Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Doctrine of the Four Ages

The Italian nobleman, Julius Evola, was one of those who proposed the 'Doctrine of the Four Ages, where the Cycle of the Ages goes downwards through four distinct stages. These Four Ages occur in many Indo-European Mythologies but for the purpose of this post I am going to use the Greek terms because they do have some interesting ideas that can be taken from the names given to them -

The Golden Age - Gold is a precious metal that does not tarnish and holds its shine well, and has always been a Symbol of Light and Life. This has also always represented the Golden Sun which is a Symbol of Creation, of Life and of Light & Fire. This was an Age of Perfection when men walked with the gods because the veils of the worlds were thin and spiritual beings could walk together, working in complete harmony. This was an age of harmony and order, an age when men lived a very long life, far longer than today. 

The Silver Age - Like gold, silver is a precious metal, and one which shines with 'White Light', but it is a metal that tarnishes, and quickly loses its shine. It is thus an apt metal to describe an age which followed the catastrophes that destroyed the Golden Age, and an age when men were plunged onto chaos and disorder, and when the Seven Sages were sent to help mankind to overcome these disasters and to build new civilisations around the world.

The Bronze Age - Bronze is a metal that shines like gold when polished, but this also tarnishes; this age appears to represent a time when the 'Golden Age' was having a renaissance but in a much lower form, but an age which was tarnishing and thus still moving downwards through the Cycle of the Ages.

The Iron Age - Finally, Iron is an metal that starts to rust as soon as it is in contact with the damp in the air; it is a metal that eventually rots away almost entirely. This is thus an apt title for an age that is decaying, dying, degenerate and on the verge of total destruction. This is an Age of Destruction.

Don Miguel Serrano added a Fifth Age - the Age of Lead - because he studied alchemy and saw the inner essence of their drive to change Lead into Gold. Rather than merely a physical chemical change from Lead to Gold, this entailed a spiritual transmutation of the Age of Lead into the Age of Gold. The Age of Lead is ruled by Saturn, but not the Saturn (Kronos) who ruled the Golden Age, but the transformed Saturn who became Shaitan (Satanic Force). We have added a parallel age - the Age of Heroes - which is the transition age between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius.

This Doctrine of the Ages, which take place through a downwards cycle, runs parallel to another provable phenomena whereby the Aryan Caste System forms the basis of another downwards cycle -

The God-King, Divine King, Priest-King.

The Warrior-King & Aristocracy.

The Farmer-Provider (Mercantile Caste in an urban context).

The Thrall, worker or slave.

There is plenty of evidence around to show how in ancient times there were God-Kings or Divine Kings, or even the Sacral Kingship of Europe. These were the wisest of men who ruled through Divine Law, through the Truth, Light and Order. They were replaced by Warrior-Kings and Warrior-Princes who ruled more by violence and warfare, waged at a more physical level than a totally spiritual level as before. The turning-point of this cycle was the French Revolution where the Third Estate won power; even though it was the 'Mob' that physically forced the change it was the Capitalist Era that won out through this change. Ancient kingship was thus destroyed in favour of a Merchant Class and Mercantilism, something imported into Europe through the Roman Empire, since it started in the Middle-East. Before we look at the last era - the 'Age of the People' - I would like to step back and take a somewhat detached look at this, if that is possible.

The change that brought on the 'Enlightenment' opposed the Church, State and Kingship, but since we are talking of a natural downward cycle it is perhaps wise to look at this in a different light. There is no doubt that Adam Weishaupt (*) and the Illuminati have had to take the full brunt of the 'conspiracy theories', but these people must have, like us, believed in what they were doing sincerely, and were also perhaps, like we are, living a life which they saw as a mission, a mission to enforce change. They were, perhaps, doing what was needed in order to create that change at that particular time. I would suggest that this may be a factor in what they were doing, but that there may also have been forces working even deeper and more occult that used these changes to their own benefit in order to further their plans for world domination. These hidden forces or occult forces seem to be aware of the astrological forces that could create change, and are able to go along with the flow in order to create changes in a way that furthers their own Global Agenda.

