Saturday, 7 March 2020

The Wandering Aengus

There is an age-old Aryan Myth of the Sacral King who dies either in a burning hall or a vat of mead, or a mixture of both types of death. This Aryan Myth is one of the myths linked to Ingus and the Waene-Gods, and thus Sacral Kingship. We find a third-century (Swedish) King of Uppsala, Fjolnir, Son of Ingui-Frey, drowning in a Vat of Mead. In certain Danish Myths connected to the Scyldings we find the Sacral King who is burned in the Sacred Hall. This seems strange in view of the name of the people who came 'from the North' to Ireland, the Tuatha de Danaan who left there a very similar Aryan Myth. 

This is told in 'The Destruction of Da Derga's Hostel' where in the hall a figure known as Fer Caille appears as a giant black figure with spiked hair, one eye, one arm and one leg holding a giant club. This is usually seen as the 'Wild Herdsman' and upon his shoulder is a 'singed black-bristled pig' which directly connects this to Ingus and the Boar. The hall is attacked by a massive army led by Ingcel who is 'a raider from the sea'. This attack takes place at the Midwinter Festival and the hall is burned down. This parallels the Danish Saga of Hjorvard and Ingeld. 

Ang  AEng  Eng Ing  Ong OEng Ung

Here we can see the Sacred Seven Vowels and their sequence linked to the god Ingus-Ingwe. The names AEngus and OEngus can be seen to be the same as Ingus, and the Myth of AEngus has remarkable similarities to that of Freyr and Gerda, where the Sun-God woos the 'Snow-Queen' to bring an end to the Great Winter. AEngus is the Son of Dagda of the Tuatha de Danaan, and he has other titles -

AEngus Mac Oc/Og - 'Young Son'.

Mac Ind Oic - 'Young Son'.

AEngus Oc/Og - 'AEngus the Young'.

Here, again, there are direct links between Ing meaning 'son of' and 'Mac Og' meaning 'Young Son' ('mac' means 'son of'). The Welsh Mabon is the same figure, a name giving 'mab' meaning 'son of', which changed later to 'ap' with the same meaning. I have shown how this Mabon could be linked to the Black Sun, since he is 'imprisoned' through the ages. There is also a link here with Thule-Hyperborea since in one legend AEngus turns himself into a Swan

Celtic Mythology seems to have left no trace of a Midwinter Festival, and these have been transferred to Samhain. This may well be because these are Northern Myths which come down from far earlier times; they centre around Newgrange which is linked to AEngus. In a book called Irish Symbols of 3,500 BC the author, Niel L. Thomas, makes this comment -

'The symbolic use of thirty-three is one example of North-West European Culture and its antiquity...'

The same author, in another book shows how other ancient monuments, such as Stonehenge and the Long Man of Wilmington, are also based around the Sacred Number 33. As I have shown in an earlier post there are also Irish Myths revolving around the Number 33, sometimes broken into 32 + 1, as we have done with the Ar-Kan Rune-Lag. There are some strange synchronicities involved here -

  • The Myth of the Tuatha de Danaan - from the North - brought with it the Four Hallows which can be found in the Old English Runes found in Northumbria and in Friesia, where these runes originated. 
  • Certain old texts from the early Christian era, known variously as 'Celtic', 'Hiberno-Saxon' or now 'Insular', have strange similarities. The 'Book of Durrow' was first thought to be 'Northumbrian' or 'Irish' but eventually deemed 'Irish' and held there to this day. It has been loaned to the British Library for an 'Anglo-Saxon' exhibition, seemingly because the head curator in Ireland, Dr Claire Breay, noticed that some of the imagery is almost exactly the same as the Anglo-Saxon Staffordshire Hoard. Also, in the Irish 'Book of Kells' we find certain images containing rune-postures found only in the Old English Runes. The 'Book of Kells' was created (it is thought) on the Island of Iona off the West Coast of Scotland, and taken to Dublin when the Vikings sacked Iona and Lindisfarne. 
  • The name 'Angus' or 'AEngus' appears amongst the Picts and Scots, and because the Scots moved from Northern Ireland this suggests they may have been the origin of this name. 
  • Niel Thomas mentions that Avebury has 99 stones (33 x 3) and that the Long Man of Wilmington is 33 faethams high or 33 rods high, and that when this number is multiplied by 33 it gives a Megalithic Mile. 

