Monday, 29 April 2019

Sons of Ing

The common perception of the names 'English' and 'England' is that they stem from the name 'Angles', a name having something to do with either -

  • Angling or
  • 'Angle' as in a piece of land presumably with an 'angle' shape.

This being so the idea that I put forward many years ago that Ingwe was the Divine Ancestor of the English (we still say 'Ing-lish' and not 'Eng-lish' as the word is spelled) has been rejected by many people. I stick to my guns on this one since it is extremely important to us as a Folk-Nation. 

"Ing was first among the East Danes
Seen by men until he later eastwards
went over the waves, the wagon sped behind,
thus the Heardingas named the hero."

Old English Rune-Poem (Steve Pollington translation with the 'hard men' being left untranslated as 'Heardingas'). (*)

The Heardingas are the Haddingas, and we know of their presence here in these islands since the town of Haddington, just above Edinburgh, is named after this tribe. 

(*) One other rendering of 'Heardingas' or 'Haddingas' is Heodeningas, named after Heoden. The name Heodeninga occurs in the Old English text Deor where the Scop Deor was the Scop of the Heodeningas. There is a strange 'synchronicity' here since many years ago I had a dream in which a very strange tune was sung to me by a Heorrenda, and according to this Old English text Heorrenda took the place of Deor as Scop of the Heodeningas. The word 'heoden' In Widsith we find that Heoden ruled the Glomman, a tribe that some connect to the Wulfingas. Thus, I have used the original 'Heardingas' without translating as 'hard men' because heoden could be linked to hedhin which would mean 'hide' or 'skin', suggesting the links to 'wolf-skin' and the Wulgingas. Our own Wodenic Lore sees the Heodeningas as being one arm of the Wolsunga-Wulfinga-Heodeninga Tribes - the Wolf-Tribes of Woden.

Here we find a 'hero' named Ing who is first seen amongst the East Danes, but travels eastwards over the seas, his 'wagon' speeding behind him. There is thus firm evidence that a figure named Ing actually existed. We do know that the Royal Lines of the Swedes were the Ynglingas and that these at one time also ruled over Norway. We have an association here with the Danes, Swedes and Norwegians. Angul (The Angles) and Dan (The Danes) were said to be brothers in Danish Lore. 

The White Stone of Ing

The legend of Cuthman ('Known Man') tells us that he too went eastwards but here pushing his mother in a 'barrow' ('wagon'). The Stone of Ing tells us clearly that this is the 'Gift of Ing' so again we find reference to the same God-Hero named 'Ing'. That the same her-figure named Ing is found in West Sussex in the carvings on a stone must have some significance. 

We have the occurrence of the name AEngus (**) associated with New Grange in Ireland, in an area once known to have been occupied by the Germanic Tribe know as the Cauci (Chauci). It is interesting to note that this figure is one of the Tuatha de Danaan. AEngus is one of the older versions of Ingus which is a variation of Ingui. 

(**) The name AEngus has the prefix ae- which formed part of such words as 'encylopaedia' though the 'ae' has become 'e' now. However, the sound was 'ee' and thus 'Eengus' rather than 'Angus' (which it developed into) would be the original version. 

In regard to the Tuatha de Danaan there seems to be a PIE Root *dana which means 'river', and this may well have given its root-name to the Danube, Eridanos, Rodanos, and other rivers with 'dan' or 'don' in their name. There has been a connection made between Danaan and a goddess known as Dana, and this seems feasible in view of the 'Black Annis' legend known in Leicester connected to the 'Dane Hills'. These are not named after the 'Danes' but after 'Black Annis' whose name must have been Danu, Dana or Annu, Anna. Then there is the goddess of the Ardennes - Arduina. 

It is not so well know that J.R.R. Tolkien, it would seem, according to his son, Christopher Tolkien, seems to have had regular vivid dreams in which he was given ancient words from lost languages. It would thus be an error to place Tolkien in with the materialistic modern scholars we reject anything that does not come through intellectual and logical thought. We find the following in his word-hoard -

angwa/angu - 'serpent', or 'snake'.

ing - 'first' or 'foremost'.

inga - 'first'.

The name Ingwe can thus mean 'snake', which is proven by the root in Indo-European, or 'first' which is an ancient word of the Incas (Ingas) 'ing' which means 'first'. We seem here to have a link between the very ancient Serpent-Folk ands the English Folk. 

