This force also leads the Army of the Dead ('the dead will come out of their graves'). 

August 11th 1999 and the solar eclipse ('Black Sun') heralded the conception of a New Age - the Age of Ing. The star positions nine months later (May 2000) symbolised the birth of the Age of Ing. This process also meant the conception and birth of a new god-force, a god-force that will (at some particular time) ensure the incarnation of the Last Avatar. At the present time all I can say is that this 'god-force' ensures that the way for 'The One Still To Come' is prepared, and the signs all point towards this happening here today in England - this is where the Woden Destiny is working out. 

The Hooded Man Mysteries, the HelgiH Mysteries, the Mysteries of the Son of Man, the Resurrection of The Fool, the Resurrection of Ingwe, the Hale-Bopp Comet Mystery - these all form part of a continuum, a pattern, an unfolding destiny, and above all a Divine Mission. Often I doubt these things myself, but then there appears new signs of this coming about, so the doubts clear - for now. If we do not doubt ourselves at times we can never reach the truth, and the truth is what matters today. 

The first signs of this appeared with the Robin of Sherwood TV Series, and this was Archetypal Myth arising anew, being 'resurrected' at this time because its time had come once more. Herne the Hunter, whose symbols are the Stag and the Snake, whose 'Son' is The Hooded Man, the English Folk-Hero who appears in the harshest times for the English Folk. This is a 'Folk-Leader', a leader of the English Folk. The 'Last Avatar' may be one and the same, though this is not always the case. This may be a figure who prepares the way, but it may also be a figure who embraces both the Folk-Leader and the Last Avatar; but it will be a 'resurrection', a new arising of the One-Eyed Hunter-God but this time in the role of a youthful Woodland Warrior. 

Also associated with the whole concept of The Hooded Man are the symbols of the Star & The Snake - the 'Hooded Cobra' and the 'Five-Rayed Star'. These are the Symbols of Woden, but they are also ancient symbols important to the 'Islands of the Mighty'. These symbols were said to be Druidic Symbols and here we cannot be sure as to what time-period the Ar-Kan Knowledge was stolen and distorted by the Counter-Initiation. This has to be kept in mind, since this seems very likely. It now seems possible that the Ar-Kan Knowledge was taken back to the Northlands from these islands, and thus to Iceland, making this part of the Sacred Eddas. The seat and centre of Druidism was said to be in Anglesey ('Angle's Island') and coincides with the people known as the Tegeingl/Deceangli ('Fair Angles'). This was the power the Romans sought to crush, so we are led to believe. What we do not know is whether this was because they held the Ar-Kan Knowledge - the Hyperborean Wisdom - or whether this had then been distorted. (*)

At some time much later than this, with the establishment of the 'Celtic Christianity', it seems that the knowledge was taken to the North, to the Vikings of the North, and thence to Iceland. This knowledge contained the Golden Section and Sacred Geometry, but we do not know what use this was made of, whether it was to retain the ancient wisdom, or whether its use was to further the control being established by the Christian Church. We should remember that the great cathedrals and churches used Sacred Geometry, as did the 'masons' which became Freemasonry

This is the next stage of our work, to unravel these mysteries and find the truth lying here; for this may well be the key to the reason why the English Folk have not only been denied their Germanic Identity, but also why the English Folk face the brunt of the destructive forces here, as well as the destruction of our lands. The Star & The Snake could be the key to this; symbols are neutral and these do relate to The Hooded Man in some strange way. 

We need also to consider that there was a 'Celtic Christianity' which existed alongside a 'Germanic Christianity' here in these islands, both of which differed considerably from the Catholic Christian Church, and both of which had to be crushed by the Established Church. Just a look at the Old English texts shows that in many ways they differed, and held within them many heathen beliefs which were incorporated (or hidden) within 'Christian' beliefs. I have used the terms 'Celtic' and 'Germanic' but these two may well have been from the same roots. I am not saying they were 'heathen' at all, but they were a 'bridge' to the new Christian Religion, but could have kept within them some of the hidden knowledge and wisdom of the Ancients

This is not something that has not happened, since we find the very same process within Hinduism. The ancient Aryan Ur-Religion was becoming distorted and the priesthood (brahmins) were, like all organised priesthoods, no doubt using their religion for the purposes of power over the people. This happened due to the intermixture of different peoples of race and culture, and so the Ancient Wisdom had to be saved by certain Initiates who withdrew into the forests, and decided to spread the wisdom amongst all castes in order to preserve it, yet with the knowledge that most would not understand the inner meanings. Thus Buddhism was developed as a further extension of this process. 

