Sunday, 25 March 2018

At-al-land and the Book of Enoch

What are known as The Watchers are, according to the apocryphal Book of Enoch, highly advanced beings skilled in the arts, sciences, astronomy, astrology and weapon-making. The Book of Enoch echoes the Old Testament in telling how the 'angels' lusted after human women, mated with them and produced the 'Giants' or 'Nephilim' as their Hebrew name was. However, the name of these seems to have been the Sons of Anak who were of giant stature compared with the people of the Middle-East then. The Sons of Anak seems to be the remnant of these 'Giants' after the Great Flood destroyed parts of the Earth. There seems to be an archaic Aramaic word nephila which refers to Orion, the Hunter-God of the skies. There are also Egyptian legends of the Neteru also known as the Urshu who were possessed of supernatural powers. 

One of these 'Giants' of the Old Testament is interestingly named King Og; since we find this name 'Og' within Ogma, Ogham, Og, and of course Ygg/Ing and other variations of the name here in these islands this is a subject for study. King Og was of the Ammonites, the leader of the people of Bashan, the land laid waste to by Moses on one of his various 'excursions'. Like the Amorites, the people of Bashan were ruthlessly destroyed in yet another act of genocide by the invading Hebrews. (Described in Numbers 21:33-35). The connection I make here is made clear by a certain Arab tradition which states that these tribes were the remains of a megalithic culture in the region of Palestine, the Lebanon, and Jordan. 'Ammon' is very close to 'Amon-Ra' of the Egytpian Myths, and we have here an old legend about these peoples who were part of the megalithic culture of Northern Europe who were the 'Giants' of old, and Deuteronomy 3:11 describes the size of King Og's bedstead of iron as being huge. 

Miguel Serrano's weltanshauung sees the 'Fallen Angels' as a section of the Asen-Gods who mated with the 'daughters of men' and produced a race of semi-divine beings. In the process their divine status was partly lost through the 'Racial Sin' of mating with lower species upon the Earth. This is reflected in the works on Atlantis, and Tolkien's works upon the lost lands of Beleriand and of Numenor (At-al-land). The latter, Numenor, seems to have been the North-West Continent of At-al-land and the Numenoreans the direct descendants of the Hyperboreans. The Numenoreans further weakened their divine status and their Royal Blood by mating with peoples of lower races...the cycle continues until today when this has proven a disaster. 

However, in a dramatic twist Serrano feels that this whole process could have been a deliberate ploy by the Asen-Gods in order to enter the world of matter ruled by the Demiurge and to wage a Holy War against the Dark Forces on this Earth. Logically, this is right since only by being of the material world can they wage such a struggle. Over time this Divine Race of Viras (Heroes) lost much of the Blood-Memory through this constant intermixing; they suffered from amnesia in a sense, losing the Memory of the Blood and their Divine Origins as High Spiritual Beings. 

The Book of Enoch fits very well into the legends of Atlantis, where a High Race eventually degenerated into warfare and dark magic and destroyed themselves in a Great Flood, or were destroyed by the Gods, or 'God', in a Great Flood. Enoch visits the Far North, as stated in the book, and he was aware of the phenomena of long days in the summer and long nights in the winter. Tacitus found out the same thing from his visits to these islands - so we can assume that the legend of Enoch contains influences from the North-West too. 

The spur for this post is a book called Uriel's Machine by two Freemasons named Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas. They link Uriel of the Book of Enoch to the megalithic builders and the Grooved Ware People. The Grooved Ware People, in these islands, seem to have first been linked to the Orkneys, an area of Northern Scotland invaded by both Saxons and later Vikings, and an area close to what was once called At-al-land. 

There is one very, very interesting part in this book, a part that shows -

1. The source of the disinformation that we face in regard to our Germanic Ancestry, which is smothered by the 'Celtic' culture promoted by the Establishment,

2. That there may well be an ancient connection between Anglesey and the Angles or English, and that this goes further back than the studies that I have already made.

On page 342 we find the following statement -

"However, a little further reading told us that the Roman historian Tacitus had recorded that the Celtic tribes of western Europe....(as we mentioned in Chapter Nine)..."

Yes, they did mention this in Chapter Nine but clearly not of the 'Celtic tribes' since the piece they quoted, and the references to this piece are about the Germanic Tribes which included the Anglii and the worship of Nerthus on a Sacred Island. However, their inadvertent 'slip of the tongue' opened a new gate to our understanding of our own history and pre-history as I am going to show. 