There is also another point that suggests a very ancient and important role of the English. Their Divine Ancestor - Ingwe - is the 'Ingvi-Frey' or 'Ingui-Frey' of the Norse Sagas, a god of virility and fertility, and a god associated with the Sword and the Stag. The phallic-symbolism associated with Ingui-Frey suggests a link to the Serpent too. Ingui-Frey is said to be the Lord of the Elves and throughout early English History (and also found in modern times) are English names having the prefix AElf meaning 'elf'. This suggests that the English are descended from the Shining Ones or 'Elves', and as with such figures as Aragorn and Gandalf there were individuals who were 'half-elven', a mixture of Man and the Immortals, Man and the Divine. 

It would seem that the Horned God known to have been worshipped in ancient times, and revived in such areas as modern Wicca, would have been Ingui-Frey, being known to day as 'Lord' and linked to 'Lady' as the goddess-form (Freya means 'lady'). Thus Frey and Freya are the 'Lord and Lady' of modern paganism, Frey being the Horned God of the Witches. Although Wiccans have distorted this at some levels we can still find reference to the Saxons in Devon worshipping a 'Stag and a Snake' connected to the erection of an 'Erminsul'. Thus, even up to these times this Horned God has surfaced again in the Folk-Memory of the English, even though attempts have been made to distort this.

In Tolkien's Elvish Tongue el- means 'star', as in 'Elrond' and 'Elendil', and the Shining Ones were always associated with stars. This is a very interesting concept since the aim in the Royal Arts is to become 'a star', i.e. to achieve immortality, the immortals being the Gods and Elves. The Elves have 'faded' because man has taken over this physical earth, and the Elven Race is a Spiritual Race that exists in a different dimension or world. 

The Swedish Freyr is the Danish Frodi, the latter meaning 'The Fruitful', obviously related to his role as a fertility god. This is where Tolkien got his name 'Frodo' from, and linked him to the 'Shires', an obvious reference to England and its Shires. According to Kemble the earliest division of the 'Marks' was the 'Ga', cognate with the German 'Gau', and this was later replaced by the 'Scir' or 'Shire'. 'Ga' could well be linked to the Gyfu or Ga-Rune, maybe to certain renderings of 'Earth' and thus linking this to 'Gift'. 

The connection between the English and the Elves should not be dismissed, since it is important to us as a Folk. We are losing the old names such as 'Alfred' ('Elf-Counsel') which is a shame really, since these names give us that ancient link. Tolkien stated that the English had the true account of the 'Faerie' whilst the Celtic Nations had only garbled accounts, although I don't think the word 'Faerie' has much to do with 'Elves' since it is linked more to the 'Fates'. 

The Woden Folk-Community has taken the Ing-Rune as its symbol now underlining the importance of Ingui-Ing to us, as well as retaining the role of Woden in the title. The role of Ingui-Woden is vitally important to us today, and the two cannot be separated from each other.

Sunday, 28 April 2019

Swedish Tribes in England

Most people know of the finds at Sutton Hoo and the Staffordshire Hoard, although it is not common knowledge that the golden artefacts found at both sites are similar in design to many found in the Upplands of Sweden - Uppsala, Vendel and Valsgard. The similarities are remarkable and a Swedish connection is obvious, even when the established scholars still stick to the 'Anglo-Saxon' ideas that have dogged the progress of our knowledge of the past here in England. 

The Wuffingas of East Anglia, whose king (Raedwald) is deemed to be the one whose regalia was found at Sutton Hoo, are clearly the Wulfingas who occupied an area in Sweden in ancient times. Even today the Arms of Bury-St-Edmunds bears the Three Crowns and Crossed Arrows in the colours of Sweden - Gold and Blue. We can also find 'Uffington' which is in Oxfordshire where the Uffington Castle is, towering above Dragon Hill, and close to Wayland's Smithy. 'Uffington' stems from the Uffingas or Wuffingas - the Wulfingas. 

Walsingham in Norfolk (East Anglia) is named after the Waelsingas or Wolsungas, and means 'Ham of the Waelsingas'. A 'ham' is the 'hamlet' or small village, so a Wolsunga presence can be found in East Anglia. There are many pieces found in the Staffordshire Hoard that are almost identical to those at Sutton Hoo, and also those found in Sweden. From the Sutton Hoo Mask we find the 'Dancing Warriors' and other 'Horned Warriors' connected to Woden it would seem, when we find that a Swedish Bracteate has a one-eyed 'dancing' figure on it.