Guido von List postulated a kind of 'hidden order', in this case the Armanen Initiates, who passed on the Ancient Wisdom, and this type of 'hidden order' seems to have existed, under different names, for centuries, as an 'Initiation' and a 'Counter-Initiation', both working at opposite poles, and both working against each other. The 'Counter-Initiation' having stolen the Ancient Wisdom (perhaps in Egypt) and then continued the current into modern times. 

The 2012 Olympic Games or 'Games of Zion' were a parody of the true Olympic Games and a glaring case of indoctrination of the masses, as are all forms of games and 'entertainment' today. This was the work of the 'hidden hand', of the 'counter-initiation'. What the 2012 games showed was the extent that these people are going to in order to recreate 'Zion' ('New Jerusalem') here in these islands - as exposed by using the poem of William Blake. What we have to consider is whether they are 'recreating' some form of myth that they have distorted for their own ends. It is fairly obvious that they would resist at all costs the arising of a Folk-Hero that would lead the Germanic Folk to freedom, and that this applies also to the Last Avatar. All of the power of the Old Order must rise up against the One who would challenge and overthrow their corrupt and rotten world-order. It is here in these islands that we find the Archetypal Myth of Ingwe (Germanic) and Mabon (Celtic); the Archetypal Myth of the Son of the Sun. It is here that we await the Resurrection of the Son of the Widow - Hamlet, Parsifal, or The Hooded Man (The Pure Fool). 

(*) We have to remember that the English exist today but are ruled by an alien elite who seek to destroy us, not to guide us in our destiny. This may have been the case before, and thus caution is necessary when dealing with the ancient past.

Thursday, 3 August 2017

The White Island

I would now like to look at the legends about the White Island, which occur in various traditions around the world, particularly in India and in Hinduism. The term Sveta-Dvipa is sometimes used, and this refers to a mythical island, although the term should also be seen to refer to a physical representation upon the Earth too. Significantly, there is also another term used - Saka-Dvipa - which I take to mean 'Island of the Saka'.

In the Vishnu Purana the 'White Island' is referred to as Atala which is interesting in view of the name we have adopted for the sunken lands in the North-West - At-al-land. The Mahabharata mentions Atala as the 'island of great splendour'. This text also states that on it dwelt a people of 'fair complexion', 'as white as the Moon', and that they are devoted to Narayana. I have said this before, N-Arayan-a is a 'Serpent-God', a God of Knowledge & Wisdom, and these are the Serpent-Folk. We should recall here the Central American figure of Votan who hailed from Valum - the 'Kingdom of Serpents'. We shall now look again at Atala.

Atala is said to be the first of seven worlds below the Earth; this means that it exists in a different 'world' or 'dimension', and it can be seen only by those who can 'see', those who have access to a higher state of consciousness. The Holy Mountain on this sacred island was Mount Meru, also known as Atalas. The Greek god Atlas is related to this idea, for he is the 'pillar' that holds up the world, this 'pillar' always being in the Far North. At-al-as is the 'Racial Ase', and the word atalas means 'pillar', whereas the word *atala means 'steady' or 'firm', adjectives referring to this 'pillar'. Shiva has been called Shiva Atalas. The word atta can also mean 'mother', thus Atta-land can mean 'Motherland'. It is also interesting to note that athar means 'fire' and thus we also have Athar-land meaning 'Land of Fire'. 

There is an interesting idea here; Atharvan ('Priest of the Fire') presides over the sacrifice of Soma to Agni, the Fire-God. Atharvan has another name - Angiras - a name which has the prefix Ang- related to Ing-. The kindling of the Need-Fire was done through the whirling of a wheel, a Swastika-Wheel, where the fire was kindled at the centre. The Aswins presided over this Sacred Fire too. 