(*) Adam Weishaupt's name means 'The First Man of Those Who Know', and is thus not his real name, but was used in order to further the aims of The Illuminati. 

This could in fact explain why Aleister Crowley, whose doctrines seem to run counter to those of Weishaupt, placed him amongst his 'Saints' of the 'Illuminati'. It could also go some way to seeing what is actually happening as a greater plan, one in which we are all taking part. By this I mean that what has happened is that mankind is breaking into two distinct parts, one that is sinking and one that is rising upwards towards the Gods. Friedrich Nietzsche recognised this as the emergence of the 'Superman' against the sinking 'Ultimate Man'. Again, just as this downward current, of which Weishaupt was certainly a part, was moving faster, so the new upward current started mainly with Nietzsche and his proclamation of the advent of the 'Superman'.

'The Tower' of the Tarot Pack shows a 'lightning-blast' toppling the crown which is on top of the tower; this was obviously, being a medieval pack, aimed at the current trend at the time towards destroying European Kingship. The 'tower' obviously symbolises the Established Order, which is under attack and being destroyed by the new forces arising at that time. What we have left today of the remnants of 'kingship' can be seen in the British Royal Family which has now gone along completely with the current downward movement of the masses. But what is important about the above is that it that the 'Falling Tower' or 'Falling Order' also applies to the next stage - the 'Age of the People'. 

The image of a tower, with people falling from that tower, applies equally to the 'Twin Towers' that collapsed at the first part of the new millennium. This is the exact image shown in various newspapers and media outlets - men falling from one of the towers. These 'Twin Towers' were the very foundation of Economic Capitalism, telling us that the Age of Capitalism was ending and a 'New World Order' was replacing it. Again, this we should perhaps see as a natural part of this downward cycle moving backwards through the Aryan Caste System. Since this is an 'Aryan' Caste System it would lead to us recognising that this natural cycle is known and thus being used to further the aims of world-control by those outside this system. One important thing is that, as far as I know, there were three towers that collapsed and not two, but the third has been totally ignored, which suggests that the 'Twin-Towers' is the real symbolism that these forces wish to force into the public mind. Two 'pillars' form part of the masonic world-view, and they represent a 'gateway' at one level; this symbolism is also found linked to the 'Divine Twins' who appear at the beginning of a new era. Indeed, in one version of the 'Divine Twins' their names mean 'Pillar' or 'Post' and thus they were 'Twin-Pillars'. Archetypal Myth is being used to further the ends of the Global Agenda, though moving with the agents of change

In occult circles 'The Trickster' or 'The Joker' is seen as an Agent of Change, as a force that changes the order of things. In 'The Dark Knight' film 'The Joker' is an Agent of Chaos who appears to create disruption, disorder and chaos, whilst the 'Dark Knight' is also a part of the Dark Force that recreates the order out of chaos. This is how the workings of the Masonic Motto are - 'Order out of Chaos'. The main idea behind this is to create disorder and chaos, and then offer a way to bring 'Order out of Chaos', which is quite easy to do when you have controlled and manipulated the whole thing. The 'new order' that arises, or in this case the 'New World Order', will be that which you were planning to implement all along - simple and very effective. 

But....even with the best laid plans things do not always go according to plan, for there is a factor involved that can itself change things - Chance. In fact, if we delve into the essence of 'The Joker' in the modern card pack, this card does actually represent Chance. The card can be used at any time but this is completely in the hands of the player, and whether it is effective in winning or losing the game is down solely to the player of the hand. We can see that 'The Joker' can work both ways in any given game, and can be used by both sides. The 'Joker' has the role of creating sudden change because it can be thrown in at any time, and can change the course of the game. I think this is something we should look more closely into, since it would seem that our enemies recognise and use these forces to further their aims, so we too can use these forces to further our aims. 

