Sunday, 13 December 2020

The Emotion of Fear.

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear.

And the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."

H.P. Lovecraft 

Fear as the Ultimate Weapon.

The reason why the mass of people today are conforming to rules and regulations that are clearly not only unreasonable but are totally insane is that the press and media continue a bombardment of fear. Their agenda has long been based upon mass fear about any or all of the following -

  • Global Catastrophe due to 'climate change'; there has been change from 'Global Warming' to 'Global Cooling', and then they must have agreed to 'Climate Change' which is far less easy to find fault with.
  • A Global Pandemic - which is the one they have instigated at this particular time.
  • Alien Invasion - a bit more difficult to put over since this one is rather more far-fetched than the others.
  • Global Terrorism - this is being used and will not doubt continue to play a part in their schemes. 
  • Global Nuclear War - The threat is always there and this was the means used to control people after World War II. 
A Miracle of The Beast -

'As detailed in Chapter 1, public economic intervention has happened very quickly and on an unprecedented scale. In April 2020, just as the pandemic began to engulf the world, governments across the globe had announced stimulus programmes amounting to several trillion dollars, as if eight or nine Marshall Plans had been put into place almost simultaneously to support the basic needs of the poorest people, preserve jobs whenever possible and help businesses to survive. Central banks decided to cut rates and committed to provide all the liquidity that was needed, while governments started to expand social-welfare benefits, make direct cash transfers, cover wages, and suspend loan and mortgage payments, among other responses. Only governments had the power, capability and reach to make such decisions, without which economic calamity and a complete social meltdown would have prevailed.'

The Great Reset Klaus Schwab.

Klaus Schwab, who founded the World Economic Forum, is telling us here how our governments and financial institutions leapt into action to save the economy and help the most vulnerable through their actions - 'expand social-welfare benefits, make direct cash payments, cover wages, and suspend loan and mortgage payments....' He goes on to tell us - 'Only governments had the power, capability and reach to make such decisions...' Lucky for us that we had our governments and financial institutions to get us out of the ....! 

Now, just one small point here. It was these governments (guided by the Hidden Global Government) that shut everything down in the first place! And when we read between the lines here - 'as if eight or nine Marshall Plans had been put into place almost simultaneously' we can see that the whole thing was carefully planned beforehand. And the moves imposed by governments were done, not to help us, but to move towards more and more government control, but this time world-wide. In fact Schwab outlines this in his booklet, that governments will have more control. How many people will question as to what a financial expert knows about all of this? And, we should never forget, governments have long been controlled by the Global Financiers and they are not letting go of this control, merely 'legalising' it through government control - which is their control still, but with even greater powers. 

What is happening is a major shift towards Socio-Capitalism or what I believe is known by the Bullshit Brigade as 'communitarianism'. Of course, this was the aim in the first place, since Karl Marx had studied Hegel and his doctrine of - Thesis vs Anti-thesis = Synthesis. This is the conflict of opposites that produces their fusion, and Hegel saw this as an ongoing program. This is why Marxism developed into 'Cultural Marxism' and the process goes on, and on and on...

Eliphas Levi's 'Baphomet' - Fusion of Opposites

The Road to a Global Communist State.

The first moves of any Communist Regime is to start to take away private property from the individual and replace it by state-owned land. This was what happened with the Feudal System, brought here to England by the Norman-Breton robber-barons. The Germanic Folk, with their own tribal system, knew nothing whatever of taxes; this was something that the Romans started to impose upon their conquered peoples. Then the Church and State under the Normans did the same; thus every individual and family had to work the land to live, but rather than as freemen they had to pay taxes to the state who now controlled their land. It seems obvious how these people must have suffered under such a regime. As far as I can read into this the aim of Agenda 21 and Agenda 30 is to remove private property altogether, but rather than the tactics used by Communist Russia, Communist Chine, Communist Cambodia etc. which saw an estimated 100 million deaths mainly through starvation, they will use a more subtle means to do it now. Of course, do we really believe that people will not suffer through the same aims? In stealing everything from the people they tell us we shall be 'happier'. There will be those who fall for this bull-shit.

Light in the Darkness.

Even with their firm control of things, and their vast propaganda machine churning out the deceit and lies needed to fulfil their aims, two recent films, both on Netflix, have slipped through the net - Rise of the Vikings and Barbarian. Both of these films have the same basic underlying message, that such tyranny can be overthrown by those who have the courage to face such an enemy. Such films can inspire people to action, and I really hope that this is what this will do amongst our people. 

