Friday, 2 March 2018

Sons of the Wolf

Snorri Sturluson states that the origins of the 'gods' (whom he sees as mortals) lay in the area around the 'middle of the world' - Troy. Furthermore, he states that 'Troy' is in the area of Turkey, though this would not be exactly as we find this area today. It is interesting to note that in the modern area of Turkey is an ancient site named Gobekli Tepi whose name seems originally to have been Asarport (Asar-Port). This was once part of Armenia.

Although I do not go along with the idea that our gods were mere 'mortals', I do see in one sense that this could be viewed in a different light. Myth and Legend are not exactly history; but they underlie historical events. I have shown how Archetypal Myth works, and if we view Aryan Myth and Legend as being events that take place outside of time and space (i.e. in another parallel world) and which are the actions of Formative Forces that shape future history. We can perhaps see this better from a quote that I have used before -

'He (Gurdjieff) said that from time to time from another world - 'from Above' - a Sacred Individual is incarnated in human form with a very high and special mission, the working of which is not visible in this world and which can only be perceived by the disciples or companions who are specially prepared....'

This is about a 'Higher Man' or an 'Avatar' who incarnates 'from Above' and has a special mission known only to himself and the companions or disciples that he teaches. The working of this 'Divine Mission' is not visible in this world

'A certain possibility is introduced from a realm where the impossible does not exist. It is something new which doesn't belong to the cause and effect of this world, and therefore changes the whole situation.'

Applying this to what I have said, a Myth or Legend originates in another world - 'from Above' - and is imposed upon the realm of matter, thus forging a history. This applies particularly to 'origins myths' and is why they are always misunderstood by materialistic scholars -and always will be. 

If we look at the Northern Origins Myth we find that our 'Divine Ancestor' is named Buri, whose son is named Bor. From Bor's marriage to Bestla comes the triple-godform Woden-Will-Weoh. Now, I have quoted an old Rumanian Legend about an Aryan Tribe called Alp Buri whose name means 'Sons of the Wolf'. These were part of the tribal alliance called the Idel - a name relating to the Edel-Rune (Odal-Rune). Thus, we find that 'Buri' actually means 'Wolf'. Now we shall look to the origins of the Sons of the Wolf, recalling that Snorri has the Northern Folk coming out of Asia - Land of the Ases.

The Blue Wolf - Genghis Khan - The 'Scourge of God'.

Legends abound in the area once known as the Steppes of Asia; these legends speak of the Blue Wolf. These legends include Mongolia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan; the latter three are names ending with '-stan' which is an Aryan word meaning 'stone', i.e. a boundary-marker. There were also Uysuns, Turks and other tribes. 

Turkic Tribes venerated the Blue Wolf or 'Kokbory' - 'kok' meaning 'blue' or 'blue sky' and 'bory' meaning 'wolf'. We cannot but notice the distinct similarity between Bury/Bor and Bory, each of which would have meant 'Wolf'. Since there is no 'blue' wolf then this should not be taken literally; it means simply Wolf of the Blue Skies, a 'messenger of the gods'. The Divine Ancestor of the Turkic Tribes was Ashin a name said to mean 'Noble Wolf'. The hordes of the Steppe Peoples considered themselves to be descendants of a very ancient race, all of which worshipped the Wolf Totem and were the Sons of the Wolf. The Tatars had a legend of a White Wolf - Akh Puur - a name again similar to Buri/Bor but using the 'p' rather than 'b'. 

In the last post I looked at evidence to suggest (*) that Genghis Khan may have had Caucasian origins. It is true to say that Temujin did worship the Blue Wolf and also Tengri - God of the Blue Skies. Recently an expedition to Mongolia sought to find the burial-place of Genghis Khan, but, of course, archaeology is out of the question since the Mongolians deem this to be a very sacred place. However, some years ago Russian archaeologists ignored warnings of a 'curse' upon the tomb of Timur, a Fourteenth-Century Turko-Mongol leader who conquered most of the Muslim world, Central Asia and parts of India, dying in 1405. The curse on the tomb states -

'When I rise from the dead, the world shall tremble!'

