Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Call of the Wolf


'Long have I slept, long have I walked, lost and alone, deaf and blind to the world. But then I heard the Ancient Call of the Wolf, a howl in my heart. I hear, I see, I am not alone.'

Vicaxe - WF-C.

The Wolf-Totem is far more than a clan-totem of the physical world, it is the totem of a spiritual lineage sired by the god Woden in the Ancient Forests of Germania. This is also associated with the Graal Lineage since it would seem that Parsifal is a similar archetype to Sigurd-Siegfried, the latter having to learn to know fear, the former having to learn to know compassion. Since we find Parsifal being associated with 'Waels' this is most likely the Waelsingas or Wolsungas, a branch of which are the Wulfingas. Helgi Thrice-Born is of this lineage. 

'He (Woden) decreed that all the dead should be burned and put on the funeral pyre with all their possessions. He also said that everyone should come into Valhalla with all the property that he had on the pyre, and he should also enjoy the use of what he himself had buried in the earth, and the ashes should be carried out to sea or buried in the earth, and mounds should be raised in memory of rank...'


The Cweorth-Rune is symbolic of the Ritual Cremation-Fire as mentioned above; Woden decreed that the dead heroes be burned on a ritual funeral pyre, 'together with all their possessions'. It would seem obvious that these 'possessions' could not be used in the next world unless they are deemed to represent weapons and regalia that exist in this parallel-world. Maybe there is far more to the concept of the 'parallel-worlds' than many people would like to think. It may well be that whatever exists in the physical world first came from the parallel-world or Astral World. This is why Woden decreed that those who enter Valhalla would have use of these possessions, together with whatever else he had 'buried in the earth'. Again, such treasures that are found buried in the earth may well have been for use in the next world, when the heroes entered Valhalla. 

There is thus far more to the weapons and regalia used by the Warrior-Heroes, Kings and AEthlingas; they would have been there to be used again in the after-life. It is also a fact that with this type of Ritual Burial where a Burial Mound is raised over the king, aethlinga or warrior-hero this is a place that builds a great deal of power after the dead are buried there. It can become a place of 'pilgrimage' if you like, and thus builds up more and more power over the centuries. 

So many have joined WF and then the WF-C having the Wolf-Totem or being named using 'Wulf', the Old English term for 'wolf'. Wulf Veldasson claims descent from the Wolsungas, and I myself have links to the Wulfingas through the Mysteries of HelgiH. These, I must add, are spiritual lineages, mapped out in the stars as archetypal myths

When any new civilisation arises, seemingly from nowhere, I am convinced that the source can be found in the Astral World, where this is created and its image is thus manifested here in Midgard. This is what is usually seen as the link to the Sacred Centre or Spiritual Centre which is the source of the energy of the new civilisation. This also applies when a god-force manifests as an 'avatar' here on Earth; this force has its origin in the world of the gods, and appears here in Midgard as a kind of 'image' - as an Archetypal Myth. This seems to be explained best by Mercia Eliade -

'...repetition of an archetypal action performed in illo tempore by Ancestors or by Gods...By its repetition, the act coincides with its archetype, and time is abolished.'

'Patterns in Comparative Religion' - Page 32.

Put another way, when an 'archetypal action' is performed in a ritual fashion, such as the way that a 'play' is put on, by the Ancestors or the Gods (in the Other-World), this act of repeating the Primal Action 'coincides with its archetype' and it thus become manifested in this time, since time itself is abolished. This is how the past can come alive once more in the present or the future, through this Archetypal Ritual. This is because the 'archetype' or 'primal type' has its origins in the Ur-Time or Primal Time - Ar Var Alda. This is a kind of Magical Time that exists outside the bounds of time and space. 

'In the days of the Lion, spawned of the Evil Brood, The Hooded Man shall come to the forest. There he will meet with Herne the Hunter - Lord of the Trees - to be his Son and do his bidding. The Power of Light and the Power of Darkness shall be strong within him. And the guilty shall tremble.'

'The Hooded Man Prophecy' - Horam October 31st 1993.

The Hooded Man is an archetype, living an archetypal myth; this is why this prophecy may well be 'modern' in the sense this word is used in our 'progressive society', and yet it is indeed a very ancient prophecy, since it, like all true prophecy, transcends the boundaries of time - it is a Timeless Myth. Maybe the Robin of Sherwood series was an 'archetypal action' that reflected the same action that originated on the Astral Plane, and thus this Archetypal Myth manifested upon Earth at this time. Neither the writer nor the series producers would know this, of course since this is an unconscious action. The link here with the wolf is through the 'Wolf's Heads', and through Herne the Hunter who is the One-Eyed Wolf-God, the Wild Hunter-God. He is associated with the Wolf and the Stag; the name most likely derives from herian which is a title of Woden. 

In August 2009 Woden's Folk held a Folk-Moot in Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire, and we have held a Summer Camp in Nottinghamshire ever since. The name 'Sherwood' stem from a word meaning 'Bright Wood' and thus linked to the Powers of Light. This time of the year is when Cygnus the Swan is almost overhead during the evenings, this being the Cweorth-Rune. 

The Phoenix or 'Fire-Eagle' is consumed in its own fire at the end of each world-age, and then reborn from the ashes as the symbol of a new world-age. This is why the Dark Powers used this symbol at the 2012 Olympic Games, as symbolic fo their 'New World Order' that was being set up, a new order that reflects the slave-state planned for the last 6,000 years or so. This was but 8 years before the latest move which hastened this process considerably, and which has finally declared us to be Wolf's Heads within the land that our Germanic Ancestors fought and died for. 

'When all seems lost, all Hope is gone,
Then shall arise The Hooded One,
When the Silent Pool shall rise,
Star's align o'er Northern Skies.'

Wulf's Prophecy Verse 7

Wolves Amongst The Sheep!

Through 'Political Correctness' they took away from us our Freedom of Speech. With the 'Lockdown' they imposed upon us a Police State very close to Marshal Law (the British Army was on standby), and thus took away from us our Freedom of Movement. Through the ludicrous laws ('rules') that force upon us the wearing of masks they take away our individual identity, backed by the destruction of our identity by rampaging Marxist Anarchists. Wearing the Death's Head Mask we identify with the 'God of the Dead' and with the 'Ancestral Spirits', and they cannot take from us our identity as Sons of the Wolf. This is what bonds us together as a 'pack' and our strength lies in our ability to act as individuals who are part of a greater whole - the Wolf-Pack. 

The Strength of the Wolf is the Pack

The Strength of the Pack is the Wolf

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