Sunday, 24 December 2017

The Merovingian Franks

In a spurious work called The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail the authors attempt to link the Merovingian Kings to the 'Bloodline of Jesus'. This is done through the 'Priory of Sion' which is supposedly a secret society and offshoot of the Knight's Templar which held the 'secret' of this bloodline. Unfortunately, the theme has been taken up by others and continues to spread these ideas to the masses. There is a problem with this theory, and a theory it is - not fact. The book itself hints at the true origins of the Merovingian Franks -

'It is just possible that, in the Merovingians, we may have a dynasty of Germanic Heerkonige derived from an ancient kingly line of the migration period.' 

The authors quote this statement from Wallace Hadall (The Long-Haired Kings page 171) and go on to ignore it and get on with the theory that the Merovingians descended from the 'Bloodline of Jesus'. There seems far more proof that this Frankish Royal Line descended from the Wolsungas than this 'Jesus' of the Christian world -

  • On December 23rd 679 Dagobert, King of the Franks, went hunting in the Forest of Woevres. He lay down to rest at the foot of a tree. One of his servants, his godson, acting on the orders of Pepin, pierced him through the eye with a lance. This tells us of an archetypal myth being played out here since Dagobert's Legend is the same as the Legend of Siegfried. Thus, the Merovingian Franks were a 'dynasty of Germanic Heerkonige derived from an ancient kingly line of the migration period' - the Wolsungas.
  • If this is not enough the title of the Franks was the Sigambrian Franks or Sicambrian Franks, which suggests that they were descended from Sigi the sire of the Wolsungas. 
  • The Origins Legend of the Merovingians suggests a link between them and the founders of Rome - Romulus and Remus. I am not going to go fully into this, but I have featured it some years ago and will perhaps look further into the legend. 
The Judaic religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - all await their 'Messiah', so it would be in their favour if the royal line of the French were to descend from 'Jesus' rather than from an ancient Germanic Kingly Line. Especially since there are certain prophecies that indicate that the French Royal Line will be the reinstated (after being overthrown through the French Revolution). 

Dagobert was slain in order to destroy this Germanic Royal Line, and the Carolingians took over from the Merovingians, the latter being the true and original Royal Line of the Franks. The Merovingians were the 'Long-Haired Kings' and their symbol was, amongst others, the Tribal Spear, the Spear of Woden. The legend of the Spear of Destiny stems from this time, and indeed has been dated to this period by experts. These were Sorcerer Kings and similar magical objects have been found amongst their grave-goods as have been found in the Sutton Hoo Ship-Grave of the Wuffingas. 

There is one part of the Archetypal Myth which may interest us here, and that is Dagobert's death by being pierced through an eye, not through the back as we find in the Legend of Siegfried. Dagobert is not the only one to die through being pierced through an eye, for King Harold Godwinsson was also pierced by an arrow through the eye - or at least this what legend tells us. It has been suggested that this was added to the Bayeaux Tapestry, and this would be even more proof of its importance as an Archetypal Myth.

There is a quatrain from the Prophesies of Nostradamus which mentions a death through being pierced through an eye -

Dessouuz de chaine Guien du ciel frappe,

Non loing de la cache le tresor:

Qui par longs siecles avoite este grappe,

Trouve mourra, L'oeil creve de ressort.

This prophecy mentions an 'Oak Tree' (OF chene for 'chaine') struck by lightning where a treasure lays hidden; when found a man will die, his eye pierced by a 'spring'. Any piercing of the eye, and thus blinding in an eye, suggests the god Woden, of course. I have quoted the original French version because translations are not always accurate; not having a knowledge of French I am not in a position to translate. Another translation of 'chaine' could be 'chain of mountains' but this hardly fits with the 'blasted oak'. 

It is also interesting to note that the 'Forest of Woevres' is where Dagobert was said to be slain. The word 'woevre' (I think) means 'serpent'; Miguel Serrano mentions Woevre Saelde which appears to be the original Germanic name for 'Isalde' or 'Isolde', the lover of Tristan. This forest has a long connection to the Druids I think. 

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