The curse on the casket of Timur says -

'Whomsoever opens my tomb shall unleash an invader more terrible than I."

Three days after the tomb was opened Adolf Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa against Russia! Mmm! Now, what would be unleashed should these fools in archaeology manage to open the tomb of Genghis Khan (**)? Remember, Genghis Khan is said to have worn a Swastika Ring (***); one legend has it that it was passed to Germany! From the "Blue Wolf' to the 'Noble Wolf'? And the cycle moves ever onwards...........

'The next Buddha will come from the West and from the North, and will be the Kalki Avatar of the Hindus, or Kundalini-Avatar, who will wear on his finger the metal ring of Genghis Khan....'

Robert Charroux.

The area where Genghis Khan was born was around the sacred mountain known as Burkhan Khaldun in Khentii. This is the Sacred Mountain which Temujin ascended to speak to Tengri as the 'Blue Wolf'. To us the name 'Bur-Khan' can mean 'Wolf-Khan' - fanciful but maybe something to consider. The 'God of the Blue Skies' is a War-God, and here we cannot but relate this name Tengri to our own Tiw who is also a War-God. In these areas the gods were often termed Divas or Daivas which means exactly the same as 'Tiw' - 'shining', 'to give light', 'to illuminate by a beam' or simply 'the sky'. In Turkish Mythology one of the main characters travels to distant lands and in an deserted space finds a palace standing alone, home to a one-eyed diva. These Divas or Tivaz were the 'Gods of the Aryans'. 

Since Woden is the very ancient Aryan Wolf-God there is further proof that the names Buri and Bor relate to the Wolf. The most famous of the 'Sons of the Wolf' is HelgiH - Helgi the Wulfinga. Woden's Folk was founded in order to prepare the way for the Last Avatar - HelgiH - here in the Isles of the North-West. In Beowulf we find the Hun-Sword - Hunlafing Hildleoman - passing from AEtla the Hun (Germany) to Hengest (Engel-Kin) which we have seen as another form of Archetypal Myth which is being played out in another world - 'from Above'. The sword passes from AEtla to Hengest (Khan of the Engel-Kin). 

Here we can see that such an Archetypal Myth is played out in another world to become a reality in this material world. This is why materialistic scholars miss the point of myth and legend and see these as 'fantasy' or 'fairy tales', whereas they really are Eternal Truths. These contains the truths that these scholars ignore, and from these we can find the true history - not the fiction made up afterwards. 

Another tribe of nomads in the area of Mongolia was the Tocharis or Tocharians, a tribe now known to have come from North-West Europe, presumably from At-al-land. These tribes venerated the Snake or Dragon. This symbol was also used by the Dacians, another Tribe of the Wolf that will be looked at in this post. But for now the bodies of what is thought to be Tocharians were found in the Tarim Basin area of China. When we consider these things we should keep in mind the legendary movement of peoples from At-al-land (Atlantis) in the North-West over to the East, founding a great civilisation in the Gobi Desert. This again was destroyed by a great catastrophe.

The Dacians were a tribe venerating the Wolf as symbolic of the Dacian Folk. They were, interestingly, also called by the name Getae which is so similar to the Geats of Beowulf. The Dacians were the northern branch of the Thracians. They were a fierce Warrior Race who rode horses, used the bow and arrow (the arrows were often poisoned with snake venom), and a knife. The latter was a small type of sword called a Sica which was used for cutting and not for piercing. I have emphasised this due to its similarity to the Seax which was not a piercing weapon. The name Sica also reminds me of the Sicambrian Franks (also spelled Sigambrian); Sigi is the sire of Wolsung, the latter giving his name to the Wolsungas, another Wolf-Tribe of Woden. 

The name 'Dacian' seems to stem from various names of the 'wolf' -

daci/daoi - Scythian,

doas - Phrygian,

dhaunos - Illyrian,

dahae - Latin,

daii - Greek,

dahae - Persian.

All these mean 'wolf'. 