The book quotes from Rudolf Steiner -

"In the third millennium before Christ, in certain northern tribes....on the Jutland peninsula - whose tribes were called the Ingaevones, or at least were so called by Tacitus - the temple priests of the Mystery Sites encouraged sexual union to take place only at a certain time of the year..."

'The Festivals and their Meanings'. 

We should note here the reference to 'Jutland' which was the 'Land of the Jutes', and to the Ingaevones. The rest is not important at this point. Then they go on to the original quote from Tacitus -

"On an island of the ocean is a sacred grove and in it there is a consecrated chariot covered with a veil. Only the priest may approach it. He knows when the goddess appears in the sacred chariot. He becomes aware of the presence of the goddess in her holy place, and in deep reverence accompanies her chariot drawn by cows. Then there are days of joy and feasting in all places which the goddess honours with her visit. Then there are joyous days and wedding feasts. At these times no war is waged, no weapons are handled, the sword is sheathed. Only peace and quiet are at those times known or desired, until the goddess, tired of her sojourn among mortals, is led back into the shrine by the same priest."

It is usually the case that this sacred island is to be found in Scandinavia, but these two authors transfer this to the Island of Anglesey, and link it to an ancient passage-barrow called Bryn Celli Ddu ('Bryn kethlee-thu'). There seems some proof of this through Tacitus' account of the chariot, veil and the goddess herself being bathed in a 'hidden lake' by slaves, after which the slaves are drowned in the lake. In fact a lake near to this area was drained by the RAF Station at Valley to infill for an extension to the runway, and in the lake were found 'offerings', human skeletons and their valuables; their dating was around 3,000 years ago. 

Tacitus, it is recorded, came to Britain and could have encountered such a sight here; indeed, these islands are full of legends of a goddess/woman drawn around the land in a 'chariot' - the 'May Queen' is a good example. I am now going to show that Bryn Celli Ddu could well have been linked to such a cult, and that it does seem to have links to the Waene/Vanir and to Venus; and it does have a Germanic Ing-Rune carved on an unhewn stone at the entrance. 

The authors of the book show that both Newgrange and Bryn Celli Ddu are associated with Venus and the Cult of Resurrection-Rebirth mentioned of the Ingaevones by Steiner. Newgrange is also linked to AEngus (Ingui) and to a legend about rebirth again. Bryn Celli Ddu means 'Hill of the Black Grove' which suggests clearly that this 'hill' (mound') was once within a Sacred Tree Grove, these being used by the Aryan Druids of Anglesey. The quote from Tacitus links to the worship of Nerthus who, through Njord, is of the Waene/Vanir and thus associated with Venus. We should remember that Anglesey is the 'Island of the Angles', and that this area was once occupied by the Tegeingl - the 'Fair Ingl' or 'Fair Angles' (Deceanglii of the Romans). 

It would seem that the Temple Priests of the Ancient Mysteries (The Armanen) knew the secrets of resurrection and rebirth and applied these to members of their Priesthood and to their tribal members, but both in different forms. Just like the Egyptian Pharaohs who were reborn into their sons - Osiris resurrected as Horus - there were certain individuals who were to be reborn at certain times of the cycle for a strict purpose. The spring festivals associated with Easter would thus 'birth' an individual at the time of Yule - just as in the legends of the Aryan Krist. This was done at Newgrange and Bryn Celli Ddu, as we see here, and also linked to Maeshowe in Orkney (Orkn-Isle). 

The book suggests that the Grooved Ware People were connected to all this, and that they originally occupied - Orkney. Orkney has been invaded by Saxons (as the name suggests, ending in Old English -ey) and later by the Norsemen. These, it is usually claimed, originated here in these islands; these people may be the link between At-al-land and the Germanic Folk of these islands back into very ancient times. 

