Friday, 25 June 2021

The Hidden Current

Throughout history we find that there has been a hidden underground current which has been suppressed by such organisations as the Christian Church, but it has also been suppressed before this time, over and over again in different societies. There are two examples that can be found in the most ancient times in India and pre-Zoroastrian Persia. In India these were the Vratyas who were bands of notorious raiders, usually seen to be non-Aryan, but whose role seems to cast great doubt upon that, especially in view of the role of Woden and the Mannerbund. We find Zoroaster suppressing such cults in ancient Persia, and clearly these are Aryan Cults that work in the same way as the Cult of Woden - they are Left-Hand Path Cults.

In India the Vratya were an Oath-Brotherhood, the term meaning both 'oath'/'vow' and 'brotherhood'; they were a form of Mannerbund, a band of young men, an age-set. The Vratya-Leader had -

  • A stick and a bow.
  • Black garb & skins.
  • A silver necklace.
  • Long hair and a turban.
The chief god of the Vratya was Rudra who was a bow-god, whose arrows brought disease and death. As a death-god he could also avert disease and death. The leader of the band wore black and some accounts say that the band wore the same, though others say they wore red. It is usual to associate these war-bands with the wearing of wolf-skins, and also a belt around the waist, the 'buckle' being over the Hara-Centre of the body. They blackened their faces using soot and animal-fats. The Harii, a Germanic Warrior-Band, blackened their faces and took on a skeletal appearance as the Army of the Dead. 

These aspects have been covered in older posts so there is no need to go into them again. What is of importance is that the Cult of Odin appeared once more through the Vikings, and that the Cult of Woden drove on the Anglo-Saxons to take back these lands from the Judaeo-Christians, as well as the rebellion against the Norman-Barons and their Feudal Order. It is Woden who leads the Divine Revolt against the Demiurge; this is where he is sometimes compared to Lucifer who is also the Leader of a Divine Revolt. There is a great deal of confusion over the figure of Lucifer so we need not cover this here. We have also the figure of the 'rebel' Prometheus who aids mankind by stealing the Divine Fire from the Gods, and is punished by Zeus for doing so. Again, we have the idea of a hero-figure who 'rebels' or 'defies the system' in order to help mankind.

In both the Myth of Knit Mountain and the Saga of Sigurd and Fafnir it should be noted that the Giant or the Dragon takes the 'treasure' (of whatever kind) and they hoard it for themselves. At no time are we told that they actually use the treasure, be it the Sacred Mead or the Gold-Hoard. The one key factor may be that in both cases the stolen treasure is kept hidden and is in an underground cave or deep within a mountain. It is hidden away from the light of day, here suggesting that this may be in the subconscious mind at a personal level. Thus, the means by which the Aryan Hero regains the treasure is to look within himself. To do so is not just to 'look within' but to overcome and slay a Giant or Dragon that 'guards' the treasure, without which it cannot be regained. This is just one level of meaning, of course.

Not many of the English know that their 'St. George' is a 'foreign' import, although this is not strictly speaking the case because we would have had Beowulf or Siegmund as the Dragon-Slayer, and 'St. George' is merely a similar archetype. In fact, he is an interesting figure when we look at how he was seen by the Ossetes, for he was a Mannerbund-God with a connection to the Wolf. Their term Waerxaerg is connected to the Iranian vrka meaning 'wolf' or more precisely 'wolf of the outside' (warg). We could well look towards the figure of 'Robin Hood' in regard to the Cultic Brotherhoods, since he has 12 Merry Men and lives in the wild forests. The 12 + 1 = 13 makes these 'unlucky', and perhaps why this number was given such a meaning. They are 'Wolf's Heads' - Outlaws. 

It is interesting to note that the 'Jesus Christ' of the New Testament has 12 disciples, again 12 + 1 = 13. Here he has Judas the Betrayer who is perhaps the 'Thirteenth', and this is interesting in view of one of the 'Merry Men' of Robin Hood - Will Scarlet. Now, The original name is 'Will Scathlock' and here we can see the figure of Loki, since the name would mean 'Will Shadow-Loki', and his role originally may have been far more sinister. It would be interesting to know why the name became corrupted into 'Scarlet'. The 'Christ' of the New Testament preaches the road to immortality when he says - 'To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the Tree of Life'. This is the aim of the Left-Hand Path.

We are here faced with the idea that the exoteric religions have always been designed for the masses, but the esoteric cults (The Hidden Current) have been always for an elite, the few who could obtain immortality through their own sacrifices and effort. In some cases it seems obvious that the exoteric religions heavily persecuted the esoteric cults, but there may be exceptions to this when we consider the 'Mystery Religions' that seem to have formed an 'Inner Cult' within the exoteric religion. 

Things are not always 'black and white' in life and history at times has distorted the truth which if left alone would make things far clearer. It is not well know that there is a clear reference to the use of a Volva (Seidr Witch) using her magic in the 11th Century CE. This would not seem surprising if it were not for the fact that the Volva was sent for by William the Conqueror in order to lead his forces against a rebellion by the English in the Fens. This is after 1066, well after the time the Normans were said to have been converted, and this was by a Norman King! This is where we should consider carefully the purges against the 'witches', since some of these would have been remnants of the old pagan religions - not all though, as accounts show. These pagan remnants would have continued underground when the great oppression got hold.

We do not have enough information as to the Knights Templar, the Rosicrucians, and other esoteric cults, as to whether they were Left-Hand Path Cults dedicated to the Way of the Immortals. What we do know for sure is that certain Alchemical Cults were certainly dedicated to the Way of the Immortals, since the whole process is one in which the candidate strives to overcome the human in himself in order to become an Immortal. 