Going back to the French Revolution, this changed things completely in that it brought into play the 'Age of Reason' which still permeates our times, even though we have entered a new part of the cycle. This was called 'The Enlightenment' because it promoted science over religion, effectively killing "God' in the process. Its affects are all around us today. During the French Revolution and the blood-thirsty massacres done by such figures as Robespierre and other revolutionaries, there arose amongst these people the idea of a 'Goddess of Reason' which, of course, had to arise because of the 'Age of Reason' being ushered in at this time. It is interesting to note that they used the Goddess Isis as a model, thus proving how such people use an archetype that is deeply embedded in the European Psyche and twisting this into their own distorted image that suits their aims and agenda - they did this with their 'Jesus Christ'. Robespierre embodied the psychopathic drive which also featured heavily in the Russian Revolution, and in other Marxist Revolutions around the world that have been responsible for the deaths of up to 130 Million people. 

Another thing that came out of the French Revolution was the 'metre' which was a measure that replaced Ancient Measure, and was based around a measurement associated with the Earth. Ancient Measures were based upon the human body, and thus on the Cosmos of which the human body was an image of; this was thus 'Cosmic Man', who now became 'Earth Man'. Again though, this was a stage, but a part of the natural downward cycle. Another noteworthy point here is that at that time they imposed a 'Year Zero' or 'Time Zero' which effectively destroyed the past completely. This has been tried again recently, enforcing the fact that this is all part of the plan which is using a natural cycle to further their own agenda, through changing the course of this to go their own way. 

We can see the workings of 'The Tower' card of the Tarot in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings where the 'Twin Towers' of Saruman (Isengard) and Sauron (Mordor) collapse, ushering in a New Order. (This is shown particularly in the collapse of Mordor, although Isengard we do not see actually collapse.) It would be interesting to know what Tolkien had in mind for the meanings of 'Saruman' and 'Sauron' although we are told that Saruman means 'Man of Skills' and Sauron means 'The Abhorred'. Saruman betrays the Istari and takes the Dark Side, aiding Sauron in his aims for world-domination. This saga took place at the end of the Third Age. 

Mohenjo-Daro is an ancient site in Pakistan, a site that some have claimed was destroyed in an ancient cataclysm; since some tell us that there are signs of molten rock heated far beyond normal means, they tell of an ancient 'Nuclear War' that destroyed this civilisation. However, we should never impose the science of our own age upon the past without considering other possibilities. It is rather a coincidence that there are some who see this as an ancient nuclear war of destruction, especially since certain Indian scholars have dated their ancient epic saga - The Mahabharata - to around this time. This epic actually records a battle between two warring Aryan Tribes in which 'weapons of mass destruction' were used, weapon that killed hundreds of thousands of people. Nuclear war, maybe, but these could have been far different weapons that were just as destructive - we really do not know as yet. 

What is clear is that every age within the Cycle of the Ages ends in some form of great war or catastrophe. We have had two world-wars within the last one hundred years, so this must be part of this cycle. The fall of the 'Twin Towers', the Towers of Capitalism, heralded the 'Age of the People', an age in turmoil, disorder and chaos, and we see the 'Dissolution of the Races' in the destruction of the peoples of Europe. The 'Waters of Dissolution' is a phenomena that happens at the end of a Cycle of the Ages, together with a Great Cataclysm. Everything falls back into the Primal Chaos in order that a New Creation can begin, and a New Order arises from the ashes of the Old Order. 

The figures of Woden (Germanic) and Merlin (Celtic) are indeed 'Trickster' figures in their roles; so Loki the Joten is not the only figure to embody this kind of archetype. What we see in the 'Dark Knight' film is that 'The Joker' recognises Batman as having the same essence; but Batman has an entirely different role, though we may see the two as coming from the same source. There was a book that I read many, many years ago about 'Elric of Melnibone' written by Michael Moorcock. Elric, or 'The White Wolf' as was one of his nicknames, arise out of Chaos and his role was to aid the Forces of Order in creating Order out of Chaos, and this seems to be yet another archetype that explains what I have said. The name 'Elric' is perhaps 'Elf-Ruler', and he was portrayed as a kind of elf type figure. We should not forget that the Gods and Joten often intermingle, and the Joten-Women often aid the Gods. Both embody the same source. 