There is growing evidence to suggest that it is possible that the Mythical Ingus - the Divine Ancestor of the Ingwaeones - goes back to the time of At-al-land when these islands formed part of the sunken continent, parts of which are under the North Sea. This also suggests that the German Rune-Magician, Friedrich Marby, was right in seeing the 33-Rune Row coming from 'Atlantis' - i.e. At-al-land. In Tolkien's Book of Lost Tales II these islands were one even after the sinking of this continent in the North Sea, and only later did Ireland get pulled away from the mainland. The name 'Ireland', or its form as 'Erin' can be seen as being similar to 'Iran' which stems from 'Aryan'; or it may be that the name Ir-land or Er-in comes from Irmin/Ermin/Arman, which stems from the same root, and connects the land to the 'Pillars of the North'. The Irminsul, the Column of Irmin, formed part of the worship of the Saxon Nation until Charles the Saxon-Slayer had it hacked down. Ermine Street, named after this ancient god, links England to Scotland (the A1 trunk-road). 

There are certain tribes in Ireland mentioned in Irish Mythology, and these may be Germanic as we have stated before -

  • The Fir Bolg ('Men of Bolg') may well be the Belgae, the Root *belg- being an Old English one, changed to *bolg in Ireland. The map drawn by the Roman Ptolemy shows the Belgae in the South-West of Ireland, in the same area as the Gangani, a people whose name is certainly Germanic. In Old English gangan means 'wanderer'. (*)
  • The Fo-Mor or Fomorians are a people conquered with the Fir-Bolg by the Tuatha de Danaan. The name, as far as I can find, seems to mean 'People below the waves/sea' which seems rather problematic; however, the area of the Frisians called the 'Netherlands' is named so because it is below sea level. Strangely enough the area occupied by the Belgae - Belgium - is today also partly occupied by the Flemish who are from the 'Netherlands'. We now know that the area of Stonehenge, at the time of the building of Phase II and Phase III, was occupied by the Frisians who were Ingwaeones and have a language akin to Old English. 
  • There is one Irish Myth which has almost the same names as that of the three castes of the Germanic-Norse - Herminones, Ingwaeones and Istvaeones. 
  • The 'Saxon Dwelling' found beneath the Viking settlement in Dublin in 1999 may well be down to the Cauci who lived in the area, these being a Germanic Tribe and part of the Saxon Nation. The same tribe (Chauci) can be found in Surrey, England, before the Romans, and come from the area next to the Saxons in Northern Germany. (**)
(*) I have seen some classic renderings of the meaning of 'bolg' or 'belg' which came to mean 'bag' but which originally, found best in the Old English meaning, meant 'to swell with rage' or 'to swell with anger'. The typical example of this is found in the Teuton Fury which can be seen in the figure of CuChullain in the Ulster Cycle. Some of the meanings are laughable, such as that these people carried 'bags' or 'handbags' - can you imagine such 'macho-warriors' walking around with 'handbags'? 

(**) What we need to remember is that the Germanic-Celtic peoples had a long-standing tradition of the Vir Sacrum which was that the young warriors, in the spring of the year, left the tribe in order to gain new land for themselves to settle in through conquest. This is why we find the names of certain tribes in different areas of the world, because they split off to gain new lands in conquest - a most natural means of Folk-Wanderings

Note: There is also a strange thing concerning the White Stone of Ing which marks the Divine Ancestor of the English - Ingus/Ingwe/Ing. It seems that around the area of Steyning in the South Saxon Mark (in Bosham) there dwelt an Irish Mission of early Christians (mentioned by Bede in his 'Ecclesiastical History of the English People') lead by a Ducal, and there is also a link to a figure called Cullman whose name is remembered in a couple of places in this area. 'Colman' seems to be a common name amongst Irish Christians of the time. There is a tradition that Cuthman (Ingus) came from Chidham, a name meaning 'Bag-Ham' which is rather strange. There is also the strange fact that the Royal Line of the Gewisse (later the West Saxons) are linked to a Welsh Line descending from Cunedda whose original name seems to be Cunedag which is a clearly Germanic name. This line appears to have been an ancient pre-Roman one coming form Votadini (Gododdin to the Welsh) which is near to Dumfries (Dunfries) in Scotland - 'Ton of the Frisians'. The name 'Votadini' is Germanic in form. The founding 'twins' (Father-Son) of the West Saxons - Cerdic and Cynric - can be found in this Welsh Line, as can Maelgwyn Gwynedd whose name (Maelgwyn) means 'White Stone'. He married into a Pictish Line which is also no coincidence. (The Picts were also in Ireland at one time.) There seems to be links here to an Inglinga Line that may stretch back into very, very ancient times here in these islands. 

