Wednesday, 25 September 2019


'The submergence of Thule was not of the waters, but of the Blood. Sooner or later its adepts will seek to awaken Thule once more.'

Ultima Thule - The Vanished Northern Homeland - Bernard King.

The name Thule is usually associated with the Greeks, as is 'Hyperborea' but in ancient Babylonian texts we find reference to Thale which is said to be the 'Home of the Ancestors' which they situated in the Far North beneath the Midnight Mountain. There are certain Germanic words associated with Thule -

  • Thula (Old Norse - 'to endure', 'to suffer', 'to tolerate'.
  • Thulr (Old Norse - 'sage', 'seer'.
  • Thyle (Old English) - 'dandy', 'jester', 'buffoon'.
It is not certain how the Old English word came to mean 'a fool' but this is the gist of the meaning of the word. This, of course, may be associated with the Tarot Card named The Fool

It has been said that 'The Fool' here represents Orion with the Dog-Star, Sirius, at his heels, as this constellation is found in the skies. The Long Man of Wilmington is the 'April Fool' and thus the 'Thyle'; I have before equated this to the 'Gateway to Thule'. The name of the famous Swiss Archer-Hero, William Tell, stems from a word 'tol' meaning 'simpleton' or 'fool'. William Tell is a Folk-Hero derived from the archetype of AEgil the Archer, the brother of Weland the Smith. There is a thin link to Thule in that Weland, AEgil and the third  brother, Slagfin, all have Swan-Maidens for wives. Rydberg sees AEgil as being one and the same with Orwandel.

If The Fool does represent Orion the Hunter then the link between Robin Hood and 'The Fool' (in the Robin of Sherwood series) is made clear. The figure of a hunter-god is that of a bowman/archer and this links to both the Long Man and the Herne Giant. Even the shape of the figure on the tarot card is like these two hill-figures. It should be quite clear to anyone that the tarot cards are far more than a mere means for divination. The symbolism has deep meaning, much of which is not very clear, and some distortions have no doubt crept in over the centuries.

I have mentioned the ideas on the Third Sargon and the 'Last Empire of the North'; on the banner of Sargon II is a bowman. Connected to the 'Tower of Babel' (Bab = 'gate'; El = 'light') is the figure of the 'Mighty Hunter', Nimrod, who is also linked to AEtla the Hun - the 'Scourge of God'. Nimrod's kingdom was originally in the Land of Akkad, heirs to the Sumerian Tradition. Some of these ancient kingdoms claimed descent from the 'Homeland in the North', where the Black Sun shone over the Midnight Mountain. In mentioning AEtla the Hun we should also recall a similar archetype of Genghis Khan who had a son named Tula/Tulee. 

The idea of a northern people being displaced from their homeland occurs in the reign of Rameses III of Egypt who reigned from 1187 BCE to 1175 BCE -

'The northern people have made a conspiracy in their islands. At the same time they were uprooted and blown away by a storm. No country standing before them has been able to stay their hand. The Hatti (Hittites), Kode, Carchemish (Kadesh), Arzawal (Western Anatolia), and Alasic (Cyprus) were all destroyed.... allied with them were the Phrst (Phrygians) and Sakar; united with them were the Sekelesa and Wesher....'

This, of course, is much later than the sinking of Thule, but it is an example of how northern peoples have been displaced from their lands and moved southwards to other lands. We are talking here os some 3000 + years ago and this could have been the last stages of the sinking of At-al-land. These 'sea-peoples' were often depicted wearing either horned helmets or helmets with the Roman-type feathered headdress. 

Monday, 23 September 2019

Wr.Alda & The Black Sun

The name Wr.Alda means 'Primal Old One', from UR-Alda or UUR-Alda; this is really a strange name for a 'Great Spirit' which would not be considered to be 'primal' but would have always existed. It seems better to see the term Wr-Alda applied to the 'Primal Sun' or 'Hidden Sun', as I am going to go into here - the Black Sun. Of course, this is a 'Primal Force' in its own right, and this fits with the Ar Var Alda where Ar is the Black Sun. Since all ritual is about regaining that 'Primal Time' or 'First Time' (they mean the same) then this connects to the concept of the Black Sun as the Sun of the Golden Age.

The figure above is that of Saeter originally known as Krodo/Crodo, a Saxon God who gave his name to our Saturday. This god was known to the Slavs as Rod who had exactly the same image; neither need to have been 'borrowed' from the other, but share a common Aryan source. 

The two gods have nearly the same image, with the following symbols -

1. The Wheel - the Saxon Saeter/Krodo has a six-spoked wheel, whereas the Slavic Rod has an eight-spoked wheel. In one depiction the Golden Sun is seen as a wheel, and Saeter-Krodo is also shown as a wheel, as if both were Suns.

2. Both gods sit on a fish which perhaps suggests that they are 'holding down' or 'crushing' the Age of Pisces.

3. Both hold a bucket filled with water and with plants; these definitely suggest the Age of Aquarius, and the 'buckets' held buy the Seven Sages in ancient depictions of them. 

