Wednesday, 25 September 2019


'The submergence of Thule was not of the waters, but of the Blood. Sooner or later its adepts will seek to awaken Thule once more.'

Ultima Thule - The Vanished Northern Homeland - Bernard King.

The name Thule is usually associated with the Greeks, as is 'Hyperborea' but in ancient Babylonian texts we find reference to Thale which is said to be the 'Home of the Ancestors' which they situated in the Far North beneath the Midnight Mountain. There are certain Germanic words associated with Thule -

  • Thula (Old Norse - 'to endure', 'to suffer', 'to tolerate'.
  • Thulr (Old Norse - 'sage', 'seer'.
  • Thyle (Old English) - 'dandy', 'jester', 'buffoon'.
It is not certain how the Old English word came to mean 'a fool' but this is the gist of the meaning of the word. This, of course, may be associated with the Tarot Card named The Fool

It has been said that 'The Fool' here represents Orion with the Dog-Star, Sirius, at his heels, as this constellation is found in the skies. The Long Man of Wilmington is the 'April Fool' and thus the 'Thyle'; I have before equated this to the 'Gateway to Thule'. The name of the famous Swiss Archer-Hero, William Tell, stems from a word 'tol' meaning 'simpleton' or 'fool'. William Tell is a Folk-Hero derived from the archetype of AEgil the Archer, the brother of Weland the Smith. There is a thin link to Thule in that Weland, AEgil and the third  brother, Slagfin, all have Swan-Maidens for wives. Rydberg sees AEgil as being one and the same with Orwandel.

If The Fool does represent Orion the Hunter then the link between Robin Hood and 'The Fool' (in the Robin of Sherwood series) is made clear. The figure of a hunter-god is that of a bowman/archer and this links to both the Long Man and the Herne Giant. Even the shape of the figure on the tarot card is like these two hill-figures. It should be quite clear to anyone that the tarot cards are far more than a mere means for divination. The symbolism has deep meaning, much of which is not very clear, and some distortions have no doubt crept in over the centuries.

I have mentioned the ideas on the Third Sargon and the 'Last Empire of the North'; on the banner of Sargon II is a bowman. Connected to the 'Tower of Babel' (Bab = 'gate'; El = 'light') is the figure of the 'Mighty Hunter', Nimrod, who is also linked to AEtla the Hun - the 'Scourge of God'. Nimrod's kingdom was originally in the Land of Akkad, heirs to the Sumerian Tradition. Some of these ancient kingdoms claimed descent from the 'Homeland in the North', where the Black Sun shone over the Midnight Mountain. In mentioning AEtla the Hun we should also recall a similar archetype of Genghis Khan who had a son named Tula/Tulee. 

The idea of a northern people being displaced from their homeland occurs in the reign of Rameses III of Egypt who reigned from 1187 BCE to 1175 BCE -

'The northern people have made a conspiracy in their islands. At the same time they were uprooted and blown away by a storm. No country standing before them has been able to stay their hand. The Hatti (Hittites), Kode, Carchemish (Kadesh), Arzawal (Western Anatolia), and Alasic (Cyprus) were all destroyed.... allied with them were the Phrst (Phrygians) and Sakar; united with them were the Sekelesa and Wesher....'

This, of course, is much later than the sinking of Thule, but it is an example of how northern peoples have been displaced from their lands and moved southwards to other lands. We are talking here os some 3000 + years ago and this could have been the last stages of the sinking of At-al-land. These 'sea-peoples' were often depicted wearing either horned helmets or helmets with the Roman-type feathered headdress. 

1 comment:

  1. Jurgen Spanuth goes into great detail about the sinking of the homeland in his book Atlantis of the North, and uses facts from the period to come to the conclusion that it actually occurred around 1200 BC and not 12,000 BC. The Egyptian lunar calendar counts one month as one year. So when the Plato heard the story from Solon who visited Egypt 300 years prior and was told by the Egyptians that Atlantis sank 9000 years ago, they mean't 9000 months which is actually 750 years. This was around 500 BC when Solon heard the story from the Egyptian priests. This would give us a date range of around 1100-1200 BC. He also comes to the conclusion that the location of the island that sank was somewhere near Heligoland, off the cost of Germany. This is famously the island where Hengist and Horsa are said to come from.