In the Rise of the Vikings it was the Christian Franks who used force and extreme violence to force the Frisian Heathens into converting to the Roman-Christian religion. It was Redbad the Frisian who led the Frisians and a contingency of Danes against the Frankish Army under Karl Martel. True, after the death of Redbad the Frisians were beaten and converted, but this should not necessarily be seen as a defeat. The Viking Tribes poured out of the Northlands, and it is quite possible that this was a reaction to what the Franks were doing, and a revolt against the new Religion of Evil which was spreading across Europe. 

The Barbarian is yet another epic film, this time about the Roman incursions into Germania, where the Teutonic Tribes were forced to pay taxation to the Romans to 'keep the peace'. In this it was the Cherusci, led by Arminius (Hermann), who defeated three Roman Legions under Varus at the Battle of Teutoburg Wald. This battle showed how a much smaller force could defeat a great army through using the right tactics. 

Cracks in the Global System.

The title Agenda 21 would seem to refer to the twenty-first century, and Agenda 2030 to the short-term plans for the coming decade. But there is always something that can go wrong, something unexpected that can appear suddenly and change things totally - something out of the control of the Ruling Elite. Of course, even the Gods themselves cannot control Wyrd so these petty power-mongers certainly have no control over this Cosmic Force. 

It seems that one of the objects of shutting down the whole economy was to prove how governments and financial institutions can act quickly to save a catastrophic economic collapse and 'social meltdown'. If this was the idea then it could not have worked as well as they thought because most people today are blaming governments for what has happened. The key to this lies in one thing that can be easily overlooked - our people have always had the desire for freedom! 

With the first 'lockdown' came a rather surprising turn of events, no doubt not quite what was expected -

  • People began to go out into the countryside in numbers not seen before, to take walks and hikes because they had time to do so, time they did not have whilst working.
  • With a short threat of 'food shortages' some people began to grow their own food from seeds; this resulted in a rush on seed-selling last spring. How far this has gone to grow into a more permanent way of life is as yet not certain.
  • Children were at home with their parents, and thus cut off from the everyday state indoctrination. One female Marxist teacher pointed out that they could be open to 'radicalisation' by 'right-wing' parents, as if everyone came under this category. She was probably not the only one in the education system to think thus since the next 'lockdown' allowed children to go back to school - as if they were immune from the virus! (Proof of the global deceit.)

Folkish Wodenism believes that at this time, and due to the circumstances of the time, we should strive to create new Tribal Communities or Folk-Communities, even though this not only runs against the current but will also get more and more impossible as time goes on. This is because, if there is a drive to get rid of all private property then buying land to live on will become more and more of a problem in itself. However, in this case we would be best served not trying to look into what could be but it just getting on with the job in hand, which will serve us right whatever happens. Like any empire, this one will collapse when it has run out of energy, and since time has been speeding up this could happen in an instance. 

Symbol of English Resistance

Having said this about creating Folk-Communities this is something here in England that is very difficult to do. The idea of getting people to move into one area was tried many years ago, and there have been attempts at starting small rural communities. It would be wise for young people to try to do something about this whilst they can, for as one gets older this becomes more and more difficult to do. Obviously the greatest problem we all face is - money. Without this nothing can be done, except as we have already been doing as individuals and families, which is a start but which will not see us into the future because it only goes so far. What some of us have done so far is well worth letting others know of in order to lead by example -

  • A group of us have, through the Edel-Project, grown fruit and vegetables for our own families. This, as with any such project, is a long-term one because it takes many years to be able to upkeep a garden or allotment, or any other growing area. 
  • Our aim has been to start to save our own seeds for future use, and also to help each other if there was ever a seed-shortage. The aim is to break free of the massive seed-suppliers who have not only a monopoly but also regulate what seeds we can and cannot have, and these are very often infertile so that we go back to them year after year. 
  • Trying to fend for oneself, in whatever way possible, leads to self-reliance and hopefully in the end to self-sufficiency. This has to be the goal, even though far off as yet.
  • In my own area growing my own food has given a push to neighbours doing the same; both of my neighbours have allotments going at this time. This in itself begins to spread when people see the benefits. Again, it is essential to recognise that growing stuff oneself will prove to be more expensive than buying from the supermarkets. They grow in bulk whilst we do not, and we have to take this into account; savings in cash is not the short-term aim, but to become more self-reliant. 
  • There are other things that we are doing which are today in the process of unfolding, and which it would be unwise to speak of as yet.  

