Thursday, 19 October 2017

The Fall of At-al-land

As opposed to the standard view of man ascending from the apes and coming out of Africa, we hold the view that Man first evolved through the Will of the Gods and dwelt in the far north in Hyperborea. After a mighty catastrophe that smashed this part of the Earth Hyperborea was moved into another dimension of being - hidden from the eyes of the remnants of Man, yet accessible to the few Wise Men who kept the Ancient Secrets. I am now going to look closely at this concept from the use of Tolkien's English Mythology.

Tolkien's 'First Age' concerns the battles centred around Beleriand, but this is not equated with a 'Golden Age' unless perhaps we see this as the end of this age. In any case this is not part of this post. We shall concern ourselves with the later sinking of Numenor which would be the equivalent of At-al-land, being in North-West Europe. That this is so can be seen from the name 'Numenor' which means 'Heart of the West'. 

'Then suddenly fire burst forth from the Meneltarma, and there came a mighty wind and the tumult of the earth, and the sky reeled, and the hills slid, and Numenor went down into the sea......And all the coasts and seaward regions of the western world suffered great change and ruin in that time; for the seas invaded the lands, and shores foundered, and ancient isles were drowned, and new isles were uplifted; and hills crumbled and rivers were turned into strange courses.'

The Silmarrillion 

The mention of the 'western world' confirms that this is North-West Europe; it also states that ancient isles sank whilst new isles arose. The catastrophe was sudden and deadly and the sinking of At-al-land was devastating. Elendil escaped the disaster with Isildor and Anarion, these sailing away in nine ships. Elendil and his sons founded kingdoms in Middle-Earth '....though their lore and craft was but an echo of that which had been ere Sauron came to Numenor, yet very great it seemed to the wild men of the world...'.

Elendil and his sons found great kingdoms elsewhere which are a mere shadow of the high civilisation of Numenor, but which seem very great to the 'wild men of the world'. Clearly, taken from legends that abound of bearded White Men who came to other areas after a catastrophe in the North-West, this tells of how these bearded White 'Gods' came to the peoples of the Earth who were far less advanced and who saw their works as 'very great'. Founding great kingdoms they helped these people, as is seem in so many legends around the world. This is something never promoted by our enemies who show only the deeds of the later 'White Men' who travelled the world under the guidance of the Judaeo-Christian Church and raped and plundered everywhere they set foot. 

The land called 'Numenor' was thereafter named Mar-nu-Falmar, Akallabeth, and Atalante in the Eldarin Tongue. Meneltarma is the 'Pillar of Heaven' the Sacred Mountain which was said to have risen again above the waters, being a 'hallowed place'. It is interesting to note that we have the same theme as that of Hyperborea -

'Avallone is vanished from the Earth and the Land of Aman is taken away, and in the world of this present darkness they cannot be found. Yet once they were, and therefore they still are, in true being and in the whole shape of the world as it first was devised'.

'Avallone' is, of course, At-al-land or Numenor. Tolkien then states that -

'For the Dunedain held that even mortal Men, if so blessed, might look upon other times than those of their bodies life...'

Tolkien tells us that 'All roads are now bent' and that the kings of Men knew that the world was indeed, made round....Therefore the lore masters of Men said that the Straight Road must still be, for those that were permitted to find it.'

The 'Straight Way' was like a 'mighty bridge invisible' and this led to the lands with the White Mountain which had arisen again. Into this theme comes Tol Eressea - the Lonely Isle - which in some later pieces he equates with England and these isles. This theme is not about a 'Flat Earth' in a physical sense but about another state of consciousness within which the 'Inner Earth' appears to be flat and made up of layers of being. At the centre of this is the White Mountain. 

At-al-land is the Edel-Land or Odal-Land and its rune is the Edel-Rune or Odal-Rune. These lands fell due to the appearance of Sauron who misguided the rulers of Numenor and turned the people against their Gods - akin to what has happened to our Folk today, who have turned against their Gods and accepted a 'False God' - a demonic figure whose true role as the Dark Lord has not been recognised. Like Sauron this Dark Demon has the power to deceive and cheat, and like our history shows us it is the ruling elite that is dragged into his net, though a few, like Elendil and his sons, escape the control of his Evil Will. 

The Fall of At-al-Land thus seems to have happened at the end of the Second Age, and this was followed by the events found in Lord of the Rings which features the end of the Third Age. Today we are at the end of the Fourth Age, the last era of the Cycle of the Ages. 

I will turn now to some details of what happened prior to the sinking of At-al-land (according to Tolkien). Bear in mind that what we are speaking of here is Archetypal Myth which recurs over and over throughout a Cycle of the Ages, thus the end of each 'Age' is similar, but not exactly the same, and that we cannot tell fully what happened, though through Archetypal Myth we can piece together a story that comes close to the history of the period.

