Sunday, 14 October 2018

The Serpents of Wisdom

Following on from The Wisdom of The Serpent I am going to look at the legends about the Serpent-Folk that have come down to us from India, Egypt, Central and South America. There are certain similarities between these legends -

  • These are bearded, white 'gods' who came from outside the area.
  • These 'White Gods' were highly skilled in astronomy, astrology and the occult sciences.
  • They came to these areas after a catastrophic flood that sank their lands, and they came in peace, although some were welcomed in peace and others attacked. 
  • They built great structures in the area they came to and instructed the people in their sciences, possibly to ensure that they were kept into a future they saw as being catastrophic. These people, in the main, left after doing what they had to do.
  • They were 'creators' and 'civilisers' who came to help the people after this flood, or to pass their knowledge to them after their own lands were sank under the waves. 
Firstly, I am going to look at India, and to the Serpent-Folk mentioned in the last post on this blog. The island they occupied could be that of the Atala mentioned in certain texts, a name meaning 'White Island', but which could link to At-al-land, of course. These people were devoted to the serpent Narayana which can be broken into N-Arayana, the 'N' having been used in ancient times as the glyph of a Serpent. But there is another word used for 'serpent', stemming from the IE Root *ang(w)hi or *ng(w)hi both of which could be in some way linked to the name 'Ingui' or 'Ingwe'. I can see, at this time, little evidence to suggest a link between Ingui and the Serpent, though more study may well bring to light a link one day. 

I shall turn now to Egypt since this is an area thought to have been the home of a people who came from lands that were sunk in a great flood. Legends tell these people came from Atlantis; if we see this as At-al-land then they were the same as those who went to India from Atala. The important point to note about Egypt is that the first 'Gods' who lived in this area were known as the neturu or neters, a name meaning 'god' we are told, but also a name similar to the IE Root *ne-tr meaning 'snake'. Although I am 'imposing' an IE Root on an area not considered by scholars to be Indo-European, one look at the faces of the ancient pharaohs tells us this may be the right thing to do. Anyway, the IE Root *ne-tr may also give us our own word 'adder' since the original Old English spelling was naedr, and the 'n' was dropped. 

The Edfu Texts tell of the 'Seven Sages' (note the 'Seven Rishis' of India) who came from an island, the 'Homeland of the Primaeval Ones" where the divine inhabitants were drowned. Some went to Egypt as the 'Builder Gods' and there 'illuminated this land when they came forth unitedly'. 

The neteru were nine in number, though the names of these gods can vary somewhat -










This was the 'First Era' which was followed by a 'Second Era' ruled by the Shemsu Hor or 'Followers of Horus'; these two were followed by a third era of the Dynastic Kings. Modern scholars completely ignore the first two eras since these times do not fit in with materialistic science, and go for the Dynastic Era as the only historical era

The Shemsu Hor were also known as the Akku, a name meaning 'Transfigured Beings', 'Shining Ones', or 'Astral Spirits'. E.A. Wallis Budge, in Hieroglyphic Dictionary gives the following for the meaning of Akku -

  • to be bright
  • to be excellent
  • to be wise
  • instructed
  • those who recite formula

The Age of the Gods ended with the rule of Horus, son of Isis and Osiris, and the reign of the 'Followers of Horus' ended with the human Pharaoh Menes, whom some connect to the Manu of India, and thus to Mannaz of Germania. At this point we need to stop and to consider the fact that the end of a reign of Divine Beings (Followers of Horus) brought about a Pharaoh named Menes. We may surmise that at this point there came about the 'Thinking Man', the man possessed of the human 'ego'. Just a thought. Anyway, the pharaohs had as their symbol the Solar Disc (of the Ancient Solar Race) and the Uraeus Serpent (of the Serpent-Folk). Interestingly, the species of cobra used as the Uraeus-Serpent is called Naja Haje - 'naje' is close to 'naga'. 

Moving to Central and South America we have certain figures clearly stated as being 'white', 'bearded' and coming in from another land -

Quetzalcoatl - Mexico
Viracocha - Andes
Cucumatz - Quiche Maya
Kukulkan - Chichen Itza
Votan - Maya

All of these figures have one thing in common, and that is their link to the 'Serpent' or 'Feathered Serpent'. The 'Feathered Serpent' is merely the Winged, Coiled Serpent which was also the symbol of Germania according to the Welsh Mabinogian. 

THis figure, holding 'Twin Serpents' in the pose of the Long Man of Wilmington is thought to be Viracocha. One of the interesting things about this particular figure is that these serpents have 'bird's heads', no doubt symbolic of the 'Feathered Serpent'. 

The figures of the 'Dancing Warriors' on the Sutton Hoo Mask also have 'horns' that seem not unlike serpents, and these also have bird's heads at the end. These are 'Solar Horns' but they also seem to be symbolic of the 'Feathered Serpent'. 