So far we have the following 'coincidences' -

  • Newgrange and Bryn Celli Ddu are both linked to Venus and to the Cult of Rebirth-Resurrection.
  • Newgrange is associated with the Dagda, and with his son, AEngus (Ingui); the legend of AEngus tells of the Cult of Rebirth.
  • The Grooved Ware People may have been the link that is missing here; they could have originated around Orkney, and there we find another, closely linked megalithic structure - Maeshowe - later used by the Vikings.
  • Bryn Celli Ddu may have been a Sacred Grove used by the Druids; the Tegeingl ('Fair Angles') occupied this area when Julius Caesar fiercely crushed the Druids and the Tegeingl, burnt down their Sacred Groves and decimated the people there. 
  • The 'Sacred Goddess' who is taken round in a chariot on an island may well be that of the Angles and the Ingvaeones, whose Sacred Centre may have been Anglesey - 'Isle of the Angles'. This cult continued into much later times as can be found in the 'May Queen'. We are thus faced, once more, with the fact that not everything in this land had 'Celtic' roots - unless we refer to these as 'Germano-Celts' and not the 'Gallo-Celts' who were of Mediterranean origins. 
  • We have a megalithic culture around the areas occupied by the Ammonites and Amorites, and the King Og of the Ammonites has a name found here in these islands and in Germania - Og, Ogma, Ygg, Igg, Yng - and also in the title of Rudra-Shiva as Ugr. 

To add further weight to my argument here, Newgrange is on the River Boyne in County Meath which is a province of Leinster, just north of  Dublin  and where we first find the Tegeingl ('Fair Angles') and the Gangani (Gungingi = Langobards). It is also very strange how these areas occupied by Germanic Tribes were also occupied in far later times by their descendants - for example Orkney and the area of Dublin where a Saxon dwelling was found under the Viking dwelling. 

The Ingaevones were the peoples of Scandinavia, Northern Germany, Frisia and the Island of Albion. The English Folk are the only people to have retained their origins from Ingwe in their name, but the ruling line of the Swedes were the Ynglingas, named after Ingwe. We find a strong Swedish presence here in England long before the Vikings, the name of one of their Royal Lines - the Wuffingas - being preserved in East Anglia and the area around the Uffington White Horse in Wiltshire (or what was Wiltshire). The Long Man of Wilmington also have links to bracteates found in Sweden. In fact the East Anglian presence could well go back further since there are subtle links between the people of the Wuffingas and the Iceni Tribe of Boudicca. The latter have coins with the 'Eye of Odin' on them, and they are a Solar Cult borne out by the Solar-Horse on their coins. 

The stone circle is called by the Canaanites gilgal a name found in Sumeria and which may share a common origin. In Canaanite duku was a 'Holy Mound' but meant literally 'birthing determiner' which links to the ideas of rebirth and resurrection associated with Newgrange and Bryn Celli Ddu. When seeing the name gilgal it rang a bell immediately since somewhere I recall it linked to the Fylfot-Swastika. This is because it is made up of four Gammas, the Greek letter 'g' which are shaped as our 'L', thus making up the four 'feet' of the Swastika. Thus we have a direct link between the Swastika and the Stone Circles built in megalithic times. It is also interesting to note that Gilgal was a town in Canaan which was first used by the Hebrews when they invaded and massacred the peoples of the area. They took over these ancient sites (which tells us the same could have happened here in these isles in ancient times when we recall the distortion of the Aryan Wisdom by an alien priesthood) and used them for their own purpose. I Kings 18:30-35 tells how Elijah repaired a stone circle, showing they used them but were not the builders. These were then consecrated to 'the Lord' - not having the original I cannot tell whether this is to Yahweh or not. But from this account these stone circles, like the burial mounds we see all over Europe and elsewhere, were enclosed by a ring of water in a trench. The importance here is that Gilgal would refer to the Swastika and thus to an Aryan origin back in the mists of time.

There is a considerable difference between the Canaanites and the Hebrews who took the area over; the Canaanite religions were based around the Cycles of Nature, and where we see the major festivals appropriated by the Hebrews these turn into festivals of historical events whose roots do not lie in Nature and the Earth but in the history (?) of the Hebrews alone. 

I will now return to the Aryan Druids here in these islands. There seem to have been, according to Celtic Legend, three major Druid Centres -

Bryn Gwyddon (*) (Hill of Science) - Anglesey.

Gwyr Gogledd in the Men of the North, said to be around Perth, although it is no means certain that 'Gogledd' refers to an area in North-West England and Scotland. 

The South of England - presumably this is the area occupied by the Belgae, whose god was Gwydion (Woden).

