Monday, 29 April 2019

Sons of Ing

The common perception of the names 'English' and 'England' is that they stem from the name 'Angles', a name having something to do with either -

  • Angling or
  • 'Angle' as in a piece of land presumably with an 'angle' shape.

This being so the idea that I put forward many years ago that Ingwe was the Divine Ancestor of the English (we still say 'Ing-lish' and not 'Eng-lish' as the word is spelled) has been rejected by many people. I stick to my guns on this one since it is extremely important to us as a Folk-Nation. 

"Ing was first among the East Danes
Seen by men until he later eastwards
went over the waves, the wagon sped behind,
thus the Heardingas named the hero."

Old English Rune-Poem (Steve Pollington translation with the 'hard men' being left untranslated as 'Heardingas'). (*)

The Heardingas are the Haddingas, and we know of their presence here in these islands since the town of Haddington, just above Edinburgh, is named after this tribe. 

(*) One other rendering of 'Heardingas' or 'Haddingas' is Heodeningas, named after Heoden. The name Heodeninga occurs in the Old English text Deor where the Scop Deor was the Scop of the Heodeningas. There is a strange 'synchronicity' here since many years ago I had a dream in which a very strange tune was sung to me by a Heorrenda, and according to this Old English text Heorrenda took the place of Deor as Scop of the Heodeningas. The word 'heoden' In Widsith we find that Heoden ruled the Glomman, a tribe that some connect to the Wulfingas. Thus, I have used the original 'Heardingas' without translating as 'hard men' because heoden could be linked to hedhin which would mean 'hide' or 'skin', suggesting the links to 'wolf-skin' and the Wulgingas. Our own Wodenic Lore sees the Heodeningas as being one arm of the Wolsunga-Wulfinga-Heodeninga Tribes - the Wolf-Tribes of Woden.

Here we find a 'hero' named Ing who is first seen amongst the East Danes, but travels eastwards over the seas, his 'wagon' speeding behind him. There is thus firm evidence that a figure named Ing actually existed. We do know that the Royal Lines of the Swedes were the Ynglingas and that these at one time also ruled over Norway. We have an association here with the Danes, Swedes and Norwegians. Angul (The Angles) and Dan (The Danes) were said to be brothers in Danish Lore. 

The White Stone of Ing

The legend of Cuthman ('Known Man') tells us that he too went eastwards but here pushing his mother in a 'barrow' ('wagon'). The Stone of Ing tells us clearly that this is the 'Gift of Ing' so again we find reference to the same God-Hero named 'Ing'. That the same her-figure named Ing is found in West Sussex in the carvings on a stone must have some significance. 

We have the occurrence of the name AEngus (**) associated with New Grange in Ireland, in an area once known to have been occupied by the Germanic Tribe know as the Cauci (Chauci). It is interesting to note that this figure is one of the Tuatha de Danaan. AEngus is one of the older versions of Ingus which is a variation of Ingui. 

(**) The name AEngus has the prefix ae- which formed part of such words as 'encylopaedia' though the 'ae' has become 'e' now. However, the sound was 'ee' and thus 'Eengus' rather than 'Angus' (which it developed into) would be the original version. 

In regard to the Tuatha de Danaan there seems to be a PIE Root *dana which means 'river', and this may well have given its root-name to the Danube, Eridanos, Rodanos, and other rivers with 'dan' or 'don' in their name. There has been a connection made between Danaan and a goddess known as Dana, and this seems feasible in view of the 'Black Annis' legend known in Leicester connected to the 'Dane Hills'. These are not named after the 'Danes' but after 'Black Annis' whose name must have been Danu, Dana or Annu, Anna. Then there is the goddess of the Ardennes - Arduina. 

It is not so well know that J.R.R. Tolkien, it would seem, according to his son, Christopher Tolkien, seems to have had regular vivid dreams in which he was given ancient words from lost languages. It would thus be an error to place Tolkien in with the materialistic modern scholars we reject anything that does not come through intellectual and logical thought. We find the following in his word-hoard -

angwa/angu - 'serpent', or 'snake'.

ing - 'first' or 'foremost'.

inga - 'first'.

The name Ingwe can thus mean 'snake', which is proven by the root in Indo-European, or 'first' which is an ancient word of the Incas (Ingas) 'ing' which means 'first'. We seem here to have a link between the very ancient Serpent-Folk ands the English Folk. 

There is also another point that suggests a very ancient and important role of the English. Their Divine Ancestor - Ingwe - is the 'Ingvi-Frey' or 'Ingui-Frey' of the Norse Sagas, a god of virility and fertility, and a god associated with the Sword and the Stag. The phallic-symbolism associated with Ingui-Frey suggests a link to the Serpent too. Ingui-Frey is said to be the Lord of the Elves and throughout early English History (and also found in modern times) are English names having the prefix AElf meaning 'elf'. This suggests that the English are descended from the Shining Ones or 'Elves', and as with such figures as Aragorn and Gandalf there were individuals who were 'half-elven', a mixture of Man and the Immortals, Man and the Divine. 

It would seem that the Horned God known to have been worshipped in ancient times, and revived in such areas as modern Wicca, would have been Ingui-Frey, being known to day as 'Lord' and linked to 'Lady' as the goddess-form (Freya means 'lady'). Thus Frey and Freya are the 'Lord and Lady' of modern paganism, Frey being the Horned God of the Witches. Although Wiccans have distorted this at some levels we can still find reference to the Saxons in Devon worshipping a 'Stag and a Snake' connected to the erection of an 'Erminsul'. Thus, even up to these times this Horned God has surfaced again in the Folk-Memory of the English, even though attempts have been made to distort this.

In Tolkien's Elvish Tongue el- means 'star', as in 'Elrond' and 'Elendil', and the Shining Ones were always associated with stars. This is a very interesting concept since the aim in the Royal Arts is to become 'a star', i.e. to achieve immortality, the immortals being the Gods and Elves. The Elves have 'faded' because man has taken over this physical earth, and the Elven Race is a Spiritual Race that exists in a different dimension or world. 

The Swedish Freyr is the Danish Frodi, the latter meaning 'The Fruitful', obviously related to his role as a fertility god. This is where Tolkien got his name 'Frodo' from, and linked him to the 'Shires', an obvious reference to England and its Shires. According to Kemble the earliest division of the 'Marks' was the 'Ga', cognate with the German 'Gau', and this was later replaced by the 'Scir' or 'Shire'. 'Ga' could well be linked to the Gyfu or Ga-Rune, maybe to certain renderings of 'Earth' and thus linking this to 'Gift'. 

The connection between the English and the Elves should not be dismissed, since it is important to us as a Folk. We are losing the old names such as 'Alfred' ('Elf-Counsel') which is a shame really, since these names give us that ancient link. Tolkien stated that the English had the true account of the 'Faerie' whilst the Celtic Nations had only garbled accounts, although I don't think the word 'Faerie' has much to do with 'Elves' since it is linked more to the 'Fates'. 

The Woden Folk-Community has taken the Ing-Rune as its symbol now underlining the importance of Ingui-Ing to us, as well as retaining the role of Woden in the title. The role of Ingui-Woden is vitally important to us today, and the two cannot be separated from each other.

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