The Saxon God Saeter-Krodo has the very same six-spoked wheel as that of Wr.Alda of the Frisians. Indeed, we should recall that the Hag-All/All-Hag of Guido von List is a six-sided crystal (hexagon) from which the runes can be taken out of. This is exactly the same as the Wheel of Wr.Alda from which the 'running script' (runes) can be taken. Whether von List was aware of this and the Oera Linda Book I do not know, certainly Herman Wirth had read and used this Frisian work. What is the significance of the 18-Runes taken from this Hag-All figure?

At the pole of the planet Saturn is a hexagonal shape, as shown in the above figure. In order to understand why these ancient runes come from the hexagon, related to Saturn, we need to understand that Cronus-Saturn was 'chained' or 'imprisoned', by the 'Demiurge' according to Miguel Serrano. We do know from Greek Mythology that Cronus was imprisoned in a cave; he was 'castrated' and his position 'usurped' by his son Zeus. By 'castrated' we should understand this to mean he lost his regenerative powers. He was said to have been imprisoned on an island somewhere in the North. It is thus necessary to understand that (perhaps) the ancient power of the Black Sun at the centre of our galaxy came through Saturn which was the Ancient Sun of Hyperborea, shining below the Midnight Mountain in the Far North. This is what some have suggested.

Certainly, the vast Black Hole at the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy is not 'dormant' or even a 'dead' star or 'dead sun' since it has been known to erupt and give off vast amounts of energy into the galaxy. If, as some suggest, going through a Black Hole moves one into another dimension, then the power of this 'Black Sun' would be within another dimension of Time and Being. Occasionally, this would burst its energy into our physical universe. This is just a thought and not 'fact'. 

It seems that because Saturn was 'enchained' and 'imprisoned' the Gods sent the planet Venus into our Solar System in order to channel the Rays of the Black Sun/Green Ray towards Earth. Saturn had become a malevolent planet, now associated with lead rather than gold. This explains why the alchemists had their aim as to transmute 'lead' (Saturn) into 'gold' (the Golden Sun of a New Golden Age). The planet Saturn has to be transmuted into the New Golden Sun from the Hidden Black Sun of today. 

I have always been rather wary of the use of Akhenaten as a 'Man Above Time' by Savitri Devi, and a piece sent to me recently brought up this topic. We can see here how the Egyptian Priests worshipped the 'Hidden God' named Amun/Amoun who was the 'Spiritual Sun' or 'Hidden Sun'. Akhenaten chose to change the worship of the 'Hidden Sun' to the physical sun-disc which he chose to call the Aten. The name 'Aten' is the same used in the Old Testament as 'Adonai' usually translated as 'Lord'. It is thus significant that the New Testament chose to end its text with the word Amen which, of course, is Amun. It is also necessary to recognise in this a shift from the animating fire (Agni-Inga) which is the 'Inner Fire' to that of the physical 'fire'. This is why there are two distinct words for fire 'agni' and 'fire', the latter meaning the physical element of fire, the former the animating fire. There is one very important thing in this change, and that is that the change from the AR (Inner Spiritual Sun) to the Aten (Physical Sun) made the change from the Aryan worship of the Ancient Sun to a universalist worship of the physical sun. This is why Akhenaten is seen as a 'universalist'. The Amun-Priests later erased him from the records, and in his time Egypt fell into chaos and disorder, and lost the greatness that it once had. Some see Akhenaten as Moses, the latter being an Egyptian name, as found in Tuthmoses etc.

Of course Amun is nothing less than the Hindu AUM(N), better known as OM: this is an Aryan concept from Ancient India. What we have to recall, and this will come up later too, is that ancient languages did not always use vowel-sound, thus AMUN/AMEN/AUMN would all become MN which is the Root-Sound. In the work of Peter Moon we find this as MON which is just the same MN. We can thus related this to the Man-Rune -

This is probably why the Aryan Race is the one race known as Aryan Man; this rune is specific in its meaning and use. Thus those who aid our Folk are called by the title Manu and Ingus is the Son of Man. Ingus is the 'Son of the Sun', but this refers to the Black Sun. Our race descended from Mannus which is the Mannaz-Rune or Man-Rune. Because the worship of the Black Sun is of the 'Hidden Sun' or 'Central Sun' and not the physical Sun then the Aryan Race is a 'Cosmic Race' as opposed to the earthly races of humanity. 

We all descended from 'apes'; but we did not, since this is proven by the fact that 15% of the world's population has Rhesus Negative Blood, which has no 'monkey-blood' in it at all. That these are somehow different is seen when sometimes a Rhesus Negative woman marries a Rhesus Positive man and has children, the mother's system can often reject the child and produce antibodies in order to destroy it - this is Nature. But... modern science gets round this ('bucks' the Laws of Nature) with drugs. So not all human beings could be descended from apes - as they try to tell us. 

Some years ago I equated the name 'Herne' with Cronus/Chronos; this was due to the following letter-shifts -

Herne - Hrn - Hron - Chron(os) - Cron

Even if 'Herne' stems from 'Herian' this makes no difference since when we leave the vowels out of both we get HRN. Thus, it is possible that Herne indeed has a connection to Krodo-Hrodo and to Cronus-Saturn-Saeter. Both Cronus-Saturn and Saeter were said to have originally been Gods of the Harvest, of Agriculture, and also connected to the 'Grim Reaper' who 'reaps' the harvest. This would explain why his role is very different - after he has been enslaved and imprisoned in a Cave. Krodo, we are told, was worshipped in a Cave. Krodo was the 'Spirit of the Caverns', worshipped in the north of Thuringia in the Harz Mountains. It is interesting to note that the name Krodo/Crodo stems from an ancient German Grotte from which we get the word 'Grotto' which obviously related to a Cave - its is also related to 'Santa Claus' at Yuletide. 

