Saturday, 22 January 2022

ALU-ULA Spiritual Exercise.


This was put up on an 'Ar-Kan Rune-Lag' some time ago, but I would like now to show how this is done on this blog, together with further notes and comments. Refer to the Ar-Kan Rune-Lag Blog whenever you wish because there is a lot about this on there. The exercise -

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, relax the whole body for a minute or two. 

Make a closed fist with the Right Hand over the centre of the chest (Sun-Symbol); now curl the Left Hand over the curled Right Hand (Moon-Symbol). This makes the Sun-Moon Symbol which represents the balance of Light and Darkness. 

Place the hands, palms upwards, over the Hara-Centre (Base-Centre, two fingers below the navel - belly button). The fingers of the right hand cover those of the left hand, so that the hands are conjoined. Now pull the hands upwards towards the chest (Heart-Centre) whilst breathing in slowly; at the Heart Centre turn the hands over so that the palms point downwards and then push the hands downwards back towards the Hara-Centre - breathing out slowly. This part should be done three times, at a slow pace. 

This breathing exercise helps to get rid of tension and put you into a kind of Relaxed Awareness. (A tip here - this whole exercise can be done with the eyes closed, once it has become familiar enough to do. Before doing this close the eyes, roll the eyes back in the head, and this should put you into an Alpha State of Consciousness.)

ALU-ULA Exercise.

Hold the hands across the Hara-Centre with the forefingers and the thumbs making a Trikona (Inverted Triangle). The hands will be flat against the body with the fingers pointing downwards. Intone the sound URUZ in a deep voice, at the same time visualising the Ur-Rune in Black; do this slowly and deeply. Visualise a Black Bull. This is the Bodn Energy Centre (Earth).

Bring the hands upwards towards the centre of the chest, to the Heart-Solar Plexus Centre, at the same time slightly opening the hands to form a 'Double-Laguz' Rune with the thumbs now apart slightly. The hands will be flat with the fingers pointing away from the body. Intone the sound LAGUZ in s slightly higher pitch than 'Ur', at the same time visualising the Laguz-Rune in Red. Visualise a Red Deer. This is the Son Energy Centre (The Golden Sun).

Bring the hands upwards again, pushing the thumbs together as you start to make a Triangle over the Third-Eye (Head-Centre) with the fingers this time pointing upwards. Intone the sound ANSUZ in a higher tone again, at the same time visualising the Ansuz-Rune in White. Visualise a White Swan at this centre. This is the Odroerir Energy-Centre (Wod-Roarer).

***When chanting the rune-name the 'z-sound' at the end should be prolonged as long as you can, making this a 'buzzing' sound - zzzzzzzzzz. You should try to place the sound at the centre being opened, feeling the vibration of the sound in that centre. This will open the centre and its energy.

Now start at the top - the Head-Centre - and do the same exercise from A-L-U down to the Base-Centre again. Thus we have ULA-ALU. You can do this once, or even three times if you like, and maybe as time goes on progress to nine times. 

These three Energy-Centres are the three centres of human consciousness -

The Hara-Centre - The gut, where we have 'gut feelings' which are intuitive ideas - Centre of Intuition.

The Heart-Centre/Solar-Plexus Centre - The heart has always been associated with the 'emotions' and this is the Centre of Emotions.

The Head-Centre - The head is the centre of logical thinking (left-brain) and intuitive thinking (right-brain), so it is the centre of the 'marriage' of Intellect-Intuition or HE-SHE. The 'gut-centre' is connected to the 'brain-centre' as some scientists are now finding out. 

There are also more correspondences between these three centres -

URUZ - Hara - Niflheim.

LAGUZ - Heart - Midgard.

ANSUZ - Head - Asgard.

'Niflheim' is the 'Mist-Home' or 'Mist-World' and we find a variation of the Uruz-Rune with a 'mist' inside the rune-stave. There are references to the Three Cauldrons, even though they are sometimes vague -

Urda magn

Svalkaldr saer

Sonar dreyri.

Wyrd's strength,

Cool-cold sea, 

Son's Liquid.

'Wyrd's Strength' is found in the Well of Wyrd (Well of Urd) which is Odroerir. 'Son's Liquid' is from the Well of Mimir at the Cauldron of Son - the Heart-Centre. The 'Cool-Cold Sea' must be Hvergelmir, and this is where the Fire-Serpent lays dormant - 'Fire-in-Water'. The three liquids from the Sacred Wells are contained in the Auroch's Horn (Urarhorn or Ur-Ar-Horn) and the Help-Horn has the Mythical Serpent Fann engraved on it. 

There are also some interesting ideas around these three Energy-Centres -

Hara Centre - Physical Fire or Friction-Fire (Ned-Fire) - Nyd-Rune.

Solar-Plexus/Heart Centre - Solar-Fire - Sig-Rune.

Third-Eye - Spiritual Fire - Ken-Rune.

*** Please note - The 'Three Cauldrons' exercise was not thought up and created by me; this was originally the work of Steve McNallen who created the Asatru Folk Assembly, and went on later to found the 'Witan Network' on YouTube. Steve used the Irish 'Cauldron of Poesy' as the basis for equating the Three Kettles - Bodn-Son-Odroerir - with this. I equated this with the ALU-ULA Formula and thus created my own version of it, together with the exercises used here. This can be found on the Ar-Kan Rune-Lag Blog from some time ago, and also in more detail and put together in my early book Ar-Kan Rune-Lag : The Secret Aryan Way (for those who have the book, it is no longer available I am afraid, unless you can get a copy second-hand). 

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