Monday, 26 October 2020

The Symbol of Woden

"Four rich men and four poor men had their houses symmetrically situated at the corners of two squares, one inside the other, with a pond in the centre. The rich men determined to build a wall which should exclude the poor men, who had their houses close to the water, from the use of it and at the same time permit the rich men from access as before. How was this done?"

In Little Watton Church, Essex, is a figure with the above carving, the same as which is found on Ilkley Moor in Yorkshire. The Fylfot-Swastika appears to be a symbol of Woden, since it is found in another church, St. Mary's Church, Great Cornfield, Essex on a frieze next to a carving of a figure with two ravens next to it, the figure's eyes seem to be 'awkward'. A frieze of swastikas is carved into the Essex County Council HQ in Chelmsford. 

If you look carefully at the figure I have drawn here you will see a small square within a larger square, this being made of 8 dots. The dot in the centre, making 9 dots, is the 'pond'. The nine dots make an equal-armed cross too, which must be significant.

When researching the subject this symbol is attributed to Woden or Bel (Baal), which is extremely interesting in view of the links between Germania and Ancient Babylon which we have looked at before. The word 'Bel' in Akkad, Assyria and Babylonia meant 'Lord' or 'Master' and in later times Marduk became known as just 'Bel'. We also find the name 'Bel' in Ireland, who gave his name to 'Beltane' (The Fire of Bel). The great problem we face in names in areas such as Akkad, Assyria and Babylonia is that they are invariably seen as 'Semitic' and thus given a 'Semitic' meaning. The IE Root *bhel- means 'to shine', 'to flash' or 'to burn', as well as meaning 'blazing white'. This root gives rise to the name 'Bel' and also to that of 'Balder'. The English name Bael-Daeg is even more enlightening since it would mean 'Burning Day', 'Blazing Day', or 'Shining Day'. The name 'Balder' stems from the Norse ballr/baldr meaning 'brave' and back to the Ger. *baltha meaning 'bold'.

The term 'Bel' is always said to be from the Semitic 'Baal', and this was a God of Canaan who is often portrayed as the deadly enemy of Yahweh-Jehovah; the prophets sought to exterminate the worship of Baal in Canaan. The name means 'Lord' in the Semitic Tongue. Baal has been equated with Marduk by many scholars. 

IE Root *bhel-  -To shine, flash, burn, shining white.

                         - To blow, to swell, associated with ideas on masculinity. 'Bull'                                comes from this root.

                          - To thrive, bloom.

                          - To cry out, to yell.

Etymologists tend to split the root into separate and different meanings, whereas in ancient times the one term would have automatically given rise to a number of seemingly different meanings, but which are in fact united in a wholeness lacking today. 

We move now to the Peterborough Petroglyphs found in Canada, whom many scholars now see as bearing Norse & Celtic characters. (*) These contain the word TSIW (Tiw) with his left hand severed by the Fenris Wolf (W-N-R). There is also a figure with a large glove and a hammer above, clearly that of Thunor-Thor. Another image shows THUUNOR with a hammer and helmet, again the left hand is missing. The language is a form of Tifinig Script. There is also a Solar God S-L-N-B-L which is SOLEN - BEL, next to S-A-L-N (the Sun). There is also an interesting script - W-D-N    L-Th-A   R-N   K-W-D   GN-D which is translated as - 'Woden's servant ordered runes carved'. The SOLEN-BEL are seen to be Irish Ogham, and the names TH-NN and WDN are Anglo-Saxon rather than the Norse, though these may well be earlier names used by the Germanic Folk. 

(*) 'The Vinlanders' published by The 55 Club shows clearly how there was a Norse and Celtic presence in Vinland (USA), as well as far earlier European people who crossed the seas. 

The name BEL is here used to mean 'blazing' and Solen Bel means the 'Blazing Sun'. The figure here relates to the Sun at Yule, and thus the use of Ogham has been deemed 'Norse Ogham' since the names are Norse. Since we find that the name 'Balder' and Baeldaeg' are both rooted in 'Bel' then the overlap between what is seen as 'Celtic' and 'Germanic' goes far deeper than modern scholars would admit. 

It is not usual to see the Fylfot-Swastika as symbolic of Woden, but I have shown the links between Woden and Ingwe, and with Ingwe being linked to Agni here is a connection since Agni is linked to the Swastika. Not only that, the title 'Bel' as meaning 'Lord' or 'Master' is not unlike the title 'Frey' meaning just the same. Ingvi-Frey means 'Master of Ingwe', the term 'Ingwe' here referring to the Solar-Fire. These join the dots together - so to speak. 

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