Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Hengest - The Archetype

The legend of Hengest and Horsa landing in three ships is a typical Archetypal Myth. Like Romulus and Remus, Castor and Pollux, and other similar archetypes they ride White Horses and are the founders of a new nation. Their names mean 'stallion' and 'horse' referring to their role as the Horse Twins. Interestingly, in Frisian Lore they have a sister named 'Swan' which links them to the Swan and to Swan-Lore. 

I have shown how Hengest wielded the sword Hunlafing Hildeleoman (Hun-Bequest Battle-Flame) which is the 'Sword of AEtla' (Attila the Hun). Attila the Hun was the 'Scourge of God' who challenged the mighty of Roman Christianity which threatened the Old Ways with its growing might. It thus seems logical to assume that the conquest of England by Hengest was no mere 'coincidence', and that he came here to these islands to fulfil his Wyrd. AEtla's uncle was named Octha and Hengest's son was named Octa - is this really a coincidence, or did Hengest recognise the nature of his 'Fate'?

Christianity, in whatever form it took here, was growing rapidly in these islands, and threatening the Old Gods of our Folk. We have shown clearly that many of the tribes here in England were Germanic, and thus they had kinfolk in Germania and Scandinavia. It seems logical to assume that these people would come to the aid of their kinfolk here in England. Of course, there is more to this since the end result was the creation of an English Nation. 

The Legend of Herman or Arminius revolves around a Germanic Chieftain who united some of the tribes into a confederation that halted the advance of the Roman Legions into Germania. Arminius has always been depicted wielding a sword, and from some of the names of his kin he could possibly have been linked to the Wolsunga Tribe. We cannot be certain, but from most depictions he is seen wielding a Sword. His challenge to Rome was followed some centuries later by that of AEtla the Hun. 

The legends surrounding AEtla the Hun include many sagas of Norse Mythology and Germanic Mythology where he is seen a a mighty king and conquerer. He should be seen in the light of the 'World Conquerer', of the same kind as Ghengis Khan and Alexandra the Great, as well as other great figures whose lives bear such a similarity. At one of his first battles he appeared bearing an ancient Iron Sword which he claimed to the the 'God of War' of their Ancestors. With this he wielded the Spirit of Death in battle. A Roman, Priscus, recorded how he got the sword and the influence it had over the mind of the Barbarian Tribes who followed AEtla. He took upon himself the following -

"Attila, Descendent of the Great Nimrod. Nurtured in Engeddi. By the Grace of God, King of the Huns, the Goths, the Danes and the Medes. The Dread of the World."

Nimrod was the ancient 'Great Hunter' and King of Babylon; 'Nurtured in Engeddi' refers to the Biblical Prophecy in Revelation where a 'woman clothed with the Sun and the Moon beneath her feet' brings forth a 'man-child' who would 'rule the nations with a rod of iron' and would oppose the Red Dragon which had 'seven heads and ten horns', the latter being seen by many as the Roman Empire. 

Like Romulus who slew his brother Remus, AEtla slew his brother Bleda to found an empire that would attempt to destroy the power of Rome. The power that creates also destroys. He arose in the twelve-hundredth year after the foundation of Rome, and the ancient prophecies stated that Rome would last for twelve-hundred years! This prophecy was that of the twelve vultures that appeared to Romulus. 

That Hengest should wield the 'Sword of AEtla' and thus take upon himself the 'Wyrd of AEtla' is thus quite feasible. When we read some Welsh Chronicles we find that the battles between the Heathen English Tribes and the Christian Britons often ended with the Heathen English sacking the Christian Churches. In these tales King Arthur is merely a Welsh Chieftain whose banner bore the 'Virgin Mary' and who thus represented the Christian Britons. Of course, the common man amongst the Germanic Tribes would never have known the forces behind such figures as Hengest, and would have been urged on by the thought of plunder and wealth, this being the driving-force in all ages. 

The name 'Hengest' seems akin to the 'Geist of Ing' ('Eng-Geist') so this figure is that of Ingwe incarnated at this time in order to fulfil a specific destiny, and that is to become 'World-Ruler' as it states in Beowulf (I have covered this before). 

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