Monday, 5 August 2019

Ar Var Alda - Gap Var Ginnunga

I have covered this before but here I am going to put forward some new ideas on the same subject. This phrase sometimes comes together with another one - Gap Var Ginnunga. One of the meanings of Ar Var Alda could be 'In days of yore' which has been used by some scholars. This is an interesting way of putting it because -

  • It suggests a time in the most ancient past.
  • The word 'yore' comes from the Old English gear meaning 'year'; this is the Ger-Rune in the English Rune-Row which is the equivalent to the Ar-Rune of the Norwegian and Icelandic rows. Is it a 'coincidence' that we have the word Ar in Ar Var Alda? 'Year' would have had a far wider meaning than we use it today. 
And the word var is so close to the vara of Persian Mythology which was a 'square enclosure' that held the 'Seeds of Life' just like the 'ark' found in the Christian Bible. This was created by Yima who ruled over the Golden Age; Yima is Ymir, out of which a new cosmos was created. I have shown how Ar Var Alda refers to the 'First Time' or 'Ur-Time', the 'Time of the Gods' when the Ur-Lag (Primal Laws) and the Ur-Myths (Archetypal Myths) were set down. The role of ritual is to recreate this 'Primal Time' or 'Golden Age of the Gods'.

The word Gap Var Ginnunga means (leaving out the var) 'gap-yawning'; we have the Old English ginan meaning 'yawn'. But, as with much of our word-hoard we find connections between words that are rather obvious to us bur not to many scholars. Ginnunga suggests 'be-ginning' which is obviously linked to the idea of the 'Ur-Time' or 'First Time'. The idea of a 'gap' also suggests the 'gap' between the worlds which has to be breached in order to gain access to the other worlds. It must be stated that Ginnungagap is not something that existed merely at the beginning, but exists as the 'gap' between the worlds; it is The Void. 

Looking at the word var we find links to the Great Winter and the Great Flood through the Persian vara and the Golden Age through Yima. The word may well be linked to the IE Root *wer- or Aryan Root *war- which have a number of meanings -

  • High raised spot.
  • To raise, to lift, to uphold.
  • To turn, to coil, to wind.

This is also associated with the Wyrd through -

  • Old English weorthan meaning 'to befall',
  • Germanic *werthan meaning 'to become' ('to turn into'). 
  • Old English weorth meaning 'worth'.

If this link is right then it suggests that var is associated with the process of Becoming and Wyrd. The phrase Ar Var Alda occurs in the First Lay of Helgi Hundingsbane where Helgi appears at the start of the Warg-Age to kindle war on Earth. This suggests that this is the era of change and destruction at the end of a world-age or cosmic-cycle and that this was an Ur-Myth or Archetypal Myth set down in the Ur-Age. 

We are still left with the vara as a 'square enclosure' in which the 'Seeds of Life' are held; it is most likely that the scientists of today trying to store the 'Seeds of Life' is a kind of dim remembrance of this process which takes place in our times. This suggests a conscious or unconscious recognition that we are indeed in the End-Times and that catastrophic change will take place on Earth. These myths are Eternal

The Peorth-Rune is the 'Swan-Ship' which is associated with Scef who appeared at the end of the fabled Golden Age. It is the Swan-Ship that sails upon the Waters of Chaos or 'Waters of Dissolution' - the Wafeln. But it can also be seen as an 'Ark' and even linked to the Mayan Stela below -

The 'Ark' contained the 'Seeds of Life' but in the form of plants, animals and man in the Old Testament. Both accounts tell of the need to keep the 'Seeds of New Life' after a Great Flood or Great Catastrophe. This suggests a continuation of life, albeit subject to a great change and perhaps (at times) evolutionary jump. The Mayan Stela is that of Kukulkan who appears after a great catastrophe in order to renew civilisation. 

Looking back at what I said about 'In days of Yore', this phrase would be rather ridiculous if we take 'yore' as being 'year' in the strict sense used of it today. This is a period of time within a cycle of time. It may well be that the phrase itself was used either consciously or unconsciously to mean the same as Ar Var Alda, thus passing down the secret through the ages. A possible meaning given in an etymological dictionary is 'that which makes a complete cycle' which extends it beyond the Yearly Cycle that we use today. It may suggest the point at which 'time' came into being with the 'Cycles of Time'. 