The Old English Hrod/Hred means 'renown' or fame' and also means 'victory'; this word is, of course similar to the Welsh 'Rhod' meaning 'Wheel' and to the Slavic God known as 'Rod'. The Slavic name means 'generation' or 'birth', also related to rodina meaning 'homeland' or 'motherland'. The Welsh Hrud Hudibras is also related to both 'Hrod' and 'Rod', and all these to the Rad-Rune. 

All of this. to some extent, explains the difference between the High-Born Joten and the Low-Born Joten. The High-Born Joten are the 'Elder Gods' from whom the AEsir-Gods ('Younger Gods') descended, and the latter are our Gods, the Gods of the Arya. However, since the Aryan Gods are descended from the 'Elder Gods' then we too have their essence within our Sacred Blood and our Sacred Blood Memory. Mimir is one of the 'Elder Gods' who continually aids our Aryan Gods, even when he is 'dead' (he gives knowledge to Woden). The Aryan Gods are descended from Buri, a name relating to his son, Bor, whose name relates to the High North through 'Boreas' and thus the 'Hyperboreans'. The name 'Buri/Bor' gives us 'bear' and 'boar' related to the Far North and the Great Bear-Waen. 

The 'Wheel' symbolism is also related to the 'World Turner' and thus to Waendel and the Long Man of Wilmington. It is also related to the Chakravartin of the Tibetans. The 'wheel' is also associated with the 'mill-wheels' and thus to the Precession of the Equinoxes and the World Mill. Here the name Grotte comes to mind connected to the World Mill. This is Krodo-Hrodo originally 'Grotte' as stated before. 

Karl Maria Wiligut mentions the Black Sun as Santur; as stated in a previous post he also tells of the 'hourglass' symbolism where it is turned over and moves the power from one Sun (UR) to the other (SUN). Here he uses the word UR to mean the Black Sun -

AR  -  ER  - IR  - OR  - UR

AR  -  AER  -  ER  -  IR  -  OER  -  UR

In the Ar-Kan Runes there are five runes which relate directly to what has been said here -  UR, YR, IOR (IAR), EAR, and CW-EOR-TH. Four of these can be found only in the Northumbrian Runes. These will be looked at again on the Ar-Kan Rune-Lag blog at a later time. 

It would seem that 'Old Father Time' is related to cyclic time, and the 'binding' or 'imprisonment' of Saturn-Cronus was such that this entailed a shift to linear time. Old Father Time is depicted as the 'Grim Reaper' holding a scythe and an hourglass - the 'hourglass' is the Daeg-Rune and represents the change of power from the Golden Sun to the Black Sun, and back again etc. The 'Grim Reaper' is associated with Woden, and we can see how this is because he is descended from the 'Elder Gods', he has their essence within him. (The 'hourglass' is also symbolic of the 'wobble' of the Earth which causes the 'Precession of the Equinoxes' and thus 'time' coming into being.)

Time, of course, is also related to the Three Sisters of Wyrd, the Norns, since they can be seen as past-present-future - 'Time'. In Norse Mythology time is also related to a figure named 'Kari' who is associated with the wind and thus with movement, i.e. 'time'. This, in fact, relates back to Waendel whose name can be related to 'wend', 'wind' (turning) and 'wind' (movement of air). The Last Avatar - Helgi the Heardinga - is married to the Valkyrie named Kara, her name meaning 'time'. These names - Kari and Kara - are related to the Hindu Goddess named Kali, whose name means 'time'. Time is the destroyer of all things.

It is also here interesting to note that the name 'Rudra' is most often seen as 'red' and 'wild', but it can also relate to the same ideas here related to Rod-Rhod-Hrod-Hrud and to the Rad-Rune and the 'Wheel of Time'. The eight-spoked wheel in used in Tibetan Buddhism. The corruption of Saturn, bound by the Rings of Ice, relates to the Dark Lord or 'Lord of the Rings' (of Saturn). His freedom will occur with the melting of these Rings of Ice. We can perhaps see the Irish god named Crom here too, a figure originally a 'Sun-God' who became a blood-thirsty god demanding blood-sacrifice of children. This perhaps also explains the concept of blood-sacrifice in ancient times, a corruption of the Ur-Religion of the Arya. 

It would seem, according to Miguel Serrano, that the six-spoked wheel becomes the eight-spoked wheel which he calls the Veneris Rune related to the planet Venus. This is the six-spoked wheel, driven through with the Spear of Woden in the Age of Aquarius. This he also equates with the 'Steed of Woden' - Sleipnir - which has eight legs. This gallops in the Age of Aquarius. I have also equated this with the Hale-Bopp Comet, which moves 'between the worlds'. This seems to have been 'sent by Wyrd' to awaken within us the Blood Memory. 