I am not going to go into this in details, but it will form part of a future book outlining the Inglinga presence here in these islands in very ancient times. Many scholars have noted that 'Cerdic and Cynric' are possible the 'Ceredig and Cynwrg' of Welsh Lore. These two are the 'Founding Twins' of the West Saxons and it is quite possible, since the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle' calls them 'ealdermen', they were an aristocracy under the Romans with high positions, and that when the Romans withdrew they allied with the incoming Anglo-Saxons who were their blood-kin. The Votadini came down to Gwynedd to help to repel a Pictish force which had moved in, and this was the area formerly held by the Tegeingl ('Fair Ingl' or 'Fair Angle'). We have to remember that the eastern parts of Lowland Scotland were occupied by the Angles, which is why the Lowland Scots language has Old English words now unused by the English themselves. What is also significant is that the link to Scef-Ing through the West Saxons seems to come from the far north, from Bernicia. The name 'Gewisse', and the nearby tribe of the 'Hwicce', means 'Wise Ones', and it may well be that here we have a very ancient Germanic Order of Initiates who held these Ancient Mysteries, particularly around the White Stone of Ing

The start of the problems that we face as peoples of these islands came with Judaeo-Christianity; this was compounded when the Normans, financed by the money-lenders, and backed by the Pope, usurped the Throne of England, and systematically destroyed all vestiges of the English Origins. Then, after such fierce suppression of the English, they created a 'myth' around the Christian figure of 'King Arthur' to justify their right to rule, and then, like the Germans of the 'Holy Roman Empire', used the English as a tool to suppress the other nations of these islands. The head of the British 'Royal Family' is sworn in as the 'Prince of Wales' under the Red Dragon, and it may well be that their lineage which takes them back to both Woden and King Arthur was concocted in order to justify the most ancient rule of the Sacral Kingship through the West Saxon Line which I have covered here, though not in any detail. (There is very little of anything 'royal' in this line today.)

As the Sacral King the figure of Ingus-AEngus is linked directly to the Graal Mythos and the 'Fisher-King' who is 'wounded in the thigh (groin)' and has to be healed before the land is healed. The Sign of Ing is the Ing-Rune, which as the 'elongated diamond' can be found at both New Grange (Ireland) and Bryn Celli Ddu (Anglesey). The White Dragon , which opposes the Red Dragon, is the Dragon of Ingus. It is quite possible that the standing-stones mark some form of 'acupuncture-points' on the Earth, placed there to heal the Earth after the Great Flood. Because of the dating of the spear-head found under the North Sea around the Dogger Bank area - some 9,000 BCE - we may have to reconsider the dating given to such areas as Stonehenge, which may well be far older than modern scholars think. If this area was occupied, which evidence suggests, around 11,000 years ago and has the same type of structures, then these have to be at least 11,000 years old to have sunk under the seas at that time. 

In a book called The Celestial Keys to the Vedas the Vedic Scholar and astrologer, B.G. Sidharth, traces certain hidden astrological references in the Vedas to a far earlier age, proving that the Harappan and Indus Valley civilisations were of Aryan or Vedic origin. He also suggests the earlier dating of events in these areas could even lead back to the time of the sinking of Atlantis, which could be that of At-al-land around 12,000 years ago. The suggestion is that the Aryans left At-al-land, moving southwards into warmer areas of the world. Here great civilisations - the Kingdoms of Light - were founded. Those that remained in the Northlands faced a far harsher climate, and thus were not able to build such high civilisations, through none-the-less just as knowledgeable than their kinfolk in the more southerly areas of the world. As time has shown, although the more 'civilised' kin were able to build greater kingdoms, they eventually, one by one, mixed their blood with the other peoples and thus lost the true Blood Memory, which was still held true in the Northlands - until recently when an onslaught has been made to destroy this Blood-Memory of our Folk. Tolkien suggested such with the Rohirrim (North) and the Men of Gondor (South). Both of these were originally from Numenor/At-al-land. 

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