(*) Gwyddon has been linked to Gwydion and here we can see a remarkable similarity to Woden. Woden's name means not only 'wod' ('divine intoxication'), but also connected to 'wood' and to Herne the Hunter, Lord of the Trees. 'Gwydd' is seen as 'science' but also means 'wood'. The 'science' we find in Gwydion is in seeing, magic, mysticism and also astrology. The names 'Gwyddon' and 'Gwydion' are just a letter apart, something that cannot be looked at as a 'coincidence'. 

When Suetonius Paulinus conquered the Druids in Anglesey he overstretched himself and was forced to abandon Anglesey to rush back to quell a revolt by the Iceni Tribe of East Anglia. Is this really  coincidence that Boudicca rose in revolt just as the Tegeingl were being crushed far to the north in Angle's Island? It was Agricola who finally crushed the Druids in Anglesey.

There is a subtle difference between the 'Stone Builders' and the 'Watchers', the latter also being very clever at the esoteric arts, astronomy, astrology etc. but who were accused of using metal-working to forge weapons of war and destruction. The 'Stone Builders' from many accounts, never used iron or any metals in their work - they used the 'Science of Stone'. Obviously, we are here seeing a transformation from a peaceful era into a warlike era which also results in a change of god-worship too. The Cycle of the Ages has to be taken into account. This would also be a time of the degeneration of man, the transformation into a more warlike state and aggressive societies. Nothing remains the same. We can also see a hint as to what was happening when we remember the stone circles taken and used by the Hebrews for the worship of another god-form. Later we find the same type of thing when the Christian Churches, Synagogues and Mosques have been built upon Heathen Sacred Sites.

Again, we have evidence of a migration of North-West European peoples over into the East, into China. Around the Tarim Basin the Tocharians dwelt, and bodies of European peoples, some wearing tartan (which was not restricted to Scotland as some think), were found having blond-red hair, blue eyes and distinct European features. Were these peoples a remnant of those who fled the sinking of At-al-land, or were they associated with the Gobi Desert civilisation that left Atlantis - or maybe both are the same? 

In the same book, synchronistically, there is a heading within one chapter titled - "The White And Holy Stone". This refers to the figure of Maelgwyn Gwynedd - 'White Stone of Gwynedd' who ruled from Deganwy near Llandudno. Legend has it that he settled in Glamorgan and made his cell in a deep cave containing an important stone which is now 'lost'. Now, I may be pushing this argument way too far but in the Legend of Cuthman (and the Holy White Stone of Ing) he pushes his mother eastwards and ends up in Steyning where the 'Stone of Ing' still lies. Maelgwyn was said to have laid his head on this stone and slept upon it all night. This, of course, sounds rather fantastic since it would have been very, very uncomfortable. So we can safely assume this legend about Maelgwyn and the Stone is symbolic and holds an esoteric and hidden meaning. What we can safely say is that we have here a direct link to a 'White Stone' hidden in the name of a King of Gwynedd. 

Now, 'mael' or 'maen' means 'stone' and another legend links this once again to Ireland; St. Patrick was said to have trained as a priest at the same monastery as Maelgwyn - Illtud, and there he took the name Padraig Maenwyn which means 'Patrick of the White Stone' before he was 'abducted' by the Irish. Maelgwyn was born Maelgwyn ap Cadwallon on the Island of Anglesey (again); legend states that he was chosen by a Pictish Princess to father her son, Brude macMaelchon, High King of the Picts, who held court around Inverness around 564 CE. Here we have a similar coincidence in that the Pictish King is named 'Maelchon' which is most likely a variant of 'Maelgwyn' and would mean 'White Stone' again. 

There is also a link between Maegwyn, the White Stone, and the figure of Gwion, who was given the name 'Mabon' ('son of' = Ing) and Taliesin ('Shining Brow' or 'Bringer of Light'). Taliesin stole the Ancient Wisdom of the Goddess Cerridwen (Ceridwen) by drinking from her cauldron that she had prepared for her son. In a very similar action to the Myth of Hama and Loki we find Gwion changing into a grain of corn and being eaten by Cerridwen, who is then pregnant and gives birth to Taliesin (*). Cerridwen casts him into the sea in a skin bag (**), he floats to the shores of a castle owned by a giant, Ysbaddaden, who names him 'Mabon'. He falls in love with Olwen, Ysbaddaden's daughter, (Olwen means 'White Track' and refers to Venus) and they are married on March 25th. 

(*) Taliesin is very similar to Hama-Heimdall in his name 'Shining Brow'; he is obviously a Solar God. He obviously 'steals' the Ancient Wisdom held by the Goddess of the White Stone and becomes a great scop and seer through this. 