Miguel Serrano talks about 'Mars and Saturn' being 'two thieves' and corruptions of 'Tyr and Surtur', seen 'beside the Zodiacal Tree of the Crucifixion'. This we see too in the above planetary alignment of August 11th 1999. Here Tiw is in the Eagle (Scorpio) and Surtur is in the Bull (Taurus). Uranus is the father of Krodo-Cronus, and here he is found in Aquarius -

Ur - 'primal', 'first',

An - 'master of',

Us - 'to burn'.

In the Age of Aquarius the Astral Fire of the Hyperborean Blood will be recuperated through the 'Fire of the Black Sun', the 'Inner Flame' that dwells within the Blood of the Heirs - the Elect. This 'Inner Flame' is that of Agni-Inga, related to the events of August 11th 1999 and the 'Resurrection of Ingus. If we see this as the Central Black Hole, the Black Sun of the Inner Earth, and the Black Sun within the remnants of Aryan Man all of this makes sense -

'When the Ice of the Darkest of Night melts away under the Fire of the Black Sun of the Inner Earth, the poison apple shall fall away, and the Sleeping Goddess shall awaken, throw off her White Wolf Skin and arise renewed by the Golden Apples of the Immortals. When the Moon is under her feet and she is clothed in the Golden Sun, she shall bring forth the Divine Child of Light who will lead the English Folk in their Divine Mission against the Servants of Darkness.'

The Prophecy 88 (November 9th 2014). 

Sunday, 22 September 2019

The Black Sun of the Ancient World

It has always been puzzling as to why there are two distinct and different tales told of Baldaeg and 'Blind' Hod, one by Snorri who has Balder as the hero, the other by Saxo who has Hod as the hero. Maybe here we have the Eternal Battle between the White Sun (Balder) and the Black Sun (Hod)? this would explain why there are two versions of this myth. Indeed, in the Saxo version we find that the Wyrd Sisters intervene in order that Hod gets the sword Miming that will give him victory over Baldaeg. 

Miming means 'Memory of Ing' or even 'Memory of the Blood'; this is thus associated with Blind Hod. Woden has one eye open and one that is 'black'; he also appears as a 'Black Void' inside a Black Hood or Red Hood. The name 'Ingus' means 'son of' and in Welsh Lore a figure called Mabon has the same meaning to his name - 'son of'. Of interest is a legend connected to Mabus who is the Divine Child. 

We find a mysterious hunt for Mabon, the Divine Child, in Culhwch and Olwen where a series of totem animals are asked as to the whereabouts of Mabon. These beasts clearly represent the theme of great age, each one being an older race than the one before it. Only the oldest of these, the Salmon of Llyn Llyw, knows where the Divine Child is imprisoned. This suggests to me a dim remembrance of the Black Sun that shone above Thule-Hyperborea in the most ancient times of the world. This is why only the oldest of the beasts - the salmon - knew of the whereabouts of Mabon. 

The theme around Mabon is that of a Divine Child who is taken from his rightful place, found by the question as to his whereabouts being asked to a number of totem animals and birds, and restored to his rightful place. This theme is not unlike that of another Welsh figure Bladud, whose alternative name is Baldadus according to Geoffrey of Monmouth - Balder! Bladud is the son of Rhud Hudibras, clearly the Norse Hodr. The word 'Rhud' is most likely 'Rhod' meaning 'wheel' (from the Teutonic Rad-Rune), the 'Wheel of the Sun'. The name 'Bladud' means -

Bal/Bla - bright, light.

Dud/Dydd - dark.

This name is the same as that of 'Robin Hood' - "Fame-Bright Hood' - who is Woden or Hooden as found in Kent. There is something of extreme importance here, and that is the theme of Baldaeg and Hod returning after Ragnarok, hand in hand. I have suggested before that any return to a Golden Age would not be as 'innocent children' as before, but as 'adults' with the faculty of knowing what we do, with a consciousness of knowing through the strengthening of the 'I', and not its dissolution into the 'All'. This suggests a balance of the conscious and subconscious minds - balance of Light and Darkness. Thus Bladud and Robin Hood, a fusion of Baldaeg-Hod or Rhod Hudibras-Baldadus. 

This imprisonment of the 'Divine Son' is perhaps the imprisonment of the 'Divine Sun' - a play-on-words. We find the ancient Kronos imprisoned on an island, awaiting the time when he will awaken again. Kronos is the Roman Saturn who is also the figure of Old father Time. Saturn, it appears, is 'imprisoned' by the Rings of Ice which one day may melt away, freeing this figure from the clutches of the Dark Powers.  If Saturn is Surtur then this planet (or its moons) will play a part in the Fires of Ragnarok, when Surtur wields the Sword of Victory and throws fire on the Nine Worlds. 