I cannot but equate the phrase Ar Var Alda with the Wr.Alda of the Oera Linda Book of the Frisians. The prefix wr- is the same as ur- and would mean 'primal' or 'first'; thus the 'Primal Ancient' extended to the 'Primal Ancient One' when seen as a deity. AR-AER-ER-IR-OR-OER-IR form a sequence that are all linked as one in considering what has been said. 

What we need to recall is that the 'Golden Age' came to an end through a violent catastrophe, but that the lands concerned were taken out of this dimension into another dimension - the idea of the Inner Earth. Tolkien is the best source for this since he mentions this and the Straight Road that gives access to this 'fallen land'. When we do ritual to recreate this 'Sacred Time' or 'Magical Time' we go through the 'veil' between the worlds to access this Golden Land. This is the fabled Agharti or Shambhala of the Buddhists and is a parallel world to ours here in Midgard. We 'recreate' this here in Midgard.

The phrase Ar Var Alda begins the First Lay of Helgi Hundingsbane which suggests that this is used perhaps to recognise a new cycle or new age. Helgi Hundingsbane appears at the end of an era of peace, not I feel that of the fabled 'Golden Age' but of a later era, the era when the Warg-Age or Kali Yuga begins. This suggests that it here refers to a new era or new world-age, or that of a new cycle within the Great Year Cycle. Here, again, we see the term 'Great Year' which suggests what I have said above is right - this is a cycle of time and not necessarily a 12-month cycle as we know it to be today. The Ger-Rune or Ar-Rune is thus linked to not only a Yearly Cycle where it moves clockwise through the twelve signs of the zodiac, but a Great Year Cycle where it moves anti-clockwise through these signs. We should now consider this rune from this angle and add to our knowledge of it. It means more than a 'harvest' as it is usually considered, although this concept does come into it in terms of Wyrd or 'worth'. 

There may be a suggestion that the Twelve-Month Cycle and the Great Year Cycle are both broken into twelve parts, even though we usually see the Great Year as being 26,000 years. Some ancient traditions tell of a 24,000 Great Year cycle, thus broken into two halves each of 12,000 years. This cycle would be made up of twelve 2,000 year-old world-ages. Thus the term 'year' may well be based upon the Sacred Number Twelve. Some 12,000 years ago we find the sinking of 'Atlantis', or at least the mighty catastrophe that sank much of the ancient lands. Since this is a North-Western Cycle according to Julius Evola then it is surely linked to At-al-land. The Thulean Cycle or Hyperborean Cycle seems to be linked to the Sacred Number Seven and the Polar Mythos, whereas the At-al-land Cycle is based upon the Sacred Number Twelve and the Solar Mythos, together with all of the legends based around these numbers. 

In the Ar-Kan Runes we find the Ger-Rune as the twelfth rune which seems to be no coincidence. It is the central rune of the 24-Rune CGF. This rune is followed by the Eoh-Rune or Aiwaz-Rune whose variant is the Wolf-Hook Rune which is the Symbol of Wid-Ar - the Coming Man. Is this really a 'coincidence'? Wid-Ar appears to end one cycle and begin a new cycle, and here we have a link between 12 and 13, the latter said to be 'unlucky', though no-one seems to know why. We do know that the Age of Christ (Pisces) started around 7 BCE, and that the Age of Ing was conceived 2000 years later on August 11th 1999, thus a 2,000 year cycle. I would hazard a guess that the splitting of 26,000 years into twelve equal parts is a modern idea, since here we see a 2,000 year period for the last world-age. Taking this as being twelve equal parts with 2,000 years each we get 24,000 years. Which leaves us with a missing 2,000 year period to make this 26,000 years.

Either the 24,000 year period has been 'rounded down' or we have a 26,000 year period made up of thirteen signs of the zodiac, with one sign now being lost. In the Legend of King Arthur we have Twelve Knights of the Round Table, and yet there is a 'Thirteenth Seat'. 

