Friday, 31 January 2020

Brave New World Revisited

This post has been done in order to put in pieces I missed from the last one, and to make further comments about our society today. It is necessary to show how the World State is being put together, slowly and methodically, and to make people aware of the struggle we have, those that are loyal to the Spirit of Man. In Huxley's BNW there was no place for 'God' nor 'Gods', everything centred around the physical world and nothing else. Even Nature was taboo in this artificial world. 

In his essays and his interviews Huxley outlined the things he saw as threatening to freedom -

  • Overpopulation. He saw that overpopulation in 'underdeveloped' countries would lead to Communist dictatorships, which has happened in many nations in Africa. 
  • TV could be used less to distract and more as a very powerful propaganda tool. 
  • The use of drugs to cause harm physiologically and morally. 
  • 'Over-organisation'. The Bureaucracies of Big-Business or Big Government. Today these are both working hand-in-hand.
  • Being an Englishman living in the US Huxley particularly pointed out the US Elections where the personality of the candidates matters far more than their ability to rule. This appears obvious and, as we have here in England, the 'rulers' are merely puppets whose strings are being pulled. 
  • Children are far more suggestible since their minds are not yet so developed; this is why the age for voting was reduced to 18, not for any reason that the youth would benefit from such a change. 
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."


If an animal is brought up from birth in a cage it will never know what freedom is because it knows only life in a confined space. Huxley explained this thus -

'There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brain-washing, or brain-washing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.'

I have mentioned the psychotropic drugs now being distributed by doctors for younger and younger children; the 1960's 'revolution' brought onto the scene the recreational drugs which are today being used more widely than ever. When a British Prime Minister, David Cameron, said openly that the British economy was the fastest-growing in Europe if we count 'drugs and prostitution' then clearly alarm-bells should ring - few seemed to notice, and even fewer cared. We here in England have already witnessed the perverted child-abuse of Rotherham, Sheffield and now Manchester (and no doubt many other areas that have not come into the limelight), and the plying of drugs upon young people. Nothing was done by either social workers or the police for fear of creating 'racial tensions' - some excuse to let this happen to our own children. But these are all part of the agenda working towards a society where everyone is dumbed down with daily doses of drugs without side-effects.

In Brave New World Revisited Huxley goes one step further from the idea of compulsory drug-use -

'...(drugs) that will make them think, feel and behave in the ways (they) find desirable..' and ' all probability it will be enough to merely make the pills available...' 

Of course, creating an addictive drug for general use would do the trick, since the body would feel it necessary to take this regularly. Peer pressure on young people can cause them to toe the general line of behaviour. Huxley did experiment with mescaline and wrote his book 'Doors of Perception' outlining this; having not read the book I do not know the reasons he did this, nor if this helped the 1960's 'revolution' as did the drug-use and promotion by Timothy Leary. I cannot thus comment on this point.

"When a slave becomes a happy slave he has effectively relinquished all that makes him human."

Frederick Douglass (Former slave).

Of course, it may be that the methods used would be a fusion of the ideas of Orwell and Huxley, that of combining the methods of terror with the methods of acceptance. The method being used to create the World State at this time are based upon 'climate change' and the 'global crisis' caused by 'global warming', and this is done in order to frighten the masses into accepting the idea of the World State. The basis for this are Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, the latter showing how this is a carefully arranged plan that has no time-scale but is fed gradually to the masses, piece by piece. 

Looking at Agenda 21 we can see that these people are very clever and know exactly what they are doing. One of the many 'proposals' in this is that this 'Sustainable Development' should be done at regional and national level, thus by-passing the need to actually state their true aims. We need thus to be aware of this since we have to work at a regional and a national level to oppose the 'New World Order'. In doing this in such a way they will be diverting attention to their regional and national work away from those who are genuinely working at these levels. 

There was a drive some decades ago in the 'Thatcher era' to give more people the chance to buy their homes, a move that sold off many council-houses and made them into private property. On the face of it this move did improve some council estates, but it took away the cheap housing needed for poorer people. We may see a time when private property is no longer necessary in terms of the complete control of a World State. State control would need to be total and private land may well be a stumbling-block to this aim - we shall see. 

One of the most striking things about BNW is that there is no place for a love of Nature, and thus no mention of plants, trees and animals. Production and consumption are the norm in this society. Nor was there room for the urge to seek knowledge, and thus wisdom and understanding. Such a world would be doomed to stagnation. Indeed, the creation of artificial intelligence through the use of 'robots' would seem to be an option that would ensure no rebellion by 'workers'. This is already an experiment being undertaken at this time.

'..through kinds of torture babies were programmed to hate certain things - like books and flowers....'a love of nature keeps no factory busy'.

There is one thing that we should all be wary of, and that is the fact that we are all 'consumers' in some way or another, bar those who have actually gone 'off-grid' and are totally self-sufficient, and these are few and far between. Due to our individual circumstances many cannot do this for one reason or another, even though we would wish to do so. Being totally self-sufficient means not having to work for someone else or not having to receive state benefits of any kind whatever. Few are able to do so, and this we need to recognise; our aim must be to go as far as possible in being self-reliant. 