(**) A place very close to Steyning in West Sussex is called 'Chidham' which means 'bag-ham' - is this again a 'coincidence'. With the 'giant' giving him the name 'son of' - the same as the Germanic '-ing' this 'coincidence' appears less safe. 

The name 'Cerridwen' causes problems to scholars but the suffix -wen is clearly 'wyn' which means 'white'. 'Cerrid' is itself problematic, but if this is a form of 'cerrig' then it would mean 'stone'. This would give us 'White Stone' once more, maybe hidden within the word-plays within the texts. Taliesin becomes the Bard of Maelgwyn and through them the 'Eisteddfod' is created for the Bards. (This today is a sick parody of the original as I have witnessed myself.) Here, Cerridwen is linked to the 'White Stone' and the legends to the Ingvaeones, directly linked to the Waene/Vanir and to Venus (Olwen). 

There is one very clear link in the chain here, a link that fits all of these together, and traces itself back to At-al-land - that is Ingwe, Ingui or Ing. We know from the Holy White Stone of Ing that Ingwe is associated with the 'White Stone' and here we have a Royal Line of Kingship through the Welsh and Picts associated with a 'White Stone' again. Maelgwyn was descended from Cunedda, leader of the 'Men of the North' who had driven Irish invaders away at the Battle of Cerrig y Gwyddwl early in the sixth century CE, in an area of Anglesey. 

In the booklet about the White Stone of Ing it is actually suggested that 'Celtic Monks' came over, and if we restate this in terms of 'Germano-Celtic Monks' then this begins to make some sense. We have to remember that in these islands was a strain of Kristianity that differed greatly from the Judaeo-Christianity that became the Established Church. This is often termed 'Celtic Christianity' but since we are finding more and more evidence to show that much of what was deemed 'Celtic' is really 'Germanic' then this we shall term 'Kristianity' or 'Aryan Kristianity'. 

The last stand of the Druids came when Agricola slew 30,000 'Britons' at Mons Grampius in 84 CE; this was in the area of the Moray Firth in Scotland, this being the area where the Stone of At-al-land came from. The strange thing here is that the so-called leader of the Druids was one Calgacus, a name strangely similar to 'Helga' when using the Germanic Tongue. Remember, here we speak of a ruling elite over the peoples of these islands, an Aryan Elite or Armanen Elite, the 'last of the free', the 'most distant dwellers upon Earth', 'shielded today by our very remoteness and by the obscurity in which it has shrouded our name...' (Tacitus - The Agricola). 

The 'White Stone' once again features in the book of Revelation, as I have shown many times before. This refers to the Holy White Stone of Ing, and to the Age of Ing which is the god-form that has arisen in our times. I think we have here a clue to a profound secret of these islands, that the Holy White Stone is the symbol of a line of Aryan Initiates passing way back into the times of At-al-land, where once these islands formed part of a vast landmass and Aryan Imperium. This forms part of the process of the Blood Memory that is awakening within Woden Initiates. This is why the Ancient Seers referred to this island as 'Albion' - the 'White Island' and the 'Isles of the Shining Ones' (Elves). The 'Lord of the Shining Ones' is Ingwe/Ingui whose traces can be found all over these islands in myth and legend. Great Initiates of Ing are today awakening to the struggle to regain this Ancient Wisdom and to prepare for the arising of At-al-land from the Waters of Chaos. 

It is strange how working with certain pieces of knowledge it triggers memories of earlier importance that have been overlooked or forgotten. This is the case here, for when living in a place called Capelilo, Dwygyfylchi which is just above Penmaenmawr ('Head of the Great Stone') I had a dream about 'Maelgwyn Gwynedd' and Deganwy Castle, where he held his seat of office. The dream was prior to Midsummer Eve (June 22nd) and I was told that I should visit the site of Deganwy Castle (a ruins) and perform a Midsummer Rite. This should entail an offering to the 'Fairies'; I did the rite but completely overlooked the part of the offering and wondered why nothing came of this! But the dream had to have some importance, considering it had the following -

  • The 'White Stone' - Maelgwyn,
  • The 'Fairies' - The Elves or 'Shining Ones', the Folk of Ingwe, 'Lord of the Elves'.
Only now does the dream begin to have some meaning since it emphasises everything that has been said here, that the White Stone and Ingwe are of extreme importance to us today. Why is this so?