The right eye of this figure is missing, the bracteate is from Sweden. Below is the Sutton Hoo Mask -

The area where the Staffordshire Hoard was found was, in Roman and pre-Roman times occupied by a tribe called the Cornovii which of course is a Romanised form but clearly means 'People of the Horn'. Since we find a very ancient Horn-Dance in the area this suggests that a Horned God was indeed worshipped in the area, and once again there seems to be a continuation of this into the times after the Romans left. 

Interestingly, there is also a 'Stafford-Knot' found on a sword pommel, having a very interesting legend about its creation. It is said three men were to be hanged at the same time but not enough rope was available, so the hangman created a knot with three loops to hang all three at the same time. The open version of the knot is the 'Stafford-Knot' whilst when this is closed it becomes the Trefoil version of the Valknut. Horned God - Valknut - Woden - Crossroads (where the hoard was found) - what more do we need to link the area with Woden, perhaps into far more ancient times than historians are telling us. 

The Long Man of Wilmington is also associated with Sweden, being the figure known as the Waendal; Vendel is one of the areas of the Upplands where these type of figures are to be found. The hill-figure has the same stance as the 'Dancing Warriors'; it is also like the Ear-Rune and Cweorth-Rune which can be found only in the Old English Rune-Row, Northumbrian Rune-Row, or Anglo-Frisian Rune-Row which some call it. It can also be found as a runic-posture on one of the Horns of Gallehus found in Denmark. 

The Swedes (and Norwegians) were once ruled by Ingvi-Frey (Ingwe) and their royal lines were known as the Ynglingas ('Sons of Ingwe'). These tribes, guided by Woden and the Gods, crossed over here into England, perhaps at various times of our history, including pre-Roman times as we have seen. Going back to the sinking of At-al-land the Inglingas dwelt here in these lands, and today the English retain the Memory of Ingwe in the name, and are the only ones to do so which is important. 

The names Upplands and Uppsala seem to be connected to the idea of 'upwards' most likely with the meaning of 'towards the Gods' and Asgard. There are similar burials to the one at Sutton Hoo to be found on the South Downs  in West Sussex, overlooking Kingsley Vale. On the top of the hill overlooking this ancient Yew Forest is a large mound with a moat around it, together with a number of smaller mounds. The large one suggests a king or ruler, with the others being his tribal kinfolk. A battle between the English and Danes in the forest below, some 1000 years ago, is remembered by the planting of a Yew-Grove that remains there to this day. 

There are four Bronze-Age burial-mounds on the top of the South Downs named 'Devil's Humps' or 'King's Graves', obviously Royal Mounds. All along the South Downs are such round-barrows, some dating back to the Bronze Age, and some from Anglo-Saxon times. 

The name 'Uppsala' means something like 'Up-Hall' where 'sala' is the Swedish equivalent to the Old English sele meaning 'hall'. Originally, this term may well have been connected to the Old English selig meaning 'holy' or 'blessed', and connected to the Sun and to the Ancient Solar Religion. I have shown elsewhere how Silbury Hill near to Avebury has nothing to do with a 'Celtic King' named 'King Sil' but was originally Seleburg. The meaning has actually been confirmed since archaeologists found remains of a wooden structure on top of the man-made mound, dating from the 'Anglo-Saxon' era. 

Silbury Hill, being the biggest man-made mound in Europe, would have been a Thing-Stead and even though the remains of the wooden structure are dated at a late time, this would have been used continuously by the tribes of this area from a much earlier date. This means that they would have recognised that their ancestors used this for the same purpose. 

For some strange reason the Swedish influence here in England has been downplayed. Even when dealing with the later 'Vikings' these are Danes or Norsemen, and yet the most famous Vikings to come here were Ragnar Lodbrok and the sons of Ragnar Lodbrok - who originated in Sweden. The Wolsungas, Wulfingas and Heardingas are also overlooked, and are perhaps of vital importance to our history. 