An alternative name for the Cweorth-Rune is TRIS which, backwards, spells SIRT - this is a Rune of Fire, the Fire-Twirl that whisks the cosmos into creation. This force is one of Creation-Destruction like Rudra-Shiva and Woden as the One-Eyed Hunter-God who leads the Wild Hunt. Interestingly, the rune-name Sweorth also suggests a Flaming Sword. Surtur wields the Flaming Sword - the Sword of Victory - at Ragnarok. In the Ar-Kan Runes the Ear-Rune is 'The Hanged God', but it is also the 'Bound Giant' since the hands are 'bound'. The Cweorth-Rune is that of the 'Bound Giant' who has been freed and thus wields the Flaming Sword

Now, the words Sword and Sun are connected in their root-words, and here we do have a hint of the Black Sun in these two runes, the latter being a Rune of Transformation. Through the figure of the Long Man of Wilmington these ideas are connected to Waendel and thus to the Precession of the Equinoxes. It was perhaps no coincidence that on August 10th 1999 I went to the Long Barrow on Windover Hill above the Long Man and buried there 8 Ale Bottles in the shape of the Fylfot-Swastika. Each one had the label of a 'Millennium Ale' bearing 'Old Father Time' holding a blond-haired, blue-eyed baby in his arms. Each bottle also contained the words of an invocation. The next day at 11.00am on 11th August 1999 this talisman was empowered with the Solar Eclipse - resurrecting the god known as Ingus. 

None of this was done consciously but was obviously for a purpose unknown to me at the time. The Long Man is also symbolic of Cygnus the Swan, the marker for the Black Hole at the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy. There seems to be more importance to the god Ingus that we find within Norse Mythology with the figure of Ingvi-Frey. What we do know is that Frodi was associated with the Golden Age, thus linking this to Ingus. 

In regard to Rhud Hudibras, the Welsh version of 'Blind Hod', the first part 'Rhud' could mean 'wheel', from the Welsh rhod. There is a Saxon God named Krodo or Hrodo who seems to have been the same as Sataera who gave his name to Saturday - Sataera's Day. This is the equivalent to the Latin Saturn, and also to the Greek Kronos. Interestingly, there is a Slavic equivalent in Rod which means 'generation' or 'birth', but also 'to be born', 'homeland' or 'motherland'. 

Sataera is shown on various depictions from Germany and also here in England, and even in Cardiff, Wales. He is shown with a six-spoked wheel (usually 6-spoked but there is a variant), a pail containing flowers and stands on a fish (perch), the latter perhaps being his 'standing on' the Age of Pisces. He is a Germanic God whose name, Krodo, comes from an ancient Germanic Chrotto, a word which gives us our modern 'grotto' (and thus links to 'Santa Claus'). He was worshipped in Thuringia as the 'Spirit of the Caverns' ('grotto') - in the famous Harz Mountains, famous for 'witchcraft'. Some Saxon depictions have the Sun as an eight-rayed star/wheel, and Saeter with an eight-spoked wheel rather than the six-spoked wheel. These depictions suggest the Golden Sun (White Sun) and the Black Sun. It seems that the name Krodo was the original, later called Saeter or Sataera. The name Hrodo may be the original since the 'H' would have a gutteral sound, later change to a 'K' for convenience. 

The idea of a god worshipped in a 'cavern' suggests the Underworld; various gods, such as Osiris, seem to have been gods of culture, culture-bringers, vegetation-gods, etc. and then to have become God of the Underworld. Sataera is said to have been a god of agriculture, as was Saturn too; these seem to contradict the usual interpretations of this god, and yet may have a deeper, hidden meaning. The name Waendel means 'wend' 'turn', and 'wind' and is clearly the 'World-Turner', here again suggesting a wheel or a Wheel of Time. It also suggests the Chakravartin or 'Wheel-Turner'. In the Grail Mythos seen to be associated with the Long Man a large 'black man' comes from a cave beneath the hill-figure, and is defeated by Peredur. 

The prefix hrud/hrod is very similar to the Germanic hrod/hroth which we find in Hroth-beorht which is coincidentally the basis of 'Fame-Bright' or 'Victory-Bright' which is added to Hood to get 'Robin Hood' - Light and Darkness. It should be noted that the prefix hr may well be sounded at the back of the throat, and in doing so the 'r' is 'rolled' naturally. Thus hrod/hrud/rod/rud/rhod/rhud are all the same variants of one word meaning 'wheel'. The name Rhud is also written Rhuth. There is an Irish ruith meaning 'wheel' and an alternative roth which means the same. 

All of these variants are, of course, derived from the Rad-Rune meaning 'wheel' or 'wheel of a chariot', 'chariot', 'turning' etc. The suggestion is 'turning' or 'rolling', a wheel that has no beginning nor end. The Rad-Rune is also the 'Crucified God' or 'Hanged God' as the glyph shows here, a man hung upon a pillar. This shows a reversed Sigel-Rune on the World Pillar (Is). The reversed Sig-Runes are found on the Wewelsburg Black Sun. 

The Odal-Rune features in Miguel Serrano's ideas on the Armanen Runes; this is not actually in the Armanen Runes since it cannot be fitted into the Hag-All Crystal. In our Ar-Kan Runes this is found as Number 23 or Number 24, the Edel-Rune and Daeg-Rune being interchangeable. There is an interesting idea here, for this rune shows a White-Son - Black Sun in their true colours, white as the Sigel-Rune and Black as the reversed Sigel-Rune. These are the balance of Light and Darkness in harmonious working. Now, in Karl Maria Wiligut's Armanen System, which was derived from Guido von List but contained many different ideas, he uses the symbolism of the hourglass which, when turned over, moves the power from one sun (UR) to the other sun (SUN), from Santur to Sunor. The 'hourglass' is the Daeg-Rune turned around; we have thus the Edel-Rune next to the Daeg-Rune, and both are interchangeable. This does suggest two interchangeable features, in this case the White Sun-Black Sun.