'The Joker', in the Dark Knight film, embodies a power that causes Chaos for the sake of doing so, not for any particular reason. This seems to be a kind of subconscious role that defies any kind of reason, a role that is necessary because it is necessary. Although the 'happy' figure of 'Santa Claus' and his 'Ho! Ho! Ho!' laugh could be a modern invention, there is also a likelihood that it is not so modern. The words 'Ho! Ho! Ho!' can be found in connection with the Germanic Wild Huntsman, and may be invocations of the Wild Hunter-God. (We have used these ourselves in some rites.) If this is so then the 'laughter' associated with 'The Joker' (and the play on the word S-Laughter) may well have arisen from this. The Wild Hunt is clearly associated with change and rides at the Yule-tide of the year, the point of change between the old year and the new year. This can also be seen before a war or crisis in society. 

There are some things that can never be explained, some mysteries that are beyond reason and recognition; I have mentioned before how at the time of my Shamanic Initiation in 1997 this figure of 'The Trickster' or 'The Joker', and the 'Laughter' aspect of this figure, played a great role in this as the 'Great Initiator'. Maybe we are seeing another aspect of this in the 'Initiation Rite' which lies behind what is happening around the world today? Perhaps, and just perhaps because we cannot be sure, this is the 'Cosmic Joker' that actually rules over this period - the Archetypal Trickster. I know that some see Loki as a 'shadow' of Woden, but from what I know his role does not in any way aid the gods, nor elves, nor man, and at the very end he turns totally against the Gods and Men, and leads the Dark Forces against the Gods - much like Saruman perhaps. The term 'trickster' can also be associated wit the 'Spider' and the 'Great Liar'. I see Woden as a different kind of 'Trickster-God' who works in different ways; certainly Loki aided the Gods on occasions, but much of his work actually undoes the work of the Gods. 

Perhaps these archetypes go beyond the confines of our Racial Gods, although maybe our Gods are also facets of these Cosmic Archetypes, and themselves embody certain characteristics of these Cosmic Archetypes. A good deal of our problems today is not just down to outer circumstances but to the 'Enemy Within' which comprises the 'White Traitors' who betray and often hate their own people, and thus themselves too. This is why it is difficult sometimes to pinpoint a certain enemy, since it is often our own people who do their work for them - and they know and use them to their advantage. This is where I see one of the roles of Loki, since he turns one section against the other, dividing them and turning them against themselves. He was the cause of the first war in the worlds, then the war between the Elven-Folk, the cutting off the the Golden Hair of Sif (which, having further information suggests that this cut of the intuitive mind of women, as well as the corn aspect), and finally the death of the Sun-God, Baeldaeg. 

The Age of Lead is ruled over by Saturn-Kronos although there are certain mysteries here too. The Greek Kronos was said to have been overthrown by Zeus and then chained in a cave somewhere in the North; at least this is one version. There is another claim that Zeus finally gave Kronos the task of welcoming the Heroes into the Underworld, and he was to be in charge of these Heroes. This is the 'Race of Heroes' that Zeus created at the end of the 'Bronze Age', created from the Ash-Tree. This puts another light on the matter, since Saturn-Kronos was the 'God of the Golden Age'. This is where we get the alchemical transformation of Lead (Shaitan) into Gold (Saturn). 

Joe Sevnson informed me that there is a Great Conjunction of Jupiter (Kingship) and Saturn in Aquarius on December 21st 2020 - on the Winter Sunstead. This will obviously have a great affect upon the Earth and all life upon the Earth. The planets do in some way affect us all, as the ancients knew well. We know the affects of the Moon not only on water, but also on the subconscious mind of man. The Sun is responsible for growth and for all life to exist, we know this too. Astronomy is a science, but many astronomers reject the idea that the planets exert an influence, even though we know the Sun and Moon have an influence, so why not the other planets? Perhaps 'chance' can sometimes be invoked for help in coming changes. Perhaps.

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