Another people to occupy these areas were the Scythians, also known as the Saca, Sacs, Sacae, Saka: these used a Dragon Banner which was a windsock-type. This type was also used by the Dacians, and sometimes the Dacians banner had a wolf's head and serpent's body. In some instances the sacred Aryan Symbol of the Tree of Life had an Eagle at the top (Heaven) and a Wolf at the bottom (Earth). 

Amongst the tribes of Aryans in India were the Nagas who were said to be '...the children of Brahma and descendants of the tribe of Aryans...' The Persian nag means 'serpent'. This suggests that our word 'snake' is perhaps made up of two distinct parts S- and -nake forming a single word that has the word nake (snake) and S (a glyph of the movement of the snake). 

The 'Wolf' and the 'Serpent' (Dragon) are today united in the symbols used within Folkish Wodenism. It is known that the Serpent was a very ancient and sacred symbol used here in these islands, and throughout North-West Europe and Northern Europe. The three Wolf-Tribes of Woden are the Wolsungas, Wulfingas and the Heardingas - all of who have a presence here in England - the Blood of the Wolf. 

The great Aryan Sky-God and War-God is Tiw whose myth is associated with the Fenris Wolf who bites off his right hand when the gods wish to chain the Wolf of Chaos. Tiw is the bravest of the Gods since he sacrifices his own hand for the sake of the whole of the Gods and Men. He is also the Tribal God of the Teutons - known as Teuta - and his weapon is either a Sword or a Spear. Tiw falls at the hands of the wolf Garm at Ragnarok; the name 'Garm' stems from the IE Root * -gher which is the same roots as Geri, one of the Wolves of Woden. He is obviously a projection of Fenrir. 

The 'Scourge of God' - Attila the Hun.

It would be most surprising if the name of Attila the Hun was not associated with the Wolf, though up to now I cannot find any connection. What does seem very likely is that the Mongols and other Steppe Peoples preserved the legacy of the much older Hunnic Folk, who themselves seem to have preserved the ancient knowledge of the Central Asian Sakan Tribes. 

The symbol of kingship amongst the Huns was a Stag's Horned Crown; the horns symbolised divinity and descent from the Gods. The Hus had an Earth Goddess named Etugen or Nana, the latter being Nanna or Inanna perhaps. It seems that the Borjigin - the tribe of Genghis Khan - preserved the ancient Inner Asian Hunnic Tradition. There are far too many links between the Aryan Archetype of Attila the Hun and that of Genghis Khan -

  • Attila the Hun founded his empire after having his brother Bleda slain; Genghis slew his half-brother.
  • Attila the Hun was named 'The Scourge of God'; Genghis Khan was named 'The Scourge of God'.
  • The Huns sacked and pillaged the churches and monasteries; Genghis Khan sacked and pillaged the Islamic Empire.
  • Attila the Hun was buried under the River Tizan, at a fork where one part was diverted in order to put the burial in; Genghis Khan (see below) may have been buried in a similar way. At both funerals those who participated were all slain. 

Attila the Hun

(*) This was written before I came across the post by Wotan's Krieger on Aryan Myth and Metahistory'. His post goes much further in proving the origins of Genghis Khan.

(**) Another source has it that the tomb of Genghis Khan was found in an area once being where the Onon River flowed in the Kentii Province of Mongolia. There 68 skeletons were found including a tall male and 16 females (presumably sent into the afterlife with him). The dating of the mass grave is around the time of Genghis Khan.

What is interesting to us too is one of the symbols used by these 'Mongol Leaders', and that is a double-ended trident, the symbol of both Woden and Rudra-Shiva. It is known that Genghis Khan used the symbol. It is the 'thunderbolt' as the Swastika is the 'Hammer of Thunor'.

(***) Rene Guenon says that the Bogdo Khan ('Living Khan' or 'Living Buddha') resides at Urga where he preserves the ring of Ghenghis Khan 'on which is engraved a Swastika'. Ossendowski is said to have seen this ring. 

1 comment:

  1. Please contact me. Our paths go in the same direction. Health and Luck to You and Yours.