Helmets from Vendel and Valsgard have similar motifs as both those at Sutton Hoo and the Staffordshire Hoard, namely the serpent over the crown of the head, and the Dancing-Warriors with spears or swords. There is no doubt these were sometimes Ritual Masks dedicated to the worship of Woden. The influence of Swedish Tribes seems obvious.

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

The Winili

The Winili were a Germanic Tribe whose name was changed to that of the Langobards when the wife of Woden, Frigg, turned his bed around to face the people of the Winili who, when he saw them, exclaimed - 'Who are these Longbeards" - thus naming them and having to give victory to them. This may well have been an old 'tale' but it is nonetheless interesting.

This very short piece has been done because I came across the name of a Belgic Tribe called by the name Venelli who dwelt here in England before the Romans, and throughout the Roman occupation of England. I have shown how the Suessiones (another Belgic Tribe) had the figure of Woden being swallowed by the Fenris Wolf on some of their coins, and these too dwelt here in England at the same time. 

The names 'Venelli' and 'Winili' (or 'Winilli') are nearly the same and we must consider the Romanisation of the names of the tribes mentioned at the time. This tribe were very closely akin to the English having the same Divine Ancestor - Sceaf-Ing. Kris Kershaw, in a work on Odin and the Germanic Mannerbunde, mentions the name in relation to the idea of 'to howl', thus equating the tribe with the wolf or dog. 

The Straight Road

'Westra lage wegas rehtas, nu isti sa wraithas' - 'A straight road lay westwards, now it is bent'. 

J.R.R. Tolkien.

These themes come from The Lost Road by J.R.R. Tolkien; the Straight Road is said to go through 'Ilmen' which is the 'higher air', whilst the 'lower air' is named 'Wilwa'. These kind of themes can be found within Hindu Lore relating to the true meaning of the 'Flat Earth' which relates not to a physical Earth that is flat, but to a Spiritual Earth which is within layers of realms or 'airs'.

Christopher Tolkien says -

'Alboin's biography sketched in these chapters is in many respects closely modelled on my father's own life....'

It is thus not well known that Tolkien was given his languages from dreams, and these have later been confirmed to be related to the known Indo-European Tongues. This idea can be found in The Lost Road and thus Tolkien cannot be seen as one of the established materialistic scholars of modern times. 

The Straight Road leads to the 'True West' and this theme is repeated time and time again in ancient mythologies. This is the 'Road to the Dead', the 'Road to the West' which is the 'Land of the Dead', the 'Land of the Setting Sun'. After the sinking of At-al-land the Straight Road was bent by the gods, and only the few could see the 'Land of the Gods' after this. 

Since the runes have to be carved as straight lines they link to this theme of the Straight Road. I have expanded upon this in the latest Spear of Woden so I will not go any further with this here. Suffice it to say that, being straight lines, the Ancient Runes fulfil the role of being 'royal' or 'regal' in the sense that these terms stem from an Indo-European Root meaning 'to move in a straight line' and are linked to the idea of the Ley-Lines around the Earth, as well as the idea of the Straight Road. 

Aesir & Vanir

Established scholars, and also many more 'enlightened' scholars of Norse-Germanic Mythology, Celtic Mythology and Hindu Mythology invariably see a pattern in the 'invasion theories' which abound in these areas. The theme of these goes somewhat like this -

Peoples who worshipped gods and goddesses of peace and plenty were suddenly invaded by a warlike, fierce people who worshipped gods and goddesses of war and slaughter. The latter were usually the 'Nasty Aryans' of modern dogma. 

Common sense should tell us how stupid this idea really is, and that any form of 'invasion theory' built around this is unnecessary. Let us imagine a people in times of peace, worshipping gods and goddesses of peace and plenty, such as the Vanir-Gods. It does not take an invasion to change things, merely a change in circumstances. Why would such a people not worship gods of peace and plenty? But why would they do so threatened by invasion of their lands or being pushed out and having to move due to invasion or catastrophe? They would then take up the worship of war-gods and gods of battle. No change in people, merely a change in circumstances. 

I have mentioned how the union of Ingwe & Woden is necessary, and this is clearly the background to the First War in the World when the AEsir (Woden) fought the Vanir (Ingwe) and thus fused together as one set of gods, usually under the name AEsir. 

Today there is a dire need for the worship of Ingwe as a god of virility and fertility since our people are threatened with sterility and thus destruction. But we are also in a situation where our survival is threatened and times are growing more and more violent and oppressive, thus the need for the worship of Woden and the AEsir-Gods. Hardly a time to celebrate gods of 'peace and plenty', though the fertility and virility aspect is vital. 

