Monday, 24 February 2020

Empire of Light

A reading of the Old Testament will show that the essence of this book is a seething hatred of every ancient civilisation on this Earth, from Sumer, to Akkad, to Babylon, to Persia, to Egypt and then Rome. This is reflected in Revelation in the New Testament where both Babylon and Rome are singled out for this hatred. There is not only a hatred, but a strong feeling of envy and jealousy about these attacks. The most ancient of these civilisations arose up as if from nowhere, and there seems to be no proof whatever that they evolved from anything at all. Bharat (India) was also one of the greatest Aryan Civilisations, but I am not sure if this appears in the Old Testament; to give a time-scale for this an ancient city has been found in the waters around India, and it has been date as some 33,000 years old! Remember, this is at a remote time when cities were not supposed to exist at all - we were all living in 'mud huts' according to the established order.

One of the most famous Greek scholars was Pythagoras, and most people know him by his 'Theory of Pythagoras'. According to an old tradition he travelled the world looking for knowledge, and whilst he was in Egypt the Persian King, Cambyses, compelled all the wise men, including Pythagoras, to go to Babylon. This is recorded by the Greek Neoplatonic philosopher, Iamblichus, in his Life of Pythagoras. Pythagoras passed twenty-two years in the sanctuaries of the temples in Egypt, studying astronomy and geometry, and was initiated into the Mysteries of the Gods. He was then taken captive by the soldiers of Cambyses, and carried off to Babylon where he was instructed in the Ancient Mysteries by the Magi. There, it is said, he studied and completed arithmetic, music and all the other sciences. After twelve years, when he was around fifty-six years old, he returned to Samos. There is a legend that Pythagoras may even have met Zoroaster in Babylon. The wise men of Babylon were called the Chaldeans, and this seems to have been a very ancient centres of the Mysteries.

We have seen the importance of Babylon in my latest book, and in the posts about the Sajaha Prophecies. It would seem clear that these ancient Empires of Light had some form of 'aid' from elsewhere, hidden knowledge that others did not have. Where did this Ancient Knowledge come from? The following quote from the Armenian Mystic, Gurdjieff, may give us a clue -

"He (Gurdjieff) said that from time to time from another world - 'from Above' - a Sacred Individual is incarnated in human form with a very high and special mission, the working of which is not visible in this world and which can only be perceived by the disciples or companions who are specially prepared. This mission is not performed in this world except in so far as the being who is engaged in it is incarnated in human form. A certain possibility is introduced from a realm where the impossible doesn't exist. It is something new which doesn't belong to the cause and effect of this world, and therefore changes the entire situation. The doing of this and how it is done is unseen; but in general, it is necessary that something should be seen, manifested, so that the particular new thing should be able to operate in the visible world amongst people with ordinary perceptions. It is to fulfil that second part of the mission that the Sacred Image is created and this Sacred Image has unlimited power in it, because its source is beyond the existing world. The Sacred Image we see as the founder of a religion, as a prophet, or as an Incarnation of God, who introduces a new Hope into the life of men."

This refers to an individual who incarnates in human form to fulfil a divine mission here on Earth. The 'Sacred Image' can be just that, a symbol or an image that encompasses his Divine Mission that brings Hope. But it can also be a different 'image' such as that of the 'Birth of Krist' or 'nativity' which has been played out again and again throughout the last centuries. This has Mary (The Mother), Joseph (The Father) and the baby Krist (The Son), with shepherds attending them, and also the Magi or Three Wise Men from the East. Above the 'stable' is a Five-Pointed Star (not a six-pointed star) which can be found on the robes of Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. This is the 'Star of Venus' (or one of them). We can see how powerful the image of the Swastika was in Germany, and this is a prime example of such a Sacred Image. 

The thing to remember here is that this Sacred Image has its source beyond the existing world and has unlimited power. So, when we look at the ancient Empires of Light we need to consider that their source may well be not of this world, but from another world - beyond and 'Above'. This, I think, is what Miguel Serrano means when he states that the Gods living in The First Hyperborea created an image of this in the Far North on this Earth. This 'Hyperborea' was already created in another realm, and was recreated from this image upon the Earth. From what I have studied of the modern 'Near Death Experiences' (NDEs) and 'Out-of-Body Experiences' (OOBEs) it would seem to suggest exactly the same, that what is created here on the physical plane has its source on the Astral Plane - or maybe even higher in the cases of the Kingdoms of Light. We have to remember that there are different 'worlds' or 'levels' of being and consciousness. It may be that the 'image' that comes 'from Above' is created in that higher realm and is then 'projected' onto the Earth where it is built by a certain 'advanced civilisation' in contact with the Gods and the Sacred Centre.

The Sacred Image

We have entered the Age of Ing and the Sacred Image is that of the Sign of Ingwe which represents the essence of this age. This image has its source from Above and is a Sign of Hope to mankind in this era of Darkness and Chaos. It was prophesied that the last Empire of Light would arise in the North, the Land of the Midnight Mountain, the Thousand-Year Empire of Light that would be brought into being through the vibrations of the Bab-Chomet (Hale-Bopp Comet). This is the Empire of Bab-Ilu (Babylon) that 'returns twice', and is reborn in the North. This image is today gaining a wider and wider use amongst Folkish Wodenists and Folkish Odinists. It was the image decided upon when the Woden Folk-Community was created and is in use today as the Sign of Ingwe. 

Following on from the Sign of Ingwe - Part Two which is a post on the Ar-Kan Rune-Lag Blog Hamasson came up with some fresh ideas which I am going to relate here. The name 'Arthur' is connected to the Old Norse arthr meaning 'to plough', and is thus connected to 'The Plough' or 'Great Bear' which is driven by Bootes - Ingwe. It is also connected to Ark/Artos. Ingwe is Scef as shown before, and with this in mind Ing, Scef and Arktur (Arthur) are one and the same, and these three are connected to the Archetypal Hama. Thus Ingwe is the Once and Future King. 

All of this is connected to the Aryan Millennium and to the coming Aryan Imperium which is the final Empire of Light that will arise at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. Miguel Serrano tells us that the Great Battle had to be lost on Middle-Earth in order that it be won on another plane; that victory in another world would then be 'projected' back onto Middle-Earth as the Final Victory of the Light. 

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