Thursday, 21 January 2021

Wulfinga Blogs


I am here going to list the Wulfinga Blogs with a short account of what will usually be put up on each one - 


This has always been the main blog and it has a good deal more support than the others. It deals with a variety of topics, mostly being esoteric in nature, though at the moment we have had to deal with the sudden and vicious attack upon the peoples of all nations through the Global Agenda. This is not something I like to dwell upon too much, but it is necessary to focus attention on this as it develops. 

Ar-Kan Rune-Lag -

- The Ar-Kan Rune-Lag Runic System and Warrior Arts, the Ar-Kan Runes, and the Armanen Runes (which we will feature in the future, adding this knowledge to our own). 

Cultic-Warrior -

The Warrior Arts, the Germanic Mannerbund, Cultic Ritual, the Shadow-Warrior etc.

Guerilla Survivalism -

Under this I have decided to do Survivalism, Woodland Crafts, Prepping and the Edel-Project. The Edel-Project includes my own gardening work at home, on an allotment, and on a piece of land used for this. 

Folkish Wodenism -

This is for News Updates for the Woden Folk-Community and Woden's Folk. There will be pieces of interest for Folkish Wodenists and this blog is being extended to cater for more interest.

The links on each site have been updated and hopefully they will now work properly. New images have been added to some sites to improve the look and to add symbolism.

You may get in touch with me at the email address below, but please do not inundate me with questions which I cannot answer, and just remember that these emails will most likely be under scrutiny by Google. We do not wish these people to have an excuse to put down our sites, now or in the future -

I will leave this post up for a while so that you can make a note of these for future reference. I have also put up some old comments, and will reply to some of these when I can. Please do comment where necessary and I will now put them up as soon as I can.

With this change the Inglinga Blog will have less posts whilst the other blogs may now have more frequent posts. Keep a check on each site to see what is being posted. 

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