The addition of Sulphur (Ingwe = Sun-Fire) to Mercury (Woden) is necessary for the transformation of Lead (Saturn) into Gold (The Golden Age and the creation of the Sonnenmensch). This is an important concept to meditate upon.

'Celtic' - To put the record straight.

I would like to make it clear that I have nothing against those who refer to themselves as 'Celts', although I have had no complaints on this, just wish to put the record straight. The problem I see in the term 'Celtic' is that it is a term greatly misused, and not only misused but used against the Germanic Folk here in these islands (as well as other areas, of course). It has been used to 'divide and conquer' and even then its use is not even logical since it has been used to describe the Scots, Irish and Welsh, even though a great deal of these peoples are Germanic in origin. The term is used to distance these nations from the English Nation which is deemed (sometimes) to be Germanic; even then the term 'Celtic' is used for the English when these people see fit to use it. 

This is why I have used the terms 'Germano-Celt' and 'Gallo-Celt', the former Northern Europe and the latter Southern Europe. Today, all of these nations are a mixture, but there is a need to differentiate when looking at the ancient past. There are those who suggest we use the term Aryan but here we introduce a greater problem. There is today no such thing as the Aryan Race which was the ancient Solar Race made up of the "Twice-Born". Using the term 'Aryan' would not be right since this can refer only to the very few Aryan Initiates. 

In The Celts by Gerhard Herm he quotes Strabo as saying that the Romans in Gaul called the Germans 'Germani' because they were the 'authentic' or 'real' Celts, the term 'germani' meaning 'genuine' in the sense of 'original'. Strabo uses the term 'I imagine' so we are here left with no real basis for this since he does not actually know why the Romans called them this. 

There is always a problem in regard to Germanic and Celtic peoples since the names we have come down to us are more often than not Roman. The name Teuton is often said to be 'Roman' but clearly the roots are Germanic, relating to the god Tiw or to Teuta relating to a tribe (Tuatha). 'God' in Roman is Deus and in Welsh Diw, yet the Greek is Theos. The highest god of the Greeks was Zeus, and we have the Ziu of the Germans, no doubt a regional variation of Tiw. 

The symbol of Tiw is clearly a spear since his rune is the Tir-Rune or Tiwaz-Rune, even though he is seen as a sword-god. Since the Germans use the name Deutschen then their nation is clearly related to Tiw, if we compare the various Germanic Nations and their relations to a particular god-form -

English - Ingwe.

Dutch - Deutschen (Tiw) or Frau Holle (Holland). 

Frisians - Freya.

Austria - Ostara.

Danes - Dana/Dan

Goths/Geats/Getae/Gutes/Jutes/Jats - Gaut/Geat (Woden).

When we see that the Germans have named their land after Tiw as the Spear-God then the term 'German' may well be a variation of 'Gar-Man' or 'Spear-Man'. This does not negate the Roman use for 'real' in regard to the Celts, but the problem lies in that the Germano-Celts did not use the term 'Celt' which is Greek in origin, and the meaning is not clear either. The term 'Germanic' and 'Germania' could be used if it is right to see these as 'Spear-Men' related to their prowess as great warriors. The term Teutonic is often used too, and again this relates to Tiw as the sky-god and to Teuta as the Tribal God. Tacitus also traces the Germanic Folk back to the earth-born god Tuisto whose name can mean 'twin'. 

There is also the Hindu Twasti whose role is to turn the 'Swastika' in creating friction-fire, and in the Oera Linda Book the area of Germania is named Twiskland. All of these terms - Tuisto/Tiw/Twisk/Teu - are related to 'two' or to 'twin' and also to the Divine Twins. In Plato's 'Atlantis' we find that Ten Kings rule these lands, each being a pair of 'Twin-Kings'. The name 'Tiw' also mean 'shining' relating to the Sun and to Light; he is the original Sky-Father.

That the name 'German' means 'spear-man' is not out of the question when we consider the following Germanic Nations and their names which relate to weapons -

Saxon - Seax.

Frank - Axe.