As the Divine Child Mabon is the son of Sovereignty, and his service is to the land, and he has no personal life through this wyrd. He is Mabon, Son of Modron, and he is born again and again upon the Earth in a redemptive role. As the 'Son' he has parallels in Ingus and Krist(os), these two both being the 'Son of Man'. 

The Brunswick Chronicle sees Crodus (Krodo) as an 'old man in the form of a reaper', which is how we see the 'Grim Reaper' whose title contains the idea of 'Grim', a name of Woden connected to a mask. The Grim Reaper is shown bearing a scythe with which he reaps the harvest - this forms part of the 'Wild Hunt' theme. 

It would seem that this Ancient Sun, which has become the 'Black Sun', shone upon the Thuleans or Hyperboreans in the most ancient times, in the lost and fabled Golden Age. This was ruled by Kronos (Greek) or Saturn (Latin) and was known as the Satya Yuga by the Hindus, a word containing 'Sat' as 'Saturn' does. It would appear that, in different cultures, this god was known as Sat- or Kro-/Hro-/Ro- and had connections to the 'Wheel of Time'. Interestingly, Saturday turns into Sunday in the days of the week, from 'Sat' to 'Sun'. There are more mysteries here but we shall leave these until later.

Monday, 16 September 2019

The Hooded Man - 58 Current

'In the Days of the Lion, spawned of the Evil Brood,

The Hooded Man shall come to the forest.

There he will meet with Herne the Hunter 

- Lord of the Trees -

To be his Son and do his bidding.

The Power of Light and the Power of Darkness

Shall be strong within him.

And the guilty shall tremble!'

The Hooded Man Prophecy - October 31st 1993, Horam, Sussex.

There are still things coming to light with this prophecy; there is, in fact, something that has come to light which is extremely important to our struggle for freedom. This prophecy may not be 'ancient' in the strict sense of the word, but it was given to me in an altered form that makes it valid due to the numerology that proves it to be valid. It is made up of 58 Words, and the changed section - The Power of Light and the Power of Darkness is strong within him' - has 58 Letters. The Number 58, when using English Gematria, gives us the word 'Robin' - thus 'Robin Hood' who is 'The Hooded Man'. 

The clue to the meaning of this prophecy lies in the phrase that has been altered; the balance of the powers of light and darkness occur either at dawn or dusk. In this case, with the knowledge of the Sword of Hengest, this refers here to the Dawn Time of the New Age. This is the key to this since this is the time we are in now. The Hooded Man is not the Last Avatar; the Last Avatar will appear later when the 'Day' dawns on this Age of Aquarius. Woden's Folk was set up to prepare the way for his coming, which we are doing through our work at an exoteric and esoteric level. 

We have to consider the role of the English in all this, since in the Robin of Sherwood series the sword carried by The Hooded Man is Albion, which holds within its blade the 'Powers of Light and Darkness in balance'. Albion, as we know, is the old name of England; in ancient times there were Teutonic Folk here akin to the English, and thus the Germanic name for this land in these ancient times. England and the English is the 'vehicle' for The Hooded Man Current current, the force that embodies the power of the Forefathers, and that recalls the ancient power of the Elves, to whom the English are close kin. 

That this current is embodied around the figure of Robin Hood is no coincidence: he is the most famous English Folk-Hero of them all, and over and over again his legend has been made into TV Series or Films - some good, and some embodying the usual modern distortions that insult our Forefathers. But even then the legend itself shines through because the name itself is the same, and the memory of this Folk-Hero lives on within the Folk-Soul of the English Folk. it echoes through the Blood Memory awakening through the Call of the Blood.

There is no real evidence that anyone by the name of 'Robin Hood' existed, and as with many legends the name could be tagged on to various different English Folk-Heroes. But, it is the name that counts, and that itself is a Teutonic name meaning - 'Light-Darkness'. The name itself embodies the same meaning as both the prophecy and the sword Albion. 

Herne the Hunter is often linked to Cernnunos through the name; the latter is a 'Celtic' rendering whereas Herne is  Teutonic name whicb could mean the same - 'The Horned One' - or may be rooted in Herian which is a name of Woden. Certainly, Herne is related to the Stag, but he is also linked to the 'Hanged Man', and to the Oak-Tree. His name is found not only linked to Windsor, but to 'Herne's Cave' in Kent, and even perhaps 'Herne Bay' in Kent. 'King Herla' is always stated to be a 'Briton' and yet the name is Teutonic and stems from Herian again - Woden Herian. Where we have the 'Cerne Abbas Giant' this may well have been through Celtic Priests who occupied this area - the Saxons called the hill-figure by the name Heil. Again, this could be a corruption of Herian, Herla, Herne. Christian priests in the same area of Dorset told of a Saxon Cult that worshipped a Stag and a Snake. 

Like Robin Hood the Herne Giant is a 'hunter' and the figure shows Orion the Hunter whose legend is very near to that of Robin Hood. That is not to say this is 'Greek' but an English Legend that holds the same basic Archetypal Myth. It is Herne the Hunter who is 'Lord of the Trees' (The Forest-God) and 'Lord of the Animals'. The club that this hill-figure holds is associated with the most ancient Mannerbunde Cults. 