I believe that the key to this is held in the Holy White Stone of Ing and the runes carved upon it. We already know that the 'Gift of Ing' is Fire from the alternative Ken-Rune carved upon it. This rune is also that of the Serpent or Dragon so this can be related to the Fire-Serpent. Guido von List ends his work on the Ka-Rune (Ken-Rune) with -

"Therefore: Your blood, your highest possession".

This he gets from the following - 

"A sixth is mine, if a man hurts me with the root of a strange tree; the ruin he threatened me with me with does not hurt me but consumes him." 

Miguel Serrano has - "Your blood is your most costly treasure" which continues this idea. This refers to the Igneous Blood of the Hyperboreans ('Sons of Bor') - the Fiery Blood of the Arya. This secret is contained within the White Stone of Ing since we have the following themes -

  • The 'Gift of Ing' is Fire - the Fire-Serpent.
  • This is the Igneous Fire of the Arya. This is the 'Fire of the Sun' and esoterically the 'Cold Fire of the Black Sun'.
  • It refers to the 'Khan' the title of the Supreme Ruler - the Konungr or Cyning - Sacral Kingship related to Ingwe and the Waene.
  • The Ing-Rune itself is that of the spiralling DNA and the Spiral-Force associated with the Fylfot-Swastika (Sign of Ingwe/Agni). This is the 'Rune of the Blood' and thus the 'Rune of the Blood Memory'. 
  • The Ken-Rune is also associated with the Blood and with the Blood Memory as seen through the Armanen Masters. 

The Holy White Stone of Ing thus carries the secret of the 'Blood Memory' or 'Gift of Ing'; there are weapons in Germanic Lore related to this -

Miming = Memory of Ing

Nothung = Need of Ing 

Gungnur = Gift of Ing

Balmung = (Meaning not known but 'Bal' is related to Fire and 'ung' is 'Ing'; but this leaves the 'm' out which should form part of the name. The Nibelungenlied was written down in Christian times so there may be good reason to see 'balm' as an anagram of 'lamb', a word that has always had a hidden meaning, especially in areas of Tibet. It was associated with the 'King of the World' or Chakravartin. Just a thought here but not enough to see anything in this really.)

The Gar-Rune is the 'Gift of Ing' which is clear from the Gyfu-Rune and Ing-Rune within the symbolism. It also contains two Ur-Fusion Ing-Runes, one above the other. It is made up also of four Ang-Runes which join at the centre - the Sacred Centre. These make up the four sections of the whole, such as the Four Provinces of Ireland that meet at the Sacred Centre - Tara. 

The Germanic Ing-Rune is the 'lozenge' which is an elongated diamond-shape, the same shape as one Roman historian saw as being the shape of ancient England - the 'Land of Ing'. This shape is found on many chambered cairns like Newgrange and Bryn Celli Ddu, as well as Maeshowe in Orkney. We know of the Viking connection to the Orkneys through the runes found carved on so many ancient stone structures. However, the earlier Saxon connection is almost overlooked. Where the problem lies, once more, is the destruction or distortion of anything that does not fit with established history and archaeology. On the Unstan Cairn on Orkney are Viking Runes, but overlaid are a number of graffiti such as the "PICTISH MARKS" engraved in Roman capitals, something obviously aimed to ensure these  are seen as 'Pictish' since like 'Celtic' here in England these are seen as the only thing associated with the Scottish Highlands. On a stone in the Brock of Borwick (in the Tankerness House Museum) there can be found Old English Runes. These have never been explained or widely mentioned, but there are legends of incursions by the Anglo-Saxons into the Orkneys decades before these people were suppose to have come here under Hengest and Horsa. 

Nennius records a Saxon attack on the Orkneys before 449CE; there is an account of the sons of Hengest - Octa and Ebusa - arriving with forty ships and attacking the Orkneys. The language of the Orkneys is very much Norse but with an underlay of Anglo-Saxon (Old English). Even the name 'Orkn-ey' has the Old English '-ey' meaning 'isle'. 

Going back to the 'White Stone' once more we find that following in Uriel's Machine - 

"These two traditions suggested that Marengwyn (or its variant Maelgwyn) was a title given to successful students of Illtud, perhaps those who learned the tradition of the white stones."