This breacteate found in Sweden has also a 'Dancing God' (Woden, as seen by the right eye being missing) with the same Solar-Horns and Lunar-Horns, and the bird's heads on the Solar-Horns. 

Strangely enough the Sutton Hoo Mask has the Serpent running over the crown of the head, meeting a winged Swan/Eagle/Dragon at the Third Eye. Here both the winged bird and the serpent end with bird's beaks. 

We can see that the Serpent or Feathered Serpent was in ancient times symbolic of the Sun and the Solar Force.  The bird's beaks are thus symbolic of the 'feathered' part of the 'Feathered Serpent'. In Egypt the vulture takes the place of the Eagle, Swan or Winged Coiled Serpent. Both the Uraeus Serpent and the Vulture are found on the headdress of the Pharaoh.

We have three areas - India, Egypt and Central-South America - where the Serpent-Folk appear to have migrated, and where they created advanced civilisations centred around the knowledge they had before a Great Flood destroyed their island homeland - At-al-land, we shall assume. 

Putting these ideas together, if it is correct to think that an ancient Solar-Race lived on a continent known as At-al-land, and that when this  sank (or parts of it sank) the people (or some of them) moved across the seas in 'Serpent Ships' ('Dragon-Ships') to the areas we have covered here, and also to other areas of the world which we have as yet not covered. Invariably, these ancient legends speak of an island in the North (North-West in the case of At-al-land). If this is right then these islands must have this Ancient Wisdom of the Serpent-Folk hidden within its lore - Germanic or Celtic. The stuff from Sutton Hoo and the Wulfinga Tribe seem to prove a continuation of this same symbolism, and the Long Man of Wilmington is part of this same continuum. (*)

The overall shape of the Uffington White Horse ('White Horse of the Wulfingas') is that of a stylised horse; the body of the 'horse' however, could also be seen as a Serpent, especially since we find 'Dragon Hill' just below the hill-figure. Here again we seem to find clues as to a lost Solar Knowledge based upon the Solar-Serpent. 

We need to consider the symbolism of the Serpent which, in some cases, sheds its skins to renew itself, and thus is symbolic of renewal, regeneration and hinting at immortality (in a kind of physical sense where the 'renewal' refers to a 'reincarnation' or 'resurrection' into a new physical form. It is not clear, however, whether this symbolism refers to the idea of a 'willed resurrection' as in the concept of Valhalla or the Boddhisattva, or the 'reincarnation' as the Way of the Ancestors. Since these peoples were the Shemsu Hor or the Shining Ones ('Elves') then we can assume the former to be right. 

The spinal column in the human body is the 'Serpent', shaped like an 'S' from the side as can be seen above, and shaped like an upturned spear looking straight at it. Thus the 'Path of the Serpent' upwards from the Base Centre ending at the Third Eye Centre. Since there are 33 vertebrae (including the sacrum and coccyx) then the 33-Runes actually form the Serpent. Moving from Gar at the base upwards to Feoh at the neck the 33-Runes form the Runic Serpent

There is a negative side to all this, one that has been advanced by David Icke with his 'Aryan Reptilians' where these advanced 'Light-Born Folk' are degraded into the 'Powers of Darkness' that rule over the world today. Others have jumped onto to this 'alternative history' bandwagon and followed on with these 'Aryan Reptilians' into new fields. Not recognising that there is an 'Initiation' and a 'Counter-Initiation', both of which are based upon Occult Knowledge which, of course, can be used for good or for evil. It is probable, though not certain, that much of the Ancient Hidden Knowledge was contained in Egypt where some of the secrets were taken by the Servants of Darkness. 

There is one last point to this and that is the idea that there have, through the ages, been Secret Societies or Secret Occult Societies that have kept hidden the Ancient Solar Wisdom for fear of it getting to the masses where it would either be ridiculed or distorted. This idea also features in the ideas of Guido von List and the Armanen Order, the Armanen being Occult Initiates who kept secret and alive the Ancient Mysteries in Germania. There may be some truth in this, and certainly this seems to hold true of the Counter-Initiation. However, it does not mean that such a 'hidden order' is necessary, nor such a continuum, since in our own times the Hidden Knowledge coming to light has not been passed down to us through some hidden order, but comes through to us from Higher Powers that work in a different world, just as we have the knowledge of the Great White Brotherhood and other ideas of Higher Beings guiding us. It could also be said that certain individuals - Initiates - are reborn to come together at certain times to take up once more the struggle, and in times of need will help the process of saving the Ancient Wisdom - as Manu saved the Vedas from the Great Flood. At such times it often means making the Ancient Wisdom more widely available in order to keep it, with the knowledge that the profane can only dismiss or ridicule it, and yet it will remain intact nonetheless.

(*) There seems to be some evidence to suggest that there was a continuum from the Iceni and other tribes of East Anglia and the Angles ruled by the Wuffingas. The Wolf-Totem belongs both to the Wuffingas and the Iceni Tribe if we consider some of the Iceni Coins. 

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