I brought my children up to become aware of the need for some kind of survival-training because this seems to be necessary in these unstable times. But when I look at the wider aspect of this it seems clear that much of this forms part and parcel of the produce-and-consume society; far too much of this is based upon the (sometimes) expensive equipment available for use in bushcraft and survivalism. Rather than getting away from the produce-and-consume mentality this merely forms part of it. To some extent I myself must have fallen into this at times, but luckily I took the way of buying some expensive basic equipment such as knives and axes which were well-made and thus long-lasting, and they have served their purpose, and will do into the future. There is a motto which states that the more equipment you take, the less knowledge you have, and this stands true at all times. Those who practice survivalism should ensure that they are not being motivated by the produce-and-consume mentality. 

I am perhaps older than many of you reading this, so I can recall things from the past that are unknown to the modern generation. When I was young people upheld the idea of being 'thrifty'; this meant only spending what was necessary, rather than the rampant spending of today's society. People never bought new clothes when they could mend the old ones; shoes could be re-soled and re-heeled, socks could be darned (stitched up), and torn clothes mended. The motto in BNW was 'ending is better than mending'. This is part of today's society where everything has to be new, the old thrown away or given to 'charity shops'. The latter is a form of recycling which is a good thing, but many charities today are not all what they seem. In some of our camps we have held sales of stuff that individuals no longer use, a much better way than merely throwing the stuff away. 

Many young people of today have no idea how to save up money; fed on a dose of 'credit' and 'debt' much more is available to the masses than ever before. In my youth we had to save up the money to buy something because such credit was not then available, bar for Hire Purchase for some more expensive stuff like cars etc. And today, with such low interest rates, new cars are readily available to young people. Young people grow into adults, and all of this does not allow them to become aware of the value of things.

The type of society envisioned in BNW depends wholly on the masses being rather lazy and listless, and this is being achieved in so many subtle ways. There is no doubt that what I say would be laughed at with scorn because these things are now an integral part of this society -

  • The simple thing such as the change from manual window-winding to electric window-winding in cars is a way for people to become lazier; add to this cars which almost drive themselves and life gets even lazier. Boots open electrically, cars work electronically, and the driver has less and less to do, and even more important, less and less to think about
  • Cars become more and more computerised, and thus become far harder for the individual to maintain; maintenance is now switched to the garages and dealers. With the low interest rates, and thus the ability to buy new cars, older cars are becoming extinct, at least here in England. And thus the ability to maintain and fix cars is being lost to the individual. 
  • With the idea that we are all 'equal' and thus women and men should do the same jobs came the need to change things in such areas as the building trade. Bags of cement, plaster etc. used to weigh one hundredweight (50 kg) but are now down to half that weight. Whereas in older times muscles were built through hard work and heavy lifting, today the need for the gym (and expensive equipment) has supplanted this. Something that came free of charge turned into a consumer product. Mechanisation took away the need for manual handling of heavy goods. All of this leads down the same path.
  • Washing-machines, dishwashers, and many other technological advances have made people less active and lazier than ever before. Some of these are a good thing but we need to be aware of the overall effect of them upon our society, and the agenda being created around the need to make people become lazier and less able to think for themselves. 
  • In the drive towards making people less able to think there are some things that have somewhat opposite effects. Flat-packs, for instance. Here the individual has to put them together themselves and thus needs to be able to think. Here the drive for mass-consumerism through mass-production and being able to transport goods easily has led to people having to think a little for themselves - no doubt this will need to change in the future.
Another thing that is noticeable today, and is shown both in Orwell's book and BNW, is the clear ability for people to shut off any thoughts that appear to be heretical. In Orwell's book this is deemed to be a 'Thought-Crime' but in Huxley's this is not given any title, but does feature in the figure of a girl named Lenina (named after Lenin). Lenina completely closes her mind to anything that she deems to be heretic; anyone who appears to say something heretical is deemed to be 'odd'. Now this is clearly a feature of today's society, and it is noticeable how certain people 'shut down' completely when they hear something that they have been programmed to see as being heretical. It is not that such people actually think about this, they automatically 'shut down' in order not to think about it

There are some really terrible cases of animal abuse and cruelty in today's world, and more and more people are becoming aware of this. However, many are concerned with 'animal welfare' in such a way as to divorce this problem from the wider problem, which is the type of society that we live in today. Animal abuse is more of a symptom of this society. Take the case of the abuse of chickens in 'factory-farming', even where it is stated that these are 'free-range' and produce 'free-range' eggs. The emphasis is placed upon the chicken-farming techniques, and upon individual chicken-farms, but the problem lies in this produce-and-consume society in which the masses demand more and more products, including the food they eat. Higher demand produces higher production, moving further and further away from what can be produced by Natural Farming or Organic Farming. It is of no use some of the more 'left-wing' promoters of animal welfare demanding change when they actively promote further immigration into a country already over-populated. More people demand more food, and more food means having to adopt 'factory-farming' over Natural Farming. There is no way out of this spiral, except for the few who take a far different approach to consumerism in consuming less

On this subject one way to get round this is for us to eat less of a food-product, and thus be able to pay more to get a better product. This I have sometimes done through buying less meat and using farm-shops and local butchers (where you can still find one, that is). Nothing is actually said (as far as I can see) on the production of food in BNW, but we can infer that everything would become artificially produced. I have to admit that it is not an easy thing to break free of this produce-and-consume world, but it is something we need to strive to achieve.