My good friend Heathen Vegan mentioned something about the Goths and their relationship to 'gaut'  which stems from the PIE *gautaz meaning 'to pour'. His idea was that they 'poured' out of the Ur-Lands of the North which is interesting. There is another interpretation I have seen and that is 'to pour' refers to an offering or libation, just as we 'pour the mead' as an offering to our Gods and Ancestors. Since Gaut is a name of Woden then this infers his ur-role as the 'High Priest' who performed the sacrifices and offerings. 

The 'Goths' are the 'People of Gott' or the 'People of God' and since we find that Woden is also known as Godan or Guodan then the term 'God' could be a variation of 'Wod' or 'Od', although we find that the Land of the Geats - Gotaland - is pronounced 'Yotaland', so the 'G' is either silent (as with 'Gwydion') or sounded as 'Y'. The Old English word cyning is pronounced 'cooning' which is yet another variation in sound. The Goths can also be seen as the 'Good-Ones'. (*) 

(*) The name 'Woden' would not have been pronounced with the modern 'w' but as Uuoden, the 'w' being a 'double-u', which would be alike to 'Odin' as pronounced in Scandinavia. Even with this the 'd' is also sounded like 'th' as in 'Odhinn'. Both the sound 'd' and 'th' are sounded with the tongue pressed against the back of the upper gums. The 'd' is sounded from the back of the mouth, whilst the 'th' is sounded from the front of the mouth. Maybe the true sound is between the two forms. (Try sounding this by thinking the sound 'th' but as you do so sound it as 'd'.)

I have shown how the Joten are two distinct and different races, one 'Sweat-Born' (High Race) and one 'Low-Born' (Low Race). The name 'Joten' may be related to 'Jute' or 'Yota' etc. and in terms of this idea they would have been the 'original' ones since they were the first race created from Ymir - 'Twin'. 

Prior to the Roman invasion of these islands, and throughout the time of the Roman occupation, the rulers of some of the 'Celtic' tribes wore the Golden Torc around their necks. I have shown before how this symbol can be related to the worship of Woden since it is the 'twisted cord' or 'hangman's noose' around the neck - symbolic of the individual (aethlinga) being 'fettered' or 'bound' to the god Woden. This symbol is very different from the 'Golden Crown' of kingship, a symbol of the 'halo' around the 'enlightened'. There is a coin of the Suessiones - part of the Belgae - showing a bulging-eyed figure being 'swallowed' by a wolf, a clear symbol from Germanic Mythology - Woden swallowed by the Fenris Wolf. 

It seems that the earliest name use of the Germanic Folk was the tribal name Tungri and some say that they adopted the term 'Germani' themselves, though there are varied accounts of this. The word Tungri is itself interesting since it is near to Tengri which is the name of the Sky-God worshipped by Genghis Khan and the Clan of the Blue-Wolf whom he belonged to. Tengri was the clear blue sky of the day, the blue (sky) and gold (sun) of the Ancient Arya. Tengri is the 'Blue Wolf'. The Tungri moved into part of Belgic Gaul, the home of the Belgae.

I suppose the term Northern Folk would today best describe both what we call the Germans and Celts, but we have also adopted the term Nation of Woden or Tribe of Woden. This would be far better and to give an example of how things can be vague on the subject of Germania and Celtica some ancient writers mentioned how different the two peoples of North Wales and South Wales were. This seems to appear now in the knowledge that the Tegeingl and Gangani occupied North Wales and the Silures occupied South Wales; the Silures were described as a dark mediterranean people by Tacitus. Today South Wales is still different from North Wales, but the people of the North are darker which suggests a movement upwards by the Silures. South Wales is closer to the English, and Penbrokeshire is called 'Little England'. Many surnames in South Wales are of English origin - so things can change drastically over the centuries.

Why I decided to do this article is that we need to get out to the Woden-Born throughout these islands, and we also cater for the US which has people from the nations of these islands too. For convenience we use the term 'Germanic', and also because it has become somewhat 'taboo' after World War II, and we still need to keep alive the origins of the English Folk despite this happening...and it would be backing down to tyranny if we completely dropped this since that is what our enemies want. 

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

The Ymbre

Despite the Celtic names of the kings of the Cimbri and Teutons there seems to be more evidence of these being Germanic Tribes. Although nothing is decisive we can gather further evidence by looking at the Ymbre mentioned in Widsith, clearly the Umbrians  or Ambrones, the latter name being associated with the Cimbri and Teutons in their attacks upon the Romans. 

