Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Spirit of the Land

The area around the Uffington White Horse, Dragon Hill and Wayland's Smithy appears to show the Legend of Sigurd-Siegfried in the actual landscape of the area, as I have mentioned in a previous post. 

  • The White Horse, which has also been seen as a Dragon-Serpent or a snake with legs as shown above. 
  • Dragon Hill below the hill-figure, which emphasises this point.
  • The landscape has channels which may represent those cut by Woden, that Sigurd could lie in wait for the Dragon. 
  • Wayland's Smithy nearby where the White Horse is shoed by the Smith-God, and where the Broken Sword is re-forged.
  • Alfred's Stone, a nearby stone which, when blown into, awakens the English King to aid the English Folk in the time of direst need. 
The name 'Uffington' means 'Ton of the Uffingas' who are the same as the 'Wuffingas' of East Anglia - the Sons of the Wolf. The nearby village of Woolstone is most likely a corruption of 'Wolf's Stone'.  The name 'Wayland's Smithy' is a late one tagged onto the place, but this does not negate the link between Wayland and the site. In late times these ancient legends were still understood by the few who thus ensured that they lived on into the future. This is the case with the Legend of Cuthman. 

It is noticeable that during the time when the smears and lies have been banded around about Woden's Folk the same old dogma that these sites are not 'Saxon' has come around again. But when the 'Druids' use them, basing their work on the 'Celtic', that is alright, even though most of these date back to the Bronze Age and before, well before the Celts are said to have moved here (**). These sites were used by our Teutonic Ancestors in ancient times, even if they were not called 'English' then. But they were the Sons of Ing who lived here when this was part of At-al-land. 

(*) This has been my argument with 'Englisc Nationalists' who still stick to the dogma that the English 'invaded' in 449CE and had no presence here before this. This is proving self-defeating in regard to the English Awakening, which is why this was not a lasting movement for change.

(**) It is clear that many of the people involved in such groups take no part in Ancestral Worship because they reject all links to their Ancestors when they deny their own race-identity. Most of them are probably ashamed of their roots and their links to ancient times. The Celts (Germano-Celts) who moved here were also in these islands long before. 

Ancient sites such as Wayland's Smithy, East Kennet Long Barrow, Newgrange etc. are to be found scattered all around England, Germany, Scandinavia and in many other areas of the world. Many of the oldest appear to have been built by the legendary 'White Gods' or 'White Giants' who travelled around the world bringing civilisation and culture after the Great Flood. The latter stages of Stonehenge were built by Frisians, or so we are told by the latest archaeological studies. The only difference between us and the 'White Giants' is that through the Cycle of the Ages we have devolved until we reached the Warg-Age/Kali Yuga when things started to degenerate rapidly, and then today time is speeding up towards the End-Times. The genes of the 'White Giants' are still found deep within, and the ancient Black Sun still shines within us and within the Earth, as well as the Cosmic Black Sun or Spiritual Sun. 

Through our rites the Spirit of the Land is being awakened, slowly but surely; the White Dragon is once more awakening through the Call of the Blood. The White Dragon pulses through the land, stirring the Runes of Power which were placed around our Sacred Land by Woden -

This is Albion, the 'White Island', and it is Albion, the 'Island of the Elves', where the Divine Ancestor of the English is arising again (Spring 1997 and the Hale-Bopp Comet, August 1999 and the Black Sun, and the finding of the Secret of the White Stone of Ing). Ingwe is the 'Lord of the Elves' - the Shining Ones - and it was he (as the Aryan Manu) who led the Tribes of Ingwe out of At-al-land when before the Flood of Noe. This is the Age of Ing which is the Age of Aquarius; in this age the Rays of the Black Sun are growing more and more powerful (this is perhaps the symbolism of the figure of Aquarius, pouring these 'rays' upon the Earth). As the power of the corrupted Golden Sun wane, and with it the powers that draw energy from this, the Rays of the Black Sun wax and grow stronger, coursing through the Blood of the Wera.

The Spirit of the Land shows itself in many strange ways, manifesting at times in unusual phenomena. I have mentioned the pre-Roman name of York, Eberacum, which is based upon eber which is High German for 'Boar'; the English (using Low German) called it Eforwic which means the same, 'Boar'. As Wotan's Krieger pointed out to me when we met up at the Folk-Moot, York is the centre of Yorkshire whose symbol is the White Boar, a symbol used at the Battle of Bosworth by Richard III. The White Boar is the symbol of Ingui-Frea - Lord of the Elves. 

Many years ago a group of Odinists gathered at Dragon's Hill to perform the Dragon-Ing Rite which was put together by BF, a Folk-Comrade from Leicester. This was the first time this rite was performed and it has been done many times since then. This was based upon the idea of the 'Seven Swords of Wayland', each sword representing a 'Tribe of Ing', brought together to form the Nation of Albion (England) represented by the Seventh Sword of Wayland (Albion). The Symbol of Albion was the White Rose of Albion (here shown on the figure of Irmin - the Saxon God). 