It is said that there was a small Irish Christian colony at Chidham ('Bag-ham'), and that Cuthman came from Chidham to Steyning. Considering the connection between Maelgwyn who was a monk at the monastery of St. Illtud, the 'important stone' in the cave in the monastery of St. Illtud in Glamorgan, and that St. Illtud had 'strong links with Ireland' all this fits into a clear pattern where we can see an underlaying theme where the Knowledge of the White Stone and the Gift of Ing (Blood Memory) were brought to Steyning by 'Cuthman' ('Land-man' or 'Kin-man'). These Heathen Mysteries were incorporated into the local 'Christian' legends where they would be preserved from the ravages of the Roman Church. The legend that Cuthman came from Chidham is not the only one concerning this 'Saint', since he is also said to have come from further West. This suggests that 'Cuthman' may have come from some part of Wales or Ireland originally; we do not know the time-scale here and it is thus possible that the legend is very ancient and may refer to the peoples known as the Tegeingl-Gangani who dwelt in Ireland and part of whom crossed to Gwynedd, Dyfed and Anglesey. 

We find the 'White Stone' on the Mayan Stela, together with the XX-X runic sequence - 'Gift of Ing'. This is carried over the seas in a Serpent-Ship/Dragon-Ship manned by a red-haired figure holding two 'clubs' or 'hammers', reminding us of Thunor-Thor. 

The figure is that of one of the 'White Gods' that went over to Vinland (Winland) in ancient times, probably associated with the famous 'Sea-Peoples' recorded in various different areas. The 'White Stone' in the above has a very similar texture to the White Stone of Ing. In a section of the Book of Enoch known as the 'Book of Giants' (found at Qumran) one of these 'Giants' has a vision of a 'stone tablet' which is treated with water; in the same text Enoch says of the 'Watchers' that they have lost their spiritual immortality because they have taken wives of the 'children of Earth' and have produced the Race of Giants. They have become 'mortals' and lost their immortality. The secrets of this White Stone of Ing could only be deciphered properly (as Wulfgar can verify) when we used a cloth soaked in water to see the carvings more clearly - how much of a coincidence is that! 

In regard to the 'Giants' of the Old Testament they are usually referrred to as the Nephilim which could also mean - 'Sons of the Mist'. The most famous 'Giant' is Goliath, famous for being slain by David of the Hebrews. Now, despite the usual praise heaped upon this David his slaying of Goliath the Philistine (a people who used Northern Runes) was like someone taking a machine-gun against another wielding a knife - not at all honourable! David had a 'sling-shot' against Goliath who had no weapon that could reach a distance away - a somewhat cowardly act if ever there was one. Goliath, we are told (I Chronicles 20:3-6) was descended from King Og of the Ammonites. After dealing with the Ammonites - 'cut them with saws, and with harrows of iron, and with axes' dealt David with all the cities of the children of Ammon' - in the usual way, he took up war with another Aryan Tribe, this time the Philistines. Goliath is described here as 'Goliath the Gittite' - 'Geat'? 

It would seem clear from the descriptions found in the Old Testament that the 'Giants' were waging a war of survival against the incoming Hebrews who were hell-bent upon genocide of these peoples. This makes the Book of Enoch appear to be somewhat distorted since these 'Giants' or 'Watchers' are seen as the bad-guys. But they are said to have brought civilisation. How can we reconcile this apparent difference? We know that in the Legend of Atlantis there was a high Aryan Civilisation that was heir to the more ancient polar Hyperborean Centre. But we also know that they sowed the seeds of their own destruction, in much the same way as people are doing today -

  • They experimented with animals with unnatural breeding techniques.
  • They create weapons of destruction using metal-working techniques.
  • They taught men the mysteries of Nature and Science; but as in today's world it is 'science' that is creating great problems, and it is the harnessing of the Powers of Nature that is destroying the Earth. 

One of the 'Giants' mentioned in the 'Book of Giants' was named Gilgamesh, and here we can see that these Hebrew Texts, like the Old Testament, stem from other sources, and are thus open to distortion. What is important to us here is the legends that tell us that some of the Atlanteans (maybe a rogue priesthood) conjured up beings from the Shadow-World, Dark Forces that change the structure of their advance society and brought about their final destruction through unleashing forces that they could not control - or the Gods decided to destroy them before they did any more damage. The 'White Stone' becomes the 'Black Stone'. 

