Monday, 10 February 2020

Babylon & Germania

There will no doubt be those who are asking themselves what ancient Babylon has to do with twentieth-century Germany. Prior to World War II it seems that groups like the Vril Society had made such a connection. What we should remember is that Babylon goes back to an earlier time of Sumer and Akkad, and even earlier to an ancient homeland in the North, maybe At-al-land since this fits the time-scale here. 

To answer the question as to why Ancient Babylon and Germany are linked I am going to look at the ideas of a man who seems to have had some very deep insight into the ancient past - J.R.R. Tolkien. In Tolkien's works, particularly Lord of the Rings, we find two very powerful kingdoms - Gondor and Rohan. But there are vast differences between these two kingdoms. The former is a kind of 'high civilisation' in which their citizens live in stone-built cities, whereas the latter is a far simpler and perhaps more 'primitive' civilisation having wood-built homes and halls. 

We have to go back further in time in order to understand what Tolkien is telling us in his works. Going back to the era of the sinking of Numenor (Atalante = At-al-land) we find that there are two distinct sections of the Numenoreans, one of which moves out to create the 'Kingdoms of Light' in the more southerly areas of the world, the other which stays in the area (we speculate this is the North-West). The former would be the Numenoreans who create the Kingdoms of Light such as Sumer, Babylon, Akkad, Aryania (Persia and India), Egypt, South and Central America, etc. moving later into the more material kingdoms of Greece and Rome etc. These would be the equivalent of Gondor in Lord of the Rings, those who built the city-states. Those who remained and chose to live in a more 'primitive' state were the Rohirrim or Eorlingas. These were clearly the Germanic Folk since Tolkien based these upon the English Tribes. These tribes live more simply after the Great Catastrophe, choosing to live in wooden structures without the form of a 'high civilisation' of their kinfolk who moved southwards, eastwards and westwards.

Snorri tells us that the AEsir came into Northern Europe from 'Troy', and thus took the kingship over the peoples of the North. There could be some truth in this in that there certainly was a change in the order of things, a change from a kind of communal-society to a society of High Kingship. Or, at least, this is what some have deduced. Of course, it does not always follow that such changes mean an 'invasion' by outsiders, this change can come from within. But we should keep this in mind here. This may be (just may be) linked to the War of the AEsir and the Waene, but we have no proof whatever of this, and this should be seen as a Mythical event. Again, at this point, we should just keep this in mind.

Whatever the case here, this idea does go some way to explain the seeming paradox in the Third Reich; in this we have a fusion of the 'Classical' and the 'Germanic' in the great building projects that were either accomplished or were planned, and the revival of the ancient Germanic building-structures such as barrows, thing-steads, wooden structures etc. We have the links between Babylon and Germania, and a fusion of these two in the new Kingdom of Light.

Aragorn is the rightful King of Gondor and heir to the ancient Numenoreans; he is in exile and lives as a 'Ranger of the North' whose role is to protect Gondor from the forces of Sauron. The Numenoreans became the Dunedain or 'Men of the West' and Aragorn was close to the Elven Clans of Elrond and Galadriel. Aragorn served both King Thengel of Rohan and Ecthelion II of Gondor. Aragorn's greatest hope and sworn duty was to re-establish the ancient Kingship of both Gondor and Arnor. Aragorn achieved this by becoming the first King of both Gondor and Arnor since Elendil himself - and this was in his 88th year. 

The union of Aragorn and Arwen was also of great importance since it meant the reunion of the two branches of the Peredhil (Half-Elven) after more than five thousand years of separation. Aragorn became Elessar Telcontar, the Renewer, First King of the Reunited Kingdom. These ideas are also of great importance since this shows clearly that the ruling lines of Men were linked wholly to the ancient Shining Ones - the Elven Folk. We find vague remembrance of this in the Elven names that still occur within the English Folk, passed down from very ancient times. 

If we look back into the past, to the Kingdoms of Light, we find remembrance of the ancient God-Kings or Divine Kings who ruled over these civilisations. Each one arose as if from nowhere, simply because they were a continuum from other civilisations that had arisen, lived and died. Each new civilisation arose because it had contact with the Sacred Centre, with the God-Head if you like, and thus had access to Divine Knowledge that allowed it to become great and build mighty structures around the world. 

Because the other branch of the Numenoreans - the Rohirrim - remained in the North-West which had a far harsher and colder climate they were a very hardy and tough people who managed to survive the ages in a far simpler manner. Whereas the great civilisations of the more southerly areas arose and fell, in the North and North-West the people were more tribal and thus survived the ages in a different way. And being somewhat isolated from outside they were able to keep their blood purer, as Tacitus said in Germania. Thus, through such a split the Germanic Folk were able to survive much longer into later ages, and were in a position to take up their allotted role by Wyrd.

Since Aragorn was born in Rivendell in 2931 Third Age, and he reigned in Gondor until the Year 120 of the Fourth Age, we can thus assume that Tolkien saw an 'age' as being around 3,000 years. Hence there would be four ages, each of 3,000 years, making the total of 12,000 years or half of a Great Year Cycle. However, the Aryan Texts of ancient India clearly state that each 'age' becomes shorter, and the shortest is the Kali Yuga or 'Fourth Age'. On the other hand, since 12,000 years coincides with about the time attributed to the sinking of Atlantis the four ages could here be seen as the 'downward cycle' that started with the Great Catastrophe. The Lord of the Rings takes place in the Third Age, and Aragorn rules into the Fourth Age, the age in which we are in now, and indeed we are at the end of this age. 

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