During the Third Age the Numenoreans came amongst Men and instructed them in various arts, such as the sowing of seed and the grinding of grain, the hewing of wood and the shaping of stone, as well as the 'ordering of their life'. Men 'revered the memory of the tall Sea-Kings, and when they had departed they called them gods, hoping for their return...' The Numenoreans were mortals like Men, but they 'began to hunger for the undying city that they saw from afar, and the desire for everlasting life, to escape from death and the ending of delight, grew strong upon them...' The span of life of the Dunedain (Numenoreans) grew less as the time rolled on, and they started to question the ban against sailing to the West and the Land of the Immortals. This was called Aman, The Blessed Realm. It was perhaps the will of Morgoth (The Dark Lord) who spread the seed of discontent.

Here we see a god-like Race of Light, tall and shining, who were clothed in flesh but with the Essence of the Gods within them. They went amongst the lower races of men and spread their knowledge amongst them in order to help them. These are obviously the race of what is usually called the 'Stone Age' but which were not the primitive beings of our modern scholars, but a High Race who understood the workings of stone and its properties of altering consciousness and of its secrets that were worked through sound. Crystals were an essential part of this order of being, and quartz was used to change consciousness, to regain that Primal Consciousness lost with the fall into matter. Thus such works as the Ancient Pyramids, the Stone Circles, the Dolmens, the Burial Mounds etc. were all part of this Science of Stone, an ancient science based upon implosion rather than the science of explosion today. 

Gondor, in the south (*), endured and for a time its splendour grew; there were built high towers, and it had many ships; the Winged Crown of the Kings of Men were held in awe by peoples of many lands. Then came another disaster - 

'For the blood of the Numenoreans became much mingled with that of other men, and their power and wisdom was diminished, and their life-span was shortened...'

Here we see the result of what is called 'race-mixing', for the High Race loses out to the lower races through inter-breeding; the wisdom of the High Race gets less and less, and their long-life is shortened, and thus their 'watch upon Mordor slumbered' - their vigilance of the Dark Lord waned which was a disaster for all races of the Earth. 

Sauron arose again and he led a great force against Minith Ithil where he destroyed the White Tree of Isildor that grew there. However, Isildor escaped this force and took a seedling of the White Tree which was planted in secret and which a new shoot sprouted in the next spring. Where the hill at the centre of the City of the Numenoreans - Armenelos the Golden - had been Sauron built a great temple crowned with a dome of silver. The dome soon became blackened because he had burnt a great fire with the wood of the White Tree. We can see here once more how the Sacred Centre is desecrated, the White Tree (representing the House of Isildur, Rulers of Numenor) hewn down and the wood burnt as a symbol of the destruction of the High Race. 

This Dark Temple was a place of great blood-sacrifice, and the victims were those who opposed the Will of Sauron. Lies were made up to slander the victims who were said to hate the king, were rebels, and that they plotted against their kin. This is indeed an eye-opener since the exact same accusations are made today against anyone who opposes this rotten, corrupt state-system ruled by this Dark Power. This was an age of violence, and age of death, where man was set against man - does this remind you of something? The rich rulers became richer, and these corrupt and decadent rulers forgot their Royal Lineage, and their grew the 'mightiest tyrant' - Ar-Pharazon, King of the Land of the Star. 

It was this tyrant-king, guided by the Will of Sauron (who worked in secret, of course), who led the Numenoreans against the Gods - the Valar. Thus came the downfall of Numenor, brought on by this move but the work of the Will of the Gods who destroyed these Dark Powers through the smashing of the Old Order and the destruction of Numenor. 

The destruction came with the coming of the Eagles of the Lords of the West, the Eagles of Manwe (who seems to be Thor-Thunor). Elendil had been prepared for this and his ships were filled with the 'Faithful' and their wives and children, as well a 'vessels and jewels, the scrolls of lore written in scarlet and black, and the Seven Stones - the Gift of the Eldar. In the ship of Isildor was the young White Tree, the scion of Nimloth the Fair. It was Iluvater (All-Father) whose power destroyed Numenor.

The 'land of Aman and Eressea of the Eldar were taken away and removed from the reach of Men forever. And Andor, the Land of Gift, Numenor of the Kings, Elenna of the Star of Earendil, was utterly destroyed...Valinor and Eressea were taken from it into the realm of hidden things.' The Land of the Gods and the Land of the Elves (Shining Ones) were thus removed from the site of Men, taken into another dimension ('realm of hidden things'). 