Once again, the main theme of Uriel's Machine is that of a series of catastrophes caused by comets, just as we have linked the sinking of At-al-land to the appearance of the Hale-Bopp Comet on its cycle of around 4,000 years or thereabouts. 

To sum up -

  • The Holy White Stone of Ing holds the 'Secret of Ingwe' which is the 'Blood Memory' the Memory of the Fiery Blood of the Arya - the Sang Real or 'Regal Blood' (San Graal = Holy Graal). 
  • The 'White Stone' is also connected to a Hidden Order (Hyperborean Druids) which preserved the Ancient Wisdom of the Hyperboreans into the time of At-al-land when the shift from North to North-West, from the Polar Mythos to the Solar Mythos. 
  • One of the Druid Centres here in these islands was the Isle of Anglesey ('Isle of the Angles') where a specific Cult-Centre of Nerthus, the Northern Goddess, operated from ancient times (at least 3,000 years ago by the looks of it). 
  • Both Newgrange (Leinster) and Bryn Celli Ddu (Anglesey) were 'Chambers of Rebirth' or 'Chambers of Resurrection' where specialised rituals of rebirth were held for the Hyperborean Druids. These were connected to Ingwe and to the Waene-Cults (Venus). 
  • The 'Legend of the White Stone' was also centred around Gwynedd (Anglesey is in Gwynedd) in the name of Maelgwyn Gwynedd. He has links to Ireland which was the homeland of the Tegeingl-Gangani Germanic tribal alliance in ancient times.
  • The key to these mysteries lies in the connection between Ingwe, the White Stone, the Hyperborean Druids and their Mysteries, the preservation of the 'Blood Memory', and the taking of the 'White Stone' to Steyning, together with the Mysteries of Ingwe. 
  • The 'Sang Real' is the 'Royal Blood'; the 'San Graal' is the 'Holy Grail; the Holy Graal is the 'Blood Memory' which is a theme that can be seen hidden in the name of one of Woden's Ravens - Munin ('Memory' - i.e. 'Memory of the Blood'). 
  • The Ken-Rune tells us to preserve that 'Holy Blood' since it contains the Blood Memory - the memory within the Fiery Blood. The Ing-Rune (Rune of Ingwe) is the 'Rune of the Blood', the spiral DNA and the spiralling action of the Sacred Blood. 
  • The 'Gift of Ing' is that 'Fiery Blood', it is the DNA Code which metaphysically contains the Aryan Gene that is hidden, gone underground, awaiting the time when it can be awakened. The carvings upon the White Stone of Ing suggest (at one level) that these runes are held within the physical body of Man; they are placed along the Spinal Column, where the Fire-Serpent arises. The 'Gift of Ing' moves upwards as the stone stands today, but the stone can be turned the other way up in which it moves downwards
  • The Ken-Rune is also the Y-Chromosome when looked at as it stands within the 'Temple of my God'. This is also the 'Gift of Ing' and linked to the Ken-Rune as the 'Fiery Blood'. 
  • One of the keys to understanding the histories of the Isles of the West are the names 'Albion' and 'Alban' given to England and Scotland. In fact the term 'White Rose of Albion' actually suggests the planet Venus since it was symbolised by the Wyn-Rune and the Five-Rayed Star - the latter was later symbolised by the White Rose. Ing is associated both with Bootes and also with Venus, as we see from his legend where he follows his Waen (either Woden's Waen or the Sun-Waen) eastwards just as Bootes follows Woden's Waen and Venus follows the Sun-Waen. This is noteworthy in that the former is of the Polar Mythos and the latter the Solar Mythos.

When we hear tales of the 'Holy Grail' being taken to Vinland (*) by the Templars, or by Parsifal, then this refers to the 'Holy Blood' (and the 'Blood Memory') being taken to another area. This also seems clear from the 'White Stone' found on the Mayan Stela since this once again refers to the 'Graal' (Wolfram von Eschenbach has the Grail as a 'stone') being carried across the seas to another land. The Gar-Rune, as I have stated before could also be linked to a 'stone' since we find the word 'cerrig' for stone in the Welsh Tongue; cer/car/gar can mean 'stone'. 

(*) It is usual to see the name 'Winland' or 'Vinland' as deriving from 'wine' or 'vine' but through a subtle play-on-words the form 'win'/'vin' could mean 'White' and the use of the term 'Albania' ('White Land') emphasises this aspect. 

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