The 'Phallus of Orion' was known to the Egyptians and the Greeks, but also to the Saxons who called this Frigg's Distaff which is a rather clever play-on-words. 

In the third row down on the 'Horns of Gallehus' we see two figures having wolf's heads or dog's heads; the one on the left holds a club (Woden) and the one on the left an axe (Thunor). The fact that Robin Hood dwells in the forest links him to the Teutonic Mannerbunde who also lived in the wild forests as the 'Dogs of the Outside'. This is where the term Heathen comes from, meaning outside the bounds of civilisation, outside the 'enclosures' where the tribe lives - 'of the heath'. That the Legend of Robin Hood stems from a Teutonic source is clear by the name 'Robin Hood' but also by the name 'Will Scarlet' who was originally 'Scathlock'. Yes, this could be claimed a 'Celtic' name since it is such, but it does not refer to any Celtic figure - it is Loki who was the blood-brother to Woden and with the gods in their adventures - even if he was the 'Enemy Within'. The name 'Scathlock' means 'Shadow-Loki' which does get to the essence of this figure. 

That the 'Robin of Sherwood' series tried to demonise Odinism is clear from the way that the enemies of Robin Hood were the 'Sons of Fenris' who were the 'Wolves of Odin' - which is totally wrong. They were the offspring of Loki, not Odin. Also that the 'Seven Swords of Wayland' could summon the 'Devil' or 'Lucifer' - which itself is wrong since 'Lucifer' is the Morning Star - Venus. There is much distortion here but even with this, as I said before, the truth shines through because it reaches the Blood Memory where the Truth shines clearly. One of the tricks used today seems to be to pitch the 'Celts' against the 'Teutons' through a 'divide and conquer' agenda - Wicca-Celtic Paganism against Odinism-Wodenism. This tactic can only work at a physical level, the Call of the Blood cannot distorted. 

The one thing was was right is the link between The Hooded Man and the Tarot Card called The Fool. The Hooded Man is indeed the 'Pure Fool' at one level, but in this case not the 'Parsifal' that achieves the final victory and plunges the Spear into the Graal - this is the Last Avatar. Even this Tarot Card has the White Rose of Albion on its symbolism. There are the Graal figures of Gawain and that of Parsifal - they have separate roles.

But, there may well be a case to see the Last Avatar as The Hooded Man too, since there are three figures here, as there are three figures in the Archetypal Myth of HelgiH -

1. Ailric of Loxley.

2. Robin of Sherwood.

3. Robert (same name) of Sherwood.

This, of course, has been written into this modern Archetypal Myth; in no way do I imply that the writer of the Robin of Sherwood series ever intended this to become reality, this is obviously working at a very deep level of the subconscious. But this does coincide with the HelgiH Mysteries in every detail since there are three distinct currents in both of these myths. These are the workings of Wyrd, where certain things are thrown into the Web of Wyrd and act out reality in this world. These do not work at a conscious level, they work at an unconscious level - and they will be acted out in history. There are certain things that link the two together -

1. Much, the miller's son, and in the Seven Swords of Wayland the action in the mill. In the Lay of Helgi Hundingsbane Helgi hides in a mill in order to escape his enemies. Robin does not actually play 'The Fool' whose role is that of Much in the TV Series - we still have the same symbolism. 

2. Both Robin Hood and HelgiH have to acquire a Sword that they use in their battles. 

3. Robin Hood is the 'Pure Fool' and Helgi Hundingsbane plays the part of 'The Fool' when he dresses as a woman in the mill. 

4. The link between Robin Hood and Wayland; the Sword Albion is forged at Wayland's Smithy. 

5. Finally, Robin Hood refuses the role as the 'Once and Future King'; this is an important point because it underlines the Archetypal Myth that is involved here. The 'Once and Future King' is the Last Avatar whose role is different than that of the current phase. That this is based around 'King Arthur' and the Celtic 'Camelot' matters little, the 'Once and Future King' is also Barbarossa, Aragorn, and other archetypal figures. 'King Arthur' as 'King of the English', maybe, and he too wields a famous Sword. 

Can you see the deception in this depiction of King Arthur's 'Round Table'? The Red Rose dominant over the White Rose? That this was placed at Winchester, the capital of the Belgae and the English, is itself significant. The White Rose is now breaking free of its chains again - and the White Dragon rises once more in the Soul of the English Folk. 

The archetypal theme runs through such figures as The Hooded Man since we find in the last manifestation (Jason Connery) he is reluctant to take up this role. We find exactly the same thing with Aragorn of Lord of the Rings, and now with Redbad in the Rise of the Vikings. These Folk-Heroes do not just step forward and take up their destiny, for destiny forces them to do so. They do not wish to be heroes, they are forced by Wyrd (Fate) to take up this role.

The Long Man of Wilmington is in the East which is where the Sun rises at the Dawn-Time. This figure is the 'April Fool' and thus connected to The Hooded Man - nearby is 'Hunter's Burgh' connected to Herne the Hunter. Above the figure is 'Windover Hill' and the Long Barrow; the name 'Windover' could be a corruption of 'Waendal' since both names can mean 'wind' as in 'to turn', 'to twist' or 'to coil' (not as in wind - weather). It is no coincidence that the other side of the Cuckmere Valley is the Hindover White Horse and another Long Barrow - this became corrupted to 'High and Over Hill'. 