The Ambrones are yet another tribe mentioned as being Celtic, backed up by their having chanted their tribal origins before battle. This was recorded in their battle against the Ligurians who recognised their ancient kinship with the Ambrones. Obviously, Celtic names and Celtic culture may well have been adopted by these Germanic Tribes since these occur after their migrations southwards from their homeland in Scandinavia. 

The Ambrones appear to have a 'Flood Legend' which may well be associated with the sinking of At-al-land. Their is a possibility that they dwelt around Oomrang in North Frisia, this being a North Frisian Island on the German North Sea. Since we also have areas here in England which may have been associated with the Ambrones or 'Umbrians' there may well have been pockets of the same tribe scattered around the Northlands in ancient times -

North - Umbria

C-Umbria which is a 'southern' version of the Germanic H-umbria; this gives us 'Humber'. This area has been deemed to be a corruption of 'Cymry' (Welsh) but like the name 'Cimbri' these have very different roots. In fact the name 'Cumbria' could just as well refer to the Cimbri as the Ymbre. Since there is very close kinship it really does not matter.

The Humber.

Humberstone in Leicester where the 'Humber Stone' can still be found.

Another version of the name 'Ambrones' is 'Ambri' and we  find two peoples called the Ambri and the Sig-Ambri (Franks) encountering Alexander the Great in Bactria. The Vandals were led by Ambri and Assi. The Sigambri, as I have shown before, may have been named after Sigi and the Merovingian King named Dagobert IV had a legend that clearly suggests that their origins lay in the famous Wolsunga Tribe. 

The key to this can be found in Widsith where we find 'Sceafhere ruled Ymbres'; this is proof of a Germanic origin, and more since it is proof of a common origin with the English through the Divine Ancestor Sheaf-Ingwe. The Ymbre were part of the Inglingas. In fact, attributed to Uther Pendragon is a piece where the Saxons are referred to as 'Ambrones'. Their 'Flood Legend' may well go back to the sinking of At-al-land so once again this is a common link between the Tribes of Ingwe. 

Thursday, 4 April 2019

The 'Giants' of Teutondom

Looking carefully at Norse Mythology and comparing this to Vedic Mythology we find that there are two and not one Race of Giants. In Norse Mythology these stem from the Giant Ymir whose name means 'twin'. To understand this better I will start with the Vedas where the Primaeval Being named Parusha (a giant being) was sacrificed by the Gods, and from his limbs was created the World Order or Cosmic Order -

His mouth became the Brahma (Priest),

His arms became the Rajanya (Warrior),

His thighs became the Vaisya (Free Caste),

From his feet arose the Sudra (Thrall-Slave Caste).

In Vafthrudnersmal (Norse Myth) we find that -

"A son and a daughter are said to have been born together under the hrimthurse's arm; foot begat with foot the strange-headed son of the wise giant."

Gylfaginning says - "Under Ymir's left arm grew forth a man and a woman, and with his one foot begat with the other a son. Thence come races."

Although the first account from the Rig Veda contains this very same idea it seems to have been altered in order to bring into play the Caste System created by Manu. The Norse Myths are nearer to the original since they hold the secret of a 'Sweat-Born Race of Giants', born from the arm, and a 'Low-Born Race of Giants' born from the feet, the area of the 'Thrall' or 'Slave-Caste'. The latter are the 'strange-headed' monsters or low-born caste. The former are the Clan of Mimir and his sister, Odin's mother, and the latter are Thrudgelmir and Bergelmir and their offspring. 

The 'Sweat-Born' idea, born from under the arms of Ymir, is similar to the idea of a 'Sweat-Born Race' mentioned in Mdme. Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine. This is a Noble Race of Giants. The High-Born Giants were responsible for Cosmic Order and World Order, and thus aided the Gods and Man in this task, whereas the Low-Born Race of Giants hindered this work and created disorder, chaos and unhealthiness in the world of men. Ymir could perhaps be seen as a 'twin' made up of Mimir and Wyrd (Urd) who are brother and sister. 