The above is the 'Round Table' in Winchester which has twelve white sections and twelve dark sections. At the top is the 'king' or 'King Arthur', but the spacing of this area at the top is wrong, and should not the 'King' be in the centre as the Sun around which the signs revolve? He does sit above the centre but leaving him out the sections are uneven at the top. That the subjection of the English forms part of this seems quite obvious from the central motif of the large and dominant Red Rose which encloses the small White Rose of Albion & England. This, I believe was done by Edward I in the Twelfth Century, and thus over two hundred years before Henry Tudor (Red Rose & Red Dragon) defeated Richard III (White Rose and White Boar/Dragon). The knowledge of 'King Arthur' of the Red Dragon formed part of this lore of the time. Prince Charles was said to have been sworn in under the Sign of the Red Dragon, said to be the power behind the throne today. 

The above is the symbol of 'Brit-Am' which is a British-American Zionist Movement using exactly the same symbolism as the one found on the Round Table at Winchester. The notable difference between the two symbols shown here is that the latter has roses made up of six petals, something that does not exist in Nature since the rose has five petals. Six is a Cabalistic Number, hence the change in our own era - the 'Beast' has the Number 666 (the three-fold extension of 6) and the 'Beast' of Revelation is the 'Great Red Dragon' with seven heads and ten horns (2 x 5). In the above symbolism the Hexagon (6) is overlaid by the Pentagram (5) since one of the 'diamonds' is missing at the bottom. 

A slight digression (as usual) here but this does underline the fact that there is something wrong with the Winchester Round Table. Of course, Winchester was the English Capital and Capital of Wessex, and before that the Capital of the Belgae, an importance no doubt not missed when placing this symbolism at the 'Sacred Centre' of the English. 

The 'Perilous Seat' of 'Thirteenth Seat' seems to be linked to the idea of a kind of 'gateway' leading into the Otherworld. Or at least this is how it appears in some stories within the Graal Mythos. 

In this now famous Daily Mail cutting of August 11th 1999 Leo the Lion is shown at the top of the zodiac, this being twisted around to create the Ing-Rune and the Cross of Fro-Ing. Leo the Lion is the White Dragon as I have shown before. This is opposite to the sign of Aquarius at the bottom. There is something here of interest since Venus (not shown) is also in the White Dragon, together with the Sun and the Moon. Uranus is in the sign of Aquarius, and it is thus strange that both Venus and Uranus are the only planets that revolve clockwise in our Solar System. The 'seat' of 'King Arthur' is at the top and the very same symbolism has the 'King of the Angles' resurrected at this time (*)

(*) The term 'Angolmois' used in the Prophesies of Nostradamus was in fact an area of France belonging to the English. This, of course, does not exist today so its use as such would not fulfil such a prophesy, and this can only refer to the 'King of the Angles' today rather than  a king of a now defunct area of France. But the link is there nonetheless and emphasises what I have said before. 

Of course, the above Ing-Rune can also be seen as a 'square enclosure' when moved around to make the 'square', thus making the vara (var) within the Great Year Cycle. We are at the end of this Cycle of the Ages, and English Mythology came back to life with the Lord of the Rings whose first part was released in December (Wolfmoon) 1999, the second part in December 2000, and the third part in December 2001 (here in England). Again we should see here that there are twelve Solar Months and thirteen Lunar Months, the same symbolism as the Round Table. Since the Teutonic Folk seemed to have related time to the Thirteen Lunar Months then a Thirteenth Sign of the Zodiac is not improbable. It has been the subject of a book but the copy I had of this has been lost in the ravages of time. The only thing I seem to recall of this is that the sign related to 'The Spider', but this is a subject too long to go into here, suffice it to say that Loki is actually associated with the 'Spider', and we see this symbol appearing all over the world, that of the 'Cosmic Spider' mentioned by a certain German Rune-Magician. We shall not go into this now. The 'Spider' that spins the 'World Wide Web' of lies and deceit.

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