In this image Irmin holds the White Rose Flag, the Sword of Justice and Order, and the Scales of Justice. Irmin gave his name to the Saxon Irminsul which represents the World Tree. In Dorset this was associated with the Stag and the Snake, both associated with Herne the Hunter. We can see this in the Cerne Abbas Giant whose name is Celtic due to the Celtic Monks who set up a monastery in the area. The Saxons, according to legend, called the Herne Giant by the name Heil, which would not be a corruption of 'Helios' despite what some say. Heil was the name of the Saxon God associated with the Mannerbunde-God - Woden. 

Within this Spirit of the Land are figures representing the constellations and the stars; the Herne Giant is Orion the Hunter, a winter constellation represented by Woden as Wuldor - the Winter God. The Long Man of Wilmington is the constellation of Cygnus the Swan, and being in the East this is the Summer God, known as Waendal. We have Waendal in the East and Heil in the West. 

All of these sites, and many more, are sacred to Folkish Wodenists, and have been used for our rituals from time to time. West Kennet and Silbury Hill are also sacred sites, the latter being used by the Saxons (and no doubt the Belgae, who were most likely Woden-Born,  before that time) as a Thing-Stead. Avebury is one of the most famous sites which is used by pagans, Wiccans, Druids and tourists, as well as Folkish Heathens. The Serpent is an old symbolism linked to our Divine Ancestor, Ingwe, and his name stems from an Indo-European Root meaning 'serpent'. This, of course, is the Serpent of Knowledge and Wisdom, not the Serpent of Evil of the Counter-Initiation. 

Sacred Geometry on the landscape is very often discussed, but the idea that there are certain areas linked to our Ancient Teutonic Runes has not been looked at. In the above we have the Wolf-Hook Rune (Orion-Herne) and the Cweorth-Rune (Cygnus-Waendal). This is just two examples but not having studied this to any extent there are most likely many more. It does seem glowingly obvious that here we have an example of how the runes can be used to awaken the Cosmic Powers associated with an area - As Above - So Below. 

There is also a case here for seeing the 'additional' runes as being directly connected to these islands since we here clearly have two such runes associated with this land (*). That does not mean they were 'added' although this could be the case; but even so they existed here in this land before and could have 'come to light' (i.e. been recovered through the Blood-Memory of a Woden Adept or Master). The Wolf-Hook Rune can be found as an alternative to the Eoh-Rune but the Cweorth-Rune does not come into the Elder Futhark. That the figure of Herne the Hunter (Cerne Giant) is symbolised by the Wolf-Hook Rune is not surprising since Woden is the One-Eyed Wolf-God. 

(*) I am going to suggest that the Sigel-Rune could be equated to the area of the Uffington White Horse - Dragon Hill - Wayland's Smithy because of its relationship to Sig-urd and Sieg-fried, and also because the symbol itself is that of a Serpent. 

There is far too much emphasis upon the land where peoples live and have lived; we have to consider that in ancient times neither England, Scotland, Wales or Ireland ever existed as they do today, and the boundaries have changed considerably. No Lowland Scotsman would claim English descent even though they speak the clearest Old English and live in an area where the Angles dwelt. This is why we place more emphasis upon awakening the Teutonic Folk of these islands, all of whom are kin to the English. I have lived in North Wales where the Tegeingl dwelt in ancient times, and have felt a great bond to the area. Whilst there I performed many, many rituals at the Druids Circle and various ancient sites around the area. It was whilst living there that the Hooded Man Mysteries were first revealed to me in 1989, a Spirit-Light blazed in the window of the cottage I lived in the following year, and on the same day (January 1st 1991) the Ravens of Woden appeared in an Ash-Tree to both myself and my ex-wife, and slowly disappeared completely. This was on the Fairy Glen in Snowdonia. 

There has been a concerted attempt to stop the Ancient Power of the Land in areas such as Stonehenge, Avebury, Glastonbury etc. through making them into 'tourist attractions' and by their use by those who really have no spiritual link with the Gods, the Ancestors (who are buried here) or the Earth. This has been sapping the power of such sites, and Wayland's Smithy was one site that one could feel these powers awakening once more - and even manifesting as we have found out so many times. This has been threatened today through the drive to stop us using such sites, even though we are a recognised religion that worships our Gods and Ancestors, whilst those who have little affinity to their Gods and Ancestors will be encouraged to use the sites. No doubt there are many around the Stonehenge, Avebury and Glastonbury areas (all good o'le Anglo-Saxon names by the way) that are making quite a bit of money out of the 'tourists' and the 'festivals' and the flood of people to these sites throughout the summer months. And here we are doing this just for our love of Folk and Land!

Where will you find us next...........................

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