Thursday, 3 August 2017

The White Island

I would now like to look at the legends about the White Island, which occur in various traditions around the world, particularly in India and in Hinduism. The term Sveta-Dvipa is sometimes used, and this refers to a mythical island, although the term should also be seen to refer to a physical representation upon the Earth too. Significantly, there is also another term used - Saka-Dvipa - which I take to mean 'Island of the Saka'.

In the Vishnu Purana the 'White Island' is referred to as Atala which is interesting in view of the name we have adopted for the sunken lands in the North-West - At-al-land. The Mahabharata mentions Atala as the 'island of great splendour'. This text also states that on it dwelt a people of 'fair complexion', 'as white as the Moon', and that they are devoted to Narayana. I have said this before, N-Arayan-a is a 'Serpent-God', a God of Knowledge & Wisdom, and these are the Serpent-Folk. We should recall here the Central American figure of Votan who hailed from Valum - the 'Kingdom of Serpents'. We shall now look again at Atala.

Atala is said to be the first of seven worlds below the Earth; this means that it exists in a different 'world' or 'dimension', and it can be seen only by those who can 'see', those who have access to a higher state of consciousness. The Holy Mountain on this sacred island was Mount Meru, also known as Atalas. The Greek god Atlas is related to this idea, for he is the 'pillar' that holds up the world, this 'pillar' always being in the Far North. At-al-as is the 'Racial Ase', and the word atalas means 'pillar', whereas the word *atala means 'steady' or 'firm', adjectives referring to this 'pillar'. Shiva has been called Shiva Atalas. The word atta can also mean 'mother', thus Atta-land can mean 'Motherland'. It is also interesting to note that athar means 'fire' and thus we also have Athar-land meaning 'Land of Fire'. 

There is an interesting idea here; Atharvan ('Priest of the Fire') presides over the sacrifice of Soma to Agni, the Fire-God. Atharvan has another name - Angiras - a name which has the prefix Ang- related to Ing-. The kindling of the Need-Fire was done through the whirling of a wheel, a Swastika-Wheel, where the fire was kindled at the centre. The Aswins presided over this Sacred Fire too. 

The names 'Thule' & 'Shambhalla' may both stem from roots meaning 'steady', 'firm', 'pillar', and 'to uphold'. Shambhalla does, stemming from the Sanskrit skamba meaning 'to uphold'. Thule could stem from *tal/*tul also meaning 'to uphold'. This root is also behind the Finnish sampo which name occurs in the Kalevala. The 'World Pillar' was always seen to originate at the Far North. This is where the White Mountain is, and the White Island - in mythical terms. 

The Edel-Rune, originally the At-al Rune, is the Rune of the Racial Homeland, of At-al-land. It is no coincidence that, when rounded off, this rune-shape has been used to symbolise the Greek god Atlas. Here he holds the 'world' upon his shoulders, this being the diamond-shape or round-shape when rounded off. At-al-land is the 'land which lies beyond', the sunken lands that now lie out of reach to most people. The rune, as Freya Aswynn has pointed out in one of her books, also means 'Gift of Ing', being made up of a Gyfu-Rune and Germanic Ing-Rune. It makes a set with the Ing-Rune and Gar-Rune, both of which also mean 'Gift of Ing'. 

What then is the 'Gift of Ing' - it is Fire. But the term inga, like agni, does not refer to the physical 'fire' where the term 'fire' is used rather than 'igni', but to the Igneous Fire of the Blood, the Igneous Fire of the Serpent. This is why Serpent Legends abound here in the Islands of the West, once the Islands of the Mighty. Coursing in the Aryan Blood is the Blood Memory. This is also the Memory of the Black Sun. According to Miguel Serrano the Arya's Sacred Blood is the Blood of the Black Sun. 

Albion is the Seventh Sword of Wayland, the sword that has to be re-forged; this symbolises the English Folk-Nation which has to be reforged, recreated, regenerated. The Dark Forces have set out to destroy this land and its people; they have suppressed our Germanic past, our history and our heritage - in a word our identity. There is something here they fear, something they know about this land - that something can only be the appearance of the Last Avatar, as hinted by Steed in a comment he made. Gildas said that this land was 'poised in the divine balance which supports the whole world' - 'supports', 'upholds' 'holds steady or firm'. 

Venus is The Mystic Rose which is symbolised by a White Rose; the White Rose is the symbol of ancient Albion. The wild rose or 'dog-rose' has a very strange reproductive technique; it fruits without being pollinated by another plant. The plant can die, yet it can be reproduced in an identical form. This is what we could term a 'Virgin Birth'. The White Rose, as well as the White Dragon, have been revived by Woden's Folk. Venus has a 40-year cycle which marks out a five-pointed star. It is the Star of Freya and the Star of Ingwe-Frey. 

Ingwe is the Lord of the Elves and Albion is the Island of the Elves ('alb' is a Germanic term for 'elf'). It is important to note the term 'Albion' in this context because 'alb' is a Germanic root and we find the original name of Scotland was Alban, whose people were Alban of the Yellow Hair (i.e. Nordic). [*] Through the High Lord of the Elves the English can lay claim to be descended from Ingwe, and hold true to the Elven Lore (as Tolkien maintained). 

[*] Alban refers to the 'Picts' who could well have been an amalgamation of tribes, including Germanic-Nordic Tribes. 

'In the days of the Lion, spawned of the Evil Brood, The Hooded Man shall come to the forest. There he will meet with Herne the Hunter - Lord of the Trees, to be his Son, and do his bidding. The Power of Light and the Power of Darkness shall be strong within him. And the guilty shall tremble!'

The Hooded Man Prophecy - October 1993.

The Seventh Sword of Albion holds within its blade the 'Power of Light and the Power of Darkness' - Albion is England. Here is upheld the 'divine balance', the 'balance of opposites'; this is the 'White Island' where dwells Wid-Ar the Avenger (Land-vidi = 'wide land' or 'white land'). This is the 'Land of Resistance' (widre), or shall we say truthfully, will be the 'Land of Resistance'

Albion is Oskopnir - 'The Unshaped Island' where the Last Battle will begin; once it was 'shaped' like the Ing-Rune. The Ing-Rune is linked to Venus, to Freya, to the Morning Star and Evening Star. The Morning Star is Freya, the Evening Star is Ingwe; today the star shines in the West, the Land of the Setting Sun, the Evening Star. As the Sun goes down and Darkness starts to reign the Star of Ingwe shines brightly in the West, guiding his Folk in the Darkness of Night. 

The Rune of The Hooded Man

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