What is going on at the moment may well be used to our advantage, so long as we can get others to understand what is really going on. If we can attempt to do this, and get through to at least some others, then we can perhaps work outside of our own 'bubble' (in Bullshit Tongue) getting others to start to become more self-reliant too. There are many groups out there who have tried this, some on the 'right' and some on the 'left' but clearly those on both 'wings' who value their freedom. One thing that must be stated clearly, there is a difference between a Folk-Community based upon Blood-Kinship and a 'community' of people coming together, working together and wishing to be in some way free of state control. The latter are obviously not such a threat to The System since their structure most often fits in with the multi-cultural society. If we are to create working Folk-Communities then these need be based upon honour, loyalty, duty, responsibility, and eventually based upon a Folk-Religion that will bind people together into the future. 

At the same time as 'Travellers', who are almost always closely related as blood-kin, and who invariably work together as a unit, are now being urged to move into council housing, and thus integrate into society (which may not be apparent as yet but future generations will start to change and fit in), the 'New Age Travellers' (who through their actions have made the Romany Gypsies almost extinct) took over but were a totally different type of people, mainly middle-class dropouts. We can, in fact, learn quite a lot from the 'Travellers' because their harsher existence made them hardier and more self-reliant, most often working for themselves in some way, and more important working as large families within the larger 'Traveller Community'. 

I think the point here is that up until now it was becoming more and more difficult for established communities to keep their children within the community, since some preferred to leave and move into urban areas. However, this may well start to change through the advancement of technology that is based upon more and more government control, and as more and more freedom is lost people will have to turn to alternative lifestyles in order to survive. This state of affairs could be hastened by laws that create 'sanctions' for those who do not toe the line in having vaccines etc. If a substantial amount of people refuse to comply then they will be 'out on a limb' (as they say) and may be forced into new ways of surviving such times. (*)

(*) It has already been made clear here in England that there have been allergic reactions to the vaccine, and people who have allergies should not have it. Unfortunately I am one of these people - I am allergic to bullshit!!!

The oldest and strongest fear is fear of the unknown.

I have mentioned before how some years ago my youngest son, at around 14 years old, wished to camp overnight on the South Down with his mates. The father of one of them said 'No' to his son because it was 'too dangerous'. The man was in the police force so he should have known that crime, and most violent crime happens in the urban areas, and not in the rural areas. This is just one case, and it shows a fear of the rural areas which is becoming engrained in many people. This has always been true, to a certain extent, with forested areas, and especially in the dark of night. 

If people are wary of the darkness and the forest then they are best dealing with such fear by overcoming it, and that can only be done by sleeping overnight in the forest - alone. I have often done this, not exactly alone of late since I have my dog, but he is not a guard dog in any sense, but a hunting-dog. I have never been afraid of the forests, nor the dark, but it does help to keep doing things that would overcome any wariness. 

In our society, though the many 'horror' films and 'occult' films that abound, people are conditioned into seeing these as something to fear. This is a case of the fear of the unknown and, as Lovecraft says, this is the oldest and strongest fear that there is. Even without the fear, the unknown in any way creates wariness in people. This can be carefully used to advantage, and is something we need to consider in this struggle. 

Fear is used to control, not because it is itself a tool of control, but that it creates panic and the loss of control over oneself, thus opening the individual to outside influence. It is the loss of control and the loss of the ability to think clearly that allows power-crazed people to take control over others. In the first instance it is mental discipline that is needed in order to resist such fear and control; it is an awareness, a purpose, and a strong belief that overcomes fear. 

Meditation and visualisation can help here, since although we may think we are not affected by the propaganda and fear-mongering we are all to some extent pawns of the same game. This is not always done through the conscious mind but often through the subconscious mind. Even if we decline to watch the news from the state press and global media, and to turn to 'alternatives' (like YouTube) we are still being bombarded with 'Covid Propaganda' whether it is one side or the alternative side. From every Global Corporation, to Google, to Facebook, to Instagram, to Amazon, and from every angle the 'trigger-word' is 'COVID'. Most people have allowed their lives now to revolve around this, and we need to combat this through meditation upon positive goals that we can now set for ourselves. The negative propaganda should be replaced by hope, and by firm having a firm purpose and set goals in life. We must plan our own future.

NOTE - After writing this I found out about an anti-vaccine and anti-lockdown protest in Brighton; in line with what I have just said the local media did nothing but quote the phrase '63,000 (-odd) people have died of Covid-19' over and over again with each clip of the crowds that attended, and also within the write-up itself. With a subtle piece of deception they noted that the people wished to have their freedom back, and that the vaccines and lockdowns would get them it back. The British Press is an organ of the Global State.  The lines are drawn - The People against The State! "The state is the coldest of cold monsters, and this lie creeps from its mouth - 'I, the state, am the people'." (Friedrich Nietzsche).

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