As I stated before, 'climate change' and 'global warming' are used to further the idea of a 'global crisis' that needs a 'global solution'. To do so they have used a young girl, Greta Thunberg, in the most atrocious way possible. Their use of this young girl to promote their Global Agenda shows just how callous, thoughtless and cruel these people really are. It also shows something else too, their knowledge of how to use and manipulate vulnerable people. Through their studies of psychology they recognise in the individual the weakness of egoism, and exploit this to their advantage. This seems clear in the case of Greta Thunberg, but it also applies to other prominent figures who have been clearly manipulated for their ends - not only on the 'left'. One of the weaknesses of many politicians is an inflated ego, hence why they are so easily manipulated.

Karl Marx, as far as I have read, seemed to see the Dictatorship of the Proletariate as a means and not an end; from what I can see he saw 'commune-ism' as the aftermath of the use of force, when society would break down into 'communes'. On the face of it this appears to be rather innocent, but when we consider that today the idea of 'communitarianism' has arisen, then the idea of the 'commune' and the 'community' are merely different words for the very same result. Violent dictatorship would thus give way to a willing acceptance of slavery through the means shown in BNW. Karl Marx, the son of a banker, knew full well what the result of his work would be; he was merely a part of the overall scheme for the creation of the World State. He no doubt also recognised the formula of Thesis vs. Anti-Thesis = Synthesis where Global Capitalism and Global Socialism would fuse into one to create the produce-and-consume society necessary. Communism in areas like Russia and China certainly removed the land-workers (peasants) from the rural areas in order to industrialise these nations on a grand scale. We here in England had no need of such a revolution, being the land in which the 'Industrial Revolution' took place originally. The result of this technological move was the deaths of tens of millions of people - something that is strangely (?) never taught to the children in our schools. 

These are the problems, or at least some of them; so how do we find solutions to this agenda, because it is clearly not as yet finalised in the actual creation of the World State? 

  • A Folkish Religious Movement is based upon the concept of 'God-in-Nature: God-in-the-Blood', and thus goes contrary to a projected system which denies Nature totally and rejects the idea of 'God' altogether. 
  • Such a Folkish Religious Movement also remains loyal to the Spirit of Man, a concept denied in BNW. A spiritual movement is far stringer than one based solely upon the material world. Even Communism had to create some form of 'religious fanaticism' to be able to thrive in that time, even though it denied God and the Spirit.
  • The importance of a clear knowledge of the past, of our past history, and of bringing to light and correcting the obvious distortions of our history, is thus crucial to our work. Huxley used the phrase made famous by Henry Ford - 'history is bunk' - but the use in this book was a distorted version meaning that history is not necessary, that learning what happened in the past is not necessary. What Henry Ford actually referred to is that our history had been distorted, even made up in some cases, not that it was not necessary. It has to be admitted that his 'mass-production' techniques aided the creation of the future produce-and-consume society, although there is no doubt this was not done intentionally. 
  • Ecology in the Global Agenda is a form of false ecology that is used in order to scare people into accepting a World State. From the actions of the globalists it is clear that they have no regard for Nature and Natural Law, and as such are hardly fit to preach to us about ecology and the Natural World. Overpopulation is used as an excuse in some ways, since it is certain areas that are overpopulated - such as here in Britain, for example. It is not the 'indigenous' population that is growing, since the birth-rates have gone down; it is the outlanders that have come into these islands that produce more children and thus increase the population to even higher limits. Add to this the growing exodus from the big cities such as London, where some no longer wish to live (who can blame them), and this means larger and larger housing developments in smaller towns and villages. This also means more schools, more industrial units for work, and more and more drain on the energy and water-supplies. The need for creating some form of Religious Folk-Communities here in England gets more important by the year. 
  • It is of no use 'preaching to the converted', perhaps as I am doing here, since in doing so I am trying to emphasise the need to get these ideas out to more and more people out there who are receptive to this. I am not seeking to 'speak to the converted' but to get others to see the importance of becoming active through trying to make others see these truths. Since we are here speaking of subjects that are today newsworthy, such as ecology, then these things need not be set forth in a form of heretical way, but subtly used to try to make others see the full story here and the truth of what is happening. 
  • Our mission is to awaken as many people as we can, to keep the Flame of Freedom alive in a time when our freedom is being taken from us, to keep the Torch of Knowledge alive in an Age of Darkness and Ignorance. 

If we do wish to see a 'brave new world' it must not be in the form of the one envisioned by either Orwell or Huxley. Our future lies in ensuring a world of free  individuals and free nations bequeathed to our children and to their children into the distant future. We have dedicated our lives to this aim and this is no time to let up on our Divine Mission. 

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