The names 'Thule' & 'Shambhalla' may both stem from roots meaning 'steady', 'firm', 'pillar', and 'to uphold'. Shambhalla does, stemming from the Sanskrit skamba meaning 'to uphold'. Thule could stem from *tal/*tul also meaning 'to uphold'. This root is also behind the Finnish sampo which name occurs in the Kalevala. The 'World Pillar' was always seen to originate at the Far North. This is where the White Mountain is, and the White Island - in mythical terms. 

The Edel-Rune, originally the At-al Rune, is the Rune of the Racial Homeland, of At-al-land. It is no coincidence that, when rounded off, this rune-shape has been used to symbolise the Greek god Atlas. Here he holds the 'world' upon his shoulders, this being the diamond-shape or round-shape when rounded off. At-al-land is the 'land which lies beyond', the sunken lands that now lie out of reach to most people. The rune, as Freya Aswynn has pointed out in one of her books, also means 'Gift of Ing', being made up of a Gyfu-Rune and Germanic Ing-Rune. It makes a set with the Ing-Rune and Gar-Rune, both of which also mean 'Gift of Ing'. 

What then is the 'Gift of Ing' - it is Fire. But the term inga, like agni, does not refer to the physical 'fire' where the term 'fire' is used rather than 'igni', but to the Igneous Fire of the Blood, the Igneous Fire of the Serpent. This is why Serpent Legends abound here in the Islands of the West, once the Islands of the Mighty. Coursing in the Aryan Blood is the Blood Memory. This is also the Memory of the Black Sun. According to Miguel Serrano the Arya's Sacred Blood is the Blood of the Black Sun. 

Albion is the Seventh Sword of Wayland, the sword that has to be re-forged; this symbolises the English Folk-Nation which has to be reforged, recreated, regenerated. The Dark Forces have set out to destroy this land and its people; they have suppressed our Germanic past, our history and our heritage - in a word our identity. There is something here they fear, something they know about this land - that something can only be the appearance of the Last Avatar, as hinted by Steed in a comment he made. Gildas said that this land was 'poised in the divine balance which supports the whole world' - 'supports', 'upholds' 'holds steady or firm'. 

Venus is The Mystic Rose which is symbolised by a White Rose; the White Rose is the symbol of ancient Albion. The wild rose or 'dog-rose' has a very strange reproductive technique; it fruits without being pollinated by another plant. The plant can die, yet it can be reproduced in an identical form. This is what we could term a 'Virgin Birth'. The White Rose, as well as the White Dragon, have been revived by Woden's Folk. Venus has a 40-year cycle which marks out a five-pointed star. It is the Star of Freya and the Star of Ingwe-Frey. 

Ingwe is the Lord of the Elves and Albion is the Island of the Elves ('alb' is a Germanic term for 'elf'). It is important to note the term 'Albion' in this context because 'alb' is a Germanic root and we find the original name of Scotland was Alban, whose people were Alban of the Yellow Hair (i.e. Nordic). [*] Through the High Lord of the Elves the English can lay claim to be descended from Ingwe, and hold true to the Elven Lore (as Tolkien maintained). 

[*] Alban refers to the 'Picts' who could well have been an amalgamation of tribes, including Germanic-Nordic Tribes. 

'In the days of the Lion, spawned of the Evil Brood, The Hooded Man shall come to the forest. There he will meet with Herne the Hunter - Lord of the Trees, to be his Son, and do his bidding. The Power of Light and the Power of Darkness shall be strong within him. And the guilty shall tremble!'

The Hooded Man Prophecy - October 1993.

The Seventh Sword of Albion holds within its blade the 'Power of Light and the Power of Darkness' - Albion is England. Here is upheld the 'divine balance', the 'balance of opposites'; this is the 'White Island' where dwells Wid-Ar the Avenger (Land-vidi = 'wide land' or 'white land'). This is the 'Land of Resistance' (widre), or shall we say truthfully, will be the 'Land of Resistance'

Albion is Oskopnir - 'The Unshaped Island' where the Last Battle will begin; once it was 'shaped' like the Ing-Rune. The Ing-Rune is linked to Venus, to Freya, to the Morning Star and Evening Star. The Morning Star is Freya, the Evening Star is Ingwe; today the star shines in the West, the Land of the Setting Sun, the Evening Star. As the Sun goes down and Darkness starts to reign the Star of Ingwe shines brightly in the West, guiding his Folk in the Darkness of Night. 

The Rune of The Hooded Man