A word on 'seeing' since this is an important part of all this. The exoteric religions preach about 'faith', having 'faith' in something else than yourself. Simply put this means believing something because someone else tells you to do so. That is 'faith'. 'Seeing' was the most ancient way, since it meant experiencing the divine through direct revelation, whether this was 'seeing' or 'hearing', or we could even say 'sensing'. Seeing is direct knowledge from the divine. The same goes for 'prayer' which is asking someone else for help, whilst we find the Aryan Hero may go against the Will of the Gods - as did Prometheus. This can also apply to Sigdrifa/Brunhilde who went against the Will of Woden, and for this was, like Prometheus, punished for the 'offence'. The Hero is sometimes aided by the gods, but not usually through being asked to do so. 

The Legend of Sigurd is fundamentally important to us in our times, to understand what we need to do and why we need to do it. Sigurd slays the dragon Fafnir who hoards the Ancient Gold (Solar Knowledge); he does so with a sword forged by Regin ('The Powers') the sword-smith. Twice the sword broke and we have two versions of the next part, one claiming Sigurd forged it himself, the other that Regin forged it again, but this time right. Whatever the case, Sigurd slew his teacher, Regin, after the sword was forged: Regin was plotting to kill him and take the sword. Sigurd cuts out the Heart of the Dragon and cooks and eats it, drinking of the Blood of the Dragon - He becomes a Dragon-Lord. Whilst cooking the heart he burns his finger and puts it to his mouth, whence he hears the 'Language of the Birds' - he becomes one with Nature. 

What is important here is that he eats the Heart of the Dragon (The Soul) and drinks the Blood of the Dragon (Spirit), thus taking into himself the Essence of the Dragon. It is necessary, in our time as much as in past times, to sometimes work at the very same level as one's enemies, especially when faced with a particularly evil force which can only be overcome by coming down to the same level. This is why Woden is such a very different god, one who is Goden-Joten by birth (as are others) and whose role is darker and more sinister at times. He must act as he does because it is necessary to defeat such an enemy. 

Both Sigurd (Cult of Woden) and Sigdrifa (Cult of Freya) act in much the same way here; Sigurd slays his teacher Regin (Regal Power and Craftsman) whilst Sigdrifa defies her 'sovereign', Woden, and is pricked with a 'Sleep-Thorn'. She can only be awakened by the Aryan Hero; from there they both separate and go their own ways, each on their own 'quest'. There is here a very interesting point because the Black-Smith or Sword-Smith has always been associated with magic and mysticism. There are hints that they were also connected to the Left-Hand Path since whilst the horseshoe is symbolic of 'Good Luck' when placed with the open end upwards, it was placed open end downwards by the Black-Smith. 

Every exoteric religion or spiritual discipline has as its aim the dissolution of the ego at death and the absorption back into the 'All', the 'One', 'Cosmic Consciousness', 'God', or even 'Nature' as the Wiccans believe. Opposed to this was the Hidden Current which embraced the idea of preserving the individual ego and through the right spiritual path and life strengthening and transforming the ego into the Absolute I (Don Miguel Serrano). There seems little point to me in being born with the ego, the ability to be self-aware, self-conscious, and then to lose this on death, unless the process is all part of the on-going path which we take, which has to be different for those on a different level of spiritual development. 

The Path of the Immortals is the 'Solar Way', the 'Way of the Gods' where the individual retains his 'I', transmutes this into the 'Absolute I', and thus takes his place as a Divine Hero, able, after his stay on Valhalla, to return at will to continue the Eternal Struggle. The secret of the Nyd-Rune shows how the sword is thrust into the pillar ('The I') representing the broken ego; it is the role of the Aryan Hero to remove the Sword from the Pillar, thus making the ego whole again. 

There may well be a great secret hidden here, for both the 'pillar/tree' and the 'sword' may well symbolise the ego itself. In the first instance the ego is broken (Nyd-Rune) and taking the Sword from the Tree making the ego whole again, and in the second instance it is the Sword itself that is broken, and which the Aryan Hero has to reforge anew. Both may represent the fact that the Aryan Hero needs to become aware of who he really is, become aware of his 'being' or 'I-ness' in order to fulfil his Divine Mission here in Middle-Earth. We find in some cases where a god-force is to incarnate as an avatar they have to take a draft which erases their memory of who they are and their Divine Mission. Maybe what we are seeing here is that the Divine Hero must regain his memory of 'self' and the 'I' in order to know who he really is, and what he is really destined to do.

The ego, of course, has become rather more of a problem today in that it produces in the mass of people a self-centredness which makes them unaware of anyone else and the consequences of their own actions. This is where the idea of getting rid of the ego starts to become more and more prominent, but this overlooks the true nature of the human ego. In the lost Golden Age mankind was totally innocent - as children - unaware of himself in regard to self-awareness and self-consciousness. This Golden Age ended, but it was prophesied to return, but logic tells us that there would be a need to regain this state but at a different level of being. From the Age of Innocence, to the Age of Youth (the wild Aryan Warrior and his wars, conquests and empires), and then onto maturity and a stage where we grow into adults, with self-awareness and self-consciousness, with the ability to know what is right and wrong (we have been learning) - to become 'as gods', by transforming into the God-Man. Without developing the ego this would never be possible. order to got through this whole process we have to have some form of opposition to this, and this has arisen again and again throughout the ages. 

The esoteric form must go along the Left-Hand Path because it needs to be there for the Aryan Heroes to develop and to strive to regain their divine status as the Divine Heroes (Viras). But there has to be an exoteric religion that takes the right-hand path, and this is for the many rather than the few. In Folkish Wodenism Woden's Folk fulfils the former role, and the Woden Folk-Community fulfils the latter role.

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