The Sacred Tree of the Helmed Waendal is the Yew-Tree that is found in the nearby churchyard. This is, some say, around 1,600 years old which takes it back to Saxon times in the South Saxon Mark. 

Wilmington Yew-Tree

The early Christian Church knew how powerful our Heathen Ancient Sites were, and thus built their churches on such sites; the local church was built around this ancient Yew-Tree. The name 'Wilmington' has been seen to mean 'Ton of the Wilmings', a Saxon Clan. However, such names are invariably rendered in this like, and nothing is sure about this name. This could be the people of a 'Wilma' but that is not for certain. The hundred next to this was Waendelmestreow - 'Tree of the Helmeted Waendal'. This obviously refers to this Yew-Tree, unless there was another old tree in the area. Of course, there is a possibility that the name 'Wilmington' is associated with the name Waendal; there is a town in the East Midlands called 'Wellingborough' whose name derives from 'Waendal' but the likeness is not seen in the modern name. We have 'Welling' and 'Wilming' which are not too unalike to be seen as corruptions of the same name - Waendal. There is also an area called 'Willingdon' near to Wilmington, which is even nearer to 'Welling', and thus here we may have yet another connection to Waendal. If this is so then the whole area was once connected to the figure of the World-Turner and God of Cyclic Time. The name 'Wilmings' could be the 'Sons of Waendal'. Maybe.

Waendal is 'Orwandil', or 'Earendel', a name that can mean 'Arrow-Waendal'; Orwandil comes into the Myth of Hamlet which is another link to The Hooded Man. There could also be a link to AEgil the Archer who is the Ur-Archetype of Robin Hood. AEgil is the brother of Wayland the Smith; and Rudyard Kipling links an area around Burwash in East Sussex (where he lived) to Wayland. There is a place called 'Pook's Hill' named after 'Puck' who appears in Puck of Pook's Hill by Rudyard Kipling. Puck tells of how the Nature-Spirits have all left, bar himself. 

Kipling tells how an Puck saw an image of Weland (his spelling) on Beacon Hill, originally Brunanburgh. Kipling tells of a place called 'Weland's Ford' which became 'Willingford Bridge' (which still exists today). Here, once more, we have the name 'Willing', as in 'Willingdon' and 'Wellingborough'. The book by Kipling is rather strange in that he paints Weland in a very bad light; when he becomes 'Wayland the Smith', it is said, he cannot be released from his bondage until someone favours him in a good light. AEgil has similarities to Orwandil, and he is the brother of Wayland the Smith. There does seem to be some ancient connection here. This connection could be that of the Elven-Folk and the Waene-Folk who appear to be linked together. Wayland is often described as an Elven-Smith, and Orwandil is linked to Ivalde of the Elven-Kin, the father of Idunn, also of the same Elven-Kin. Many of the Teutonic Wars between kin and kin were fought in line with Archetypal Myth like the wars between the Elves - like against like, usually stirred by Loki. Rydberg sees Wayland as the smith who forged the Sword of Victory used against the Gods; maybe it is time that these conflicts are reconciled once and for all, and that our attention turns to the real enemy of our Folk - Loki the Joten as the 'Enemy Within' and the Dark Joten whom he will lead against the Gods ate Ragnarok. 

Wayland's Smithy

Folkish Wodenism sees the Seven Swords of Wayland as the Seven Tribes of Ingus, forged together as the English Folk-Nation by the Seventh Sword of Wayland - Albion. Since 'Albion' can mean 'Land of the Elves' or the 'White Island'/'Shining Island' then there is a definite link to the Elven-Folk. The ancient bond between Man and the Elves was broken, but this ancient bond can be created once more through the Hand of the Elves and the Blood of Man. A place called Burlough Castle in East Sussex which is not a castle, nor are there any castle remains, but it is said to be the 'Home of the Fairies of Sussex'. By the term 'Fairies' is meant 'Elves' and not the Victorian distortions. Burlough Castle is an ancient mound. 

The Hooded Man Prophecy was given to me in a dream of October 31st 1993 in Horam, East Sussex. October 31st is 'Halloween' - 'All-Hallows Eve' - which is when the Veil of the Worlds is at its thinnest. This is now 26 years ago and Woden's Folk was founded five years after this - continuing the Odinist tradition of using Wayland's Smithy as one of the most powerful Ancient Sacred Sites. The site is guarded by a Saxon Warrior bearing a Spear and a Shield; this ancient warrior revealed the Mystery of ALU some years ago - he still guards the site against the forces that seek to distort its power, and seek to control the site for the forces of Darkness and Matter. This Magical Force - ALU - is the key to the protection of the Smithy. 

Herne the Hunter is the Spirit of the Forest, the most ancient force that pervades the trees and everything living within the forest. In the ancient forests the Teutonic Bunds gathered, groups such as Robin Hood and his Warriors; there they were under the protection of Herne the Hunter - Woden. Woden is 'Wood-An' - Master of the Woods. He is also Wod-An - 'Master of the Wod. This is the 'Teuton Fury' that breaks out of the Teutonic Warrior - like Cu Chulainn in the Ulster Cycle. 

The Balance of Light & Darkness

An Land    An Blod   An Folc