Thursday, 11 November 2021

Hail the Glorious Dead!

The Dead - The Immortals, in whom the Life-Force, the Divine Spark, is more powerful when they are dead than when they were alive. In the Young Cultic Warrior the Life-Force manifests most.

Hail the Victorious Dead!

Hail the Glorious Dead!

Lo! There do I see my Father,
Lo! There do I see my Mother,
Lo! There do I see my Sisters and my Brothers,
Lo! They do call to me, 
They bid me take my place in the Halls of Valhalla,
Where the Brave may live forever.

"Many think that the runes died with the Teuton gods way back in Saxon and Viking times. This would be true if one could say that the Saxons and Vikings are dead. But are they dead? And not we the Englishmen, Dutchmen, Germans, Norsemen, Vinlanders asf. of today the full-blood after-comers of those same Vikings and Saxons? Whether we own to it or not. we are blood of their blood, and mind of their mind."

Thorolf Wardle - Rune Lore

'Awake, O Flame that burns ever inward, 
flame forth and conquer the Veil of the Night.'

Hail to the Ancestors!

The Ancestors, and the Young Warriors who are in cultic union with them, are the defenders against the Forces of Darkness and Destruction, whether daemonic-forces or actual enemies. Woden fills his Chosen Warriors with the god-power, and thus they are raised to superhuman heights. They belong to him, and to claim them is his right.

Hail Woden - Ancestral God!

"If the dead ruler is given his battle-standard with him in his grave, one may consider, at any case in the sphere of the Woden-Religion, whether his age did not imagine the ruler as Leader of the Retinue of the Dead."

Karl Hauch (of Sutton Hoo Burial).

The Wild Hunt

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