The Yr-Rune is the Rune of Ymir at one level, and the root of the mantra YM or OM which is the sound from which creation arises. This is not obvious in the rune-meaning 'Yew-Bow', nor in the Old English Rune-Poem. But if we dissect the rune above we find an Ur-Rune within which is an Irminsul (Ur-Man-Sul). This rune is that of the Primal Being Ymir who is 'The Twin' out of which the races spring - one High-Born and one Low-Born. These races are always at odds with each other as the Goden-Joten or the Arya-Dasyus. The rune is also symbolic of the UR or origins, from which arise the Irminsul, which here clearly shows two arms and thus represents the 'Arm-Born' or 'Sweat-Born' High Race of the Giants. 

The Thorn-Rune represents the Hammer of Thunor (Gods) but it also represents the destructive power of the Thurs (Giants). The Lightning-Bolt can bring fertility and growth in Nature when wielded by Thunor, but when wielded by his Thurs-counterpart it strikes the great Oak Tree in the most destructive way. Each force of creation in Nature has its equal and opposite destructive force. 

Yama (Jima) of Persian Lore was born together with the maiden Yami, making up the 'twin' aspect mentioned here of Ymir who is Yama/Jima. There is another figure of Teutonic Mythology whose name means 'twin' - Tuisto. The English name 'Tiw' infers 'two' or 'twin'. 

These ideas should make it easier to understand why the Gods and Joten were kin, and that their blood was mixed in the Divine Race. However, this applies only to the 'Sweat-Born' or 'High-Born' Joten, and not to the ignoble 'Slave-Born' Joten who are their polar opposite and counter-force. They both spring from the same origins, the Primaeval Being - Chaos - but one brings order and harmony out of this Chaos, whilst the other strives eternally to drag everything down into this Primal Chaos once more. 

Viktor Rydberg gives a very interesting account of the lineage descended from Ymir -

Ymir  = Bolthorn,

Mimir = Son of Bolthorn.

Mimir's Sister = Bestla,

Buri begat Bor who married Bestla,

Bor and Bestla begat Woden, Will and Weoh.

The oldest Giant Race (of the 'High Race') comprised of Nat (Not = Night),  Mimir, Bestla, and the Wyrd Sisters (Norns). Hence why the Teutonic Folk always worked through the Night (Nat/Not) giving birth to the Day; night always came before day, as Light always arise from the Darkness of Night.

There are so many cultures in which the Wolf-Totem belongs to the highest ruling line, and so it is not surprising that the name Buri is used in many cultures for 'wolf'. It seems obvious that both 'bear' and 'boar' are related to 'Buri' but originally the title was given to any wild animal, and in most cases through Indo-European Lore to the Wolf. The line of Woden descends through Buri (Wolf) whose son married the Giantess Bestla ('to bind' or 'bridle') who gave birth to Woden, Will and Weoh. 

Through an understanding of these ideas we can recognise the inner meaning of our struggle against the Joten, and we can see that although there is a shared origin for the Goten and the Joten they are polar-opposites in this Eternal Cosmic War. The High-Born Joten are kin to the gods and help them in this struggle whilst the Low-Born Joten are opposed to their Cosmic Order and seek always to disrupt and to destroy this order and harmony. The 'Low-Born' always incur the aid of the 'low-born', the 'slave' and the 'herd' and this fact tells us so much about the history of Europe over the past few millennia. The 'Revolt of the Slaves' is brought about by the Low-Born Joten through Judaism, Judaeo-Christianity and Islam, all of which are slave-religions that agitate the masses against their rulers. The French Revolution, Russian Revolution and Chinese Revolution show clearly the very same process but at a secular level when religion was losing its controlling hold over the world. 

Looked at like this there is no real problem in that the Gods and Joten intermarry and sometimes aid each other, whilst at other times the Joten are clearly seen as the enemy of the Gods (Loki etc.). This is because there are two distinct and opposite Races of Giants

The father of Nat is Narfi who seems to be the same as Mimir; the name 'Narfi' means 'the binder'. The idea of 'binding' comes into play with the binding of the Fenris Wolf who, when it gets loose, destroys the worlds of the gods and men. Fenris is an offspring of Loki and thus of the Low-Born Race. There is also a statment in Helgi Hundingsbane I where at the birth of HelgiH Neri's Kinswoman (Narfi's Kinswoman) cast one Golden Thread to the North and bade this hold forever; 'Neri's Kinswoman' is one of the Wyrd Sisters, obvious in the text. The inference again is that this High Race of Giants aids the work of the Goden against the Joten.