Tolkiens' works were taken up by the Hippie Movement of the 1960s which is rather strange really since none of this relates one bit to their leftist stance. The whole theme is related to race-consciousness, the consciousness of a High Race and lowers races of man. There is no place here for 'equality, for the 'egalitarianism' of today's society. The story itself is, as stated before, Archetypal Myth which is drawn from related legends such as the 'Flood' and the 'Ark' (here the ships of Elendil). The catastrophe comes about through the wiles of the Dark Lord - Sauron - whose work entails the deception of the ruling-powers, and their being turned to the worship of the Darkness. This is mirrored in the spread of Judaeo-Christianity amongst the ruling powers (kings) of the Germanic and Celtic Tribes who were turned to the worship of the 'son' of the Dark Lord - i.e. Jesus as son of Jehovah or El Shaddai. 

It is interesting to note that Numenor is called 'The Land of the Star', but as far as I can see (the Silmarillion is a difficult read made up of thousands of names) the star is not named. It is also interesting that Ar-Pharazon the King and his 'mortal warriors' were buried under the falling hills where they lie imprisoned in the Caves of the Forgotten until the Last Battle and the Day of Doom. Thus we see that these corrupted powers - the 'White Traitors' we could call them, have not been done with, but will arise again for the 'Last Battle' (Ragnarok) and the 'Day of Doom' (Ragnarok). We are probably seeing this being re-enacted in our own times; this explains the evil powers that have control of our world today, whose hands are guided by the Dark Lord and the Servants of Darkness. 

The land is called the Star of Earendil which is a star that Tolkien equates with Venus - the Morning and Evening Star. The Star of Venus can be a Five-Pointed Star or an Eight-Pointed Star, the Five-Pointed Star being the movement of Venus, and also related to the White Rose (Dog-Rose) and to the Apple (cut in half). 

It was during the Third Age that there arose the Istari whom Men called the Wizards; Saruman and Gandalf were of the Istari, and Saruman turned to the 'Dark Side' as a servant of Sauron, even though he felt the equal of Sauron through his pride. The Istari (Ostara?) were 'messengers' (Angels) sent by the Lords of the West to 'contest the power of Sauron, if he should arise again, and to move Elves and Men and all living things of good will to valiant deeds. In the likeness of Men they appeared, old but vigorous, and they changed little with the years, and aged but slowly, though great cares lay on them; great wisdom they had, and many powers of mind and hand.' 

From here we pass to the story of the Lord of the Rings which recalls the deeds and actions of the Third Age. This ended, like the Second Age, with a mighty war, or series of great wars, and a final catastrophe that changed the shape of the world. In this the Rightful King (Aragorn, son of Arathorn, heir to Isildor of the Dunedain) regains his throne and title - this is another Archetypal Myth of the 'Return of the King'. The heroes of the tale are the Shire-Folk which must be equated with the English - Folk of the Shires. We have the figure of Gandalf the Wizard (Woden) who is the 'Wanderer' who wanders Middle-Earth gathering the Forces of Light against the Forces of Darkness. It is the remnants of the Numenoreans - the Men of Gondor and the Men of Rohan - that take part on the side of the Light Forces, and the Orcs, the Wild Men and the Men of the East that take part as the Dark Forces of Sauron. Also, aiding the Forces of Light, are the 'Undead' - the Forces of the Everlasting Battle - led by Aragorn (as the 'Hunter-God'). Aragorn became King Elessar in his 88th year, the first King of Gondor and Arnor since Elendil himself. His wife was Arwen Evenstar, daughter of Elrond. We are well into the realms of symbolism here. 

Thus ended the Third Age and today we are coming to the end of the Fourth Age; whether we should equate these as the four quarters of the 24,000 year (**) Great Year Cycle, or whether we see this as the Yugas of the Hindus in the form of a ratio of ages, will be a question unanswered for now. But there does seem to be some truth in seeing the Darkest Age, and thus the Fourth Age, as the last 6,000 years, since we find the hidden idea in the Christian Bible of the creation some 4,000 BCE. This would be the period in which the latest 'Dark Forces' worked towards the domination of the Earth. 

Sauron is the Great Deceiver whose role is very much like Loki in some ways since he turns one against another, race against race, and corrupts the mighty rulers through turning them to the Dark Side. Through this corruption of the rulers he ferments strife and war between kin, and turns men against their own Gods. The Elves withdraw from Middle-Earth to their Immortal Realms, and eventually Men are left to their own devices. It is at this time that Man breaks into two separate forces - Light and Dark. Thus ends the next cycle, and the end of the Cycle of the Ages, through the coming of Ragnarok.

(*) Gondor is said to be 'in the south' which seems to refer to the area of Southern Europe; this is shown in the 'Lord of the Rings' where the people are shown as Southern Europeans. The Men of Rohan are the English, as seen in their Mother Tongue (Old English) and their names (Theoden etc.) These can be seen as the Warrior Folk of the English, and the Hobbits as the simple peasantry of the English Shires. The name 'Gondor' means 'Stone-Land' (Sindarin) which emphasises the nature of its southern link since the Rome followed the Greeks with the building of stone, whereas the Northlands built in wood in the main.

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